Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

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Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?Author: This keyboard is very easy to use

Summary: Su Mu was assigned after graduation and became a policeman in the political office of the police station.

On the first day of registration, the representative leader condoled the comrades of the task force, but on the way, he solved the case that the task force was helpless.

Catch the mad dog and solve the series of thefts.

Acting in unison, they found a pile of garbage in the trunk of the suspected car, but Su Mu was able to assemble the pile of garbage into firearms, thus discovering and destroying a gun trafficking gang.

In the face of the suspected criminal who refused to let go, Su Mu's appearance frightened him into confessing.

Some people say that Su Mu alone can control half of the city bureau.

Some people say that half of the criminals in the detention center were captured by Su Mu!

All the criminals lost control of their collective emotions: "Don't stretch out your hand, if you stretch out your hand, you will be caught by Police Officer Su!"

Chapter 1 Political workers keep people, but I just want to do law and order

Jiangbin City is a county-level city, adjacent to the metropolis Jinghai, with a developed economy and complex public security.

After graduating from Sumu Police Academy, he was assigned to the Political Office of Jiangbin City Police Department.

The seven people assigned with him went to the police station, criminal police team or special police brigade, but he was the only one who did personnel work.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Political Work Office is a good department. If you get close to the leader, you will have a high starting point.

However, he thought that he was not good at public security and personnel work.

But the director of the political work office took a fancy to him at first sight, thinking that he was patient in his work and good at adjusting services.

It was said that he was a political worker, but it happened that the political office owed someone, so he was left behind.

Su Mu had no choice, even if he was dissatisfied with the distribution, he couldn't show his unwillingness, otherwise the leader would have opinions.

On the first day of work, the director called him over: "I have a meeting with the director's political commissar. You can buy some drinks and go to the Chengnan Police Station to visit the comrades in the 6.28 task force there."

Before leaving, the director told Su Mu again: "Buy things and invoice them, come back and reimburse them!"

Su Mu had no choice but to agree, muttering in his heart, advance the money before the salary is paid?

After returning to the office, he first called Deputy Chief Zhao Qiang, who was in charge of the special case team, and reported that he would go over to offer condolences later.

Zhao Qiang is the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation. He is the team leader of this special case and personally sits in charge.

There was a meeting at the other end, Zhao Qiang said "hmm" and hung up the phone.

After Su Mu went downstairs, he found that the sun was hot and poisonous. Fortunately, the director gave him a car. Su Mu and the driver Xiao Li drove to the supermarket first.

On the way, Xiao Li looked at the girls in cool clothes and exclaimed, "No wonder the murderer killed three girls in a row, leading people to commit crimes!"

Su Mu knew about the case that Xiao Li said was handled by the task force. The murderer killed three girls, and there has been no clue for a month so far.

The case had a strong social impact, and many girls were too scared to go out.

Leaders at both levels of the municipal party committee and bureau have frequently intervened, and their words have become more and more harsh, and the pressure on comrades in the task force has doubled.

Su Mu leaned halfway on the seat, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Ding, the criminal buster system found that the host...is it bound?"

"System? Criminal killer system?"

Su Mu likes to read and is no stranger to the system, but what is this criminal buster system?

"Criminal killer system, as long as the host is bound, every time a case is solved, the system will give corresponding skills or improve physical fitness and IQ points..."


The system is a good thing, can there be skill acquisition?Isn't this an artifact!

"...The binding is complete!"

After the system's electronic sound prompt, Su Mu thought, and a panel appeared in front of him.

【Name: Su Mu】

【Age: 22 years old】

【Occupation: Jiangbin City Police】

[Physical: 116]

【IQ: 107】

[Skill: 0]

"Ding, the new host gift package has arrived, do you want to accept it?"

The system electronic tone reminded.

"Accept!" Su Mu said without hesitation.

"Ding, give the host the basic grappling and fighting skills!"

"Ding, give the host the skill of quick hemostasis!"

"Ding, present the host's on-site inspection reasoning skills!"

When Su Mu heard it, it was like listening to fairy music, and his heart blossomed.

These are definitely the most powerful weapons on my way from the police!

After the system notification sounded, Su Mu's mind and body suddenly underwent great changes.

During the primary grappling and fighting technique, his body felt instantly bursting with explosive power and flexibility.

In the police academy, he was also in the top ten in grappling and fighting.

But compared with the elementary grappling and fighting skills rewarded by the current system, it is obviously far inferior.

If it is said that the acquisition of elementary grappling and fighting made him a middle-aged and strong man, then he could only be regarded as a toddling baby before, and the grappling and fighting he learned was only pediatrics.

After obtaining the rapid hemostasis method and field inspection reasoning, my mind was immediately filled with infinite relevant theoretical and practical knowledge.

As if he has been trained thousands of times, his techniques are extremely proficient, and his mind is also extremely clear.

Even Su Mu could clearly feel that even in the face of the world's top experts in quick hemostasis and investigation and reasoning, he would not give up.

It can be said that after being indoctrinated by the system, he already exists at the top of the world's pyramid in these two aspects.


Xiao Li drove the car to a supermarket, parked the car, and the two went in to buy condolences.

There are many people in the supermarket, and it is full of air-conditioning. Compared with the scorching heat outside, it is a different world.

Su Mu and Xiao Li moved a few boxes of mineral water and some food, and then went to the exit to pay.

At the exit, the old women in front were chatting with the cashier, generally saying that things in the supermarket are getting more and more expensive, and the merchants are black-hearted.

Su Mu and Xiao Li had to wait patiently behind.

At this moment, a shrill scream suddenly came from a corner in the supermarket.

The piercing and sudden scream made everyone startled.

Then someone screamed loudly: "Bleeding, her thigh is bleeding!"

Immediately, a smell of blood filled the air.

"problem occurs!"

With professional sensitivity, Su Mu immediately realized that something was going on.

He immediately said to Xiao Li: "You take the supermarket security guards to guard the exit, don't let anyone go out!"

There is only one customer exit in the supermarket, as long as it is guarded, no matter what happens, it is difficult for the suspect to leave the supermarket scene.

Xiao Li immediately called several security guards to guard the door and prohibited everyone from entering or leaving.

Su Mu rushed to the corner where the incident happened, and saw a fashionable girl sitting on the ground with her hands covering her thighs, in great pain.

And blood continued to ooze from between her fingers, and it seemed that she was seriously injured.

Su Mu took out his police officer's ID and turned his attention to the surroundings: "Police, stand back!"

He didn't wear a police uniform today, so he showed his police officer's card to inform everyone to avoid misunderstanding.

After letting everyone back away, Su Mu squatted down and carefully separated the girl's hands.

"Bleeding from a major artery in the leg, the wound was cut by a sharp blade!"

Su Mu looked at the wound and immediately came to a conclusion.

According to the bleeding situation, the bleeding must be stopped first, otherwise even if the ambulance comes, the girl may be in danger if she loses too much blood.

"Bring the gauze bandage!"

Su Mu immediately yelled at the stunned salespersons in supermarket work clothes.

The supermarket sold gauze bandages, and a salesperson hurried to get them as if he had just woken up from a dream.

During this period, Su Mu kept pressing the arterial pulse point at the proximal end of the bleeding artery with his fingers, which could slow down the bleeding speed.

Sure enough, the wound that bled profusely at the beginning, the bleeding speed was greatly slowed down.

The onlookers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw it.

This young police officer is definitely an expert in stopping bleeding, otherwise it would be impossible to press so casually, and the bleeding wound would immediately slow down.

With the backbone, everyone stabilized and began to cooperate with Su Mu to do some things within their capabilities.

Soon the gauze bandages arrived, and this time Su Mu used local compression and bandage to stop the bleeding.

This is similar to finger pressure hemostasis, and it is also the pulse point at the proximal end of the blood artery that is bandaged by pressure.

It's just that the gauze bandage is stronger and the force is more uniform.

Chapter 2 Monitoring blind spots, I can also see flowers

As the wound was covered with sterile gauze, and the pulse point was fixed and pressed with a bandage, the bleeding from the girl's wound gradually stopped.

When everyone saw it, it was an eye-opener, and they all cheered in unison.

"Uncle Policeman is amazing!"

Seeing that the girl's sister had stopped bleeding, a little boy excitedly applauded Su Mu desperately.

Although everyone didn't understand medicine, they also understood that as long as the bleeding stopped, the girl's life would be saved.

"Thank you, Comrade Police!" The girl's pale face gradually turned rosy, and she sincerely thanked Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded, looked up and saw that Xiao Li and the security guard were still guarding the exit, not letting anyone out.

While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, he lowered his head and asked the girl, "Did you see who cut you?"

The surrounding crowd suddenly fell silent. The murderer actually committed the crime in broad daylight, which was simply audacious.

Everyone was angry and anxious, hoping that the girl could provide evidence so that the police could catch the murderer.

Unexpectedly, the girl shook her head blankly.

"I didn't see it, I just felt a sudden pain in my thigh, and then I realized that I was cut!" The girl was a little ashamed.

Su Mu nodded, his eyes showed a thoughtful look.

When he was bandaging the wound just now, he had already seen some clues based on the on-site investigation and reasoning skills.

Ordinary people usually hold a knife with their right hand, but based on the location, direction and depth of the injured girl's wound, he concluded that the murderer committed the crime with his left hand!

Because all the characteristics of the girl's wound can only be created when the left hand holds the knife.

In other words, the murderer is likely to be left-handed!

He turned his head and asked, "Who is the supermarket manager?"

The woman holding the gauze just now said immediately: "I... I am!"

The supermarket manager was almost terrified just now. If the girl died in his supermarket, I believe the supermarket would be closed immediately.

What's more, if there is an accident in your own supermarket, large compensation is unavoidable.

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