Let You Be The Director, And You Go To The Army To Direct The Military Exercise?

Chapter 95

Chapter 95 J-20Vsf−35! Life And Death Contest!

In J-20, Su Meng opened the communication.

“Eagle’s Nest, Eagle’s Nest, Raptors Call!””

“The Eagle’s Nest has received, the Raptors please speak!

“I have drawn the distance, the other party is approaching my airspace, there is a very obvious provocation, I am going to play with them! 35

“The tower received, two J-10Cs, two J-16s, have taken off and are approaching you, pay attention to safety, pay attention to scale! Do not take the initiative to fire!

“The Raptors understand, it’s just for fun!

Su Meng stared at the two F-35s in the distance and smiled coldly.

The name of this thing is really not small.

But Su Meng has already killed a lot, and I really don’t know much about him.

Don’t say it’s 1V2, even if there are a few more F-35s, you guess Su-Meng is not false?

In fact, for a long time, military fans have been talking about two questions.

J-20 vs F-35, who is stronger?

J-20 vs F-22, who is stronger?

These two issues, in the military fan circle, can be said to be the principle of the public, and the principle of the mother.

No one can convince anyone.

In fact, let alone them, even the military experts of the Dragon Kingdom could not fully guarantee it.

After all, the technical parameters of others are highly confidential.

In the absence of technical parameter comparison, and no real knife and real guns have been used.

Who knows who is stronger and who is weaker?

But this problem is not a problem for Su Meng at all.

These are all his old opponents in the virtual combat module, okay?

What to say about the F-35 thing.

Anyway, as a fifth-generation machine, it is also qualified.

However, when it was designed at the beginning, it committed a very fatal problem.

That is to be greedy and want everything.

I want stealth, aggressiveness, avionics, power…even vertical lift.

This has also led to the fact that the F-35 has eighteen kinds of weapons, but everything is sparse.

Netizens of Longguo dubbed it a “fat electric” fighter jet, which is actually not without reason.

If it is beyond the visual range, the F-35 may be able to compete with the J-20 one or two.

But now both sides have drawn visual distance.

In close combat, do you still want to compare with J-20?

Not to mention the J-20, even if Su Meng is now driving the J-16 and even the J10, it’s not false at all, right?

Strictly count.

Don’t look at the F-35 is younger, and the F-22 is already a twenty-something old guy.

But the F-22 also easily hangs the F-35.

Don’t say anything else.

The F-22 was tightly covered by the lighthouse country.

But the F-35 is sold all over the world.

What does that mean, don’t you understand?

As for the difference between J-20 and F-22, Su Meng also has his own answer.

Strictly speaking, both have their own advantages, and it is difficult to tell the winner.

In terms of power, the F-22 is stronger.

But in terms of maneuverability, the J-20 is definitely better than the F22.

In terms of stand-alone combat technical indicators, the J-20 has a greater advantage.

The two really have to compete, in fact, to a large extent depends on the pilot’s performance.

Of course, such a simple contest is actually not very meaningful.

Because modern air combat is really fighting, it is actually difficult to have close combat situations.

Modern air combat is not just a showdown between weapons and weapons.

Rather, system confrontation is more important.

Including early warning system, command, reconnaissance and so on.

In the real battlefield environment, it is difficult for both sides to use data to determine the outcome.

For example, in the current battlefield environment, the Dragon Kingdom is fighting at home.

Satellites, radars, early warning aircraft… are all directly full.

If this is really a fight… Hehe, these two F-35s are just two experience babies.

At this time, Su Meng was very close to the two F-35s.

But he still showed no sign of slowing down.


Labor and capital are within the airspace of our Dragon Kingdom.

I still don’t want to fly how I want to fly?

Can you handle it?

At this time, Coke and Burger are still assigning tasks.

“Coke, you watch, I’ll go play with that J-20!”

“Burger, be careful.”

“Don’t worry, these are all small scenes! Besides, does J-20 dare to attack me?

“Be careful not to make dangerous moves, do not take offensive stances, and do not take the initiative to attack! That may lead to war! 29

“Don’t worry, I will use my superb flying skills to teach him a hard lesson…”

“Be careful! FU-CK!”

While the two were chatting, a terrifying sonic boom suddenly sounded.

The two fighter jets suddenly shook violently.

Su Meng actually stuck to two fighter jets and passed between them at an ultra-high speed of Mach 2.5!


The two cursed loudly, and frantically controlled the plane to fly to both sides, barely making the plane stabilize.

You know, the distance between the two planes just now was only a mere 30 meters.

And Su Meng passed through them.

What does this mean?

The main wingspan of the J-20 is 12.88 meters.

That is to say, when Su Meng passed through them, it was less than 9 meters away from their fighter jets!

The speed of the J-20 is a full Mach 2.5!

The violent speed caused a violent airflow.

In an instant, a vacuum belt was formed between the two fighter planes.

Sharp changes in airflow, formation of vacuum belts.

Let the two fighter planes, like two magnets, rapidly approach the middle.

Fortunately both were experienced pilots.

Immediately after sensing the instability of the plane, measures were taken.

Force the two planes to fly sideways.

This averted an air crash.


The two were so shocked that they were sweating all over, and they were about to urinate.

This is above the sky!

If two planes collide…

“Mad! That’s a madman!

Burger couldn’t help but yell.

Earlier, they saw from the radar that the J-20 was approaching fast.

But it has always been thought that the J-20 will reduce the speed and take escort to them.

Didn’t expect to come up immediately?

Just less than 10 meters away!

That’s the equivalent of rubbing the skin and hitting it!

And is it super fast at Mach 2.5?

Hemp egg!

Labor and capital do not dare to play air combat games like this!


At the base of the 6th Air Force Brigade in the Eastern Theater Command, everyone in the tower burst into foul language.

This is too… brutal, isn’t it?

Damn, how dare you play in air combat like this?

As long as the direction is slightly off, these three planes and three pilots are definitely the result of perishing together!

Should I praise you for your boldness, or should I say that you are not afraid of death?

Zhang Mingtian’s eyes flashed and he made a decision immediately.

“Raptors, you must not fire on your own initiative! I authorize you to act freely! 99

When the two pilots of the F-35 finally stabilized the plane and looked up.

The J-20 had flown out of their sight.

Only his shadow can be seen on the radar.

You know, although Su Meng slowed down a little bit.

But at this time, the J-20 also has a speed of Mach 2.

It can fly 1.3 kilometers per second!

But on their radar, the J-20 had turned and was heading towards them.

In the public communication channel of the two, a majestic voice sounded.

“This is the Longguo Air Force, you have entered our air defense identification zone, please leave immediately!”9


The scene just now has already stimulated Hamburg.

He shouted loudly, accelerated sharply, threw away the coke, and rushed over to meet Su Meng.


Isn’t it hedging?

Isn’t it that you are less afraid of death than anyone else?

afraid of you?

In the dark night sky, a J-20 and an F-35 pulled out two long tail flames.

At the same level, quickly hedge to the middle.

This is also one of the ways that pilots fight when they can’t fire.

Rapid hedging brings enormous psychological pressure.

If no one turns, it is bound to be the result of both perishing.

Which pilot can’t bear the pressure and changes direction first, then he loses.

Although this win or lose is only about face.

But under such circumstances, is it not the dignity of a country?

As the two planes quickly approached, Hamburg only felt a surge of adrenalin.

His face was flushed, and he was almost mad.

But to Su Meng…what is this?

In the virtual combat system, I have already died I don’t know how many times!

Just this little scene, it’s not even enough to make his heart beat faster!

Of course, this is the real world.

Su Meng naturally wouldn’t joke about his life.

After all, in the real world, he has only one life.

Why is he so calm.

More because of absolute confidence in their own abilities.

You know, the system gave him top fighter driving skills.

In the virtual combat system, he again drove the J-20 and did not know how many.

It has long been like an arm and a finger, reaching the realm of human-machine integration where people are machines and machines are people.


He has already determined that the pilot of the other party must not be able to withstand such a huge pressure.

Will dodge at the last minute.


You want the other party really crazy, not afraid of death?

At that critical moment, it’s okay to swerve slightly to avoid it.

Hmm… let’s dodge down with a big maneuver.

But in that case, the J-20’s tail flame will shoot upward.

Hmm…if…cough ahem…we’re talking about if ha.

If the F-35 happened to skim over it…

By the way, the F-35’s magazine is in the belly, right?

The temperature of the tail flame is so high, I don’t know if it will detonate the missile…

Cough, cough… It’s all a coincidence, don’t think about it too much!

In fact, Su Meng did not miscalculate.

In some countries where individualism is prevalent, you want to find someone who is willing to sacrifice for the country?

Can’t say no, but definitely doesn’t include this driver burger across the street.

Just when the two sides were less than 500 meters apart, Hamburg suddenly woke up.

Only then did he realize who his opponent was.

That’s from the Dragon Kingdom!

Since ancient times, the people of the Dragon Kingdom who have never been afraid of sacrifice and are willing to sacrifice themselves!

He wanted to frighten the opponent with his aura and desperately.

If it were other opponents, they would have been frightened long ago.

But today’s opponent…

Burger had no doubt that if he didn’t dodge, the other party would definitely hit him.

Now, the distance between the two sides is only 500 meters!

Under such a rapid hedging, not even a second is needed!


“FU-CK! 35

Burger cursed fiercely and tried to move the rudder.

As he maneuvered, the F-35’s wings were erected.

The entire fighter jet deflected in an instant.

From the state of level flight, it directly climbs wildly at a large elevation angle.

It was almost a 90 degree climb.

have to say.

Hamburg can drive the F-35 to Longguo to do things, and the kung fu is really not weak.

But he did not escape Su Meng’s calculations in the slightest.

Su Meng’s plane was not affected at all, and almost flew past his tail flame.

Then it slowed down a little bit.

When lowered to Mach 1.4, the rudder was pulled sharply.

In a very short space, while maintaining the speed, the aircraft directly maneuvered backwards with a large elevation angle.

The direction changed in an instant, and a 180-degree U-turn came directly.

From an outsider’s point of view, Su Meng’s plane was bounced back as if it had hit a spring.

At this time, his cabin was facing down, and his belly was up, turning into an inverted flying attitude.

Immediately, the accelerator increased, and the speed increased sharply.

“OMG! This is impossible!

The belated Coke, who had a panoramic view of this scene, suddenly screamed out.

Such a super-high elevation maneuver will bring unimaginable overload to the pilot.

How can the pilot on the opposite side be able to hold it?

“This is impossible!

Almost at the same time.

In the tower of the sixth brigade base, countless people also exclaimed in unison.

They really know nothing better about the J-20.

Such large-scale maneuvers put enormous pressure on the fuselage.

It is incredible that the J-20 did not disintegrate on the spot!

Where do they know?

Su Meng knew more about the J-20 than any of them.

All his maneuvers were done with the limit of the J-20.

Yi Gao people are bold, and they are talking about Su Meng!

Su Meng’s performance is not over yet.

It just flew upside down for a short period of time, and Su Meng moved the rudder again.

The flight attitude of the J-20 has changed again.

From upside down and level flight, it became straight up vertically.

Like a cloud-piercing arrow, straight into the sky!

night sky.

An F-35 fighter jet is shooting vertically into the sky.

Behind it, a J-20 was approaching sharply.

The F-35 with a maximum speed of Mach 1.6 was bitten by the J-20 with a maximum speed of Mach 2 according to official data.

what does that mean?

It means that J-20 has already grabbed his six o’clock position after the maneuver just now!

In this direction, in this distance, there is a name called—

No escape zone!

Once locked, once attacked, the theoretical escape probability is less than 5%!

In layman’s terms, it is…


Su Meng smiled coldly and pressed a button on the console.

Two words came out of his mouth slowly.


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