Let’s Make a Pact, Lord Fox Spirit

Chapter 102 - Old warehouse locked

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As the Ring of Northern Nether fell into the Black Fire Purgatory, the array crisis in Jincheng and Mucheng could be temporarily resolved.

For most of January and throughout February, Min Entong and Dong Muya were busy using Ouyang Ancient Mansion’s underground database and MM terminal system to investigate specific clues about the other three city arrays.

After the Spring Festival, the weather gradually warmed up, and it was the day of school. Qianqi and Lingyu waited for the progress of the investigation in the Yongchuan Wangcheng, while Xia Qiu and Ouyang Xiaolang returned to school.

During the winter vacation, Xia Qiu and Liu Lingmei only met in a hurry, and each time they met was quite a long time away, so they were a little bit excited to meet each other in school. The whole classroom except Ouyang Xiaolin’s position fell into a lively greeting until the familiar high heels sounded again, Dong Muya walked in and stood on the podium, just like when he started school in September last year. Just as then, quiet down immediately.

“Good classmates!” Dong Muya looked around every corner of the classroom, and then continued, “Meet again! I know that some people may not want to see me!”

A laughter sounded before the words fell. Today she looks energetic and full of energy. Xia Qiu hasn’t seen her like this for a long time. Staying up late and overwork make her often have dark eyes and dull face.

“Dare not!” Dong Haofan answered naughtily.

There was another burst of laughter below. Dong Muya shook his head at him with a smile, and continued: “I hope everyone will have a good time in this winter vacation and gain something!”

When it comes to the word “harvest”, her eyes are deliberately looking in the direction of Xia Qiu, which means a lot.

“In the afternoon, it is still the usual opening ceremony, and there will be a class meeting, and the class will have two contents. The first is the review of the holiday, and the second is the introduction of the school spring cultural festival in March. I will take some materials from past cultural festivals and discuss them at noon. “

In the morning classes, in addition to introducing the teaching schedule of the new semester, teachers in various subjects also briefly chatted with their students about their holiday life.

When cracking the array of Mucheng, Xia Qiu’s heavy damage became a great spur to Ouyang Xiaolin. During this time, he returned to Wangcheng. He worked harder on his own demon skills and fighting skills, and the whole person was extremely tired status.

All morning he slumped on the desk and slept very hard. When he opened his eyes again, it was lunch break, but when he looked up, Xia Qiu was not in the front position. The smell of other students’ lunch in the air was mixed, making him feel suffocated, so he walked out of the classroom and went straight to the rooftop.

However, Xia Qiu, who was sitting on the ground outside, was found here. In the warm and cold weather at first glance, she put her down jacket loosely on her shoulders, leaning against the fence and looking into the distance. Ouyang Xiaoleng walked quietly beside her. It has been a long time since she stood alone beside her. Her body exudes the fragrance he is familiar with, which makes his heart calm and makes the concept of time obscured.

The festival is divided into several parts. First, it is the exhibition and performance of large groups such as choir, dance team, drama department, photography department, literature department, and art department; then the students ’own free performances, including bands, crosstalk, Dance and so on. Each class may be requisitioned as a venue for exhibitions or performances by a certain society, and the recruited classes will assist the society to complete the layout of the venue.

There are many interesting legends about the art festival, there are more dog-blooded, for example, if you confess to your lovers or admirers under the banyan tree on the day of the art festival, the two will have a good ending. Some sound more like ghost stories, such as the warehouse where various props and equipment are stacked. Many people say that there will be strange things there.

Before the end of the lunch break, Liu Lingmei and Du He returned a lot of materials from the teacher’s office, all of which were atlases of cultural festivals in the past few years.

“I didn’t expect this cultural festival to be quite formal! Xiaoqiu, look!” Liu Lingmei took a picture book from last year and walked to Xiaqiu’s place.

Xia Qiu took over the picture book she handed over. In addition to the photos of the performances of the chorus and dance troupe, there are also pictures arranged in the exhibition areas of various classes.

Liu Lingmei flipped through the album in her art festival last year, and then pointed to Xia Qiu and said: “Last year’s last high school (1) class was used as the exhibition area of ​​the art department. Look at these frames. Beautiful, and the blue velvet on the table. I do n’t know what the result of this year ’s clash will be. ”

“I hope to make the exhibition area for the photography department. I don’t know if they will take pictures of beautiful women this year. Who is in the photography department of our class?” Dong Haofan came over to grab the album in Liu Lingmei’s hand.

“Go, I hate it!” Liu Ling whitened him and snatched the album back.

At this time, a boy in the class who did n’t talk to Xia Qiu came over and hesitated for a while while standing behind them, before he had the courage to say to Xia Qiu: “I and the two boys in the outside class plan to form a small band to participate in freedom. Performance, but there is no lead singer, can Xia Qiu help us? “

“Yes, I can do it! Xiaoqiu, I really want to hear you sing!” Before Ling Xiaqiu answered, Liu Lingmei agreed.

“Okay, but I don’t sing too many songs, and I have never had the experience of performing with the band!” She said, Xia Qiu was embarrassed to refuse the boy again, but he still said what he was worried about. .

Seeing that Xia Qiu had agreed to his request, the boy rejoiced and responded: “It’s okay, we will arrange a time for rehearsal before the cultural festival!”

The cultural festival is scheduled to be held on the first Friday in March, and Xia Qiu’s class was requisitioned by the Ministry of Fine Arts just like the previous one. Xia Qiu also had the first intimate contact with the band. The boy named Xue Ming who was with her class was the drummer of the band. In addition, there were two boys in the high school (3) class who served as the band’s keyboard and guitar.

The speech ladder classroom was temporarily used as a rehearsal room for small bands in the past two weeks. Each band put their own instruments here, and then reserved time for rehearsal. Xue Ming, who was usually reticent in the class, picked up the drumsticks and sat in front of the drum. He became another person. His skills were quite good in Xiaqiu. The other two boys also played well in the musical instruments, making Xiaqiu Feeling stressed.

Ouyang Xiaoleng was not interested in the art festival, but the Minister of the Fine Arts Department found him, probably Liu Lingmei and he said that Ouyang Xiaoleng was a painting genius and the like. He rushed into the classroom during a class and forcibly snatched Ouyang Xiaolang’s picture book. He turned into a stunned state just after turning the first page. After turning a few pages, he surprised Ouyang Xiaolang as a man of heaven and made a decision. , Let him join the art department, and leave him the best exhibition location. He had nothing to do with what to draw, and he didn’t want to delay time on these trivial matters. He simply decided to deal with the matter with his vice.

Recently in school, Xia Qiu is busy. On the one hand, he helped Liu Lingmei plan the plan of the cultural festival class for the art department, while rehearsing with Xue Ming’s band. The smile on her face seemed to have increased, and it seemed that she had more vitality than she who stood on the rooftop and looked at the distance on the day when she first started school. Such she makes Ouyang Xiaolen feel relieved, but at the same time feels lonely. She always smiles so far away from herself. Whether it is with Qianqi or other students, she seems to be more cheerful. .

Only three days before the deadline for handing over the paintings, he stayed in the Ouyang mansion at night to inadvertently open the picture books stacked in the corners, but the sketch he painted for Xia Qiu fell quietly. The moment he picked it up, he came to inspiration all at once, and decided to paint another portrait for her.

The day before the Cultural Festival, the big banyan tree that was supposed to bloom in May or June in the school yard unexpectedly opened up. The tree was pink and purple, so that the teachers and students who came and went could not help but stop under the tree.

Ouyang Xiaoleng also noticed this unusual scene. For them, the plants will open out of season, most of the time it is likely to be dirty. But he did n’t feel that the tree itself was enchanted. He could n’t help worrying about whether Qingyun ’s men would be mixed into the campus. There are many people in the school. It ’s not easy to find out the lurking enemies. He must remind Xia Qiu always pays attention to the movements around him to avoid a sneak attack.

But since the morning, I haven’t found the opportunity to talk to her. In the afternoon, she disappeared and disappeared. It was only after asking that she helped Liu Lingmei go to the old warehouse to move the props to arrange the venue. Hearing the old warehouse, Ouyang Xiaoleng felt a bit ominous, so he decided to go for help and explore the truth of the old warehouse.

The door of the old warehouse is the innermost of the electric control room on the first floor. When he walked there, he was encountering several classmates who moved the kraft paper box back.

He grabbed one of them and asked, “What about Xia Qiu?”

The man was obviously taken aback by him, and blinked and replied: “We can’t find the blue flannel in life and death. She and Lingmei stay in the old warehouse and continue to look for it.”

After listening, Ouyang Xiaolian let go of the man’s hand and ran to the electric control room. The boy who was just pulled by him behind him was still there for a while, but he didn’t respond to what happened.

The old warehouse has no windows and is illuminated by a few dim lights, which may flash from time to time due to the aging of the lines. The spacious space is full of the smell of dust, and rows of metal shelves are piled with boxes of old things. Many of them can obviously be eliminated and thrown away, perhaps because the project is too large, so no one is willing to spend this effort.

According to the teacher managing here, the flannel should be close to the aisle in the innermost row of shelves, but Xia Qiu and Liu Lingmei turned the cardboard boxes on the nearby shelves back and forth, and did not find its location.

When the overhead light flashed again, Liu Lingmei approached Xia Qiu a little and asked, “Xiao Qiu, do you think it’s weird here?”

“It’s nothing, but the dust is quite big!” Xia Qiu said disapprovingly.

“When you came to school this morning, you noticed that the banyan tree in the yard was actually opened in March.” Liu Lingmei’s big eyes were horrified.

“Well, noticed!” Xia Qiu nodded.

“Many people say that taking a photo under a tree can lead to marriage or something. How do I think the tree is a bit evil …”

“Don’t think about it!” Xia Qiu comforted her by interrupting her. After all, she had seen a lot of monsters and monsters, so she didn’t care much.

Suddenly, with a “squeak”, all the lights in the old warehouse went out.


In the scream of Liu Lingmei, the whole warehouse fell into darkness. It’s strange to say that, with her small sharp voice, someone should have come to see it, but the air was surprisingly quiet. The two were stunned in the darkness for a while before Liu Lingmei realized that she had brought her mobile phone with her. She took out her mobile phone from her pocket tremblingly and pressed it. Then the cold white light from the mobile phone screen, she was pulled by Xia Qiu and walked to the door, who knows the door of the old warehouse but did not know when it was locked.

“Won’t it be the pranks of that group of boys again? How can I clean them up when I go back?” Liu Lingmei said angrily.

But Xia Qiu’s attention was not on her words. She vaguely felt that in the air, besides her and Liu Lingmei’s breath, and the thick smell of dust, what other things were mixed in. To be more precise, this space seems to be a little different from the space where she and Liu Lingmei were located just now. She can’t help but guess whether it is a lost path?

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