Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 118

Wei Qing shook his head and gave a wry smile: "We just started to investigate him today. You think everyone is your Detective Su. It's normal to solve a case in a few hours. We can't do it!"

"Since this is the case, let's unite together and focus on investigating Li Xiangqian's five children, hoping to find evidence of Li Hong's murder!"

Su Mu smiled slightly.

"Master, what Brother Ding Hui found is not evidence?" Gu Qianqian asked Su Mu.

Su Mu shook his head: "Brother Ding Hui didn't see Li Hong's face and license plate. Li Hong can justify that someone else stole his car, so it's not very useful. For insurance, we still need to find other evidence!"

Chapter 204 Three Points

"Su Suo, do you have the steps of the investigation plan?" Wei Yuanxiong asked Su Mu.

Everyone looked at Su Mu for a while, and Su Mu pondered, "If this case can be solved, we need to investigate the following points. First, we need to prove that Li Hong went to the driver's house that night. As long as he is sure that he went to the driver's house, At that time, he will be speechless!"

"Second, find out how much prize Li Xiangqian won? Which lottery shop did he buy the lottery ticket from? How did he redeem the prize?"

"Li Xiangqian is over 80 years old. It is impossible to go alone to claim the prize. It is obvious that someone has coordinated to go. As long as this person is Li Hong, everything will be revealed."

"Third, check Li Hong's brothers and sisters to see if they have also received bonuses? How much? This can rule out whether Li Hong has any accomplices!"

Su Mu raised his eyebrows when he mentioned this: "If all three points prove that Li Hong is involved, then he is the murderer. The evidence will be overwhelming, and he will not be able to defend himself!"

When everyone heard this, they all admired Su Mu's clear thinking, and explained the next investigation steps of the case clearly in a short time.

The matter is exactly as Su Mu said, these Li Hongs are all involved, and he will not be able to clean up even if he jumps into the Yellow River.

Everyone got excited, Wei Qing took the initiative and said: "I'm going to investigate Li Hong's brothers and sisters. I have made preliminary contact with them before, but I didn't dig deeper!"

Su Mu nodded, turned his head and said to Wei Yuanxiong: "Guard, let's check the lottery ticket purchased by Li Xiangqian, and then go to the lottery center to check!"

Wei Yuanxiong nodded.

"Su Suo, who should we send to investigate first? I think it is very difficult to find out this point, and most people may not be able to find clues!" Wei Qing pondered.

Obviously Wei Qing wanted Su Mu to investigate whether Li Hong had been to the driver's house, which was particularly important in the subsequent arrest and interrogation.

Unexpectedly, Su Mu smiled and said: "There is no need to investigate this point!"

Everyone was taken aback, Wei Qing asked suspiciously: "Why not investigate?"

Su Mu laughed and said, "The guards called the Order Squadron and asked them to notify Li Hong to deal with the illegal capture. If Li Hong is not on guard against others, he will definitely tell the truth. We have evidence!"

When everyone heard this, Qi Qi gave Su Mu a thumbs up: "Su Suo, you are so powerful, it turns out that this step has already been calculated!"

Wei Yuanxiong said excitedly: "I'll call the Order Squadron right now and ask them to do what Su wants!"

"Okay, move on!"

Su Mu and the others immediately divided into several groups, one group escorted Ding Hui to the detention center, the second group was led by Wei Qing to check on Li Hong's brothers and sisters, and Su Mu, Wei Yuanxiong and Ma Yingjie went directly to the lottery spot .

In the car, Wei Yuanxiong told Su Mu after finishing the phone call: "The Order Squadron has already contacted Li Hong, asked him to come over to deal with the violation, and talk to him about the transcript!"

Su Mu nodded.

"Master, there are so many lottery points in Jiangbin City, where should we check first?" Ma Yingjie asked Su Mu for advice.

"Li Xiangqian is over 80 years old. He lives in a nursing home. It is impossible to travel too far to buy a lottery ticket. The winning lottery shop should be near the nursing home!"

The three of Wei Yuanxiong nodded, and immediately drove the car straight to the vicinity of the nursing home.

The vicinity of the Tianyuan Nursing Home is not very prosperous, and there are only two or three lottery shops. When Su Mu and the others finished checking one of them and came to the second one, the owner of the lottery shop said excitedly: "You really came to the right place. Daqian naively won a grand prize of 500 million!"

"Who won?" Gu Qianqian asked immediately.

"I don't know his name. I only know that his surname is Li. He often comes to my lottery shop to buy. He is about 80 years old!" The boss said directly without hiding anything.

Su Mu and Wei Yuanxiong looked at each other, and they couldn't help but lift their spirits. Li Xiangqian really won the jackpot by buying a lottery ticket, and there were still as much as 500 million!

No wonder Li Hong was so jealous that he killed people to silence him!

When they walked out of the lottery shop, everyone was extremely excited and went straight to the Jiangbin lottery center without stopping.

On the way, Wei Yuanxiong received a call from the Order Squadron, and the other end told Wei Yuanxiong excitedly: "Li Hongzhong was recruited. He admitted that he had been to the Wuchakou near the driver's house that night, but he said he was looking for a friend!"

When Wei Yuanxiong heard this, he was also very excited, as long as Li Hong admitted that he had been near the driver that night, it would be fine. As for the so-called finding friends, the Order Squadron was afraid of arousing Li Hong's suspicion, so he didn't ask further.

But if Su Mu and others were to interrogate, obviously they couldn't be fooled. The so-called friends always have names, and when the time comes to check, Li Hong will have no way to defend himself!

Everyone suppressed their excitement, and the car arrived at the lottery center at high speed.

When the lottery center heard that the police were handling the case, they were very cooperative. They immediately called up the surveillance video on the day of the prize collection to check who was there to receive the prize that day?

As the video was called up, Su Mu and the others saw that it was Li Xiangqian and a fat middle-aged man, and the time was the evening before the accident.

The people in Su Mu didn't know Li Hong, so Wei Yuanxiong immediately sent a screenshot to the Order Squadron, who quickly replied: "The fat middle-aged man is Li Hong!"

"Okay", Wei Yuanxiong slapped the table, and cursed excitedly: "Little bastard, let's see how you escape this time?!"

Previously, Su Mu proposed to investigate three points, but now two points have been clarified, and only Wei Qing and the others are left to investigate the situation of Li Hong's brothers and sisters!

As soon as everyone left the lottery center, Wei Qing called, and Wei Qing told Su Mu excitedly: "Li Hong's brothers and sisters didn't get any money, and they didn't even know that Li Xiangqian won the big prize!"


Su Mu and the others were very surprised. It turns out that money can really make a person disregard family affection, and even kill his own father for money!

Obviously that Li Hong didn't know how to fool Li Xiangqian, so that he didn't tell others that night, and then Li Hong knew that Li Xiangqian was in the car the next day.

In this way, he must have simply caused a problem with the car, causing an accident, and killing Li Xiangqian!

Everyone knew about the case, but Gu Qianqian asked, "Why didn't Li Hong directly attack Li Xiangqian?"

Su Mu replied: "Li Xiangqian just won the prize, Li Hong killed him, it will attract the attention of the police, as long as the police investigate, he will definitely reveal his secrets, and the news of Li Xiangqian's winning the prize will not be hidden for long, he can't devise other murder plans, So the idea of ​​destroying the car came up!"

Wei Yuanxiong and others nodded, agreeing with Su Mu's statement.

"Guard, please call and ask, is Li Hong still in the traffic police brigade now? If he is, we will go back and arrest him directly, so as not to run back and forth!"

Su Mu said to Wei Yuanxiong again.

Wei Yuanxiong let out a "hmm", took out his mobile phone and called both the Order Squadron and the Accident Squadron.

After hanging up the phone, Wei Yuanxiong told Su Mu: "Li Hong is in the accident squadron. He came out of the order squadron and went to the accident squadron to ask Li Xiangqian about compensation. I have already had him detained!"

"This guy really has an eye for money, he doesn't know how to live or die, and he is still thinking about the compensation!" Su Mu sneered, and immediately drove back to the traffic police brigade!

Chapter 205 Indifferent to Arrogant

Soon the car came to the gate of the accident squadron.

Seeing Wei Yuanxiong and Su Mu coming back, several police officers from the accident squadron immediately greeted them.

"How about that Li Hong?" Wei Yuanxiong asked the police officers after getting off the car.

"It's very arrogant, I don't know what to ask, refuse to cooperate, and even insult us, the attitude is extremely bad!" Several police officers were obviously angry with Li Hong, and said one after another.

Su Mu also got out of the car. When he heard Li Hong's arrogance, he couldn't help sneering, turned his head to Ma Yingjie and Gu Qianqian and said, "Go to the bank and check Li Hong's account to see if the lottery center has remitted money in the past two days." 400?"

Wei Yuanxiong nodded. After deducting 500 million tax from the 100 million lottery ticket, there are only 400 million left.

If Li Hong took the money alone, there should be 400 million in his account.

Ma Yingjie and Gu Qianqian hurriedly agreed, and the two of them drove the car out of the accident squadron and went to the bank for investigation.

Su Mu went to the office first, and before he entered, he heard someone yelling cursing inside, and the scolding was so ugly!

The faces of several policemen in the accident squadron couldn't hold back immediately, Su Mu's face darkened, and he strode in.

There was a fat middle-aged man in the office who was swearing endlessly, and the faces of the auxiliary police guards guarding him were extremely ugly.

Obviously this person is Li Hong.

Seeing Su Mu and others coming in, Li Hong rolled his eyes and said angrily, "How long will your police detain me? I will sue you, and you will be stripped of your police uniform!"

"Your name is Li Hong, right?" Su Mu asked lightly.

"It's me, what's the matter? You still want to hit me?" Li Hong was arrogant, he didn't pay attention to Su Mu at all.

"Our police don't beat people anymore." Su Mu casually dragged a chair and sat opposite Li Hong, "We enforce the law in a civilized manner, now I ask you a few questions, I hope you will cooperate with our investigation!"

Li Hong turned his nose up, spewed out two streams of white air, and said with a stubborn head, "Why should I cooperate with you?!"

Su Mu smiled slightly: "Cooperation between the police and the people, it's just a few simple questions, isn't Mr. Li afraid to answer them?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Li Hong meaningfully.

Li Hong snorted coldly: "Then ask quickly, I have something to do later, I don't have time to chat with you!"

Su Mu smiled and said, "Okay, my first question is, from eight o'clock to eleven o'clock the night before yesterday, where were you? What were you doing?"

When Li Hong heard this, his face changed slightly, but he covered it up in an instant, but he still couldn't escape Su Mu's sharp gaze, but Su Mu pretended not to see it.

"I was at home during the time the night before yesterday..." Speaking of this, Li Hong was taken aback for a moment. He remembered that he had made a record on the Order Squadron Road just now, saying that he was at the five-fork intersection.

Wouldn't it be contradictory to say that you are sleeping at home now?

Li Hong's face suddenly turned purple. He looked at Su Mu smiling at himself, and suddenly realized that all this was a trap that the police had already designed.

First let the Order Squadron check the violations and find out where you really are, then the Accident Squadron will take over and ask again.

If I said that I was sleeping at home now, the police would definitely not follow me and would not believe me.

At the same time, I understand that the police have clearly grasped my whereabouts that night by doing this, otherwise I would not have designed this trap for myself to fall into!

"You..." Li Hong blushed for a moment, and his expression was both anger at being played and fear of being discovered.

The policemen and auxiliary policemen of the accident squadron let out a sigh of relief when they saw Li Hong deflated.


Everyone secretly applauded Su Mu in their hearts, looked at Li Hong with contempt, and waited for his answer.

Like a deflated ball, Li Hong no longer had the arrogance just now, and said helplessly, "I'm at Wuchakou to see a friend."

"What friend?" Su Mu asked.

"Just ordinary friends." Li Hong was very cunning and knew that he must not say a word at this time.

"A friend who often drinks and eats together?" Su Mu asked again.

"We don't get together very often, we come out for dinner and drinks once in a while." Li Hong replied.

"What's your friend's name?" Su Mu continued to ask.

"I don't know his full name. I only know that his surname is Zhang and he lives near Wuchakou. But I didn't find him that night, so I went home!"

When Li Hong answered this, there was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, and he thought contemptuously in his heart: How can you continue to ask?

Fighting with Lao Tzu, you are too young!

There are too many people with the surname Zhang, and it is impossible to find out how many people with the surname Zhang will be near Wuchakou, so Li Hong is proud of himself for his answer.

Seeing Li Hong's proud look, Su Mu was not angry, but just smiled and said, "Where did you find? Who did you ask?"


Li Hong couldn't help being startled, and then sneered again: You want to let me show my feet by asking for details, fuck, I will fall for you?

Then he started talking nonsense: "I searched in an alley near Wuchakou, and then searched for a while on Suzuki Street... I couldn't find it, so I left!"

Everyone saw that Li Hong was very cunning, and the places he mentioned were far away from the driver's house, and they secretly scolded him for being shameless for a moment!

Su Mu still asked indifferently: "Are you sure you found these five places?"

Just now Li Hong said a total of five things, that's why Su Mu asked this question.

"Yes, I found these five places!" Li Hong thought quickly, making sure that there were no loopholes in his answer, and then admitted.

The reason why he mentioned so many places was also considering that the car stayed at Wuchakou for a while, and if there were fewer places, it would show his feet.

Su Mu nodded.

"There is only one alley near Wuchakou, called Zhangmazi Hutong. There is a gold and silver jewelry store at the entrance of the alley. There is surveillance video outside their door. There is a small supermarket on Suzuki Street, and there is also surveillance video outside the door. At the end of the street, there is our police. Sky Eye also has monitoring, as long as someone enters Suzuki Street, they will be found..."

After Su Mu finished speaking, Li Hong was completely stunned, and broke out in a cold sweat.

He didn't know that the young policeman in front of him knew that place so well. Not only did he know the name of the place, but he also knew whether there was surveillance video.

Now as long as the police check the surveillance video, I will be exposed. You must know that I did not go to any of the five places!

Seeing Li Hong's body trembling, Wei Yuanxiong and others beside him knew that Su Mu's move had hit his vital point, and they were all overjoyed at the moment.

At the same time, it is also strange why Su Mu is so familiar with Wuchakou. You must know that they have been almost together since the case happened, and there is no time to investigate the terrain of Wuchakou!

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