Let You Be The Director, And You Go To The Army To Direct The Military Exercise?

Chapter 153

Chapter 153 Su Meng: I Lost, It Was A Mess!

The red square virtual command hall.

“So I’m sure that this kid has absolutely very little ground power this time.”

“Let the comrades at the Zhu Rihe base work hard, the virtual combat command center is on duty 24 hours a day in the past few months.”

What? You said send fighter jets to meet the enemy?


The bespectacled general interjected.


In the viewing hall, Liu Ruiming sighed and said regretfully.

“The blue side was completely annihilated, the red side’s ground and air power was annihilated, but the sea power was intact. 35

A staff officer reported loudly.

Su Meng gave up ground power, dominated by air power and sea power, and finally won.

Many people were stunned.

Liu Ruiming nodded and added.

Without early warning radar, without air defense radar, you have at most a few fire control radars left.

Many people met Su Meng for the first time.

with his orders.

“If it was someone else in this situation, it would definitely be the choice.””

Between the lights and flint, Tian Dingbang has already thought of a lot.


“And on the side of Commander Tian, ​​even if he guessed that it might be a fake target, he didn’t dare to gamble!

“This time, I lost!

Once the air dominance is lost, it is at the mercy of others.

And the next moment…

“The outer space satellite changes orbit at maximum speed and starts to avoid ballistic missiles!

This also makes many people secretly wonder.

“To have fighter jets act as reconnaissance planes and put all the bets on D1 infantry?

Tian Dingbang and Su Meng walked in at the same time.

“Lock on all enemy radars, assign targets autonomously, and attack with full force!

Although many people already knew that Su Meng was going to launch a satellite.

Even before the air defense battalion was abolished, Tian Dingbang tried to destroy several planes.

“The red side wins!”

Vice President Wei smiled.

“But the blue side has only one ESC squadron, while the red side has an ESC brigade.”5

“Report! Large-scale early warning radar shows that the enemy has launched ballistic missiles!”

Su Meng’s face was calm, and orders were issued one after another.

“2. The second batch of cruise missiles of the red side carried out a covered attack on the air defense battalion and electronic countermeasures squadron of the blue side, but due to the early evacuation of personnel, although the equipment was destroyed, there was no combat attrition.”

“And next, he must have to hit the radar first, and then hit the air defense battalion. 35

“Report! Air defense battalion, electronic countermeasures squadron camouflage completed.

“Final result judgment:

Does your air defense battalion fight?

“Order! The early warning aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft take off, and after the enemy satellite is destroyed, electronic suppression is implemented as soon as possible to interfere with the detection range of the enemy early warning radar! 35

“In this case, what do you think the Reds will attack in the first place?

On the left and right sides of the performance hall, two doors were opened at the same time.

“The system determines that the blue satellites have all been destroyed! 39

You admit defeat…what’s the situation?

This time, Su Meng was equipped with a small fleet, which occupied a large part of the force, and naturally maximized the naval power.

The fighter jet swaggered into the sky, waiting to deliver food to the other party?

Tian Dingbang fell into deep thought.

“1. The red cruise missile hits the blue radar, and the blue radar is destroyed!”

You won the battle, but you still have this expression?


“6. The red side’s ground strength was insufficient to compete with the blue side’s D1 special operations team. Many military targets were destroyed, and the air force was forced to withdraw from the war due to the destruction of the logistics system.”

“Fight if you can, or leave if you can’t, and focus on completing the primary task! 35

It’s a pity that he still doesn’t know that what Su Meng released was just a fake target…

Who can become a general of a combat unit who is not well versed in tactics?

I was also very surprised.

Without the cooperation of satellites, what is the success rate of your air defense battalion in intercepting missiles?

“Hehe, good thing, good thing!”

However, he gave up the reloading and synthesis operations that he is best at, and suddenly walked away from the violent army, which is also strange.

However, in the several military exercises that Su Meng had played before, many materials were distributed to the whole army for study.

“Order! 095 attack nuclear submarine, 055 big drive, each launched 8 Eagle Strike 18B cruise missiles, target areas 23 and 25, the satellite began to enter the data link! 99

“If the satellite is destroyed, as long as the radar is destroyed, the eyes of the air defense battalion will be mostly blinded!”5

This order…

“Fuck! Is Commander Tian going to work hard?”

“The electronic countermeasures brigade and satellite system must cooperate fully and must be realistic!

Hemp egg! I’m going to lose!

“For this kid, things that can be solved with money will never use people.

With a door slam.

They are no strangers to Su Meng either.

In this confrontation, both sides came up with their own ingenious schemes, often hitting each other’s sore spots.

“…” Report! Our anti-radiation satellite has captured the signals of the blue-side early warning radar and air defense radar, and has locked the coordinates!”

“But…he was wrong in the first place.

They are all fierce!

You hit? My missiles are waiting for your air defense battalion to be exposed!

But this time, Su Meng’s unconventional style of play made them less confident.

“…!” “The staff was stunned for a moment before starting the operation.

“But I didn’t expect that this first game had just started, and he only mobilized the atmosphere with unconventional tactics?

After thinking about it, Vice President Wei whispered to Qiao Tiancheng.

Blue square virtual command hall.

“This batch of simulation exercise data is of great research value.

Especially Su Meng, although he won the battle, his face was so gloomy that water was dripping.



“7. The navy of the red side is equipped with large supply ships (of money), relying on sufficient ammunition supply, and after a long period of hard work, the settlement of all the troops of the blue side has finally been completed.””

On the screen in front of them, several large early warning radar vehicles quickly unfolded and entered the working state.

“Immediately synchronize the coordinates to the cruise missile, change the course, and start accelerating penetration!

Liu Ruiming continued.

“Order! All fighter jets are launched, first task, reconnaissance of the red positions!”

Vice-principal Wei on the command seat looked at all this with a smile.

But the next moment, he suddenly changed his face and said loudly.

“It’s the right way to do it.”

“But it’s now, and the results are… very clear.”

On the contrary, a few people, including Vice President Wei and Liu Ruiming, looked at Su Meng differently.

Tian Dingbang conceded defeat, which is as it should be.

Both of them said with a heavy look on their faces.

But others retorted.

“Maybe whoever has a dream in the middle of the night has to run over to fight a battle to verify it, so that they can sleep soundly. 99

“All radar, communications, navigation systems, be prepared for no satellite support!”

“In addition, the blue side has no satellites, and the red side has all kinds of satellites.

“Commander Liu, now the blue side has no satellite support, and the red side’s electronic warfare aircraft has taken off ahead of schedule.”

Still want to fend off missile scrubbing, and Air Force carpet bombing?

“Yes!” Following his order, the staff of the command center entered the working state for the first time.

It’s not a good thing!

My fighter is going to hit you, what do you do?

Boy, do you know what it is that labor and capital can become the leader of an army?

“But for Su Meng… this kid I know too well~°c

“4. The ground forces of the Blue side rely on the intelligence of the reconnaissance before the fighter’s sacrifice, adopt special warfare operations, and launch attacks on all the positions of the Blue side. 35


After all, everyone has a lot of experience and often knows the end after reading the beginning.


His orders were given quite decisively.

It’s because labor and capital dare to fight hard enough on the battlefield!

“Then focus the ground forces on the air defense battalion. As long as the air defense battalion is destroyed, the cruise missile will have no natural enemies. 99

“This kid didn’t learn the first half of the sentence, but the second half of the sentence was a jerk.”

Liu Ruiming nodded and shook his head again.

“I’m in technology, and I have the most say on this issue.”

Thinking about Su Meng’s previous record… it seems to be true.

“Wu Shanhong once taught him that if he is poor, he will intersperse tactics, and if he is good, he will bomb the labor and capital.

The auditorium was silent.

“Especially now that the cruise missiles of the red side have taken off, only the air defense battalion can restrain them. 55

“However, Commander Tian is not a mere mortal, so he jumped out of Yangmou abruptly and opened up a new battlefield.

There were a few chuckles in the hall.

In the performance hall, a mechanical voice sounded.

“Because it’s the most cost-effective tactic.

In modern warfare, the importance of air superiority is beyond doubt.

“Fake target simulation…Simulation completed!

“The large-scale early warning radar continues to be turned on, and the abnormal movement of the enemy is locked!

Not only him, but also the generals in question.

“By the time Captain Tian found out, it was already too late…”

And now Su Meng’s move is an upright conspiracy.

“Once the bet is lost, and the red side is a real fighter, then the whole game is lost.”

“This thing Comrade Su Meng has been tinkering with is really useful. 35

A major technical general pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked tentatively.

“In this way, his cruise missiles and air power will start to show their power.

“The main tactics of the two sides have been adjusted, and in order to save time, systematic deductions have begun.

Liu Ruiming also had a solemn expression and said slowly.

This kid… sees through!

“But now the Red Army is showing only the navy. We don’t know the configuration of the air force and the ground force.”

“In this way, the naval long-range capabilities of the red side can be maximized.

Don’t fight? Then my fighter rages over your head.

In the command hall of the blue side, a staff officer reported loudly.

If it was a normal routine, these generals would not be red-faced.

Tian Dingbang’s face was calm, and he quickly issued an order.

A general frowned and said suspiciously.

“I estimate that these three months, I’m afraid I won’t be able to relax here. 99

“But Su Meng broke the rules.

“I think the red side will mobilize satellites and aerial reconnaissance next to lock the position of the blue side’s air defense battalion.

“Order! Maximum rate of fire, all anti-aircraft missiles are fired, how many can be fired!”

“This time, the gap has widened, and it is not surprising that the blue side has been deceived by tactics.”

“Order! The anti-radiation radar is ready to detect, lock the position of the enemy’s early warning radar at the first time, transmit data to the cruise missile, and adjust the attack coordinates of the cruise missile!

Before he could finish speaking, a mechanical voice suddenly came from the viewing hall.

Because at this time, the situation on the battlefield has undergone new changes.

You don’t even know where I am, are you hitting the air?

“The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft took off immediately, all took off, and reconnaissance all movements of the enemy!”5

Tian Dingbang froze and asked in a deep voice.

In the command hall of the red side, the voice of the staff officer sounded.

“This advanced training class includes all major military services in various war zones, as well as all military technical logistics chief officers. 99

In the performance hall, a heated discussion suddenly erupted.

The intensity of this discussion can be imagined.

Do you think winning is not beautiful enough?

“Assaulting the radar is really a one-hit kill.

On the surface, it looks like a win, but in fact… a total loss!

In the performance hall, someone exclaimed directly.

Ballistic missiles?

“3. The blue fighter jets were intercepted by the red air defense battalion and were all destroyed.

Many other people also nodded secretly and agreed with this judgment.

“But just now, Commander Tian turned on the large-scale early warning radar after he had made good camouflage.”

“All information is passed to the ground troops as soon as possible!

“Catch this short time difference and start attacking the satellite directly.

“Both sides have early warning aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft, and their strength is equal. 99

“Is it possible to determine the exact number of them, and the target of the attack?

“What can be solved with missiles will never involve ground troops and put soldiers’ lives at risk.55

The alarm sound of “Didi Di” suddenly sounded.

Especially in the beginning of playing satellites, it is simply a stroke of genius.


“095 is located hundreds of kilometers away, and the launched ballistic missiles can only be detected by large early warning radars.”

“I will have people sort them out and report them to the Supreme Command, and copy them to the National Defense University and each war zone.

“Order early warning aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft to release false targets to simulate the radar characteristics of all our air force dispatched. 39

Which one does not have the tactical theory and style of play that he is good at?

“Radar! Still radar!” Liu Ruiming gave the answer without hesitation.

This view of his has also been recognized by many people.

“That kid Su Meng, actually released a fake target!

“Su Meng is a conspiracy!

Halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped and turned his attention to the big screen.

Destroying all other military forces of the red side is also fruitful.

Many people nodded silently.

“Air defense battalion, electronic countermeasure squadron, immediately abandon equipment and switch to infantry on the spot!”

Some people agree with him and some people disagree.

Tian Dingbang was shocked.

This is to completely blind the blue party!


Tian Dingbang pondered for a moment, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Following the system’s determination, the auditorium burst into warm applause.

Su Meng was instantly overjoyed.

“Now the radar warning range of the blue side has been greatly weakened.”


“Also, this kid is really evil.

This kid is too ruthless to start, isn’t it? Are you addicted to playing satellites?

Qiao Tiancheng also laughed.

“Report! The radar system has detected a large number of enemy aircraft taking off and gathering in the air!

Do you know where the opponent’s air defense battalion is?

Except for a few generals with technical and logistical backgrounds.

“5. The red side used air power and sea power to launch long-range strikes against the blue side’s troops, and the blue side suffered heavy losses.”

Finally got you!

Although Tian Dingbang lost in the end, he also lost the first chance.

The red side commanded the hall, Su Meng calmly gave the order.

The generals who were watching the battle secretly admired him.

“Electronic countermeasure squadron, the air defense battalion radar is running at full power, try to keep the fighters alive for a while!”

Especially this wave of violent soldiers, in the end, has nothing to do with the power of the sea.

“No!” The staff officer replied quickly.

One move away from chess, and the whole game is lost!


“Really… eh?”

But when the satellite was destroyed, everyone was still shocked.

“Stay concealed, the air defense battalion’s large early warning radar is on!

The staff officer is also a stern, ruthless! Too ruthless!

“I was thinking that he would have to win a few games before these generals would be stimulated.”9

“The blue side also has early warning aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft, did they not find it? 99

“Our radar has lost satellite cooperation, and at the same time is subject to strong electronic interference from the other side. 35

A staff officer reported loudly.

“The Electronic Countermeasures Squadron opens the electronic camouflage of the airport area!

“Although our electronic warfare squadrons and electronic warfare aircraft have been working hard to crack, they are still suppressed.”


“Report! Detected 16 cruise missiles approaching fast, targeting our radar!

But the next moment, the words of the two people made almost everyone stunned.

Blue Fang Command Hall.

At this time, the faces of both of them were solemn.

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