Let You Be The Director, And You Go To The Army To Direct The Military Exercise?

Chapter 209

Chapter 209 The Money Is Paid! The Lighthouse Country Really Paid The Money!

“To rescue these more than 200 citizens of the Lighthouse Country, you need to pay… 1 US dollar!

“I guess he will continue to disgust the lighthouse guy in the future.”9

In the Office of the President of the Lighthouse Country, President Harden was completely furious.

When this sentence came out, everyone was stunned.

The rich contribute money, the strong contribute, let’s work together!

How did he know that Su Meng had put forward a declaration of love and the existence of peace quotes!

“So although the value of this $1 knife is not high, it has far-reaching significance…”

“Do you want the terrorists inside to know everything like the back of their hand?

But the same words, listening to different people’s ears, they heard different information.

How to do this kind of trivial matter, naturally, he won’t bother.

“I don’t believe that such an elite SEAL team in our lighthouse country can’t handle operations. 99

When I say this, I almost believe it!

“Not only that, this kid’s high-sounding words are also sly. 99

“Of course, the rescue of the hostages this time has come, and we have also communicated with the Celia government.”

You’re asking $1 just to disgust the lighthouse country.

“At the same time, for many terrorists, it is also a great deterrent.”

“Fighting terrorists is the duty of every country.

“The application was approved by the Celia government.”

With Su Meng’s instructions, he said lightly.

A strange expression appeared on his face.

Not only the Viper Mercenary Corps, but also those hostages could see clearly.

Roderick asked eagerly.

These words were heard in the ears of many military personnel, but their hearts moved.


But why is your diplomatic rhetoric even more slippery than what I said?

Roderick asked eagerly.

It was so cool to watch the fun just now that I forgot about it.

But what can I do?

In an instant, the whole world shook.

“Is it an Army Special Forces?

But faintly, many people’s impression of the lighthouse country has undergone subtle changes.

Listening to the voice in the earphones, Zhang Tianhua daring to speak.

“No, not them.”

…….. ask for flowers…

“I am afraid that this time, we will have many comrades casualties.

“Ambassador Zhang, according to the order of our headquarters, I will convey this 1 dollar on my behalf.

It’s only a US dollar, who can’t afford it?

As soon as these remarks came out, many sensitive reporters were all brightened up.

“What about them? How many are they here? How are they going to fight?”

It’s over, this time, it’s really over…

“There is something I need to explain to you.”

After all, it seems that he is in the limelight today, but in fact, he is just a loudspeaker, a tool man.

When the lighthouse man does business with me, will he owe me money?

Until now, he didn’t know anything except hearing Su Meng’s voice.

Ma egg, do you think I don’t know?

It’s just that he forgot.

They are also afraid that they will stimulate these vicious terrorists and let them die.

“Although this time they came not peacekeepers, but an army special force that appeared out of nowhere.

This $1 knife…you want it now?

When this sentence came out, many people were stunned.

This is the face of the beacon country in Chiguoguo!

It’s so…awesome!

This is in front of the whole world, the lighthouse country admits it!

Where is this Raptors captain, and how many people are they here?

This is something to be wary of!

“Ambassador Zhang, which troops are you going to send?”

“Agree with the statement above, money is not important, what matters is symbolism! 55

He just subconsciously polite.

“Apply for our fighters to enter the Sailia area with arms and carry out the task of armed escort in the evacuation operation.

“The Lighthouse Country, it’s nothing more than that! It seems that we surpass the Lighthouse Country and reach the top of the world, just around the corner! 35

The chief nodded and said slowly.

“Lieutenant Colonel Roderick, everything here is live!

Although the chief did not clearly say what to do, he only needed to control the direction.

The mercenaries of these poisonous snakes suddenly made a loud noise.

You’re happy to receive money now, if you can’t save it… that’s a shame!

“So, we are really afraid that the Lighthouse Congress will not pay the bill for this $1!

“This also fully demonstrates the Dragon Kingdom’s full respect and friendly will to all countries in the world as a big country!

In desperation, he pulled out a $1 bill.

If Long Guo wanted more, they could still find some face to make up for it.

“1…1 US knife?”

In the field of combating terrorism, only one US dollar has created a new mode of cooperation.

Because the equipment of this unit at this time is obviously not a combat form.

What are you talking about in a grandiose manner… afraid that he will not pay?

Roderick couldn’t help but be moved for a while, and said subconsciously.

“It stands to reason that this time we should help for free.

Heck! I actually forgot about the business!

“So for $1, it’s more of a token price.”

The Lighthouse Country really paid for it!

Silver Ring Snake glanced at them and said loudly.

His attitude represents the attitude of the lighthouse country!

Hearing this in the ears of others, he was speechless.

Roderick was stunned for a moment, and almost slapped himself a few big mouths.

Hemp egg! Why don’t you play cards according to the routine!

Now his identity is equivalent to the spokesperson of the lighthouse country!

Is this Raptors captain not from a military background, but from a diplomatic front?

But now it’s only $1, which is a shame!

The most hated, of course, is the beacon country that is playing tricks and tricks behind it and wants to kill people.

I was just discussing how to deal with this 1 US knife.

“Subsequently, we dispatched an army special force from the Dragon Kingdom, which has entered the Sailia area. 99

The last sentence, murderous, made all the hostages despair in their hearts.

how is this possible?!

“Guys, the people from the Dragon Kingdom are here!”

Sure enough, it is a great eastern country known for its openness and tolerance!

But they also hated the peacekeeping troops of the Long Kingdom.

“Hahaha, this time, the Lighthouse Kingdom was completely rubbed on the ground by us!”

Zhang Tianhua had the heart to die.

Why does it feel like the occasion is not right!

Immediately startled him.

Someone in the headquarters agreed and quickly arranged it.

“It just shows that the Dragon Country and the Lighthouse Country have the same stance and willingness to cooperate in combating terrorism.

Luckily, he still had cash on him.

“However, we also have to have some concerns.”

Pretending to be calm, he took the $1 knife and put it away carefully.

This diplomatic rhetoric is a set of rhetoric, and it is more slippery than me!

This disrupted their previous plans at once!

“We have great confidence in the determination of the Lighthouse State to fight terrorism.99

“It also symbolizes that in the field of combating terrorism, all countries have entered a new milestone in the fields of economy and diplomacy, in addition to the military field! 35

“Each country has its own advantages, and this time, it is an organic combination of the strengths of various countries. 99

In the office of the President of the Lighthouse Country, everyone was dumbfounded.

Hemp egg!


Zhang Tianhua nodded.

What’s more, it’s a slap and a slap, a series of slaps in the face!

Zhang Tianhua is also numb.

When leaders of many small and medium-sized countries heard these words, they couldn’t help being awe-inspiring, and their goodwill towards the Dragon Kingdom increased greatly.

He paid for it!

“Anyway, in this case, the lighthouse guy is going to suffer.

“Therefore, all our actions are full of the sovereignty and dignity of the countries concerned.”

Whether it is on the scene or in front of the TV, almost everyone thinks that the dragon will meet the lion’s mouth.

But at the highest command of the Dragon Country, there was a burst of laughter.

“I got permission from the Celia government!”

Simply put, it is everyone’s responsibility to fight terrorism.

You are slapping the lighthouse country in the face!

“This is a good story in the field of international military cooperation.

“But this is enough for our revenge!

This is really so…

I don’t want to either.

Come up with an astronomical figure.

“This Su Meng is really evil.

How is this different from free?

A staggering, almost fell to the ground.

“After all, it is very common for the Lighthouse State to default on fees.”

“After our country decided to carry out the evacuation operation, we submitted an official diplomatic note to the Celia government through diplomatic channels.

When he said this, the corners of his mouth almost twitched.

They are so powerful!

Someone praised.

For a while, I had mixed feelings in my heart, and I hoped that the special forces of the Long Kingdom could rescue me.

It is indeed a great eastern country with profound wisdom!

“Isn’t it just $1? Give it to him! Give it to him now!””

After all, I am also an ambassador of a dignified country, and now I haggle like a small businessman.

He was still confused.

They all thought that Long Guowei had put forward a large number, and they even thought about how this matter would develop in the future.

He is a relatively pure soldier, and he is not too sensitive to such matters as politics and diplomacy.

“For example, according to United Nations regulations, the cost of peacekeeping troops is prorated by countries.

But in fact, he didn’t have a clue in his own mind.

“And now, the Lighthouse State owes more than $1.4 billion in arrears in peacekeeping assessments.

President Harden only felt a surge of blood and a burst of dizziness.


“Guys, don’t be afraid! Dragon people are people too!

In fact, Zhang Tianhua didn’t know how to rescue the hostages.

One by one was also secretly convinced.

“This proves that in the field of combating terrorism, countries are actively exploring new modes of cooperation and accomplishing joint combat tasks.”

Zhang Tianhua was about to speak when suddenly Su Meng’s new instructions came from his earphones.

“Well…and over a billion in United Nations dues.

You finally made it through just now, and now you want to pick something up again?

Today’s Sailia area can be described as war raging and torn apart.

But there are also people who immediately coaxed – a big laugh.

It’s like saying “you are so handsome” and “you look so good today” when you meet each other.

Someone added.

“Since your country has agreed to this kind of cooperation, please… pay the $1 on the spot! 99

The lighthouse country doesn’t even owe the United Nations money?

The staff were also speechless.

“I think this $1 should go into a museum exhibition!”

Everyone knows that so many of them entered Celia without saying hello at all!

Zhang Tianhua glanced at him speechlessly, and pointed to the airtight camera around him.

“No wonder the Dragon Kingdom is willing to take the initiative this time, it turns out to be like this!


But I also vaguely realized that it seems that this $1 knife… is a bit strange, right?

“As long as the hostages inside have a little bit of damage, we will make the people of Long Kingdom pay a huge price!”

Fortunately, the president has ordered it.

“The Dragon Kingdom is mighty! The Dragon Kingdom is awesome! Ambassador Zhang Tianhua is awesome! 99

Roderick’s words have also attracted the attention of countless people.

“In the past, we organized military exercises in our own home, and we would cheat anyone we caught.

“To combat terrorism, we really need a responsible attitude like Long Guo.””

“This time, we will let the special forces of the Dragon Country and so many reporters from the Lighthouse Country.”

What the heck, you are throwing the lighthouse country’s face on the ground and rubbing it!

Fortunately, with strong psychological qualities, he forcibly held back.

“If Comrade Su Meng hadn’t had a hunch in advance, he had prepared the peacekeepers for battle.

I’m numb too, okay?

“But after all, this group of terrorists is extremely ferocious. If we want to complete this operation to save the hostages, we must pay a very high price. 39

On the contrary, it is more like a medical and logistical form.

“Cool! Refreshed! When drinking three bowls of heroic blood!

“Don’t they Dragon Country people think they can do it?”

In the lobby of CNN’s Seria correspondent station.

“And this hostage rescue operation will also be carried out by this Army Special Forces. 99

Roderick was also a little numb when he received instructions from the rear command.

“You mean, you have dispatched a new unit from the Dragon Kingdom?’”5

He really paid for it!

Especially on Longguo’s network, it caused an uproar.

Then… give it first and then talk about it!

But who would have thought that Long Guo actually only proposed a US$1 knife?

But who would have thought that Long Guo actually only offered… 1 US knife?

And in this hatred, there is also a faint trace of fear.

But in desperation, he had to bite the bullet and say.

At the scene and in front of the TV, countless people almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Does the Dragon Kingdom lack this $1 knife?


Use you to ask the lighthouse country for money in front of hundreds of millions of audiences around the world?

“And in line with the relevant provisions of international law!

Simply invincible existence!

“This time, you actually screwed the lighthouse guy?”

Well, you tout yourself, don’t you forget to step on the lighthouse country with your feet?

“But this time, the advantage is on us!”

“Can they handle it?””

Someone peeked at the aide who was possessed by a young dragon and phoenix, and then peeked at President Harden.

They suddenly remembered.


This is the true style of a great country!

How much money is not important, what is important is the face of the lighthouse country, completely gone!

“Hahahaha, it’s really heartwarming.”

“This time, the lighthouse country is behind it, trying to plot our D1 individual soldier exoskeleton.”9

When dealing with the Dragon Kingdom, there is absolutely no need to worry that they will pit you!

“Then let them go!”

Roderick was also a little confused.

“Although we didn’t suffer any loss, we have to take care of the Lighthouse Country and let them remember it for a long time.

“Also ask your country’s military to act swiftly and not let the citizens of our country be harmed again!

The entire national regime is in danger and may collapse at any time.

Zhang Tianhua listened to Su Meng’s instructions in the earphone and said lightly.

Zhang Tianhua was so excited that his hands almost trembled.

But even so, the Dragon Kingdom still strictly followed the international laws and gave the Cylia government full respect.

They have fallen from a large team of more than 800 people to where they are today.

The main task this time is to rescue the more than 200 lighthouse country hostages that were taken hostage!

“The last time we lost to them was because they had the upper hand!”

“Did you bring this peacekeeping unit equipped with the D1 individual exoskeleton?”5

Roderick asked impatiently.

The Supreme Command has repeatedly emphasized that this Raptors captain is the supreme commander of this operation!

Silver Ring Snake’s face was gloomy.

Everything here is seen by everyone.

The lighthouse country seems to have changed its attitude and position on this issue?

But his words, coupled with his serious and solemn tone, aroused warm applause from the reporters at the scene.

“Stay with us…to hell!”9

He glanced at the peacekeepers behind Zhang Tianhua, but was a little puzzled.

“Let’s give full play to our respective advantages and form an effective joint force, so as to strike hard and fight terrorism!”

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