Let You Be The Director, And You Go To The Army To Direct The Military Exercise?

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Are You Still Human?


Su Meng said loudly.

“Report to the chief of staff, what you said just now is that if I can learn by heart, will you let me participate in shooting training?”

“Do you count?”

Wu Shanhong was a little confused.

“Nonsense! There are no jokes in the army.”

“As the chief of staff, can I still get you a new recruit?”

What you’ve been waiting for!

Su Meng nodded.

“If that’s the case… I’ve already memorized this Disciplinary Order!”


Not only Wu Shanhong, but more than a dozen team members were all dumbfounded.

will you back?

You obviously didn’t even look at it!

Aren’t you kidding us?

Wu Shanhong frowned.

“Su Meng, I know you’re not convinced, I thought I was deliberately tossing you…”

“Report to the Chief of Staff, you have assigned me this task.”

“It’s to strengthen my sense of discipline, understand the difference between troops and places, and hone my character.”

“But… Chief of Staff, I really know what to do!”

Wu Shanhong couldn’t help but stagnate.

This kid can see his intentions, he is not surprised.

But you said you would memorize… Now when you become a military fan, is the threshold so high?

“Su Meng, you said you would memorize it? Do you know how much content in this Disciplinary Order?”


“This Disciplinary Order was issued on April 4, 2018 and officially implemented on May 1.”

“Without the appendix, the full text has 10 chapters and 262 articles in total, with a total of 31,092 words, and I can memorize it word for word!”

Does he really know?

Not kidding?

Wu Shanhong finally got serious.

“Su Meng! Recite the full text of the Disciplinary Order!”


“Table of Contents, Chapter 1, General Provisions, Chapter 2, Main Contents of Discipline…”

“Article 1, in order to implement the policy of comprehensively and strictly administering the military, strengthen…”

Su Meng actually started to recite.

He speaks very fast, it seems that all this is something engraved in his bones.

A group of people around couldn’t help but stunned.

Isn’t this kid just his first day in the army?

How can you be so skilled?

There was silence now, except for Su Meng’s loud voice.

Wu Shanhong thought for a while and made a gesture to Shi Dazhi.

Shi Dazhi understood, picked up the automatic rifle and pulled the trigger.

Suddenly, the sound of gunshots rang out.

The other fighters also recovered and started shooting training.

To everyone’s surprise.

The sound of gunshots so close at hand did not seem to affect Su Meng’s thoughts at all.

Not even the speed of speech has changed.

What the hell!

I don’t believe in treating you anymore.

Wu Shanhong opened the disciplinary regulations, flipped a few pages at random, and suddenly interrupted.

“Didn’t you say it word for word?”

“Article 121, back!”

“Memorize a wrong word, see how I clean up you!”

He also had a fever on his face. He randomly checked the disciplinary rules, and he still had to read the answer?

But this jumps back…

Well, the Chief of Staff of Wuhan University really can’t do it.

But for Su Meng only, the basic military knowledge proficiency given by the system can be directly integrated.

Isn’t it word for word?

He didn’t even think about it, but his voice was a little louder.

“Article 12, passive combat, comma, cringe, comma, less serious, comma, demerit, comma, major demerit, semicolon…”

What the hell!

A group of people almost couldn’t resist the direct MMP export.

Are you the devil?

Who is reciting disciplinary rules and punctuation marks?

But looking at the expression of the chief of staff, it seems that… are they really right?

A group of team members who are in shooting training have long been absent-minded.

A shuttle of bullets went down, and there were only a few shots that could hit the target.

Not to mention that they are elites, even ordinary recruits will not do this.

If it were normal, Shi Dazhi would have scolded them with blood.

But today, how could he care about this?

He has almost shot into the sky himself, how can he care about other people?

Wu Shanhong drew a few, trying to find out the problem.

But the question is, how can you find the problem in the face of a pervert whose punctuation marks are exactly the same?

Hemp egg!

I don’t believe it anymore!

Wu Shanhong was also ruthless.

Turn directly to the end of the disciplinary rules and squeeze a few words out of the gap between your teeth.

“Didn’t you say that your back is like a stream? Come! Give me your back!”



The eyes of the players who were watching the excitement were about to burst.

Chief of Staff, you can point your face.

We know you’re tossing people.

But why don’t you cover it up?

It’s just red fruit… is this suitable?

And that Su Meng.

It’s fine if you say it word for word, so why add a memorization?

It’s good now, you’re really going to fall back…

Before they could finish thinking.

Su Meng’s voice has rang out again.

“Period, at the same time when it is abolished, the title of the right book, the law and discipline of the army, the people, the country, the title of the left book, the release of the member committee, the military day, March 6th, 0102…”

What the hell!

A group of people suddenly came out.

Is this so human?

Are you really going backwards?

And why are you so skilled?

At this time, Wu Shanhong was completely stupid.

In his hands, there are disciplinary rules.

Is this really really a literal reversal?

And not even a punctuation mark?

Are you still human?

Colonel Wu Shanhong, the chief of staff of the Tiger Special Forces, has begun to doubt his life…

Ten minutes, exactly ten minutes.

There was silence in the shooting training ground.

Only Su Meng’s loud voice.

Oh yes, there is also the sound of clack clack pulling the trigger.

The commandos who were training at this time had automatic rifles in their hands.

One by one, they turned their heads and looked at Su Meng stupidly.

The fingers subconsciously pulled on the trigger.

But the problem is… your magazine was empty ten minutes ago, okay?

Not only them, Wu Shanhong has also been stupid.

The disciplinary rules in his hands are still on the last page.

But the problem is that Su Meng didn’t know where to go.

After a long time, Wu Shanhong barely recovered.

He took a deep look at Su Meng and said loudly.

“Shi Dazhi!”

“Ah? Ah… here!”

“Take Su Meng for live fire training!”

“The shooting score is not better than yours, and he is not allowed to walk half a step out of the shooting training ground!”

Why don’t you want to shoot?

Then let you play enough!

Wu Shanhong glanced at Su Meng again, then turned around and walked away.

It’s just this back, this pace, quite a feeling of fleeing…

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