Lethal Impulse

Chapter 147 - , Abnormal test paper

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Chapter 147, Perverted Test Paper

Examination, for students, is a common thing, and it can even be said that examination has become an instinct for no teacher. Especially in this exam-oriented education, students can do nothing, but the exam must be.

It’s just that when the head teacher started to send out papers, we were still a little panicked. After all, the class order is now broken, and many people have not studied for a long time. Even me.

At this time, the exam was like a thunderbolt on the sunny day. Many people looked at the head teacher in horror, and his face was full of pain.

The head teacher looked at us and said with a smile: “Everyone is ready, the language test is about to begin. This test hopes that everyone will not cheat, otherwise there will be only one dead end.”

With the paper issued, we had no choice but to admit our fate. After all, we simply can’t resist.

So as everyone was whispering, the paper was issued.

When the paper was sent to our hands, it also indicated that the examination began.

In the first four classes of high school, the same scene happened there. Everyone’s face was pale, and on their faces was a look of despair.

The head teacher of the first four classes of high school is a woman with the same pale face. Her eyes looked at them, her voice slowly said: “Now the exam begins, if anyone cheats, it will be a dead end.”

So in this high-pressure situation, we can only helplessly prepare the pen and paper, and then began the exam.

Looking at the test paper I got, I took a deep breath, then picked up the pen and filled out the name and class.

It was only then that I started to write. I haven’t had an exam for a long time, and I am completely new to it. But since it is Chinese. Then the situation should not be too bad.

But just by looking at the test paper, I felt a bit stunned. Because the content in this test paper really made me stunned.

Question 1: The lost boy

A man drove to the airport to catch a flight. When he arrived at a Sancha intersection, he saw a boy crying on the ground. The man got out and asked why the boy was crying. The boy said he was lost. So the man took the little boy in the general direction he described. After driving the car for a long time, the boy said he saw his home and jumped out of the car. At this time, the man found that he had missed the flight departure time. The man was frustrated in the car, suddenly sweating in fright, and then smiled comfortably. What caused the emotional change of men?

The second question is the secret of the underground bar.

In the bar on the fifth floor underground, a young guy was sitting anxiously waiting in a chair by the bar, his eyes fixed on the time on the clock on the ceiling. Suddenly he took out his phone like he was crazy, glanced at it, and then threw the phone on the ground fiercely, then cried and shouted: Help! . . . . . . What is the reason for his series of actions?

The third question, only the princess escaped!

The prince took the princess out of the ghost castle. When he reached the exit, the devil appeared. The devil said: “White stands for an angel, and is opposed to a demon, so the princess in a white dress cannot pass through and must die here!” A dagger came out. But the prince died, and the princess escaped the ghost castle. Why?

The fourth question, died of heart disease

The gardener and his girlfriend are talking about a recent abnormal body-breaking case, and talking about it. The gardener ’s girlfriend said, “Let ’s talk about something else, such as the flowers you raise! By the way, you Can I visit the flowers in my back garden? “The gardener said that the flowers had not yet been bloomed. Let’s visit when the flowers bloom. The girlfriend nodded and agreed. In the evening, the gardener’s girlfriend secretly entered the gardener’s garden. After a week of visiting, she died of a heart attack. What kind of shock did she get to cause heart disease?

The fifth question, green clothes

A veteran who had just retired from the army got up in bed one night and found that his wife was not sleeping next to him, the pillow fell on the wooden floor, and then he was suspicious when he walked into the toilet and found a small green dress on the toilet. Scared to death. May I ask why.

Looking at the questions in front of me, I frowned, because these questions were so incredible, it was not like a Chinese exam at all. It’s like a detective solving a puzzle.

Thinking of this, I thought about it, and then immediately prepared to write down.

Although the question in front of me is very strange, but I can answer it. It’s just that each answer to these questions is weird. For example, in the third question, the reason why the princess escaped, according to my guess, was that the princess killed the prince. The prince’s blood turned the princess’ white skirt into red, so the princess left the ghost castle.

But that being said, these questions are still too difficult. Not only that, the contents inside are very distorted one by one. Especially the answer is cruelly outrageous.

Looking at the problem in front of me, I fell into contemplation, while the others, with a bitter complexion on their faces, thought hard, looking for the answer to the problem.

Unconsciously, half an hour later, I have finished writing this paper. It can be said that every question here has been answered by me. I checked carefully and confirmed that there was no problem.

So even after passing by, I was relieved to think of this, and then picked up the paper, ready to hand it over.

However, at this moment, my brain started to change and suddenly changed my face. I lowered my head and continued to look at the test paper in front of me, then a strange thought suddenly appeared in my mind.

Thinking of this, I quickly picked up the pen and made a weird move. I directly crossed out all the topics I wrote. Then a strange idea came to my mind.

That is, the test paper in front of me, I seem to have met, it seems that I have seen.

Thinking of this, I thought hard and meditation. After a while, I nodded, then summoned the courage, picked up the test paper, and came directly to the head teacher.

“I’m done.” I looked at the head teacher and said.

“So fast?” The head teacher asked in surprise.

“Yes, it will be soon.” I gave her a cold look and gave her the test paper.

After she got the test paper, she was surprised, “How did you cross out the answers?”

“Because I have found the right answer.” I sneered and looked at the head teacher.

The head teacher didn’t say a word, but looked at me silently, and she said after a while: “It seems that you are very smart, and I discovered it at once.”

“Okay, you should judge.” I looked at the head teacher, a sneer in the corner of my mouth.

“Okay, as you wish.” The head teacher finished, and then took my paper and began to judge.

Soon she put down the red pen in her hand and then smiled at me: “Congratulations Zhang Fan, you got a full score.”

Her words caused a lot of uproar, and everyone’s face showed an envious look. And some people who couldn’t answer a question looked at me anxiously.

Looking at their looks, I nodded indifferently, then picked up the test paper and said: “I didn’t do a question, I got a full score. This feels really good.”

As soon as my words fell, the class teacher’s face changed greatly. She looked at me and said fiercely: “You are deliberately venting the answer!”

“Are you there? I just sighed and didn’t do anything.” I smiled slightly and then turned back to my seat.

Seeing me hand in a white paper, I still got full marks. Many people hesitated and went up. Then they also got full marks, and many people cheered. Some people even looked surprised.

Along with more and more people are turning in vain, after getting full marks. Finally a man appeared.

This man is the only school bully in our class. When he handed in the test paper, the class teacher waved coldly, and then said: “I can’t think you got a zero point. It is a pity that you did not pass.”

“How is it possible? I have answered all these questions. Some questions are even more impeccable.” The school bull roared, his face full of unwillingness.

Who knows the class teacher waved his hand disdainfully, and then said: “You do n’t have to talk nonsense, I say you fail, you will fail. After this exam, you will die.”

“No, it’s impossible.” Xueba shook his head, his face full of disbelief.

And just then, everyone handed in the papers one by one. All of them are full marks.

This time Xueba was completely embarrassed, he thought of something, and then suddenly laughed at himself: “Oh, I’m really smart but I was mistaken. I knew I would just turn it in vain.”

But at this time he regretted that it was too late. After the last student handed in the white papers and got full marks. As the only unsuccessful schoolmaster, he was trembling, and in his mouth, he kept vomiting blood.

“I’m not reconciled, I’m not reconciled. Why is this the case?” Xueba shook his head and endured the severe pain in his body, looking at me and shouting, “Zhang Fan, you tell me, this is what why?”

I looked at the Xueba in the distance and sighed quietly. Then I said, “At the beginning, I answered all the questions correctly like you. Just when I was about to hand in the paper, I suddenly thought of these questions. Have seen it before. “

“Have you ever seen it?” Xueba looked at me, his expression unbelievable.

“Yes, I have seen it before.” I looked at Xueba and explained gently: “Once my father gave me a question similar to this, I answered it all. But he told me that these exercises are anti- Coming here. “

“Reverse exercises?” Xueba suddenly understood what was on his face, mocking himself.

“Yes, these exercises test a person’s psychological abnormality. The more abnormal a person’s heart is, the more times he answers the question correctly. On the contrary, if a person is mentally normal, then he doesn’t know the answer at all.”

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