Let’s Make a Pact, Lord Fox Spirit

Chapter 361 - Out of nowhere

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When the power of the body begins to weaken, perhaps the support for Xia Qiu is more from the power of the soul. She recalled the tricks she had learned in the realm of desolation and wondered whether they could be applied to the real world. What kind of change does the improvement of soul power bring to her strength? It may be an appropriate opportunity to test the results at this moment.

She kept retreating, deliberately leading the parasitic spirit to push herself into a corner of the enchantment. When her back touched the wall, she jumped high and traversed the numerous snakes behind the monster, trying to control herself ‘S body flew away diagonally. This should be the longest distance she can get in this space, and this distance can just give her the opportunity to try to use her soul power to make up for the lack of physical strength.

Air, water, wind, and even the warmth after the sisters understood each other … During the short time she was flying, all the materials in the room, whether tangible or intangible, were imagined by her to be able to Fuel absorbed by her and used by her. She burned these fuels into energy with spiritual fire, filling her whole body. Although she was unable to perform avatars under the condition of possessing entities, her physical and brain abilities were ten times or even twenty times as if they were avatars.

The parasitic spirit naturally did not know what happened, and it continued to control the snake behind him to attack Xia Qiu, but the girl in front of him had a confident expression. The fatigue and panic that she showed just now did not know when It has disappeared without a trace.

The number of knives in her hands seemed to be increasing. The parasitic spirit began to think that something was wrong with her eyes, but soon it realized that it was simply because her speed was accelerating, accelerating, and accelerating again. That kind of speed is not achievable by humans. Even if she has signed a contract with the demon king fox boy, it is not enough to make her have such strength.

The snake born from behind the parasitic spirit kept catching the rapid attack launched by Mei Blade, the coordination became more and more chaotic, and some even almost entangled together.

Xia Qiu didn’t know herself. Although she simply found a way to increase her speed and power with spiritual power, this improvement would cause great trouble to the parasitic spirit, because the monster’s venomous hand is certainly powerful, but There are also limitations, this limitation mainly exists in speed. The speed that the snakes can move is not very fast. Once the speed reaches the top, they will become chaotic themselves, and may even hurt their companions.

And this is a good time for Xia Qiu to fight back. She took advantage of the moment when several giant snakes were in a mess, unable to turn in time, and slashed toward the seven inches of one of the giant snakes with the plum blade in her hand. The giant snake’s head was cut off, and although struggling after landing, it quickly turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

“Damn! A mortal can break through my poisonous hand!” The parasite first roared with an angry face, but he soon laughed, “You’re because I said that? You don’t know Under the circumstances, you have already caught my Millennium Gu poison, so in fact, all you see now is just the illusion I created. “

Xia Qiu realized that it was the strong smell of disinfection water in the hospital, which covered the sweetness of the toxins released by the parasite, so that she was completely unaware. She set her sights on it, and the snake that had just been cut off by the parasitic spirit suddenly re-growed, which meant that her previous efforts had not achieved any results.

Her heart suddenly froze for a long time. Despair struck. The wound bitten by the snake became more painful. Gu poison made her nerves less sensitive. Faintly, she realized that she seemed to be falling like this. No matter how unwilling she was, she might not be able to return to the sky.

“You are no longer useful, and I will clean up later! I will solve those two sisters now!” The voice of the parasitic spirit is near and far, and it seems to be misty between clouds and mist.

Xia Qiu felt that her body was piled down weakly, no matter how much she wanted to hold it up, the toxin’s effect made this body like a golden weight. She was afraid that she would fail completely, the monster’s conspiracy would succeed, and the emotions that the two sisters had just regained would be destroyed. She was not reconciled and did not know whether Ouyang Xiaolang and Ran Mingzhu were delayed by something, so they failed to rush to the hospital.

The parasitic spirit put away the giant snake behind it and turned to the souls of the two sisters who were sitting on the bed. The sisters hugged each other and looked at the monster in front of them in horror. The monster obviously used Xiao Xiao’s body, but it seemed to become a person they didn’t know at all. Its murderous eyes and the smile like a knife hidden made them shudder.

“Don’t come!” Xiao Xiao shouted at it with a trembling voice.

But her sister Xiao Ai was in front of her, protecting her soul with her own soul. It has always been the sister Xiao Xiao who was protecting and caring for her sister, and now it is her turn to protect her. She tried to shock herself so that she could negotiate with the monster. After taking a deep breath, she said: “Don’t you want a body? Anyway, I won’t be able to live too long anymore. Why don’t you just take me away, Return my sister’s body! “

“Hahaha, do you want to bargain with me ?! Who wants your sick body, your vitality is as weak as a candle in the wind, and it may be extinguished by the wind at any time!” Dismissed her words.

“As long as I am there, I will never allow you to hurt her!” Xiao Ai made Xiao Xiao tighter.

“You just ask me to send her soul, good sister! Only then can I have this body completely.” The parasitic spirit suddenly pleaded again as if innocent.

“I’m not your sister, my sister is here!” Xiao Ai felt that she was becoming more and more courageous, and she said looking directly at the monster approaching her and her sister.

“I gave you the opportunity to let you live a few more days, but you don’t know how to lift it!” The monster finally became angry and angered again, calling out his sword again to hurt Xiao Xiao’s soul.

But its sword was ejected by a sudden force. After flipping a few times, it hit the wall first, then fell to the ground again, making a rattling sound.

“Why?” It shouted with wide eyes.

Despite its unwillingness to believe, the most incredible thing happened. It was Xiao Ai who was holding the plum blade that Xia Qiu used to point directly at him. To be precise, it is not Xiao Ai, because it is not Xiao Ai’s own soul who is using this body now. Xia Qiu’s soul has obtained the right to use this body instead.

After the poisoning fell, Xia Qiu completed the soul away again. Her soul was separated from the immobile body, and as Xiao Xiao ’s soul was about to be attacked by parasitic spirits, in anxiety, she was inhaled into Xiao Ai ’s body lying on the bed by an inexplicable force. It is because Xiao Ai’s too strong desire to protect his sister Xiao Xiao’s idea resonated with Xia Qiu’s idea of ​​protecting their two sisters, so Xia Qiu’s soul had the ability to parasitize. Although Xiao Ai’s body can’t be compared with his own, he can temporarily resist this monster for a while.

“This is not possible! You can even parasitize the soul inside other people ?! Are you a human or a monster ?!” The parasitic spirit is a little creepy, because it is unheard of about human beings having the same ability as themselves.

“Do n’t underestimate the power of the human soul and the emotional bond. This is not achieved by my own ability. Xiao Ai ’s strong sense of protection for her sister makes her body resonate with my soul. The reason why you are Monster, because you are just forcibly occupying other people ’s bodies and wanting to do whatever you want; and even if I use other people ’s bodies, it is also to help her fulfill her wishes. ”Xia Qiu paused slightly. Mei Mei continued with a wave of her hand, “Her wish today is to rescue her sister from you!”

The battle between Xia Qiu and the parasitic spirit retreated back to the original point, and each of them fought against the other’s army, but both died in jeopardy. It ’s just that the parasite understands that the human girl has taken the initiative in this battle unconsciously, because, as she said herself, she is not fighting alone. Although the two sisters themselves do not have the ability to fight, they are Supporting her with their soul power, which makes them three as a whole, and they are always single-handed.

But the parasitic spirit still put on a high posture, summoning back the sword while saying: “The poison gas diffused in the ward has not yet dispersed. With her fragile body, I want to see how long you can support!”

Xia Qiu did not respond to it quickly. What she wanted to do was to prove it with action, so she took the initiative to fight with the parasitic spirit sword at the same speed as when she used her body just now. While trying to avoid the parasitic spirit waving to her sword, she focused more on avoiding parts that might cause fatal injury to Xiao Xiao’s body.

After a round of swordsmanship, she not only did not fall down due to the poisonous gas in the ward and her weakness, as predicted by the parasitic spirit, but instead became accustomed to this new body, her actions became smoother.

“It’s impossible! With the sister’s body, how could you …” The parasitic spirit couldn’t remember how many times it had sighed for the girl this night, and this time it was almost incoherent.

“Xiao Ai’s body is not as strong as her age, but she has one of the biggest advantages, that is, since childhood, she has to take medicine and chemotherapy for a long time to make her have a poisonous and invasive physique. The toxicity should be far above me, and now the toxins in the ward have been reduced compared to when you just released them, and naturally there is no effect on her. “Xia Qiubian continued to put pressure on the parasitic spirit, while Tell the truth.

Parasitic thought, was it impossible for him to lose to this girl this time, the previous defeat to the demon king fox boy had delayed the plan of the behind-the-scenes boss, and if it missed again this time, it might be Let it lose its status in the organization. In fact, it is better to say that the loss of status is the most terrifying thing. For the useless piece, its behind-the-scenes boss always chooses to abandon it.

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