Lethal Impulse

Chapter 33 - , The nightmare is over

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Chapter 33, the nightmare is over

In the classroom quietly, everyone held their breath and looked at them, waiting for Han Ziyu to appear at any time.

Among us, Han Ziyu’s grandmother looked around, and the voice kept shouting: “Waer, are you here?”

With her words, we obviously felt that it was a lot colder around. The entire classroom was dark. In the darkness, everyone saw a figure slowly walking into the classroom.

“It’s Han Ziyu.” Li Yutian looked at the figure in the distance and shouted suddenly. Instead of opening his mouth, everyone has actually seen it.

Han Ziyu, the expensive man who dominated our class appeared like a king again in front of us. Nearly everyone’s face, the expression of fear appeared. After all, we have to face, but the gatekeeper of the capital.

In just two weeks, the gatekeepers of the mansion, like the emperor, ordered us to kill us cruelly, and died because of it. So far, there have been more than seven. This shows how terrible it is.

When Han Ziyu walked in, Han Ziyu’s mother and her grandmother immediately saw her.

Han Ziyu’s mother looked at Han Ziyu, her voice excited: “Is it you? My daughter.”

Han Ziyu didn’t answer. She raised her eyes and looked at us with a hoarse voice: “You will pay for it.”

“This sentence should be for me.” Li Yutian yelled, and then the lights of the whole class were turned on instantly, and the dazzling lights shone throughout the classroom for a while. But what surprised us was that she didn’t feel any discomfort under the lights, her eyes looked at us, her eyes cold and indifferent.

“It seems that light is useless to her, no wonder she can act during the day.” I exclaimed. Han Ziyu was certainly not an ordinary ghost. Under such dazzling lights, she was not affected at all.

“Han Ziyu, your loved ones are in our hands. Now you have only one option, that is, to commit suicide in front of us.” Li Yutian put the dagger on Han Ziyu’s mother’s neck, a sneer on his face.

However, in the face of Li Yutian’s threat, Han Ziyu was unmoved. She looked at us with a godless face, her voice coldly said: “You don’t understand at all, what a stupid decision you made.”

“Less nonsense, I only know that as long as you kill you, then everything is over.” Li Yutian looked at her and yelled, and then took the Zhumo Cone in his hand and stabbed directly towards Han Ziyu.

Facing the fierce Li Yutian, even Han Ziyu had to retreat. But she had witnessed the power of the magic cone, and she was seriously injured by just one attack. Until now I can clearly see that Han Ziyu still has black blood flowing on his body.

Seeing this, I couldn’t bear it. But looking at Mo Qingyu around me, I still made up my mind secretly to protect her at all costs.

Han Ziyu stepped back, seeing that she was leaving the classroom. At this time, Li Yutian rushed forward, and the magic cone in his hand was going to stab her directly. However, at this moment, Han Ziyu suddenly smiled coldly, and then directly extended his hand, even grabbed Li Yutian’s arm.

Li Yutian was shocked suddenly, and then struggled desperately, but his strength was insignificant compared to Han Ziyu. In just a moment, Han Ziyu grabbed his arm, and then sneered slightly, tearing Li Yutian’s arm away.

Li Yutian’s arm just left his body like this, he screamed suddenly, and then fell to the ground in tears, crying desperately.

Han Ziyu looked at him with a sneer, and then stepped on it directly. When her foot fell, Li Yutian screamed again, and then fell to the ground without moving. The magic cone in his hand fell on the ground like this.

Seeing this, we were suddenly shocked, and we never thought that things would become like this. As our main force, Li Yutian died like this in Han Ziyu’s hands.

When Han Ziyu killed Li Yutian, her eyes smiled coldly, and then looked at us. The voice was hoarse: “It’s your turn now.”

After she said, she rushed towards us, and the whole classroom screamed one after another for a while, and everyone fled in panic. In order to avoid Han Ziyu’s attack. However, Han Ziyu’s power is too great.

When she rushed to a boy, the boy screamed and struggled desperately. There was fear in his eyes.

Han Ziyu didn’t give him time. She threw it over, biting on the boy’s neck, and then biting desperately. The sound of a torn neck for a time, echoed in the classroom with screams. Turn the entire classroom into a **** on earth.

In the threat of life and death, everyone who had been united, madly escaped from the classroom one by one, and only a few people stayed. They chose to fight Han Ziyu.

This group includes me, and we all hold something in our hands.

These are black dog blood, rooster blood, and realgar. These are things that have been passed down from ancient times. We are already ready.

I lifted a bucket of liquid mixed with black dog blood and fell directly on Han Ziyu.

However, what surprised me is that these things have no effect on Han Ziyu. Her head turned around, and a radiant smile appeared on her face: “Do you think these are useful to me?”

After I finished speaking, my body was hit hard by her, my body flew out directly, and then hit the wall of the classroom, did not stand up for a long time.

“Waer, are you?” At this moment, Han Ziyu’s grandmother looked at Han Ziyu and her voice called.

Along with her call, the original killing ring in the classroom, almost crazy Han Ziyu, but suddenly turned her head, her eyes suddenly softened a lot, and then came to her, the voice murmured: “It is me, I came back.”

“Wa’er, you are back.” The old man shivered and stroked her face, but suddenly said: “How did you become like this.”

“This is also something that can’t be helped.” Han Ziyu sighed, then turned her head and looked at the mother next to her. “Take her out of here, this is not where she should come.”

Han Ziyu’s mother nodded, then turned and dragged the old man and disappeared into the classroom. At this time, Han Ziyu once again exposed her fiercely. Her eyes looked at the remaining people in the classroom, her voice coldly said: “You all have to die.”

“Wait a minute, Han Ziyu, I want to know, are you the gatekeeper of the prefecture?” I gritted my teeth and stood up.

“You say me? Of course I am the gatekeeper of the prefecture. All your orders are from me.” Han Ziyu suddenly sneered and looked at us and said.

“It really is you, but why? We didn’t provoke you?” I couldn’t help asking.

“So what? Seeing you guys kissing me in the classroom, I am very happy. I’m very upset.” Han Ziyu looked at us, his voice coldly said: “Why can you be so happy, but I want Living in pain. So I also want to see you despair, watching you kill each other. “

“Just that?” I started shaking.

“Not bad.” Han Ziyu finished, she seemed unwilling to talk nonsense, she rushed directly to a boy, then grabbed his neck, lifted his body, and then in the desperate eyes of the boy, Han Ziyu twisted Broken his neck.

Since then, Han Ziyu has shot again, and every time a person dies, I suddenly understand when I see here. You must find a way, otherwise Han Ziyu will really kill us all.

But how do we fight ghosts? Just by hitting her, I was paralyzed as if hit by a truck.

But soon my eyes were on the magic cone on the ground. I suddenly came up with a way. While talking to Han Ziyu, I was moving towards the magic cone, and soon I stepped on the magic cone. Above.

But at this moment, Han Ziyu caught Mo Qingyu. She looked at me with a sneer on her eyes, her voice coldly said: “Since you choose to betrayal, then you have to pay a price.”

“Don’t!” I shouted violently, but at this moment, it was already too late, Mo Qingyu was caught in the neck and could not breathe. Her face turned blue, and she seemed to be dying.

At this moment of despair, I stood up violently, then grabbed the Zhumo Cone directly, and rushed towards Han Ziyu.

Han Ziyu sneered, and was about to grab my arm, but at that moment, I yelled, and then held Zhuzhu Cone with both hands, exhausted all my strength, and slammed past.

The tremendous power made Zhumo Cone directly penetrate the Han Ziyu’s Tianling cover. She screamed, put Mo Qingyu in her hand, and then her body desperately retreated.

Mo Qingyu coughed desperately after falling to the ground.

But then I held the Zhumo Cone and came to Han Ziyu.

I looked at her coldly, and the voice hated: “As long as you are killed, everything is over.”

“You will regret it.” Han Ziyu fell to the ground and shouted desperately.

However, at this time, I had not given her time. I directly grasped the Zhumo Cone and directly penetrated her head. This time Han Ziyu’s body shook violently and then stopped moving.

I held the Zhumo cone and looked at Han Ziyu’s body, breathing heavily.

After a while, I turned around and hugged Mo Qingyu.

Mo Qingyu let me hug her, her eyes looked at me with a soft voice: “Han Ziyu is dead?”

“Dead.” I said.

“So everything is over,” Mo Qingyu said.

“Yes, everything is over, we are safe.” I said looking at her tenderly, and then looked at the body that was disappearing next to me. I smiled slightly.

The nightmare shrouded in the class was finally over, and we escaped from this nightmare.

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