Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 136

Su Mu raised his eyebrows, turned around and said to Zhao Qiang: "Director Zhao, immediately send someone over to investigate the footprints and fingerprints in the inner room and this door, to see if Ren Jiang has left traces or not!"

"Su Suo, what do you mean?" Zhao Qiang's eyes lit up.

Su Mu said: "As long as Ren Jiang pretends to be a security guard, he should come in and make some simple arrangements, and then go out calmly to 'point' Luo Suo, so there must be his fingerprints or footprints here."

Chapter 241 Assumptions

Zhao Qiang has cooperated with Su Mu several times, and he is very convinced of his investigative ability in the past. Although he is a little confused today, there is really no way to break the situation, so he can only listen to Su Mu.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and called the technicians of the criminal investigation brigade, asking them to quickly bring survey tools to the scene of the botanical garden.

The other side did not dare to neglect, and in less than 10 minutes, several technicians arrived.

Zhao Qiang briefly relayed Su Mu's words, and then let them enter the room to start working immediately.

After a brief assignment of work, several technicians began to work separately. Some extracted relevant fingerprints on the door, and some extracted footprints on the ground.

Because the Municipal Bureau had already obtained Ren Jiang's footprints and handprints in the past two days, several technicians made comparisons at the same time during the inspection. After a while, a technician let out a surprised "Huh" .

"Did you find anything?" Su Mu, Zhao Qiang and others immediately asked outside the door.

The technician was in charge of checking the fingerprints on the door. He nodded and said: "I found a fingerprint on the index finger. After comparing it with Ren Jiang's fingerprint, it is confirmed that it is his, and the fingerprint is relatively new. It should be left in the last two days. down."

When Zhao Qiang and the others heard this, they were all excited, another village was revealed, Su Mu's analysis and judgment was right again, Ren Jiang really entered this inner room.

As long as Ren Jiang entered the room, Su Mu's guess that he was disguised as a security guard would be valid.

Because this investigation only needs to prove that Ren Jiang has entered the duty room, so after another footprint is extracted and confirmed to be Ren Jiang's, there is no need to continue the investigation.

It is 100% true that Ren Jiang has been to the duty room.

Everyone returned to their seats again. At this time, apart from their excitement and excitement, they also had a little puzzlement and doubt.

"Su Suo, since Luo Suo was tricked by Ren Jiang into entering the botanical garden, why did he disappear in the botanical garden?"

When Shen Bugang raised this question, everyone looked at Su Mu expectantly. This was a question they were absolutely puzzled by.

"It's very simple." Su Mu said, "Luo Suo has worked in the criminal police team for a long time. Although Ren Jiang is cunning, he can only deceive him for a while, but not for a long time."

"So when Luo Suo entered the botanical garden and found no trace of Ren Jiang, he must have immediately realized that there was a problem with the security, so he must immediately return to the duty room."

"This is also the reason why Ren Jiang and Luo Suo couldn't be found in the botanical garden. They must have met again in the duty room, and then ran and chased away from the botanical garden."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, Luo Ping chased Ren Jiang out of the botanical garden, it has been two days now, the situation should be very dangerous!

When everyone thought of this, they all became worried for Luo Ping again.

However, they also understood that it was useless to worry about the two of them leaving the botanical garden, and they had to find a way to find them as soon as possible.

"Su Suo, there is another point. We entered the botanical garden with Luo Suo, but we didn't see Ren Jiang?" Someone asked again.

Su Mu nodded: "The disappearance of Ren Jiang and Luo Suo was all caused by your blind self-confidence that night. Luo Suo was deceived by Ren Jiang and chased into the botanical garden, and because you saw Luo Suo chasing into the botanical garden, you subconsciously thought that Luo Suo had found it." , so you also chased into the botanical garden."

"Actually, after Luo Suo entered the botanical garden, Ren Jiang ran back to the duty room to avoid meeting you. At this time, you all entered the botanical garden because of a wrong guess."

"It was night, and the botanical garden was full of trees again. You were all fighting on your own, and you couldn't even find each other."

"At this time, Luo Suo came to his senses and realized that there was something wrong with Ren Jiang who was pretending to be a security guard, so he came back and prepared to capture Ren Jiang."

"The next thing, everyone knows the result, and then they don't know what happened. After Luo Suo and Ren Jiang left the botanical garden, they disappeared!"

After Su Mu finished his analysis, everyone was silent again, especially the manager of the botanical garden. He had been staying with the police for the past two days. None of these people thought that the two of them had already left the botanical garden far away.

Even if the two were not found in the botanical garden later, the police only expanded the search area to the surrounding area of ​​the botanical garden. At that time, no one thought that the two were even far away from the botanical garden.

But then he changed his mind, in fact, it was useless for someone to think about this issue, because they didn't have such a tenable inference as Su Mu.

Therefore, no one dared to suggest that the two should stay away from the botanical garden, so as to devote limited manpower and material resources to other search methods.

It is precisely because of such a delay that Luo Ping is likely to be in danger now.

What the management staff of the botanical garden could think of, of course everyone at the scene thought of it, and suddenly their hearts were heavy, worrying that Luo Ping would also blame himself for not having the ability of Su Mu, otherwise the case might have ended long ago.

Zhao Qiang saw that everyone blamed themselves and worried, and immediately said in a deep voice: "It may not be too late to find out now, let's study where Luo Suo and Ren Jiang might have gone?"

He understood that it was useless to blame himself at this time, but it would affect the subsequent investigation and search.

Su Mu nodded, and immediately said: "Let's assume that what happened when Luo Suo returned to the duty room..."

Everyone immediately listened attentively to Su Mu's next analysis.

"There must have been no fight between the two in the duty room at that time, otherwise there should be traces at the scene, so when Luo Suo returned to the duty room, he must have found that Ren Jiang had escaped from the botanical garden."

"So Luo Suo followed suit. As long as we can analyze the possible direction of Ren Jiang's escape, we can proceed to the next step of the search."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Except for a main road leaving the botanical garden, there are several small roads nearby, but we have searched these small roads before, and there is no trace of grass on the small road."

Shen Bu just pondered for a while, then said.

"En", Su Mu hummed: "It was very dark that night, the speed of the two chasing and fleeing must have been very fast. If Ren Jiang fled into the alley, he would definitely leave clues because of his haste."

"Now there are no traces on all the small roads, so Ren Jiang probably escaped along the main road."

When Su Mu said this, he looked at Zhao Qiang: "Bureau Zhao, have you checked the surveillance video of the urban community?"

Zhao Qiang frowned: "Su Suo, do you suspect that Ren Jiang has returned to the urban community?"

Su Mu nodded: "Ren Jiang's family is in the urban area. He is very familiar with it and can easily escape. With his cunning character, it is not impossible to go back."

Zhao Qiang and the others shook their heads.

Su Mu raised his eyebrows: "You didn't get the surveillance video of the urban community?"

Zhao Qiang smiled wryly and said, "We searched for properties in the urban community when we expanded our search the next day, but the urban community is being remodeled, so the surveillance video has not been turned on for many days."

Su Mu frowned, the surveillance video of the urban community could not be retrieved?

This is a bit troublesome!

Chapter 242 Returning to the Urban Area

Su Mu thought for a long time, looked up at Zhao Qiang and the others and said in a deep voice: "I suspect that Luo Suo is still in the urban area, we will go there to investigate immediately."

When Zhao Qiang and the others heard this, they couldn't help being surprised.

Shen Bugang said hesitantly: "We searched the urban district more than once, but we didn't find it!"

Su Mu said with a serious face: "After Ren Jiang escaped from the botanical garden, he fled [-]% to the urban area. With Luo Suo's skill and speed, he must not be able to escape easily, so it is very likely that he will attack Luo Suo secretly by relying on his familiarity with the terrain. "

"But after the sneak attack, where might Ren Jiang hide Luo Suo? He can't escape with someone on his back."

Everyone was extremely convinced by Su Mu's deduction, but they couldn't find anything in the urban area, even the police dogs went there, but they still couldn't find it.

Now Su Mu is going to search the urban district again, will he find anything?

Seeing that everyone didn't understand his intentions, Su Mu explained: "After Luosuo was attacked, Ren Jiang could not transport it away, so he could only hide it on the spot. The reason why you didn't find it is because the place where Luosuo was hidden It can't be in the open air, but at home."

"This is impossible!"

Upon hearing Su Mu's words, Shen Bugang immediately vetoed it.

"At that time, we still had left-behind comrades in Ren Jiang's house. It is impossible for Ren Jiang to hide Luo Suo in his own house."

Su Mu shook his head and said, "Have you checked how many houses Ren Jiang owns in the urban district?"


Zhao Qiang, Shen Bugang and the others shook their heads, obviously they didn't investigate this point.

"If Ren Jiang has more than one house in the urban area, he can hide Luo Suo in other houses." Su Mu further elaborated.

Everyone was stunned, and then their eyes burst into surprise, Zhao Qiang said in a deep voice: "Su's analysis is very reasonable, we will go to the urban district to investigate immediately, as long as there is a vacant house and no one lives in it, it may be Ren Jiang's." hiding place."

Once everyone realized that Luo Ping was probably still in the urban area, they couldn't stay any longer, and stood up one after another, led by Zhao Qiang and Su Mu, and went straight to the urban area.

Residents in the community saw a large number of policemen coming again, and followed curiously to watch the fun.

Zhao Qiang and Su Mu went to the property to check the owner's situation, while the others questioned the residents of the community, hoping to find out where Ren Jiang's second house was.

In the property office, when Su Mu asked how many houses in the urban community were uninhabited, the property manager smiled wryly: "The urban community is not a new community, and many materials are incomplete. Which houses are unoccupied, this...we don’t Know."

When Zhao Qiang heard that the property was not clear, his expression sank.

Seeing that Zhao Qiang's expression was not right, the property manager immediately became uneasy.

Su Mu thought for a while, then suddenly asked: "Do you know Ren Jiang?"

The property manager nodded quickly: "The owner has been rumoring for the past few days that he is a big drug lord and you are hunting him down."

"Well," Su Mu nodded: "Show me the record of property fees paid by Ren Jiang's family!"

"Okay," the property manager immediately took out a thick registration book from the drawer, and began to search through it.

Su Mu thought his speed was too slow, so he picked it up: "What time does Ren Jiang's family live?"

"Building seven, twenty-three." The property manager said hastily.

Su Mu flipped through it quickly and found [-], but it was not he himself who paid the property fee, but a person named Qu Yan.

"Qu Yan is Ren Jiang's wife." Zhao Qiang next to him immediately explained.

Su Mu nodded, and started to read from the beginning. After a while, he suddenly stopped reading, raised his eyebrows suddenly, Zhao Qiang and others looked at it, and quickly asked: "Did you find anything?"

Su Mu pushed the information to Zhao Qiang: "The property fee of the three buildings in [-] was also paid by Qu Yan!"

Zhao Qiang and others took a look and found that the name signed on it was Qu Yan.

"Three building [-] is also Ren Jiang's home!" Everyone immediately understood.

"Let's go there right away!" Zhao Qiang yelled immediately, and rushed out of the property office first.

It's not that he's in a hurry, in fact, Luo Ping may be in more danger if he is a second late now, and he can't wait for a second.

Su Mu and others also rushed to the third building [-].

Only the property manager was left in a daze. He looked at the record book and scratched the back of his head, muttering: "This Qu Yan has paid property fees twice, I don't even remember!"

When Su Mu and his group came to the third building [-], they found that the door was closed. Su Mu didn't wait at all, just nodded to Shen Bu, and Shen Bu just took out his gun and pointed it at the lock cylinder twice.

As the door lock was unlocked, Su Mu pushed open the door and rushed in, and everyone rushed in.

This is a house with three bedrooms and one living room, and the interior decoration is very neat.

Su Mu glanced away, walked into the bedroom and stared at a wardrobe in the room, the only wardrobe in Ren Jiang's entire family could hide people.

Everyone was quiet for a while, and followed Su Mu to look at the closet. There was a gap in the closet, but they couldn't see what was going on inside. Their hearts were beating non-stop for a while.

Finally, Shen Bu just walked over, pulling the closet door slightly trembling.

"Wow", as the door was opened, a group of black shadows suddenly fell out, everyone was shocked, and when they took a closer look, they all exclaimed: "It's Luo Suo!"

What fell out of the closet was the Luo Ping they were looking for so hard, but at this time Luo Ping's eyes were closed, his face was pale, his mouth was stuffed with a towel, and his hands were tied behind his back.

"Luo Suo?" Shen Bu hastily removed the towel that blocked Luo Ping's mouth, and at the same time untied the rope that bound his hands, and then laid Luo Ping flat on the floor.

Su Mu has on-the-spot first aid skills, so he hurriedly asked people to open the windows to breathe, and at the same time checked Luo Ping's breath.

"How is it?" Zhao Qiang and the others asked hastily.

"I'm still angry, I'm fine for the time being!" Su Mu replied, and immediately untied Luo Ping's police uniform, and helped him massage his chest so that he could recover.

When Zhao Qiang and the others heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief. Zhao Qiang immediately asked someone to call the hospital for emergency services, and at the same time reported to the city bureau Fang Haotian and other leaders.

When Fang Haotian heard that Luo Ping had been found, and that his life was not in danger for the time being, Fang Haotian trembled when he was excited.

"I'll be right over!" Fang Haotian said, and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Here, Luo Ping was massaged by Su Mu, coughed suddenly after a while, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Wake up, Luo Suo is awake!" Everyone shouted in surprise.

"Luo Suo, you're fine." Su Mu said calmly to Luo.

"Ren Jiang pretended to be...cough, the security guards lied to me, and sneaked up on me again in the community..." Luo Ping explained intermittently how he was trapped here.

When everyone heard it, the facts were as Su Mu analyzed. That Ren Jiang really deceived Luo Ping by pretending to be a security guard, and then used his familiar terrain to sneak attack him in the community.

Everyone was extremely rejoiced for a moment. Fortunately, Su Mu was able to come back in time, and found this place through deduction against the sky, and thus found Luo Ping who was trapped. If it was a day later, even if Luo Ping was found, it would probably be a corpse!

Chapter 243 The Disappearing Object

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