Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 115

"Master, when will we be as good as you?" Gu Qianqian said helplessly after finally finishing a document.

Su Mu smiled: "The city of Rome was not built in a day, take your time!"

He could see that Ma Yingjie and Gu Qianqian were both talented in investigations. What they lacked was experience and patience. Both of them had improved, so I believed they could stand on their own.

The reason why Fang Haotian asked them to learn from him was because of their talents.

Because there were too many materials and they were extremely complicated, Ma Yingjie and Ma Ying-jeou gradually became irritable after reading them.

After Su Mu checked all the information, both of them heaved a sigh of relief, and Ma Ying-jeou said happily, "It's over!"

However, Su Mu pushed all the materials he had read to the two of them: "I haven't divided these materials into files, you guys continue to check and try to find out the target of the murderer!"

"Huh?" Both of them suddenly had bitter faces.

"Investigating the case is not romantic, there are so many complicated things, you have to be patient!"

"Master, can you accumulate it little by little in the future?" Ma Yingjie asked.

"That's right, you just said that Luoping City wasn't built in a day!" Gu Qianqian's face twisted.

"Don't be so talkative, find it for me!" Su Mu snorted.

"Okay!" The two dared not refuse to listen, so they had to take the information and start looking it up from the beginning.

Su Mu himself squinted his eyes, flicked his fingers on the table, and began to think.

According to the information he checked just now, he used various methods to exclude a total of 29 people. The remaining three people are very suspicious, and they are likely to be the target of the murderer.

Two of the three died in the accident, and one survived.

Among the two dead, one was Zheng Yu, 73 years old, had no children, his wife died a year ago, and he had a nephew.

Before he entered the nursing home, he left his only real estate to the nanny who took care of his wife's death.

Zheng Yu's doubt is whether his nephew was unwilling to let him give the property to someone who had nothing to do with him, so he killed him?

No.2 The deceased was named Li Xiangqian. He was 84 years old this year. He was completely different from Zheng Yu. He had five children, but the reason why he went to a nursing home is unknown.

Although Li Xiangqian is old, he likes to buy lottery tickets. It is said that he recently won a prize, but no one knows how much.

Could it be that he won the big prize and the distribution of the will was uneven, so some people disregarded the relationship between father and son or father and daughter, and acted cruelly, tampering with the will is also unknown.

Among the three suspects, the only survivor is Ling Feng, who is in his 60s, has no money, no real estate, and no children.

He shouldn't have much suspicion at first, but although this guy is old, he has a lot of heart. Even if he lives in a nursing home, he still spends his days in a showy manner to attract bees and butterflies everywhere, and he likes to hook up with those women.

So it is not ruled out that someone hates him and kills him!

Su Mu recalled the information of all these people in his mind, and finally he was very sure that the murderer's target should be one of these three people!

Thinking of this, he raised his eyebrows, and Huo Di opened his eyes. It seems that the three people should be investigated in more detail.

At this time, Gu Qianqian and Ma Yingjie were still looking through the documents. They had already ruled out thirteen documents, and there were still nineteen documents to be checked.

Because Su Mu tested the two, he didn't take out the information of the three targeted suspects, but mixed with others.

At this time, Gu Qianqian happened to pick up Ling Feng's information, and Su Mu immediately looked over curiously, wanting to see how she judged it?

Gu Qianqian frowned and looked at Ling Feng's information again and again, finally shook her head and put Ling Feng's information aside, obviously she didn't think it was the murderer's target.

"Why can't this person be the target of the murderer?"

Su Mu clicked on Ling Feng's information, and asked Gu Qianqian.

"Think about it, master, this man is wandering around all day long, just like Zhang Fuquan, if the murderer does something to him, there will be a chance, there is no need to go through a lot of trouble!"

The reason for Gu Qianqian's analysis obviously imitated Su Mu's reason for analyzing Zhang Fuquan earlier.

Su Mu sighed: "You didn't realize that Zhang Fuquan likes to hang out alone, but this person likes to join in the fun and go dancing in the square."

Gu Qianqian said her reasons: "But he will always be alone when he goes out, so the murderer can kill him!"

Su Mu shook his head: "This person attracts bees and attracts butterflies. The murderer killed him, which may involve privacy issues. If the murderer directly attacked him, it would be very easy to find out and expose his privacy. Therefore, it is the best choice to premeditate to destroy the car and kill him. !"

Gu Qianqian patted his head, and then suddenly realized!

Ma Yingjie was also listening to Su Mu's analysis. He was stunned for a while, and then said pleasantly, "To analyze the reason why the client may be targeted, we also need to analyze the murderer's psychology? Master, is this the case in all investigations?"

Seeing that Ma Yingjie had an epiphany, Su Mu nodded and said with a smile, "That's basically it!"

He understood that as long as Ma Yingjie passed this level, he believed that the future of investigation would be limitless, at least it would be no problem to rely on this to make a living.

"Thank you, master!" Ma Yingjie thanked Su Mu happily after receiving Su Mu's affirmation.

Gu Qianqian looked at Ma Yingjie enviously: "You can do it!"

Su Mu said with a smile: "You guys are still growing from the police road, don't be in a hurry!"

The conversation between the three brought Wei Qing and Wei Yuanxiong in, and as soon as they entered the office, they asked Su Mu: "Su Suo, did you find anything?"

Su Mu nodded, and handed them the information of the three suspects: "These three are the most suspected suspects, we will focus on investigation!"

When Wei Yuanxiong looked at the information, the first thing that caught his eye was Zheng Yu's. He immediately shook his head and said, "This Zheng Yu should not be the target. I know his nephew, who is very rich. It is impossible to kill someone for a piece of real estate!"

Su Mu was about to explain, but Ma Yingjie interrupted and said: "Guards, it is not ruled out that Zheng Yu and his nephew have secret enmity, otherwise it is impossible for an uncle to give the real estate to an outsider instead of his nephew, no matter how rich the nephew is, it is not This is what happened!"

Wei Yuanxiong was startled, then nodded and said, "It's not impossible!"

Wei Qing looked at Ma Yingjie in surprise. After following Su Mu for less than a day, Ma Yingjie's eyesight improved a lot!

At the moment, I am also full of admiration for Su Mu's ability to train apprentices!

Chapter 199 The Reason of Fear

Everyone discussed the next step of the investigation action plan.

Because Wei Yuanxiong knew Zheng Yu's nephew, Su Mu decided to investigate him with Wei Yuanxiong and Ma Yingjie, and Li Xiangqian had Wei Qing lead someone to investigate him.

As for Ling Feng, Su Mu's suggestion is to send someone to secretly investigate and monitor. If he is targeting the target, the murderer is likely to strike again.

Everyone had no objection to this, and immediately began to split up.

Zheng Yu's original house was in the urban area of ​​Jiangbin City. Su Mu and Wei Yuanxiong decided to ask the nanny first to see if there was any clue.

On the way to find the nanny, Su Mu held a photo in his hand, which was a group photo of Zheng Yu and his wife before his death.

In the photo, Zheng Yu looks simple and honest, while his wife looks at the camera with piercing eyes.

According to the information, Zheng Yu's wife was paralyzed for several months before his death. Because of the inconvenience of life, Zheng Yu found a nanny to take care of her, but his wife passed away not long after.

After the death of his wife, Zheng Yu was sad and moved into a nursing home, leaving the house to the nanny.

The nanny is Ding Hui. She is 40 years old this year. She has a husband and no children. Her husband works part-time at the construction site, and she has been doing housekeeping for many years as a substitute for the family.

When they came to the neighborhood where the house was located, Su Mu and the others went upstairs and knocked on Zheng Yu's phone...it should be Ding Hui's house now.

"Who is it?" A woman's voice came from inside the room.

Following the questioning, the door opened, and a woman in her forties stood behind the door. The woman was thin and weak, with dry cheeks, as if she had been malnourished for many years.

"I'm sorry, we are from the Jiangbin City Police Department. We came to find out about Mr. Zheng Yu." Su Mu said politely.

"Oh? Then come in!"

The woman let Su Mu and the others go in.

After Su Mu, Wei Yuanxiong and others went in, they glanced and found that this was a house with three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, with an area of ​​over a hundred square meters.

Obviously, in Jiangbin City, where every inch of land is expensive, this house is not cheap.

There is still a group photo of Zheng Yu and the woman in front of him hanging on the wall of the house.

"I didn't expect my uncle to leave just like that. I'm going to visit him in a nursing home in two days!" The woman was obviously the nanny Ding Hui. When she mentioned Zheng Yu's death, she burst into tears.

Su Mu persuaded her a few words, but she was still in tears, obviously very sad for Zheng Yu's death.

Seeing that Ding Hui was agitated, Wei Yuanxiong asked Gu Qianqian to comfort her, and he waited for her to recover before asking questions.

But Su Mu looked at Zheng Yu's house for Ding Hui with great interest, visiting the living room, bedroom, kitchen... and even the bathroom.

After finishing reading, Ding Hui's mood slowly recovered, and Su Mu returned to the living room.

"Ms. Ding Hui, we came here today to ask Mr. Zheng Yu if he had disclosed any past relationship with anyone before his death?" Wei Yuanxiong asked directly.

If this case was really done by Zheng Yu's nephew, then Ding Hui should be aware of it.

But Ding Hui looked blank: "Isn't uncle's death an accident? How could someone harm him?"

"Oh, let's ask casually according to the procedure. You can tell me something about Mr. Zheng and his wife before they were alive, so we can find out!" Su Mu said beside him.

"I came to my uncle's house last year as a nanny. At that time, Zheng Yan... Aunt Zheng hadn't passed away, but she was already paralyzed. My job was to take care of Zheng... Aunt Zheng had three meals a day..."

As the narration finished, Ding Hui burst into tears again, claiming to be sorry for Zheng Yu, saying that he insisted on keeping him and not letting him go to the nursing home, so nothing will happen today.

Gu Qianqian comforted Ding Hui by the side.

As for Zheng Yu's nephew, according to Ding Hui's account, she knew very little about him, and the two parties only met twice.

Su Mu and Wei Yuanxiong looked at each other, seeing that they couldn't find anything about Zheng Yu, they said goodbye and left.

Before leaving the house, Su Mu suddenly took out a photo of Zheng Yu and his wife and handed it to Ding Hui: "This is Mr. Zheng's relic. You care about him most when he is alive, so I will give it to you as a souvenir!"

Unexpectedly, when Ding Hui looked at the photo, he suddenly seemed to have been shocked by an electric shock, and his expression was very unnatural, but he immediately covered it up and thanked him repeatedly.

Su Mu smiled slightly, and went downstairs with Wei Yuanxiong and others.

After getting into the car, Su Mu drove the car out of the community, and when he arrived at a remote place not far away, he suddenly stopped the car.

"What's wrong? Su Suo!" Wei Yuanxiong asked hastily.

Su Mu looked at the entrance of the community, his face was very serious, and he said in a deep voice: "There is something wrong with that nanny Ding Hui!"

Wei Yuanxiong, Ma Yingjie and Gu Qianqian were all taken aback. Ding Hui's behavior was very normal just now, and he didn't show any problem at all!

"Master, what's the problem? I think Ding Hui cried sadly over Zheng Yu's death, it doesn't look like a fake!" Gu Qianqian asked in confusion.

Wei Yuanxiong and Ma Yingjie also nodded, agreeing with Gu Qianqian's statement.

Su Mu shook his head: "I'm not saying that Zheng Yu's death has something to do with Ding Hui, but I suspect that the death of Zheng Yu's wife may have something to do with Ding Hui?"

"Ah?" Wei Yuanxiong and the three of them were stunned this time.

They came to investigate Zheng Yu's death case, how did they find out about his wife's death?And how did Su Mu discover that Ding Hui was related to the death of Zheng Yu's wife?

"Su Suo, how did you find out?" Wei Yuanxiong looked at Su Mu puzzled.

Seeing that everyone didn't understand, Su Mu could only explain: "I suspect there are several reasons. First, Ding Hui's house does not have any relics of Zheng Yu's wife. I checked it out, and there is nothing!"

"Could it be that the time is too long, so the things gradually disappeared?" Wei Yuanxiong asked immediately.

Su Mu shook his head and said: "It is impossible to completely erase all traces of a person from the house within one year unless it is done deliberately. Even if the things are gone, there should be photos as souvenirs!"

When Wei Yuanxiong and the others heard this, they were thoughtful.

"In order to prove my discovery, I specially sent the photo of Zheng Yu and his wife to Ding Hui, but Ding Hui's expression was obviously wrong after seeing the photo."

"The second point, have you noticed that when Ding Hui mentioned that Zheng Yu was calling her uncle, and when she mentioned his wife, although she immediately changed her words, I still heard her calling her name 'Zheng Yan', and the second time Although I called 'Aunt Zheng', it was very awkward!"

The three of Wei Yuanxiong were stunned for a while. They admired Su Mu's insight very much, but relying on these two points alone, it was far-fetched to explain that Ding Hui and Zheng Yu's wife's death were related.

"In fact, this only shows that Ding Hui's behavior is abnormal, and there may be many reasons for the abnormality, but so she kills..." Wei Yuanxiong obviously does not think that Ding Hui's abnormality may involve murder.

Su Mu understood the meaning of Wei Yuanxiong's words, but shook his head and said: "All the reasons for Ding Hui's abnormal behavior are because she is afraid, afraid of seeing Zheng Yu's wife's belongings."

"That's the reason why she has ghosts in her heart. Otherwise, why wouldn't she be afraid of Zheng Yu's relics?!" Su Mu looked at the three of them, "Actually, it's useless for us to argue. Let me show you a fact that she is afraid of!"

"What do you think?" Ma Yingjie and Gu Qianqian suddenly became interested, and even Wei Yuanxiong became curious.

Chapter 200 Second Sentence

The three of Wei Yuanxiong were curious about how Su Mu could prove that Ding Hui was really scared.

Su Mu said to Ma Yingjie: "Go downstairs to Ding Hui's house and see how she handles that photo, then everything will be clear!"

Ma Yingjie immediately agreed, got out of the car and returned to the community.

Su Mu and the others were waiting in the car. Not long after, they saw Ma Yingjie running back excitedly, still clutching something tightly in his hands.

"Master, your analysis is absolutely correct, that Ding Hui is really afraid of Zheng Yan's photo!"

After Ma Yingjie got into the car, he spread his hands, and everyone found that it was a crumpled photo, which was the photo of Zheng Yu and his wife that Su Mu gave Ding Hui just now.

It's just that Zheng Yan's eyes have been gouged out in the photo, and some red powder is smeared on the photo, and I don't know what it is.

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