Lethal Impulse

Chapter 1878 - , Black virus

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Chapter 1878, Black Virus

“It would be better without these black monsters. We saw them devour countless people.” Quan Weicai said with a lingering fear.

“It’s a weird thing, even I can’t deal with it.” I nodded, then looked at them and said, “Take out your game, let’s play together.”

“Well.” Quan Weicai took out the video game console excitedly, and then the few of us played for a while.

In the afternoon, I walked out of the house, and Li Taiyi behind me said, “What did you notice?”

“The memory of the two of them was modified by someone. I don’t know who did it.” I shook my head.

“With your strength, if you forcibly break the memory of the two of them, you can easily get what you want to know.” Li Taiyi said.

“But it will irreversibly damage your brain. I won’t do this kind of thing.” I said bitterly.

“When was the celestial priest who once regarded all living beings as ants, when was he so tender-hearted?” Li Taiyi looked at me mockingly.

“Maybe from the moment I became a human being.” I looked at the sky and said.

“Let’s go look elsewhere. Maybe there will be gains.” Li Taiyi said.

So after an hour, Li Taiyi and I started with Quan Wei, and even Quan Weiying followed.

We walked in this city as if traveling.

Quan Weicai was still cautious. He looked at us, and then pointed to the surrounding buildings one by one, telling me the past.

“This used to be the best bakery in this street, and my father often bought it back.”

“And this is the bookstore that was looted by us. The shopkeeper inside is very fierce. If we do n’t buy it, he will drive us out. But then he was gone.

“There is also this hot pot restaurant, it also disappeared.”

Listening to his words, my expression was indifferent, but only with emotion in my heart. After such a long time, there are still a few people beside me. No one can predict.

Quan Weiying rarely came out. He looked a little strange, but he was also excited.

It was then that Quan Wei pointed to a place and said, “There is a scavenger there. I saw him a few months ago. Let’s go find him.”

“Well.” I took them both and walked along.

The black monsters around couldn’t get close to me, so they were bombarded into countless small pieces. Although they didn’t die, they also lost their threats. But these black monsters don’t seem to know what the fear is.

I couldn’t deter them at all, which surprised me a little. After coming to a place, Quan Wei hurriedly shouted: “Hey, come out quickly, we are saved.”

However, no matter how he shouted, no sound came. I walked over, and the wall had already passed through.

When I reached the room, I found a ragged man lying dead in bed for a long time. And his suicide note is still written on the wall. It seems that he should have committed suicide in this desperate situation.

In this city, although supplies are abundant, it is necessary to avoid the attacks of black monsters. And most of the food rots with time, resulting in less and less food.

In short, facing this situation, the man finally chose to commit suicide.

I shook my head and looked at the wall where the man’s life was recorded.

This man was born in an ordinary family and found a programmer job. He couldn’t find his wife until she was thirty. Later, when blind date, suffered a catastrophe. Was transferred to Luo Shengmen’s world.

In this world, the status of programmers has become very high. Because in this world, materials are developed, and various procedures are required.

At this time, the man also found a woman who could be with him for life. It can be said that he was blessed by misfortune and was extremely happy.

But disaster soon came. A catastrophe caused countless people to die. It was a terrible plague. The plague infected countless people. At that time, no one could believe it, because no one knew whether the people around them were infected with the plague.

In the plague, everyone became insane, regardless of the enemy. In this madness, countless people died.

The man and his wife survived. They supported each other and survived this period of difficulty.

The result was that it was hard work, but then something terrible happened. But the specific man can’t remember. He only knew that he almost died in this disaster.

And then, the emergence of black monsters. The black monster ran rampant on the street, devouring everything around it frantically. The man watched his wife, who was dependent on him, so he was swallowed by the black monster.

He was almost crazy, but he was helpless. In this way, he lived a long time in a muddle. Until recently, when the food was exhausted, he had become extremely crazy.

At this time he desperately chose to commit suicide, but he did not commit suicide so easily. The last paragraph was written on the wall.

“I recorded everything in the diary. If someone can see this diary, maybe they can find a way to deal with the black monster.”

I rushed over quickly and got the diary next to the body.

When I opened the diary, the contents inside changed my face.

At the beginning of this diary, they were all trivial things, and there was no big deal. Otherwise it is the distress of love.

But later, it was recorded that it was something very strange.

But in the back, it is some analysis of men. As a programmer, men have a very rigorous character. After investigation, he got a lot of information about the black monster.

“These black monsters are definitely not creatures. They are not ghosts or other creatures. I can definitely think of it.”

“I’ve tested that these black monsters have no facial features and no auditory vision. The reason they can feel the prey. It depends on a special ability.”

“These black monsters will eat people but will never be satisfied. I saw a black monster that devoured tens of thousands of people, and it did not have any satisfaction. It was still eating, and its body did not swell.”

“These black monsters will continue to split, and the number will increase. But they do not have their own reason. What really drives them should be the procedures in their bodies.”

“Yes, I found out that these black monsters are a kind of virus program, they will continue to copy and spread, but they are not self-conscious. They are things controlled by people.”

The diary stopped here, but see the above analysis. I nodded. There is no doubt that this man is really powerful, he has vaguely known some truth.

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