Let’s Make a Pact, Lord Fox Spirit

Chapter 1 - Late mysterious teenager

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The white clothes stained with blood were put on the man’s body, like the plum blossoms on the rice paper, he once again blocked the opponent’s claws with his sword in a beautiful gesture.

He could not tell clearly which of his blood was companion, which was his, and which was the enemy. He had been fighting for too long.

This is the longest night he has spent in four hundred years. This night he experienced too many life and death. He was tired and his consciousness was gradually blurred. His wife was lying not far away. He wanted to lie beside her immediately, but before that, he had to end the battle.

He was not sure about the enemy who had seriously injured his father before him, but he knew he had no way out.

He finally seized the opportunity and cut off the machete-like nails on the left claw of the enemy, and then a sword pierced his chest. The monster wearing the cyan tiger’s head mask did not break away, but took his sword through his body a few steps forward, and then inserted his other claw into the artery on his shoulder.

The sun melted the morning mist and water vapor together, this is the usual morning in the small city of Yongchuan. Xia Qiu tossed in and out for a while, finally determined to get up.

Today is the day when she went to high school to report, but she didn’t expect much, because she knew clearly that in this little Yongchuan, most of the high school students are still those in junior high school. To her, the sixteen years of living here seem to be no different every day. The streets are still not very wide, and the houses are still ancient buildings with blue bricks and white tiles.

But even so, she still loves it deeply. It is peaceful and picturesque. It faces mountains in the east and dense forests in the west. It is always full of imagination that is isolated from the noisy civilized world, maybe because of this, There are so many ancient legends here that she may never hear.

Although I do not know how many of those legends are true, and how many are made up by adults to coax children, Xia Qiu is deeply fascinated. Especially about the legend of the road leading to the demon world hidden in the forest of Yongchuan, she is never tired of listening. Humans who lost their way in the forest strayed into the realm of demon and saw the fantastic beauty that they had never seen in this life, but they were also lost to the soul.

It is because of that legend that she fell in love with Yongchuan Forest from childhood and would go there as soon as she was free. Unfortunately, the road leading to the demon world was never found by her, but she encountered unprecedented danger.

It was an evening when she was six years old. On that day, she was sitting still by Yinyue Lake in the Yongchuan Forest as before, and suddenly heard the commotion in the bushes behind her. She dared to run forward to find out, and saw that six or seven black foxes were besieging a small silver-white fox in the open space behind the bushes.

The little fox has extraordinary beauty, every hair is like velvet of sterling silver, its right front paw has been injured, the wound is bleeding, and it is stepping back step by step until it reaches a big tree. There was no way back, there was a trace of despair in the blue-grey pupil of the little fox.

Seeing that the black foxes were about to launch another attack on it, the six-year-old Xia Qiu did not know the courage to come from, perhaps from the moment he saw his eyes, let her decide to protect it!

She grabbed a tree stick on the ground and rushed up, blocking the front of the little fox and waving at the black foxes. To be honest, she was too scared, her hands were waving, but her legs were shaking. To her, this group of beasts looks more terrifying than the legendary monster.

Green cold light burst from the eyes of the black foxes, and the leading black fox tentatively pounced on her, and she unconsciously lifted the tree stick in her hand. This time it was hitting the black fox’s head. It screamed and fell to the side. The other black foxes slowly stepped back a few steps, then howled and turned away.

Although the fox hurt by her was still unwilling, but after angrily staring at her for a few seconds, she saw that she was still holding on to the tree stick and did not flinch. Shadow trail.

Xia Qiu slowly put down his small shoulders that were raised in fear, and fell down on the ground with relief, before returning to see the silvery white fox hurt behind him. Its tiny body curled up, trembling, licking the wound on his front paw from time to time. When she tentatively reached for it with her little hand, although it was a little vigilant but did not resist, she stroked a few times on top of her head, and then took off the hair band on her head to bandage the wound for it. At this time, the little fox had completely relaxed his vigilance, and the weak one fell asleep in her appeasement.

Xia Qiu could not leave it there anyway, so he ran home and carried it. In front of her yard, she deliberately bypassed the grandfather who was repairing the courtyard fence, rushed into her room as soon as she entered the door, put the little fox on the bed, and then hurried into the front hall. Looking for the medicine cabinet on the cupboard, and then holding the medicine cabinet to fold back to his room, while recalling the step of my grandmother bandaging himself every time he was injured, while carefully untiring the hair band that temporarily tied it to the wound, and seriously handling the little fox wound.

After finishing the wound for the little fox, Xia Qiu couldn’t help but look at it. How could there be such a beautiful animal in the world? She thought.

“Let’s live in our house in the future.” She said to it gently, wanting to keep it by her side.

In the evening, she pretended to fall asleep early, but in fact she could not rest assured that the little fox wanted to keep looking at it.

“You’re here, it’s so nice …” She hugged it lightly and murmured this sentence repeatedly, and she entered a dream without knowing it.

But when she woke up in the morning, the little fox was gone, and she was somewhat disappointed. It is still gone, silent, without a trace, just like it has never appeared, except for the hair band left on the table with its blood stains can prove that it had existed, what happened yesterday It seemed like a dream to her.

But the gray-blue pupils were deeply imprinted in Xia Qiu’s mind, engraved on her heart, so that many years after that, she always looked for it in the forest, looking forward to its appearance , But never met it again.


Near the front gate of Yongchuan High School, Xia Qiu was stopped by a sweet honey-like voice. Before she lifted her head, a pair of arms stretched out wrapped around her neck.

Liu Lingmei rubbed on Xia Qiu’s face like a cat, and the people passing by couldn’t help but cast a strange look.


Xia Qiu patted her back gently, just like comforting a pet. The little girl in front of her loli who suffocated her so fast that she had been her best friend since elementary school.

“Xiaoqiu, I haven’t seen you for a long time, let me take a good look!”

“It was n’t that long, did n’t you just leave for two weeks? And just yesterday by phone.”

Liu Lingmei was obviously not satisfied with Xia Qiu’s attitude, let go of her hand, and glared at her pretending to be angry.

Xia Qiu has long been accustomed to her surprise and a little dramatic character. Although her character often makes her have a headache, but if she is not around, it is really uncomfortable. .

Liu Lingmei wore a light yellow dress today, and the ribbons that tied her hair were also of the same color. She had just returned from a vacation with her family to the beach two weeks ago. Although she did not get tanned, she added a few cute little freckles. The beautiful little face is a little more playful and very flattering.

“Let’s take a look at the placement, and we must be late for this delay.”

Xia Qiu pulled Lingmei and walked to the school. The list of classes was posted in the bulletin board in front of the teaching building. When they arrived, they were already full.

“Ah, why am I so short.”

Liu Lingmei complained, standing on her feet and trying to look in from the back of the crowd. The boy standing in front of her looked back at her and gave her her place. No wonder, who would have the heart to stand in front of such a cute girl.

Xia Qiu and Liu Lingmei were fortunate to be divided into one class. When they walked into the classroom of the high school (1) class, there were already many students sitting in it, and several familiar faces, all from junior high school. In the same class or in the same school. They found their pre-arranged positions on the blackboard and went to their seats. Lingmei was placed in a row of window seats, and Xia Qiu sat in the penultimate row.

“We are in another class, Xia Qiu.”

When going back, a boy stopped Xia Qiu. As soon as she looked up, she was Du He, who was in the same class in junior high school. Not seen in a summer vacation, Du He looked as if he was tanned, but his smile was still bright.


Xia Qiu smiled at him and walked back to his seat. It was better for her to have Du He sitting in front of her on the right. His grades have always been good and people are very cheerful and talkative.

After a while, except for the position behind Xia Qiu, others were filled up one after another. She looked at the blackboard and the name behind her was Ouyang Xiaoleng. This is a very special name. The compound surname is rare, and there are not many people who have cold characters in the name.

She filtered it in her mind, no elementary school or junior high school had heard of the name. What kind of person is the owner of this name? Boy or girl? When a person starts to care about a name that has never been heard, there is also a sense of mystery to the owner of that name.

Suddenly, the preparation bell disturbed her thoughts, and with the crisp and rapid sound of high heels, a woman in her early thirties came in. A light makeup was drawn on her well-defined face, a long, wavy, curly hair was casually draped behind her shoulders, wearing a very simple white shirt, blue washed jeans, black stilettos, and elegance in the simplicity. , But it makes people suspect that she has gone to the wrong place, the big screen may be more suitable for her than the podium.

“Good morning classmates, I am your class teacher Dong Muya! I also teach your language class, first welcome everyone to the high school (1) class!”

The woman’s tone is as clean and simple as her appearance, the voice is not loud but very penetrating, and the aura emitted from her makes the whole classroom quiet from the moment she enters.

At this time, a thin, tall boy stood outside the classroom door. He lowered his head, bangs blocked his eyes, and the white T-shirt and beige pants on his body were natural and casual. His hands were stuck in his pants pockets, and the school bag was also casually carried on one side of the shoulder.

“It’s not so good to be late for class on the first day, Ouyang Xiaoleng!” Dong Muya found that the students’ attention shifted from himself to Ouyang Xiaoleng at the door of the classroom, and said to him with a little seriousness.

Ouyang XiaoLeng raised her head and looked at her without any expression on her face, but the handsome face excited the girls in the classroom.

“Come in and go back to your place.”

Dong Muya shook his head and pointed at him in the direction of the last row. He still walked blankly in the direction she pointed, squinting without saying a word.

For some reason, Xia Qiu had some dizziness when looking at Ouyang Xiaoleng who was walking in his own direction. His face is indeed very beautiful, that kind of beauty will only make people have two feelings, love and jealousy. But what made her unable to breathe was his eyes. The gray-blue eyes were as deep as the lake water in the quiet night. Looking at them, it seemed as if they were going to sink deep. She felt acquainted with the eyes, but could not remember when and where. When he passed her, her eyes seemed to stay on her face for a moment, but she dared not look directly at him.

Teachers of all subjects met with you in the morning. The next step was the opening ceremony and the school ’s facilities under the guidance of senior students ’representatives. What Xia Qiu likes the most on the campus is a huge banyan tree by the playground. Although it is not the flowering period at this time, she thinks it will be beautiful in spring.

Standing under the tree like her was the young man named Ouyang Xiaoleng, standing side by side with him. Xia Qiu found out that he was much taller than he thought. The atmosphere between them was so special. She could not guess whether he had something to say to herself, or she simply liked the tree as much as she did. She was at a loss and Liu Lingmei suddenly jumped out.

“I’m still looking for you everywhere. Why are you standing here stupid?”

Almost as soon as Liu Lingmei appeared, Ouyang Xiaoleng turned and walked away, just like she was deliberately avoiding her.

“Inexplicably, did I offend him?” Liu Lingmei looked at his back puzzledly, and grunted.

“Lingmei, have you ever had the feeling of getting acquainted? It always seems to have been seen somewhere, but you can’t remember it.” Xia Qiu said to himself.

“Looking at each other? Are you talking about this tree?”

When Liu Lingmei was asked by Xia Qiu, she was stunned, and then she couldn’t stop laughing. Xia Qiu was also amused, and Ling Mei was so cute in her eyes sometimes.

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