Let You Be The Director, And You Go To The Army To Direct The Military Exercise?

Chapter 81

Chapter 81 When Making Movies, I, Su Meng, Are The Experts!

“Ding~ You have a new task generated, please pay attention to check it!”

“Task Name: Jagged Soul!””

“The fourth stage: hot-blooded youth!

“Task level: B+ level”

“Mission requirements: The conscription season is coming, and more young people with aspirations in Longguo are called to enter the barracks.

“Basic quest reward:”

“1. Computing power +30%. 35

“2. Proficient in helicopter piloting.””

“3. The merit value is 50,000.

“Note: Floating rewards are comprehensively assessed after all task rings are completed.”

What the hell?

This task made Su Meng bewildered.

Nima conscription season has something to do with me?

I’m not a cadre of the conscription department, I can’t get involved in this matter either!

How did the system release such a task inexplicably?

How can I possibly accomplish this?


“Mass! Damn it!

Hong Tai’s eyes were red and he jumped up.

Pull out the pistol and go out.

“Everyone in the headquarters, rush with me! 55

“Kill!” Everyone in the Red Fang headquarters jumped up.

Whether it is a political commissar, chief of staff, or combat staff, communications troops.

All the people shouted and rushed out in unison.

The exercise field during this period of time was extremely tragic.

The red side had no reloading troops, but Hong Tai decisively ordered the troops to be divided into parts.

Taking the company as a unit, a jungle war and a guerrilla war were launched directly.

Blue Fang originally also took advantage of reloading.

But to deal with such a small group of enemies, it is the cannons to beat the flies.

And because the ammunition depot and oil depot were bombed, the advantage of reloading quickly disappeared.

On the frontal battlefield, Lan Fang originally planned to take advantage of the strength of the troops to carry out a strong attack.

But after being harassed several times, especially the intervention of the army aviation troops of the red side, the loss was not small.

The commander of the Lan “707” side was not good either, and quickly readjusted his strategy.

Use a combination of frontal propulsion and special operations.

Sabotage operations were carried out on various logistical supply lines, electricity, and fuel supplies of the Red side.

It even used a full half of the battalion’s troops as bait to forcibly kill the red side’s helicopter.

So far, the modern warfare methods of both sides, except for the communication system and electronic countermeasures, have been exhausted.

At the end of the three combined brigades, they turned back to the most basic army combat mode!

The electronic interference confrontation between the two sides is almost the same.

The communication system of both sides has failed, and it has returned to the era of communication relying on roar.

Even the two sides unanimously assigned the combat command to the company level and even the platoon level!

The commander took everyone from the headquarters and rushed directly to the front line.

In the entire 535 area, there are battlefields everywhere, and people are fighting everywhere.

That’s why this exercise lasted so long.

On the battlefield, whether it is the red side or the blue side.

All the people have been red-eyed.

Even blocking the hole of the gun with one’s body and pulling the enemy to jump off the cliff with him sometimes happened.

If it hadn’t been stopped in time by the referee, there would have been accidental casualties.

(During the Zhurihe exercise, there were scenes such as drilling tanks with explosives and pulling opponents off cliffs!)

(Praise for the great people’s army! Praise for the brave and fearless soldiers!)

Eastern Theater Joint Operations Command Center.

Su Meng sat in the back row, craned his neck and watched carefully.

No one expected that this large-scale exercise would actually reach this point.

Long Tiangang looked at the comparison of the remaining troops.

This exercise has been played until now, and the things to watch have been finished.

The exposed problems have also been exposed.

Continuing to fight, in addition to barely distinguishing the nominal victory and defeat, has no meaning.

For both sides, the outcome may still have a certain meaning.

But for the military exercise itself…does winning or losing really matter?

After a brief discussion with the leaders of the army in several theaters, Long Tiangang pressed the intercom on the desktop.

“Order of the Supreme Command of the Nirvana Military Exercise!

“Nirvana military exercise, this is the end!”


In the exercise area, everyone was stunned.

The exercise…is this over?

So… who wins?

“Report! 95

“Come in!

Su Meng walked into the office, and Major General Shen Liangjun, chief of staff of the Eastern Theater Army, was looking at the materials.

“Su Meng is here, sit down and talk.”

Shen Liangjun closed the document in his hand and walked over to greet Su Meng to sit down.

“Staff Su, you are participating in the entire exercise.”

“It has both front-line combat experience and an overview of the overall situation in the referee department.”

“How do you evaluate this military exercise?

What the hell?

Su Meng was stunned for a moment.

I’m just a training staff officer with the rank of lieutenant. You ask me this lofty question?

But seeing the encouragement in the eyes of the chief of staff, he decided to tell the truth.

“Reporting to the chief of staff, I think the exercise is very meaningful.”

“In other words, its strategic significance far exceeds its tactical significance.”5


Shen Liangjun raised his brows, and suddenly became interested.

Does this sound interesting?

“Come on, tell me in detail.”

“Today is a pure discussion, don’t have any scruples.


Su Meng sorted out his thoughts and said slowly.

“Actually, from a tactical level, both sides showed a high tactical level, but they exposed a lot of problems.”

“First of all, the red side knows that their troops and equipment are not dominant.

“So a very risky and aggressive tactic was adopted.”

“It even gave up the theoretical advantage of reloading, and brought the battlefield situation back to World War II.””

“As far as the exercise itself is concerned, it still played a big role. 35

“But if you put it on a real battlefield, it would be tantamount to seeking death.

“The blue side is making full use of its heavy equipment advantage.”

“If I hadn’t broken through their communication command system and obtained information on their main equipment.

“The blue side will win with a high probability as long as the reloading advantage is fully utilized.”

“But correspondingly, Lan Fang also revealed that there are still many deficiencies in the face of close combat, tough battles, and hand-to-hand combat.

“Second, in the late stage of the exercise, both sides will lower their command power to make their command more flexible.”

“During this process, a group of lower-level commanders performed quite well, and some commanders were a little helpless.”

“This has a certain reference value for our army’s next step in the training of grass-roots commanders.



During this period of time, Su Meng has been thinking about these things a lot.

Speaking of it now, it is also righteous.

Shen Liangjun secretly commented while listening to him.

In their view, after the tempering of this exercise.

Su Meng’s tactical command level is basically more than enough at the command battalion level.

But the commanding brigade level is a little less interesting.

But know.

This is a recruit who has just been enlisted for less than two months!

And I still haven’t experienced systematic professional tactical learning!

You can get to this point entirely by talent, what else do you want?

Most importantly, among the abilities Su Meng showed, the tactical command was actually the worst!

This is spiritual.

Su Meng spoke eloquently for more than half an hour.

Shen Liangjun was also very patient and listened carefully all the time.

From time to time, he was given water and tea.

After Su Meng finished speaking, he continued to ask.

“What you just said was tactical.”9

“And what do you mean by strategic significance?”

Mention this, Su Meng suddenly came to the spirit.

During this period of time, he has been pondering how to complete the fourth link of the task, and has already vaguely had an idea.

“Chief of Staff, I think the greatest significance of this exercise lies in the word ‘bloody’!


This statement made Shen Liangjun suddenly interested.

Su Meng’s previous tactical analysis did not escape their consideration.

Naturally, they also attached great importance to the word “blood”.

But it was the first time for Su Meng to step up to a strategic point of view.

“Come on, let’s talk about it in detail.”

Su Meng hesitated for a moment before speaking.

“Chief of Staff, I was just an ordinary person two months ago.

“Then do you know how to evaluate our army from the perspective of ordinary people?”

The chief of staff’s face suddenly became serious.

Su Meng continued.

“The strength and progress of the army over the years has been obvious to all.

“At the same time, the military upholds the fine tradition of serving the people.”

“Every time a disaster occurs, our army will inevitably rush to it without hesitation. It is the strong backing and patron saint of the people.”5

“Everyone’s trust and love for the People’s Army comes from the bottom of the heart. 35

“However, in the hearts of many military fans, there is always some concern.”

“That’s our troops, which haven’t fought a battle in decades.”

“If war really comes, do we have enough experience and ability to reassure the motherland and people?”

Shen Liangjun’s chief of staff nodded slightly and agreed with his statement.

This is also an objective reality.

At the same time, this is also the reason why the troops often organize exercises in these years.

After all, we can’t take the initiative to join the war in order to train the army, right?

Then you can only replace actual combat with exercises that are closest to actual combat.

After pondering for a moment, Shen Liangjun asked.

“I also understand what you’re talking about.”

“What does this have to do with the strategic significance of ‘Blood’?”

Su Meng smiled and finally revealed his true purpose.

“Chief of Staff, I think this exercise can fully dispel everyone’s concerns.”

“I suggest that this exercise, we can totally open it up.


Shen Liangjun raised his brows and had some thoughts in his heart.


“In this exercise, there have been many famous scenes.

“For example, battalion commander Zhang Caiying drilled a tank with a pack of explosives.”

“For example, even if Commander Tian breaks his arm, he still has to play the honorable bullet.

“For example, on the highway, those ordinary people came forward without hesitation. 35

“How magnificent is this?

“I think that our exercise can be made public to the society.”

“Let the people of the motherland see that our equipment is ready, but our style has not changed, our spirit has not changed, and our core has not changed.

“When the war comes, our army is still the invincible steel Great Wall!”

“This is of great significance for enhancing the trust of the people of the motherland in the army!

Shen Liangjun nodded, agreeing with his statement.

The army’s propaganda work has never stopped.

Especially with the development of self-media, the army has also opened accounts on major platforms.

But most of the time, it is still mainly to show the power of the equipment.

It is really rare to use “blood” as a starting point.

At this time, Su Meng was already a little excited.

He took out his phone and opened a few videos and handed them over.

“Chief of Staff, look at this! 35

Shen Liangjun took the phone and glanced at it suspiciously, his face suddenly gloomy.

It was a military training video.

In the video, a group of young and beautiful college students wearing military uniforms are dancing ballroom dancing.

The military uniform on his body formed a dazzling contrast with the extravagant sounds and ambiguous movements.

In the next video, a beautiful woman with fluttering hair is still dancing in her military uniform.

All kinds of scratching, all kinds of movements full of sexual hints.

The college students who attracted the onlookers kept whistling.

One more video.

It was a chubby boy in a military uniform.

She is dancing “The Pure Land of Bliss” while scratching her head!

Su Meng couldn’t help but curse.

“What’s wrong with young people these days?”””

“Some people are preparing for war, and some people are actually preparing for pregnancy!

“When the invaders come, our army will fight! 35

“But what if the enemy is too strong and our army is lost?35

‘Then it will take 1.4 billion people to be soldiers of the whole people!”

“One inch of mountains and rivers is one inch of danger, one hundred thousand young men and one hundred thousand soldiers!”

“But what about this bunch of junk?”

“What does it do other than make the aggressor more excited? Dry the aggressor? 99

“Still dancing this dance in military uniform? 55

“This is an insult to the uniform! It’s an insult to the soldiers!”

“I’m a goddamn fuck!”

“I think it is necessary for us to let ordinary people know what is iron and blood! What is blood! What is a man!

“Put out the video of the exercise!

“Let the motherland and the people see that our army is still full of blood!””

“Let those enemies see, don’t think it can corrupt our youth! 55

“Our younger generation, there are those twat-chick-ass things.”

“But more 4.6 is the iron-blooded dragon country that makes them terrified and not afraid of sacrifice!

“Well said!” Suddenly, a loud shout came from the door.

Long Tiangang strode in.

Look at Su Meng’s eyes, full of approval.

No wonder Wu Shanhong did not hesitate to divulge military secrets, but also specially recruited him into the army.

No wonder several of his generals don’t even want their faces, and they want to dig him.

Such a hot-blooded young man was born a hot-blooded soldier, and he was born to belong to a hot-blooded army.

“Hello Commander!”

Only then did Su Meng come back to his senses, and hurriedly saluted and said hello.

Long Tian just returned a salute and said approvingly.

“Staff Su, the surprise you gave me is really getting bigger and bigger.”

“This idea of ​​yours is very good and meaningful!”

“It just so happens that it’s conscription season now, and it’s just right to put out the video of the exercise.”

“Chief of Staff, you asked the comrades of the Political Work Department to edit some…”

“Commander!” Su Meng interrupted him directly.

“How can an ordinary video have the best effect?

“Why don’t we just edit it into a big movie?

big movie?

Long Tiangang and Shen Liangjun were both stunned.

I was a little surprised by his bold idea.

But on second thought.

There’s just too much stuff in this exercise.

Edited into a movie, seems like a good idea?

Long Tian just pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth and commanded.

“Chief of Staff, let the Political Work Department find several professional film companies…”

“Commander!” Su Meng interrupted him again.

With a slight smile, he pointed to himself with a proud look on his face.

“Introduce yourself.”

“Su Meng, came from a family of directors.”

“First place in the directing department of the Imperial Film Academy!”

“The future super director, the king of directors!””

“When it comes to filmmaking, I’m the expert!”

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