Let There Be Blessing Behind You

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Story 3. Ara’s Acropolis (3)- Chapter 4

Story 3. Ara’s Acropolis (3)

Chapter 4.

I explained to Eriez, “Prince Camille told me earlier today about the kingdom called Hwen in the far western area of the continent. He said that this kingdom is so underdeveloped that they still enslave those who are weak and poor. He said the slaves there live deplorable lives. They are apparently abused terribly. The prince said this is why we need to go there to save them. What they are going through is against our belief. What some of these slaves are forced to do for their masters…”


“But Eri, if you tell me that you have no problem pleasuring our master, when you are one of “The Innocent Ones,” what else can I say?”

It was getting dark, so I thought it best to go back inside. I slowly stood up and shook my coat to get rid of any dust or dirt. Eriez hurriedly stood up as well and followed me. He said to me, “No, Juya! That’s not the same thing…! Hey! Look at me! What I was saying is that serving the Goddess’ warrior is an honorable thing… I didn’t mean that I WANT to do something like that! Hahaha… I… You are totally mistaken! How f-funny.”

Eriez must have realized how strange this conversation was. He laughed awkwardly and tried to change the subject.

“By the way, I can see that the prince has a very ethical and moral mind. It sounds like you can teach him how to use a sword, and he can teach you about the law and ethics. Don’t you think so?”

Eriez came closer to me and patted my shoulder. I didn’t want our friendship to become uncomfortable. I turned to look at him and found that Eriez was still red. I grinned and was about to apologize when suddenly, I felt an odd vibration behind me nearby.

“What was that?!”

“What do you mean, Juya?”

I knew I wasn’t mistaken. I quickly turned around, and Eriez, who looked confused, looked in the same direction.


Under the moon, violent waves formed on the lake.

“I-is this…”

There have only been a few earthquakes over the years, and none of them has ever felt this forceful. We didn’t know what to do, so we collapsed to the ground and waited for it to end. However, the vibration became even worse; it was strong enough for the lake water to be spewed everywhere. We were worried the water might get to us and swallow us whole. We felt so fearful that all we could do was crawl away from the lake while our legs trembled uncontrollably.

Just then…



A dull noise was heard, but I couldn’t tell where it was coming from. Was it from inside the lake? Underneath the ground? In the air? Or from our bodies?

At least, the vibration stopped after the noise, so Eriez and I were able to stand up again.

“W-what was that just now?”

I asked, but the only thing that answered me was the silence of the lake.


“Intruder! We caught an intruder!”

It was the middle of the night, but at the loud and excited screams, most people woke up and came out to see what was happening. Outside the castle, in a wide-open area, a massive fire was started, and men were gathered around it. I was a deep sleeper, so it took me a while to wake up and get dressed. By the time I arrived, it seemed the fate of the captured was already made.

As I walked, I saw a man wearing an extravagant cloak. When I saw his face, I bowed deeply. His face looked more determined than angry. He was walking towards the noise as well.

The men screamed, “This is the warrior’s order! Kill him! Kill him now!”


I wanted to see the man who was about to face a miserable fate. An intruder? If this was true, it was actually a good thing. Everyone has been worried about the loud noise and vibration that occurred earlier, wondering what has caused it. This could be the answer. This could explain everything.

However, the angry men who were surrounding their captive didn’t seem interested in finding out what had happened earlier. All they wanted to do was to determine how to kill the man.

“Kill him! Kill him!”

This was ridiculous. I witnessed different men kicking and punching the captive. If they wanted to kill him, all they had to do was stab his neck and end his life, but what they were doing was torture. These men were enjoying the man’s pain. These men were thirsty for blood, and they just found a sacrifice.

I asked one of the soldiers, “Wait a minute. What is happening?”

He turned around excitedly and answered me, “Oh, The Innocent One! You must have heard the noise earlier, right? The shuttering of the land and the loud thud… That man apparently is the culprit behind it all! How dare he attack Minurd!?”

Hmm… Was it really okay to decide something like this without solid proof? Just like this?

“Any proof?”

“The warrior already decided that this man is guilty. No need for any proof. And besides, he is from Hwen!”


If Hakim Karid ordered it, he probably had a good reason for it, but I was still a bit surprised at the turn of the event. I decided to find out more about the situation, so I pushed the soldiers aside to get closer to the captive. Nearby, I saw Eriez and the others watching with their arms crossed.

When I got closer, I saw the man on the ground covered in blood. He was gaunt and was severely beaten. His clothes were torn to pieces, and through it, I saw the color of his bare skin.

Oh… The man was trying to crawl away from the mob, and as he reached out, I saw how pale his hand was.

“… Hwenian? Here?”

I couldn’t believe it even as I watched the man. It has been many decades since anyone from Hwen reached Minurd. We were isolated, and Hwen was supposedly very far away from here. There has been only once or twice when Hwen made its way to attack Minurd. In both times, the goddess won easily.

So to see a Hwenian here and now was a shock. It didn’t make sense that Hwen would send a single scout all the way here.

Did it mean that Hwen was planning on attacking us first before we make our move? If so, why would they send such a thin and weak man? If not, why was this man here?

I knew my questions wouldn’t be answered any time soon. The man’s ghost-like skin and pale hair were distinct. His pale eyes looked red, and the man was murmuring strange words over and over again. It seemed that he didn’t speak our language.

“Atsalba… gg…. Te… Atsal… ba, te…”

Slowly, I realized that the captive was trying to sit up. It seemed that he was focusing on one direction and not even trying to protect himself from the soldier’s beating.


“At, sal… Ahhh…”

“Your highness!”

By the time I realized what the captive was trying to do, it was too late. I screamed, but the men around the prisoner screamed louder and swarmed him.

“Atsalbate, Deaiparam!”

I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. Where did the captive get such strength in his state? The thin and bloodied man somehow rolled towards the prince. His red hand reached out to grab the prince, and I quickly took out my sword. Thankfully, before the captive’s hand could touch the prince’s ankle, Eriez’s sword stabbed the man’s neck from behind.

My amazing brother, Eriez, quickly bowed before the prince and apologized, “My prince! Are you okay? Please forgive me for this incident.”

“I, I am… fine.”

The prince replied, but it appeared that he was in shock. He lost his balance, and I moved quickly to stabilize him. How should I console him? What just happened?

What should I do?

Thankfully, Eriez decided for me.

“Juya, you should take his highness inside. It is unacceptable for our prince to witness such a cruel scene when he has never even been to a battle.”

I did just as he asked.

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