Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 15

Lu Chenyao's expression was still cold, and she couldn't tell that she had blushed just now.

"That's the only way, Xiaomu, you sent my girl to the entrance of the alley to call!"

Grandpa Duan told Su Mu to say.

When Lu Chenyao saw the small space of the shared bicycle, she was about to refuse, but Su Mu made a U-turn and came to her.

"Don't worry, I ride very steadily." Su Mu smiled.

Lu Chenyao pursed her lips and could only sit in the back seat.

After saying goodbye to Grandpa Duan, the two headed towards the entrance of the alley.

Su Mu was not riding fast, there was a thin line of distance between them.

"Lu Chenyao, you can be considered a little rich woman now, and you actually drive a Maserati to do business?"

On the way, Su Mu saw that Lu Chenyao was silent, in order to break the embarrassment, Su Mu asked jokingly.

"The family business, my father is not in good health, I will take over now." Lu Chenyao said flatly behind him.

"Oh." Su Mu nodded.

No wonder he was able to drive a Maserati. He turned out to be a rich second generation, but he never heard of Grandpa Duan mentioning it.

The two were chatting while riding towards the entrance of the alley. When they were some distance away from the entrance of the alley, a child stepped on the pedal and rushed over suddenly.

"Be careful!" Lu Chenyao shouted hastily.

Su Mu slammed on the brakes, narrowly dodging the child.

But Lu Chenyao's breasts were tightly attached to Su Mu's back. The clothes on both sides were thin, but Su Mu felt an amazing elasticity, soft and full.


Lu Chenyao hurriedly sat up straight, and Su Mu also moved forward.

After this contact, both parties were a little embarrassed, and fell silent for a while.

Soon at the entrance of the alley, Lu Chenyao said: "Let me down, I'll take a taxi here."

Su Mu put Lu Chenyao down, and helped her hail a taxi, and after seeing her in the car, he left.

Because of sending Lu Chenyao off, the time was delayed, and Su Mu drove like lightning all the way.

When I arrived at the gate of the Chengnan Office, I had just finished punching my card with DingTalk, and it was already time for work.

There was also a fat man who arrived at the same time as him. The fat man's name was Meng Yun, who was an employee of the police station.

When Su Mu caught the murderer who killed the three girls, it was Meng Yun who handed him over to Su Mu for the first time when he came to Chengnan Office.

When Meng Yun saw that Su Mu arrived on time, he couldn't help giving a thumbs up and praised: "It's so accurate, amazing!"

Su Mu cupped his hands: "Concession and concession, you are not far behind!"

The two sides looked at each other and smiled, and stepped into the courtyard at the same time.

As soon as he entered the compound, he found that several police cars in the institute were in a state of starting.

Shen Bugang was sitting in the first police car, when he saw Su Mu, he immediately pointed to the police car behind him.

Behind him, Wu Jianhong stretched out his head in the car and shouted to Su Mu: "Xiao Su, get in the car!"

Su Mu hurried over.

Due to Xiao Yang's business trip, the trainer Shen Bugang is temporarily in charge of the work in the institute these days.

"Is there another big case? It's so exhausting!" Su Mu asked Wu Jianhong after getting into the car.

"Trouble, this case may involve firearms, now let's go to the city bureau to assemble!" Wu Jianhong replied with an ugly face.

When Su Mu heard that the case involved firearms, his expression turned cold.

Jiangbin City is not a big city, and firearms are rarely involved in general cases.

You must know that private ownership and trading of firearms is prohibited in China. Once it is involved, it will be very troublesome, and the risk factor of police officers will also increase greatly!

Su Mu didn't ask any more questions, and followed the car to leave the compound in the south of the city.

Chapter 21

Several police cars soon came to the city bureau compound. At this time, the city bureau compound was already full of police cars, all of which had their lights flashing and were in the activated state.

Fang Haotian and several leaders of the Municipal Bureau were discussing something, all of them looked grim.

The colleagues who had arrived earlier gathered together and discussed quietly.

As soon as Su Mu looked at it, he knew that today's matter was serious, otherwise the city bureau would not have mobilized so many police forces.

During this period of time, he knew quite a few people from other departments. At a glance, there were personnel from the Special Patrol Brigade, Public Security Brigade, Traffic Police Brigade, and Criminal Police Brigade.

Even the Municipal Bureau has a large number of people participating.

And the two police stations in the south and north of the city came out in groups, and almost all the personnel who could fight had arrived.

Seeing that all the personnel had arrived, Director Fang Haotian asked Political Commissar Zheng Kai to divide everyone on the scene into groups.

Su Mu, Shen Bugang, Wu Jianhong, the Special Patrol Brigade, the Public Security Brigade, and several criminal policemen were assigned to a group.

Su Mu counted them randomly, and the political commissar divided the scene into fifteen groups, each group had a dozen people, and each group had two persons in charge.

The leaders of Su Mu's group are the instructor Shen Bugang and the captain of the Special Patrol Brigade Tan Li.

"Except for the person in charge of each group, all the comrades handed over their mobile phones and other communication facilities."

Finally Zheng Kai ordered.

Everyone couldn't help being surprised, it was the first time even veteran policemen encountered such a confidentiality measure.

Although everyone knew that the operation involved firearms and the situation was serious, they did not expect the situation to be more serious than imagined.

Even the communication facilities have to be handed over.

Su Mu and the others immediately handed over their mobile phone police communication and walkie-talkies.

Zheng Kai and everyone handed over the communication facilities before revealing the target of the operation.

"According to the informant, a batch of firearms from Jinghai will be brought to Jiangbin City today. Each of you will guard a bayonet for coming to Jiangbin City. Be sure to seize these firearms!"

As soon as Zheng Kai finished speaking, everyone gasped and began to discuss immediately.

A batch of firearms were shipped to Jiangbin City?

No wonder Fang Haotian and the others, who are used to the scene, all have heavy faces. If this is used to commit crimes, the entire Jiangbin City will be in trouble.

"Now everyone go!"

Fang Haotian looked at the time and gave an order immediately.

The members of each group immediately gathered together, then boarded the car, and went straight to the bayonets guarded by them.

Su Mu, Shen Bugang, Wu Jianhong, and Tan Li, captain of the Special Patrol Brigade, were in the same car.

The two leaders exchanged views and initially drafted a plan of action.

This time, the [-] groups formed three cards from the outside and the inside, respectively on the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd roads around the city.

The place their group is in charge of is called Hongta Crossing, which is the last checkpoint for entering the urban area.

This last card is not to say that it is not important. Once the criminal gets into this last card by chance, and the group relaxes its vigilance, the criminal can easily escape.

So Shen Bugang and Tan Li didn't dare to be negligent at all. When they arrived at the location, they arranged all the team members and arranged a large number of auxiliary policemen around them, just in case of emergency.

After everything is settled, the passing vehicles will be checked one by one immediately.

The traffic police stopped the traffic, and several comrades from the Chengnan Office, the Special Patrol Brigade, and other departments were responsible for checking the vehicles.

Among them, Shen Bugang and Tan Li both carried guns, and they closely monitored everything on the scene to prevent accidents from happening.

It was mid-morning at this time, and there was a lot of traffic, but the drivers did not dare to complain when they saw a large number of policemen on the road, and cooperated with the inspection.

Time passed slowly, and at noon, there was still no discovery, and there was no news from other groups, so they must have gained nothing.

Gradually, some people said impatiently: "Is there a mistake in the information? I believe no one can escape with such a net!"

"Could the perpetrator hear the wind and run away?" Someone asked again.

"Continue to investigate, there is no retreat order, we have to continue to investigate!"

Tan Li saw a few young comrades gathered together and whispered, and immediately ordered in a deep voice.

At this moment, a dilapidated tricycle came roaring with black air.

When everyone saw it from a distance, it was a tricycle collecting garbage.

Even though he knew that the tricycle was not suspected, he still had to stop it for inspection.

There were two men on the tricycle, both dressed in shabby clothes, with black faces and thin bodies, they looked like coolies who had been running outside for many years.

The car was full of rubbish, including plastic, paper, iron, copper and other metals.

A comrade turned over and saw that the whole car was full of these things, so he waved his hand and prepared to let him go.

At this moment, Su Mu was checking another car not far away, so he glanced over here.

Seeing this, Su Mu's face changed drastically, and he rushed over quickly, at the same time Shen Bugang and Tan Li shouted: "Control the driver, there are guns in the car!"

With this shout, several policemen inspecting the tricycle were stunned for a moment, but Shen Bugang and Tan Li were both veteran policemen, so they reacted very quickly.

They unanimously drew their pistols and pointed at the two drivers respectively.

"Don't move, put your head in your hands and squat down!"

Facing Shen Bugang's order, the two drivers were startled. They looked at each other inadvertently, did not resist, and obediently knelt down with their heads in their hands.

"Check the car again!"

Tan Li shouted again to the comrades who were inspecting the tricycles just now.

Those comrades checked again carefully, but still found nothing.

This time even Shen Bugang and Tan Li were puzzled, they all looked at Su Mu who was running over.

"Officers, we are just garbage collectors, how can we hide guns, you misunderstood!"

One of the drivers smiled wryly.

"Let's go," pleaded the other driver.

But Su Mu resolutely shouted: "You can't leave!"

At this time, there were more and more drivers onlookers. Seeing that there were no guns in the car, but Su Mu refused to let him go, they all started talking.

"This tricycle is obviously garbage, why are there guns?"

"Perhaps the young police officer has misjudged his eyes, and now he is so angry that he deliberately refuses to let the car go!"

The drivers whispered to each other and pointed at Su Mu.

Tan Li and Shen Bugang were also afraid of causing chaos and letting the real criminals slip away, so they were also planning to release them.

"Xiao Su...?" Shen Bugang was about to persuade Su Mu not to mess things up for the sake of face.

At this moment, Su Mu moved. He reached out to remove the canvas paper and other garbage on the car, leaving behind metal and some plastic.

The next moment, everyone saw Su Mu's moves like the wind, continuously removing pieces of metal and related plastics from the car, and then began to piece them together on the ground.

After a while, Su Mu pieced together and assembled.

When everyone looked again, they were all shocked, and saw a submachine gun lying on the ground impressively!

"Guns, these waste products can be assembled into guns!" The driver who had said sarcastic words just now backed away in fright and shouted in horror.

When the two drivers saw something bad, they got up and wanted to run away, but the police at the scene would not allow them to escape, so they rushed forward and tightly controlled them.

After controlling the two criminals, Shen Bugang and Tan Li looked at each other, both surprised and delighted.

They were surprised that their group was the last line of defense leading to Jiangbin City. If there was no sumu, these guns would flow into Jiangbin City, and the trouble would be serious.

The tricycle came in from the outside, and the previous groups of colleagues probably didn't find the cat drowning, which allowed the criminal to come in swaggeringly.

Fortunately, Su Mu's eyes were bright, and he discovered that these waste products could be assembled into guns!

While Tan Li was overjoyed, he patted Su Mu on the shoulder, and praised excitedly: "My boy, everyone says you are amazing, and I saw you today, and you are so aware of this, it's amazing!"

Tan Li, the person in charge of this group, certainly contributed to the confiscation of these firearms, he was almost grinning from ear to ear.

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