Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 130

"When did the match between Brother Qun and Young Master Long become so shabby? Even the Audis came." Someone taunted Su Mu in the crowd.

Su Mu pretended not to hear, and went straight to He Qun: "Brother Qun."

He Qun nodded, turned to a young man of his age and said, "Young Master Long, he is my racing driver today."

Long Shan looked Su Mu up and down, and then smiled at He Qun: "When did Boss He recruit people? How is the racing technology?"

Of course, He Qun would not tell Su Mu's real ability at this time, but said indifferently: "It's not bad, it can barely drive!"

"Barely able to drive?" A young man with his arms around a girl suddenly sneered beside Young Master Long, "Compared to him, do you think I'm bullying children?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone on Long Shao's side burst into laughter.

Su Mu glanced at the arrogant young man who was talking, and knew that this person should be his opponent tonight, and immediately retorted: "You talk a lot, do you drive with your mouth?"

Su Mu's unceremonious counterattack also made He Qun's people roar with laughter.

Seeing that Su Mu was just a fledgling kid, the arrogant young man dared to ridicule himself, and couldn't help being furious, and stepped forward to make a move.

Long Shao coughed: "Okay, don't play tricks, see the truth in the car!"

The arrogant young man gave up, glared at Su Mu fiercely, and let out a sinister laugh.

"Old rules, start from here, pass the top of the mountain, the first one to come back wins!"

Seeing that Su Mu came out for the first time, He Qun did not show any stage fright at all, and he did not lose face. He nodded to Su Mu with great satisfaction for a moment, and then explained the rules of the game.

"How much is the bet?" He Qun turned to ask Long Shao.

"1000 million!" Long Shaoma said.

"So much?" He Qun frowned slightly.

But Young Master Long said with a smile: "Last time you robbed me of a business from the old man, which caused me to lose 1000 million yuan. I have to make it up no matter what happens today!"

He Qun said coldly: "Let's talk after we win."

Su Mu heard Long Shao's words from afar, and his heart moved, but his expression remained natural.

Seeing that the competition was about to start, the people nearby began to bet one after another. Most of them bet on the arrogant young man to win, but only a few bet on sumu, and they all bet on He Qun's face.

"Get in the car." The arrogant young man walked towards the car with his arms around the girl, and when he passed in front of Su Mu, he said sarcastically: "When you come out to play around, you don't even bring a beautiful woman, it's so fucking shabby."

At this time a girl came over and said to Su Mu, "I'll accompany you."

Su Mu took a closer look, and found that it was the girl who was beaten by He Qun yesterday, but today she didn't wear heavy makeup, and her face looked purer than yesterday.

When He Qun saw the girl coming out, he was slightly taken aback, but then nodded in agreement.

Su Mu nodded to the girl to express his gratitude, and the two also got into the car.

When Su Mu's Audi car and the arrogant youth's luxury racing car were side by side, everyone looked at them and shook their heads. Can this kid win with such a car?

The contrast between the two cars is really great.

The few people who won by playing sumu just now felt a little regretful, they should have known that they would play less!

In the car, Su Mu saw that Young Master Long was triumphant through the side-view mirror, so he asked the girl who accompanied the car: "What's the origin of Young Master Long? The first shot was 1000 million, which seems to be very rich."

"He is the boss of Longteng Trading Company on the surface, but he often organizes underground racing in private." The girl replied.

"Is it so rich to organize underground races?" Su Mu asked again pretending to be curious.

"He...should have another business." The girl hesitated before saying, "What kind of business is it, you will know after you have been with Brother Qun for a long time."

Su Mu nodded and said in his heart: It seems that he is another drug lord, his status does not seem to be under any other group, and besides, where does the old man they mentioned just now exist?

Chapter 229

While Su Mu was thinking, the hustle and bustle young man next to him made the car loud, and a lot of black smoke rushed out from the exhaust pipe. Seeing Su Mu looking over, he raised his index finger.

"He seems very confident?" The girl sitting in the co-pilot asked worriedly.

Su Mu smiled slightly and said: "This guy is just a paper tiger, he has no real skills."

The girl looked at Su Mu in surprise. She had seen countless racing scenes, but she had never seen Su Mu who was so calm in racing for the first time.

At this time, a scantily dressed girl by the side of the road raised the flag, then swung it down, and the competition officially started.

After all, it was Su Mu's first time to participate in the race, and he stepped on the accelerator a little late, and the arrogant youth had already driven out first.

When Su Mu was about to speed up, he found that the arrogant young man's car was swinging non-stop. As long as Su Mu wanted to overtake, he would turn the car over and stop Su Mu's front.

Several times down, Su Mu failed to overtake because the space was too narrow.

The two cars chased each other like lightning, and they reached the top of the mountain in an instant, while the Su Mu car was still one step behind, being blocked by the arrogant young man.

After speeding down from the top of the mountain, the arrogant young man still stopped in front to prevent Su Mu from overtaking.

The girl next to him became anxious, Su Mu would have to lose if this went on, even though he was only a little behind, but losing was losing, and he would still lose money.

The girl saw it, and everyone on the mountainside saw it through the telescope. Young Master Long suddenly became happy, and turned to He Qun and said: "It seems that I will win, thank you Brother Qun for the 1000 million!"

He Qun's face was ashen. Seeing that the two cars were coming to the finish line in no time, he couldn't bear it anymore, and slammed the binoculars in his hand to the ground: "Damn it!"

Long Shao smiled and fanned the flames beside him: "This is the racing driver that Brother Qun hired with a lot of money? But that's it!"

Akun waited for the people who had placed the sumu bet to become dejected. One of the big fat men was sweating, and he kept mumbling: "You can't bet on the upset. I just lost 100. I wanted to upset the upset and make a profit." [-] million, I didn't expect it to be gone!"

Akun was annoyed by his nagging, and couldn't help asking: "Did you really bet one hundred thousand?"

The fat man wiped his sweat: "Yeah."

"Fuck", Akun couldn't help cursing, and he also gave away all of his net worth of more than 1 yuan.

Just when He Qun and others were annoyed, they suddenly found that Su Mu was about to overtake again, and at this time the distance to the finish line was extremely short, which meant that this was Su Mu's last chance. If he failed to overtake successfully, he would lose.

For a moment, everyone held their breaths and did not dare to take a breath.

"Boom", the arrogant young man also noticed the signs, he stepped on the accelerator hard, increased the speed of the car to the limit, and kept stuck in the front.

"Do it!" He Qun's face turned livid again when he saw it.

The road is narrow, and the arrogant young man blocked the car in front of him, no matter how powerful Su Mu is, he will definitely lose.

"Boom", there was another bang, this time it was from Su Mu's car, and he was in a very narrow space, suddenly the right side of the car flipped over, supported by the two left wheels, he avoided the car with a nearly gliding movement. He drove the front of the car that the arrogant young man forced over again.

When the arrogant young man reacted, the Su Mu car had already slipped past and landed firmly in front of him.

The time is very short, in the blink of an eye, Su Mu has surpassed successfully, and the time seems to be very long, the terrifying picture of Su Mu overtaking is still lingering in everyone's mind.

"He succeeded in overtaking!" The scene was silent, only the sound of the engines of the two racing cars was heard.

When Su Mu reached the finish line first, the scene was still silent. There was no cheering for those who won the bet, and no swearing for those who lost. They were all stunned.

I was stunned by Su Mu's sky-defying driving skills!

Even the arrogant young man was stunned. After the car reached the finish line, he forgot to step on the brakes and crashed straight into the guardrail.

With a "bang", the arrogant young man's car slammed into the railing hard. If the airbag hadn't popped out, he would have hit his head badly.

The sound also woke up the dazed people.

"Okay!" Akun and others ran towards Su Mu in surprise, and the fastest one was actually the big fat man. While running, he danced and shouted wildly: "100 million, my 100 million!"

After Su Mu got off the car, a dozen people including Fatty and Akun cheered and lifted him up, threw him into the air, and then all of them caught him.

The fat man hugged Su Mu and kissed the back of his head intimately: "I love you so much, little brother!"

When Su Mu touched the back of his head, he couldn't help feeling sick, and even touched the fat man's saliva.

"Get out!" Seeing that the fat man wanted to kiss the back of his head, he couldn't help but cursed with a smile, and quickly pushed him away.

"Don't get lost, I'm going to follow you!" The fat man couldn't kiss the back of Su Mu's head, so he hugged his thigh and refused to let go no matter what.

These people are crazy not just because they won money, in fact, Su Mu's driving skills against the sky just now opened their eyes. These guys love cars very much, so naturally they are also keen on driving skills.

Don’t say you’ve seen such a magical technology like Sumu, you’ve never even heard of it!

Not only Akun, Fatty and others were crazy, but even He Qun and the people beside him were ecstatic. He Qun won 1000 million in this competition. What made him ecstatic most was that there was a racing driver like Su Mu, and it would be hard for him not to get rich in the future!

"Young Master Long, where's your 1000 million?" He Qun smiled at Young Master Long.

Young Master Long's heart was bleeding at this time, and he gritted his teeth and gave He Qun a check for tens of millions.

"Young Master Long, thank you for your 1000 million!"

Repaying him in the same way, He Qun took the 1000 million check from Long Shao, smiled, and fought back in the same tone as Long Shao just now.

Long Shao's face at this time was even uglier than He Qun's face just now, not only livid, but even out of breath.

Seeing the arrogant young man who finally climbed out of the car, Long Shao ran over and kicked him: "Trash!"

Losing 1000 million in vain and being ridiculed by He Qun made Long Shao mad and vented his anger on the arrogant young man.

The arrogant young man had an unlucky look on his face. He thought he was sure of winning just now, but he never thought that the other party would use an almost impossible driving skill to turn the tables against the wind and make him completely defeated.

It seems that the underground racing circle in Jinghai City has no place of its own.

He followed Long Shao and the others and left Chuanyun Mountain in despair.

He Qun walked up to Su Mu and patted him on the shoulder: "Good boy, you did a good job."

Saying that, he nodded to a subordinate next to him, and that subordinate immediately handed Su Mu a check for 200 million.

"The 200 million is for you to take as a commission tonight, and the house I lent you, don't pay it back, I'll give it to you!" He Qun won the competition and successfully taunted Young Master Long, feeling overjoyed.

For Su Mu, a racing driver who can make money, of course he wants to win over and reward him heavily.

Su Mu was also polite, took the check and said, "Thank you, Brother Qun!"

He Qun nodded, and left Chuanyun Mountain with the others.

Su Mu turned his head and found that Akun was counting the money, and there were ten stacks of hundred-yuan bills.

"Lend me 2 yuan." Su Mu took out [-] yuan, and then gave it to the girl who accompanied him in the car.

The girl was startled, but she didn't refuse after thinking about it: "Thank you, Brother Mu!"

Chapter 230

In the middle of the night, the office building of the Jinghai City Anti-drug Detachment was brightly lit, and the corridor outside the interrogation room was full of police officers. There were occasional shouts from the interrogation room, obviously a battle of wits was going on inside the interrogation room.

After waiting for several hours, everyone became anxious.

"It's been five hours and I haven't taken it yet. This woman is amazing!" one of the policemen muttered.

During the interrogation, the head of the anti-drug detachment of Jinghai City was personally questioning, Xiao Yang helped him record, and the deputy director of Jinghai City stood beside him.

And sitting opposite them was a woman, a tall woman—Ayun!

At this time, Ayun was wearing handcuffs and his face was pale. Following the sharp questioning of the detachment leader, Ayun obviously couldn't stand it anymore, and his body trembled from time to time.

Just a few hours ago, she received a batch of goods, and during the transaction, many policemen suddenly fell from the sky, catching them by surprise.

All those involved in the transaction were caught on the spot and the goods were confiscated.

Originally, Ayun resisted the interrogation with silence, but after five hours of bombing by the police, her spirit and body were on the verge of collapse.

In the end, under the hard and soft measures of the detachment leader, Ayun finally couldn't bear it any longer, his lips moved and he said in a hoarse voice: "Can you give me a cigarette?"

Xiao Yang immediately took out the cigarette box, handed A Yun one, and helped her light it.

Ayun took a deep breath of cigarettes, and then slowly said: "I am in charge of the goods in the Dongcheng District of Jinghai City. As long as anyone in the Dongcheng District needs goods, I will provide them."

"Are you in charge of the entire Dongcheng District?" the detachment leader asked immediately.

"Yeah," Ah Yun nodded.

The detachment leader and Xiao Yang looked at each other. Based on the poison seized at the scene, they knew that Ayun was a big drug lord just as Su Mu said, but they didn't know that her status was so high that she was in charge of the entire Dongcheng District!

What a big fish!

"Who is in charge of the other urban areas?" The detachment leader pressed his excitement in his heart and asked immediately.

Ayun shook his head and said with a wry smile: "We are all doing our own thing, and we don't usually communicate at all, so I don't know who is in charge of other urban areas."

The detachment leader stared at Ayun, seeing that he was not lying, and then asked: "Who is your upline?"

"My nominal upline is a man named He Qun. He supplies all my goods, but I can see that he is just the guy behind the real upline. As for the real upline, I just know that everyone calls him old man, but this old man I have not seen."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be surprised. People with a status like Ah Yun had never seen this old man, and his background was absolutely terrifying.

"Besides purchasing from He Qun, do you have any other sources of purchase?" the detachment leader continued to ask.

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