Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 121

Expert Xing frowned, and was staring at the interlayer of the wall in a daze. Facing Luo Ping's question, he replied after a while: "I didn't find it!"

Su Mu looked at the interlayer of the wall, and found that the wall had two layers, and there was a gap as thick as a person in the middle, and the corpse was hidden in the gap.

After looking at the wall, Su Mu suddenly asked, "Who is the owner of the house?"

When everyone heard Su Mu's question, they all looked over one after another. Among them, a middle-aged man in his 40s said with a pale face, "I am!"

Su Mu looked at the owner and asked, "What do you do for work? How long have you lived here?"

"I'm a teacher and I've bought this house for 20 years since I graduated from normal school and started working!"

The middle-aged man's face is still pale, no wonder he is afraid, who knows that there is a dead body in the room where he has lived for 20 years, no one will be afraid!

"Who is there in the family?" Su Mu comforted the middle-aged man and continued to ask.

"My wife is accompanying my son to study in Jinghai City, and I am working alone in Jiangbin City. There is no one else at home!" The middle-aged man shook his head and replied.

Su Mu observed the middle-aged man for a while, and then asked: "Do you know what the previous owner did?"

The middle-aged man thought for a while and said, "It's been too long. I seem to be working in a government department. I really can't remember what I do!"

At this moment, Director Song, the village director of Xiaowan Village next to him, said, "He works for the Jiangbin Municipal Government. I remember him. His surname is Long, and his name is Long Xinghai. He retired later and moved his family to Jinghai City!"

Su Mu nodded: "Long Xing Hai was the owner of the house, do you understand?"

Director Song couldn't help laughing wryly: "I can't remember that, I was too young at that time!"

Expert Xing saw that Su Mu repeatedly asked for the information of the previous homeowners and interrupted his train of thought. He couldn't help being a little annoyed: "What is the name of this young policeman? We checked everything you asked yesterday. Except for a few incomplete information, everything else is incomplete. There is no doubt!"

Luo Ping saw that Expert Xing didn't know Su Mu, and his attitude was not polite, so he directly called Su Mu a young policeman, clearly with contempt.

Quickly introduced: "Expert Xing, he is the deputy director of Su Musu of our Chengnan Institute. Su Institute, this is Expert Xing sent by the superior. Because the impact of this case is too bad, the superior sent Expert Xing over overnight."

No wonder I didn't know him, it turned out that he was sent by the superior.

Su Mu also saw that the other party looked down on him, so he just smiled lightly, but didn't get angry.

"You are Su Mu?" Expert Xing had obviously heard of Su Mu's name, and after hearing Luo Ping's introduction, he couldn't help being startled.

After looking Su Mu up and down for a while, he withdrew his gaze and continued to think, without being particularly polite.

After a while, he frowned, and finally shook his head, obviously not thinking, turned his head and found that Su Mu was looking at the outer wall with relish.

Expert Xing was taken aback again, and then asked, "Su all discovered?"

Su Mu didn't answer right away, but gave Luo Ping a wink, and Luo Ping immediately said to Director Song and the others knowingly: "Director Song, you go back to rest for now, and I will ask you for help if you have something to do."

Director Song immediately agreed, said a few more polite words, and then left with the owner and the others.

As soon as Director Song left, Luo Ping immediately asked: "Su Suo, there are no outsiders now, if you find something, you can tell it directly."

Only then did Su Mu say "hmm", and then said: "Actually, the murderer who built the mezzanine is easy to find!"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was shocked. They have been busy for more than ten hours, but they didn't find anything at all. Su Mu found out not long after he arrived?

"Su Suo, are you talking nonsense?" Expert Xing is quite confident in his on-site inspection technology, and he didn't find it. He didn't believe that Su Mu could find it!

This time, not only expert Xing didn't believe it, but even Luo Ping and others became suspicious.

"Su Suo, keep talking!"

Although Luo Ping was puzzled, he knew that Su Mu was not a random person. He said that the murderer was easy to find, so he must have his reasons.

Su Mu pointed to the outer layer of the wall and said: "Look carefully at the outer layer, do you find anything special?"

When everyone heard this, their eyes were all focused on the outer layer of the wall. The outer wall was made of red bricks, with white lime plastered on the outside, but smooth red bricks inside.

Because of the age, the red bricks inside have turned brown.

Everyone looked and looked, and Expert Xing also looked at it for a long time, and finally shook his head. Expert Xing said: "Su Suo, if you find out, don't be fooled. What's the difference between this wall? I think it's just built very neatly. Is there anything else besides this?"

Su Mu shook his head: "Nothing else, this wall is really no different from ordinary walls!"

"Ah?" Luo Ping and the others couldn't help being stunned.

"Ha!" Expert Xing laughed back angrily, he thought that Su Mu deliberately teased him like this because he looked down on him just now.

"Susuo, this is the scene of the case, and it is a very serious matter. If you make trouble, let Director Fang Haotian know, and you will be punished!"

Expert Xing's expression was not good, and he said solemnly.

"Su Suo." Luo Ping pulled Su Mu, which meant that he should not fight against Expert Xing. After all, he came from above. If he really wanted to report Su Mu's behavior to Fang Haotian, Fang Haotian would not be able to deal with it!

Su Mu saw that everyone misunderstood what he meant, so he said: "Maybe I didn't speak clearly, and everyone misunderstood!"

"I mean, although this wall is no different from ordinary walls, as Expert Xing said, this wall is too regular!"

"Is there a problem with the regularity of the building?" Everyone was taken aback again.

At this time, Expert Xing was suddenly moved. He stared at the outer wall and looked again and again, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"What Su said is correct, this wall is built too neatly, so there is a big problem!"

Expert Xing told everyone in a deep voice.

The others were still a little dazed, and they all looked at Su Mu and Expert Xing, hoping they could explain something.

Seeing that Expert Xing immediately understood what he meant, Su Mu smiled at him.

Expert Xing shook his head, sighed and said: "Sure enough, a hero born a young man, I feel ashamed to be inferior to Su Suo, I hope Su Suo doesn't mind what I offended just now!"

Seeing that expert Xing, who has always been arrogant and conceited, would apologize to Su Mu and admit his mistakes, everyone couldn't help being extremely surprised, and for a moment they wondered what Su Mu had discovered?

Seeing that everyone wanted to give an answer, Su Mu still didn't explain right away, but asked everyone, "Who do you think built the outer wall?"

"Of course the murderer, he built this outer wall to hide the corpse!" Luo Ping said immediately.

Su Mu then nodded: "Yes, this wall was built by the murderer, but he built it too neatly, and he is not a professional in a hurry, so he can't build such a wall!"

When everyone heard this, they all suddenly realized!

There is no problem with the wall, but there is a big problem with the person who built the wall. After Su Mu's analysis, the identity of the murderer is clearly revealed!

Chapter 211

All the people at the scene were old police officers, and under Su Mu's guidance, they all guessed the identity of the murderer immediately.

To be able to build such a wall with almost perfect specifications in a short period of time can only be experienced bricklayers, not experienced bricklayers, no one can do this.

The murderer is the owner of the house, and his identity is a bricklayer, so the investigation is too easy.

Everyone was delighted at once.

After knowing the identity of the murderer, Su Mu and Luo Ping discussed and decided to divide the troops into two groups. Expert Xing and others stayed to continue the investigation, while Su Mu and Luo Ping went to the village to see if they could find anything.

After everyone discussed properly, Luo Ping's cell phone rang.

He connected and said a few words to the other party, then hung up the phone: "The autopsy has come out. The deceased was a male in his 30s and 1.7s. He was about [-] meters five in height. The cause of death was poison!"

"Okay." Su Mu pondered: "We will visit the village, we can verify the relationship between the murderer and the victim as well as the identity of the victim at the same time."

Luo Ping nodded, and immediately followed Su Mu and others to leave the small building, and went to the village to start visiting.

Because time passed too long, and some people were demolished in the village, Su Mu and others found Director Song again and asked him to point out a few older people, hoping to find something through them.

"The oldest person in the village is Song Jiuye. He is over 80 years old this year, but he is in good spirits. He is not deaf or blind. I will take you to his house to ask!"

Director Song suggested immediately after having breakfast.

Of course, Su Mu and the others would not object, and followed Director Song to Master Song Jiu's house.

Along the way, there were ruins everywhere. Obviously, the previous demolition work had entered a stage of full swing, but because of the case, all work was temporarily stopped.

"Luo Suo, Su Suo, you have to solve the case as soon as possible, otherwise if the construction period is delayed, you don't know when it will start."

On the way, Director Song looked at the construction period stopped halfway, and said to Su Mu with a wry smile.

Su Mu and the others nodded, and they came to Song Jiuye's house with their mouths to deal with.

After entering, Director Song called out, "Is Master Jiu at home?"

Immediately, a reply came from the inner bedroom: "Changhe? Is there something wrong with coming here so early?"

Following the sound, a hale and hearty old man came out. The old man was particularly conspicuous because of his pair of eyebrows, which were as long as half of an adult's little finger.

When he saw Director Song bringing Su Mu and several policemen over, he politely gave up his seat and poured water.

"Master Jiu, you're welcome. These guys are from the police station. They came to ask you some questions. You have a good memory. Let me tell you!" Director Song went straight to the point.

Master Jiu nodded, sat down with Su Mu and the others around the Eight Immortals table, then lit the dry tobacco, and smoked it.

"Is it because of the skeleton behind the village?" Master Jiu took a few puffs of dry cigarettes, then looked at Su Mu and the others, and asked indifferently.

Su Mu hurriedly nodded and smiled, "The old man is over 80 years old, quick thinking, and still in good spirits. Yes, we did come here for that skeleton."

Master Jiu was complimented by Su Mu, and his expression became kinder.

"What do you want to know? I know I will tell you." Jiu Ye tapped the pipe on the edge of the table, then nodded.

Su Mu and Luo Ping looked at each other, and Luo Ping said: "We know that the owner of the house is a teacher now, and the last one was a cadre named Long, who is the next one? What does he do? Jiu Ye, tell us The situation of these two homeowners!"

Because according to the experience of the corpse, the time of death of the deceased was about 30 years, and the current owner has lived for 20 years, so the previous owner and the next owner are very suspicious.

"The surname Long has only lived here for five or six years. At that time, he was working in the town government and had no place to live, so he lived here temporarily. Later, he was transferred to the city government and left."

"As for the previous homeowner surnamed Long..."

When Jiuye said this, he couldn't help sighing when he recalled something, and then took a few puffs of dry cigarettes.

Su Mu and the others did not urge him, they quietly waited for his narration.

The current owner has lived for 20 years, and the one surnamed Long has lived there for five or six years, so the next owner is likely to be suspected. Coupled with the strange expression of the owner mentioned by Lord Jiu, everyone feels that there is something wrong.

"The previous owner surnamed Long was Jiang Yu. The house was left to her by her parents. This Jiang Yu's parents died when she was a child. When she grew up, someone introduced a young man from another province who came to work."

"The two talked for a while, and then the young man joined the Jiang family, but what happened later, we were all very puzzled and strange..."

"Less than a year after Jiang Yun got married, she spread everywhere that her husband had hooked up with a widow in the village. We were skeptical about this, but one night, Jiang Yu's husband and the widow disappeared at the same time."

"Immediately, Jiang Yu seemed to be going crazy. She searched everywhere, but of course there was no result. Later, Jiang Yu really became crazy. Everyone said that her husband had eloped with the widow!"

"Even in the end, he took a kitchen knife and searched door to door in the village all day long, saying that someone in the village had hidden his husband. The villagers were scared and sent him to a mental hospital through the village committee to see a doctor."

After talking about this, Lord Jiu tapped the dry pipe again: "It's been almost 30 years since then, and the villagers still can't explain this strange thing when they talk about it!"

Everyone fell silent for a while, and after a while, Su Mu asked, "Is that Jiang Yu still in the mental hospital?"

Master Jiu nodded: "A few years ago, I heard that she was still there, but in recent years, the villagers have been busy, so I haven't heard about her anymore. If she is not dead, she should be still there."

Su Mu asked again: "What is Jiang Yu's husband's last name? How tall is he? How old was he when he disappeared?"

Luo Ping knew that Su Mu wanted to confirm whether the skeleton was Jiang Yu's husband.

Master Jiu thought for a while and said, "His husband's surname is Gao, and his name is Gao Ping. He is more than 1.7 meters tall. He was not married for a long time at that time, and he should be in his 30s or [-]s."

When Su Mu heard this, he couldn't help but look at Luo Ping. The shape and age of the missing Gao Ping matched the skeleton very well!

It's just that if the skeleton is Gao Ping, didn't he elope with the widow?Why was he killed instead, and then sealed in the wall?

"Jiang Yu's parents died since she was a child, what does she do for a living?" Su Mu pondered for a while and asked.

"Although Jiang Yu is a woman, she has a big shoulder and round waist. She has been working on construction sites since she was a child, and later she also made a living as a bricklayer!" Jiu Ye replied.

"Bricklayer?" Su Mu and the others were taken aback.

If Jiang Yu was a bricklayer and the skeleton was his husband Gao Ping, the case would be clear.

Suppose Jiang Yu finds out that her husband is going to elope, she simply kills him, and then buries his body in the wall. As for all the later things, she is just acting, and she may end up in a mental hospital because she cannot bear the pressure and goes crazy.

It's just that one thing is not very clear, that is, where did the widow who eloped with Gao Ping go?Will Jiang Yu also kill him?

Chapter 212 There is a Second Corpse

Su Mu asked Jiuye, "What's the name of that widow? Did no one see her afterward?"

Master Jiu shook his head: "The widow's name is Luo Xiaohua. Ever since she eloped, she has never seen anyone alive or dead, and she has disappeared without a trace!"

Seeing that Master Jiu had nothing else to tell, Su Mu and Luo Ping bid him farewell and left.

Back in the small building, after meeting with Expert Xing and others, everyone discussed that since the corpse might be Gao Ping, the only way to find Gao Ping's relatives was to do a DNA test to see if the corpse was really Gao Ping.

At the moment, everyone was divided into three groups. Expert Xing continued to lead people to stay and mop up. The other group went to Gaoping's hometown for DNA test comparison, while Su Mu and Luo Ping decided to go to the mental hospital to see Jiang Yu.

The Fourth Hospital of Jiangbin City is also known as a mental hospital by ordinary people.

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