Lethal Impulse

Chapter 1965 - , Giant clan

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Chapter 1959, The Giants

Looking at her leaving back, I sighed, then came down from the tree, then reached out, picked up the tray, looked at the elaborate food inside, and sighed softly: “Don’t you understand? Words, love is meaningless, and what I am after is the supreme avenue. “

After I finished speaking, I threw the tray out, and my eyes returned to ruthlessness.

And the chaos in my hands trembling at this moment, it seemed to want to get rid of my control. I sneered, and then said, “It’s up to you to want to influence me. It’s ridiculous.”

I didn’t sleep all night, and after waking up the next day, I saw Sha Yiyao coming out of the tent. Red eyes, it seems to have cried.

It’s just that her attitude towards me is more respectful, but more and more indifferent.

In this forest, we continue to move forward. The entire forest seems to be endless, and it will never end.

There are other races besides us here, just in this crisis-ridden place. Everyone is indifferent to each other. Will not be easily affected.

All kinds of weird plants were everywhere along the way. At this moment, a group of monsters suddenly rushed over. These monsters are all living people, but their eyes are dull. There were dense vines wrapped around them, driving them to move.

This is a group of walking dead, they are terrible. It is also very powerful.

I smiled indifferently, proudly holding the cold chaos. The icy chaotic **** trembles, and the ancient magic pattern on the **** sword is covered with dead bones, covered by dark clouds. Like the end of the world.

The sword body shivered slightly, as if expecting a killing. And I quietly evoked a cruel smile,

These walking dead rushed towards me one by one, they were numb and crazy.

I held the chaotic **** and faced the coming monsters lightly, with a taunting flicker from my eyes. Then raised the giant sword coldly, and the ruthless giant sword waved past.

A huge slash, accompanied by a roaring light, pierced the void and bombarded it. The light spread out, and the monsters in front of me seemed to have reduced a lot.

The horrible light runs through the past, all the dead bodies are bombarded, and I look at everything indifferently. The cold chaos in his hand sucked blood greedily. Blood flows into the ground and is absorbed by the chaos.

Sure enough, it was a bloodthirsty magic sword that beheaded these people, and the ferocity of the chaotic **** was completely inspired. I was frowned slightly by the induction, and I felt the terrifying power of the bloodthirsty magic sword.

But none of this will affect me. Even if the magic sword is crazy, my eyes will remain calm.

Countless monsters poured over me, and the number was so dense that it was impossible to imagine.

“Do you still hold the ridiculous saying that there are more people than power? Then you are really ridiculous.” I said easily, the **** of chaos was lifted by me, and the blood of terror condensed on it.

The bloodthirsty magic sword was swept coldly by me, and the horror energy of the past hit the void, as if the surrounding shivered. A few huge hurricanes screamed and waved from the ground,

Chaos waved the storms of the past, and the power of terror overshadowed the stars. In the storm, countless people were rolled up, horrifying tearing energy, constantly tearing the humanoid monster in front of them.

The vines were all crushed in the storm, and the more fragile body was crushed by the horrible hurricane in the wailing.

Everyone was entrusted higher, the terrible hurricane strangled everything, and I looked at everything indifferently. There is no mercy in the eyes, and naturally there is a price to pay for doing things. This is the consciousness that must be achieved.

Thirty seconds later, countless broken bodies were scattered on the ground, and the vines were scattered all over the ground.

Looking at the empty venue, I disdain sneered. Although a lot of time was wasted, it seems that everything is worth it.

Continue to walk by, because of this massacre, we have been smooth all the way. It was only soon that we encountered even more terrifying creatures.

In the middle of a forest, my figure flickered, and the **** sword slashed in my hands, waving a large piece of red awn. The huge range of attacks, in front of me are tall giants, they are the most terrible creatures I encountered.

The cursed magic sword was constantly flowing with blood, and the blood of horror was slashed down. My body standing proudly standing in the same place, waving a blood awn in my hand, almost blocked the route of all the giants around me.

The immense power only needs to be gently waved in the past, which can cause frightening power, and these are almost insignificant things for me now.

Is this the feeling of having power? My eyes flashed with joy, the cold magic sword swelled in my hands with bloodthirsty light, and the idea of ​​killing continued to rise in my heart.

But I have long been familiar with it quietly suppressed this idea, because I understand that if you succumb to this force, the price will be terrible. Desire is unsatisfiable, and the magic sword is just such a cursed thing.

Human beings as the strongest creatures are derived from their desire to be stronger than any creatures. Since ancient times, such demon soldiers have appeared in every era, and they have inherited the human bloodthirsty desire. It also has terrible power.

But everyone who obtains it will be cursed, defeated by the infinite desires attached to it and become its slave. Then continue to kill, and then kill, until killed, or perish.

Just then a huge gold giant rushed over.

Holding the magic sword in my hand, I coldly looked at the huge figure gradually running towards me, murmured with a fanatic tone: “Let me see, your true power!”

In front of me, a giant with huge gold roared and thought he was coming.

This is a huge giant, a dozen-meter-long behemoth, gold-colored skin gleaming, a huge backstab on the back that looks extraordinarily rugged, but a bloated body with incompatible motivation.

The huge double fists were shocked, and the ground seemed to tremble slightly. Under its double fists, huge red stones were embedded in the fists. It is particularly shocking. It is conceivable how powerful it is to wave the past.

I indifferently despise the huge creature in front of me, the bloodthirsty magic sword in my hands whispered, and me surrounded by blood like an ancient demon god!

“Go to death,” I waved a huge giant sword, slashing unkindly, pierced the **** light of the void, and exploded with a horrible **** man, swept across the golden giant in the distance!

Through the **** rays of light, the air was severely pierced, as if it cut off the air. The blood was heavily printed on its large body.

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