Let you fight monsters, and you wake up Gatanjie?

Chapter 31 Preventing the appearance of Jiga Chimera

Because Chen Yu knew the weaknesses of King Shilbagon and King Goldras, the battle with the two monsters ended quickly.

In such a short period of time, it was only a few minutes before the Hippolytes appeared.

That's why when the Hippolytes appeared on the stage, they thought it was a three-on-two situation.

"Mebius, I didn't expect you to be able to escape the seal of the bronze statue!"

The Hippolyte star was not afraid of the two Ultra warriors, but stretched out his hand and shouted to Membius.

If Mebius is still a bronze statue, then using the Hippolyte capsule to seal another Ultraman would be more than enough.

After all, without the help of the second Ultraman, Ultraman trapped in the capsule is basically unable to escape from the inside.

"Hippolite, that's it!" Mebius also pointed at the Hippolyte and shouted, "Your evil deeds in this world end here!"

"Wait a minute." However, the Hippolyte star stretched out a hand and waved, "Let me correct you, I am a super Hippolyte star."

As he spoke, the Hippolyte even touched the geoduck on his face.

"I think you're a super geoduck!"

Chen Yu didn't intend to talk nonsense with the Hippolyte star. He clenched his fist and rushed towards this guy, intending to fight with him in close combat with his powerful type.

However, although the Hippolyte star is a bit arrogant, his head is still clear.

Seeing Chen Yu rushing over, he directly released a stream of purple light bullets and attacked Chen Yu.

Chen Yu had no choice but to stop and put up a barrier to resist the attack.

On the other side, Mebius had already circled behind the Hippolyte star and kicked the Hippolyte star on the back of the head.

The Hippolyte geoduck shook, turned around, and released a purple light bomb at Mebius.

Seeing this, Mebius had no choice but to dodge the light bullet attack.

Those light bombs exploded on the surrounding buildings, and seeing those buildings shattered into pieces, Membius thought of bad memories.

Chen Yu no longer used the powerful type, but switched to the silver-purple aerial type. While dodging the light bullet attack of the Hippolyte star at an extremely fast speed, he approached the Hippolyte star.

After the Hippolyte alien released the last light bomb, Chen Yu also kicked the geoduck in his face.

With a bang, the Hippolyte fell to the ground.

Chen Yu distanced himself from him, and released a blast of freezing light from his hand, exploding in the sky above the Hippolytes.

The icy mist wrapped around the Hippolyte star, gradually freezing his body.

Seeing that Chen Yu had restricted the movements of the Hippolytes, Membius was about to release a killing ray to completely eliminate them, but was suddenly stopped by Chen Yu.

Chen Yu's eyes fell on an inconspicuous corner of the ground and discovered a black figure wearing a black robe and exuding dark purple energy.

That was the clone of the Dark Shadow Mage.

The mastermind behind this guy's invasion of this world, even the Super Hippolytes, are just his subordinates.

"This guy doesn't care whether the Hippolytes die."

Chen Yu noticed this and walked to Menbius' side.

Because after the death of the Hippolytes, the resentful spirits of all the monsters and the negative energy on the earth will combine to form the extremely powerful boss-Giga Chimera!

This is the ultimate weapon of the Dark Shadow Mage to destroy the world!

"We can't let the Hippolytes die here."

When Menbius was confused, Chen Yu said to him.

"Listen to you."

Regarding Chen Yu's thoughts, Menbius nodded.

Chen Yu suddenly shouted stop, there must be a reason, after all, both of them have been thinking about how to save the world.

"follow me!"

Chen Yu said, lifting the frozen Hippolyte and flying into the sky.

Mebius followed closely and watched the ground in case anything special happened.

On the ground, people were a little confused and didn't understand why the Ultraman didn't just deal with this spaceman.

Everyone in the research institute was also a little confused, but Hiroshi Fujimiya quickly figured out one thing.

Chen Yu told him that after the death of the Hippolytes, the resentful spirits of all monsters will combine with the negative energy of this world to become an extremely powerful monster, Jiga Chimera!

With just four Ultramen, I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat this monster!

"He wants to prevent the emergence of Giga Chimera and send the Hippolytes to the universe for processing."

Looking at the sky, Fujimiya Hiroshi said.

As for the clones of the Dark Shadow Mage who were hiding in the dark corner and preparing to cast spells, they were all stunned.

He never thought that two Ultraman would choose to send the Hippolytes to outer space.

As the main core of Giga Chimera, the resentful spirits of the Hippolytes are indispensable.

Their eyes were all looking towards the sky, and all the clones of the Dark Shadow Mage were surging with energy.

For the indispensable Hippolyte resentful spirit, even if it is destroyed outside the earth, it must be summoned back!

Chen Yu and Mebius pushed the frozen Hippolytes all the way to the outside of the earth.

However, after leaving the Earth's atmosphere, Chen Yu had no intention of stopping. Instead, he gave the Hippolyte a round of freezing light to freeze and strengthen it.

"Aren't we going to finish him off here?"

Mebius asked doubtfully.

If we are worried about the impact of the death of Hippolytes on Earth, then it would be better to solve it in the universe.

However, Chen Yu shook his head and said: "No, it's too close to the earth. Since they're all out, let's just send it farther away."

"Where to send it?"

Membius asked.

"Send that."

Pointing to the center of the solar system with one hand, Chen Yu replied.

Since the resentful spirits of the Hippolytes will be combined into Giga Chimera, it will still be the middle part.

Then this guy also needs to be more cautious in his approach.

If it weren't for his own limited energy, Chen Yu would have planned to keep this guy in a frozen state, so that there would be no possibility of Jiga Chimera appearing.

Membius had no objection to the suggestion of sending the Hippolytes to the sun, and helped Chen Yu push the Hippolytes forward.

After a while, it was getting closer and closer to the sun, and the temperature was getting hotter and hotter.

Even though the Hippolytes' bodies were reinforced with ice, they began to melt.

When Chen Yu saw this, the crystal red light on his forehead flashed, transforming into a powerful form, and then shouted to Membius: "Push him towards the sun!"

Mebius nodded, and then the two of them pushed hard, sending it into a huge fireball in front.

The ice melted quickly on the Hippolyte star, and the Hippolyte star quickly regained consciousness.

When the Hippolytes saw the extremely hot fireball in front of them, they were so frightened that they quickly flew in the opposite direction.

At this moment, two rays of light hit the Hippolyte star at the same time. The powerful impact and the attraction of the sun directly sent the Hippolyte star into the sun.

There was not even a sound of explosion, and the Hippolytes were annihilated directly under the heat of the sun.

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