Let You Be The Director, And You Go To The Army To Direct The Military Exercise?

Chapter 206

Chapter 206 The Seals, The Final Storm!

Chapter 206 The SEALs, the final storm!

In the lobby of CNN’s Seria correspondent station.

Ring snake grinned at the camera.

“By the way, the special forces of the Lighthouse Country should have arrived?

“Let’s play a game.

“All the hostages now have bombs tied to them. 35

“The remotes are scattered across different people of us.

“Unless you killed us all in the first place. 99

“if not………”

He did not continue to speak, but the meaning of the words was already obvious.

“Captain, what should we do?”

Roderick’s earphones heard the voices of his companions.

At this time, how could the proud SEALs still underestimate the enemy?

One by one, their faces were solemn and nervous.

They never dreamed that they would find themselves in such a dilemma.

Under normal circumstances, their combat method is to sneak in silently and fight instantly.

But today… hemp eggs!

Silent infiltration is very difficult!

Just such a lonely small building, the surrounding situation can be seen at a glance.

The most irritating thing is that there are still a group of reporters broadcasting live to those terrorists!

That’s very fak.

After thinking about it, Roderick pressed the intercom.

“Command, ask for support and drive all these damn reporters away!

“Let them die far away!”

“Fake, they are accomplices to terrorists!”

Not only him, but the command in the rear also realized this.

“Our marines are coming, and they’ll help you throw these damn reporters aside!”

“Captain Roderick, I hope you can come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible.”

“Now netizens all over the world are watching us.

“We have become the laughing stock of the whole world for the death of seven whole hostages! 95

“I understand sir, I will find a way!

Roderick cut off the communication, took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down.

Thinking of a way…is that a good idea?

Soon, a mighty army of Lighthouse Country came over.

Above the sky, there are several helicopters flying.

Now that the terrorists have guessed that the special forces are coming, they no longer hide it.

“Gentlemen and ladies 28, it’s dangerous here, please leave as soon as possible! 99

Someone came over and said politely to these reporters.

But the movements in his hands were not so polite.

The reporters were suddenly unhappy.

They are uncrowned kings.

And the hostage-taking this time, the whole world is paying attention.

When it comes to their own ratings and bonuses, who would happily quit?

“NO! You can’t do this, we are journalists, we have the freedom to interview!”

“You can’t drive us away!”

A reporter shouted loudly.

These lighthouse marines don’t care that much.

Normally, they would be polite to these reporters.

But today, the presence of these journalists has seriously affected their mission.

Even make them a laughing stock in front of the whole world.

How could they still be polite?

A group of soldiers came up and dragged them out.

The scene was suddenly chaotic.

at this time.

“Da da da……”

A burst of gunfire suddenly came from the small building again.

The crowd was suddenly shocked, and many people subconsciously looked at the mobile phone.

On their mobile phones, CNN’s live broadcast is on!

The scene in the picture surprised many people.

I saw the AK-47 in the hands of the ring snake, the muzzle was still smoking, and it was obviously just fired.

On the ground, there were a few more people who fell to the ground.

The silver ring snake grinned grimly and said coldly.

“Lighthouse thieves, are you finally willing to show up? 39

“You are too rude, are you going to deprive these journalist friends of their freedom of interviews as soon as you arrive?

“I warn you, let it go now and let these journalists get on with their work.”

“Also, get those nasty helicopters overhead, get out of the way immediately!

“Old rule, I count by dozens!”


“Nine! 39

“Eight” 99


In the headquarters of the Lighthouse Nation, many people suddenly shouted and cursed.

Do you terrorists actually play cards so out of the way?

Murder without a word?

But the question is, what can you do about him?

“Let go of those reporters now!”

“And let the helicopter go away, don’t irritate those crazy people! 99

The commander roared suddenly.

He’s out of control.

Don’t know what to do anymore.

There are too many hostages in the hands of terrorists!

And there is a little movement, that is, kill a few first and then talk about it.

What can you do?

He can already imagine that on the Internet now, there must be countless people who are calling them incompetent.

Yes, he didn’t guess.

Now the world’s Internet has boiled over.

All the media were blasted by this live broadcast that shocked the world.

“Brilliant! This is the real terrorist. Kill it if you say it, without any ambiguity.”5

“Isn’t the special forces of the Lighthouse Country the No. 1 in the world? Why do they feel so stupid?”

“Ten people have been killed because of the stupidity of these special forces. Oh my god, it’s horrible.”

“I can’t believe how many hostages will remain after this rescue operation is over. 35

“The special forces haven’t even taken official action yet. What if the official action stimulates those terrorists? They have a lot of bombs.”5

Not only is the discussion among the people, but the police and military in many countries are also attaching great importance to it.

Terrorists like this are so frustrating!

If you disagree, you will kill, if you disagree, you will kill.

If such a terrorist appears in our own country, how should we deal with it?

If it is you who is standing outside the small building now, what should you do?

Soon, one plan after another was proposed, but one by one was rejected.

“What if it’s an airborne raid?”

“No, if it was a helicopter, terrorists would kill if they heard the sound.

“If it’s a BASE jump from a transport plane… can you fool those reporters?””

“It seems that the reporters at the scene have become the eyes and ears of the terrorists, but the terrorists hold them hostage and cannot leave, which is a headache. 35

“Can we use signal simulation to transmit fake images to terrorists?”

“It is estimated that there are difficulties. The terrorists will not be so stupid and will not judge the enemy’s situation based on the live broadcast. The surrounding of this small building is empty, and you can see it with a little trouble.”

“Long-range sniping…Gan! Sniping isn’t good either, it’s impossible to kill so many people at the same time.

“Use a grenade launcher to fire a sedative bomb inside?”

“Hehehe, it takes time for the narcotic bombs to strike. Judging by the way these terrorists behave, as long as you give them a little time, the bombs will be detonated.”

“Can it only be attacked by force?”

“Good idea, if you’re going to collect the bodies of those hostages, go for it.’””

“Damn! How do I feel that we terrorists are helpless?”

“What are you thinking? If you say that there is nothing to do, then the army of the Lighthouse Country is helpless. Hehe, this time they are embarrassed.”

What other people can think of, these elite SEALs can think of themselves.

For a while, it turned out to be in a deadlock.

This is a worldwide live broadcast!

Jiang Dahai pondered for a while, and said doubtfully.

“Boss, the crux of the matter now lies in CNN’s live broadcast.

“As long as it is not broadcast globally, the special forces of the lighthouse country should have many ways to deal with it.

“Then why hasn’t the Lighthouse government cut off CNN’s live broadcast for so long?”

Su Meng smiled slightly and said lightly.

“You may not know.”

“CNN doesn’t quite deal with the current ruling of the lighthouse country, but it is very close to the opposition. 99

“Seeing that there is such an opportunity to attack the ruling party, how could the Yedang fail to act?

“For them, as long as they can attack the ruling party, they will do whatever it takes.”

“Isn’t it just over 200 citizens?”

“Even if all of them die, that would be incompetent in power and have nothing to do with them. 99

“Maybe there are people who are looking forward to the death of all these people.””

“Hehe, this is the democracy of the lighthouse country…”

Xiang Zhiming cut into the channel, added.

“Another point is that CNN’s ratings have exploded all over the world. 39

“How could they be willing to give up such a huge benefit?

“Isn’t it more than 200 staff?”

“Such a huge benefit is enough for them to recruit another 2 million staff.

“Tsk tsk tsk…the profit-oriented capitalist.””

Everyone couldn’t help but sigh.

In order to fight for the faction, he actually disregarded the life and death of his own citizens.

It’s really disgusting.

Su Meng said lightly.

“Okay, don’t think too much about it.”

“Xiao Fei, how is the drawing of the internal structure of this small building?

Wang Xiaofei said through the interface.

“No problem.

“According to the existing information, the content shown in the footage just now.

“I’ve built a 3D map in my head.”

His memory and spatial power are quite strong, and these are not difficult.

Su Meng nodded and said lightly.

“Draw the map and upload it to the command terminal.”

“Xiang Zhiming, analyze the map and predict the distribution location of those people.”

“Yes!” The two replied in unison.

Others are also bright.

Boss, is this ready to go?

As Su Meng said.

Today’s lighthouse country’s military can be described as a dilemma.

CNN’s live broadcast has brought great pressure to them.

The live broadcasts of those journalists in the periphery also exposed all their actions on the terrorists’ screens.

And there’s nothing they can do!

Originally, I wanted to let those reporters turn the camera a little bit.

But as soon as the camera moved, there was a gunshot in the small building.

One life was lost.

“It can’t go on like this!”

In the command car, Roderick slapped the table and said fiercely.

“Command, we cannot let terrorists play.

“We’ve become the joke of the world now.

“I suggest attacking directly regardless of the cost!”

There was also silence in the intercom, and apparently the rear was also considering this matter.

Now they are in a dilemma.

If it continues like this, it will only give a devastating blow to the image of the lighthouse country’s military.

Especially now, the power of the lighthouse state is largely based on the strong military power.

If the image of the military suffers a blow, it will surely make many people ready to move.

Above all, they must show an attitude of no compromise with terrorists.

Otherwise, in the future, those terrorists from other countries will follow the same way. What can you do?

Are you so helpless every time?

But if you attack… the hostage…

“Information team, immediately interfere with the signals of all reporters on the scene and release virtual signal simulation pictures!”

“Team Three, Team Four, order you to stand in front of you, take a strong attack stance, and attract the attention of the enemy.”

“Squad Five, Squad Six, after you heard the attack order, rush to the small building from behind at the fastest speed, remember, you must be fast!

“Squad of drones, release attack drones and fire flash bombs at the enemies in the hall, disrupting the line of sight!

“The airborne squad is on board, ready to cut through Sauron…

Now that he has made up his mind to attack.

Roderick quickly arranged the tactics, and everyone quickly began to prepare.

Upstairs, the silver ring snake avoided the camera and said softly.

“I have a hunch they’re going to attack soon!

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden commotion at the main entrance of the small building.

More than a dozen infantry chariots started.

With the roar of “boom boom”, it slowly moved.

“Captain, they are coming!

Someone suddenly shouted loudly.

857 Silver Ring Snake snorted coldly and said loudly.

“Guys, let’s go to hell together! 35

As he spoke, he threw off his jacket fiercely, revealing the bomb tied to his body.

Not just him, but almost everyone.

Everyone had bombs strapped to them.

Not only that, but many bombs were thrown directly into the crowd by them.

This scene scared the hostages who were tied with their hands and feet, and suddenly screamed.

He moved desperately, trying to stay away from those bombs.

Then in this hall, there are bombs everywhere, how can they escape?

Not only them, but everyone who saw this scene in front of the TV screen couldn’t help crying out.

Is this going to pull everyone to death?

Has this hostage-taking incident finally come to an end?

“Attack! 99

Following Roderick’s order, the roar of the infantry chariots in front grew louder.

It seemed that the attack was about to be launched at the next moment.

Sure enough, the eyes of many people in the poisonous snake were attracted.

at the same time.

In the direction of the back door, more than a dozen cars of all kinds sprinted frantically.

This is what they temporarily recruited from nearby.

After all, the speed of the chariot is only 70 kilometers per hour at the highest.

Under normal circumstances, it is sufficient.

But this time, it was the speed of the pursuit mechanism.

Therefore, Roderick specially ordered more than ten cars from the vicinity.

At the same time, several helicopters suddenly appeared in the sky.

Came towards the small building at a very fast speed.

“Buzzing…” The sound of the helicopter’s propeller was clearly audible.

If it was normal, such a loud voice would have alarmed the people in the small building.

But at this time, the people from the Viper Mercenary Corps couldn’t hear it!

Because it was just a second before they launched.

Several strange-looking drones suddenly appeared outside the window of the hall.

They all have dark muzzles on their bodies.

Not waiting for the people in the hall to react.

The muzzle flashed suddenly.

Several flash shock bombs suddenly jumped out from the muzzle.

With the sound of “crashing” the glass burst, several flash bombs entered the room in an instant.

It exploded violently.

I was worried that there were many hostages in the hall.

This time there were not many flash bombs.

But just these few pieces made the hall become white, and everyone’s eyes lost their vision.

There was a buzzing sound in the ears.

The few people who were close to each other seemed to be hit in the head by a sledgehammer.

The whole person was spinning around and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

At this time, they have completely lost sight and hearing.

Of course, this time will not be long, perhaps only a few minutes or even dozens of seconds.

But for the commando at the back door, dozens of seconds are enough!

The dozen or so cars have already taken the opportunity to sprint frantically.

The distance from this small building is only a mere 100 meters away.

But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred!

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