Letting you flirt with the school belle is not letting you upgrade to become a dad

Page 14

The two of them didn't have much contact with each other, but Fang Yue took Ye Xuan to the stage to perform at a cultural evening.

Although Ye Xuan's performance at that time could only be regarded as quite satisfactory, he and Fang Yue also received a lot of applause.

At that moment, it became one of the few highlight moments of his previous years.

Later, through this cooperation, we have more contact with each other.

Before that, Ye Xuan and Fang Yue became members of a study group. Fang Yue's family was well off, and he often invited them out for dinner.

For Ye Xuan back then, it can be said that he took good care of him.

It's just that after graduation, we didn't have much contact with each other. I didn't expect to meet here today.

"Old classmate, I haven't seen you for a few years, but you are getting more and more beautiful!"

Ye Xuan's words are not flattery, the system's ratings are not deceiving, Fang Yue's rating is as high as 98, which is one point higher than yesterday's bookish Miss Mu Bingyu!

"By the way, why did you come to Pet Supplies Street?"

Fang Yue heard Ye Xuan's question, she shook the puppet cat in her arms, and explained with a smile:

"I just came over to buy some cat food for my cat, and I plan to go to the store opened by Liu Qiang to buy it!"

Liu Qiang?

Ye Xuan couldn't help but smile when he heard this name.

Liu Qiang is also a classmate of one of their study groups. I think they had a strong relationship before, and they can definitely be regarded as good brothers.

It's just, why does this guy open a pet shop now?

Ye Xuan raised his hand to straighten his hair, and said in surprise:

"I didn't expect it. I haven't seen everyone change so much in a few years. This guy actually opened a pet shop."

Hearing Ye Xuan's sighing tone, Fang Yue's eyes widened immediately, and she said in an incredible tone:

"Ah? No way, you don't know? I thought you just had no contact with me, but I didn't expect you to have no contact with Liu Qiang either!"

Fang Yue seemed to think of something afterwards, and she understood it for a while.

Thinking about it, Ye Xuan's family conditions are not so good, so he is more withdrawn, or it is caused by inferiority complex.

Fang Yue just thought about it in her heart, with obvious little excitement on her face.

After all, it is fate to meet again here.

When she graduated back then, because she was timid and shy, she still had a gift that she didn't give to Ye Xuan, and there were some things that she didn't have time to say to him!

Fang Yue took a deep breath, looked at Ye Xuan's face with a faint smile, and made up her mind.

This encounter may also be an opportunity given to me by God, so I should grasp it well!

But after all, she has graduated for several years, Fang Yue forcibly suppressed her excitement, so she shouldn't be too abrupt at this time, and shouldn't scare Ye Xuan away!

Just when Fang Yue's thoughts were raging, Ye Xuan looked at her in a daze and smiled:

"Why, big girl, what are you thinking?"

"It's okay, it's okay, just think about it casually, and feel a little bit!"

Fang Yue waved her hand quickly, she had the nerve to say it directly in front of Ye Xuan because of her small thoughts.

Her pretty face was slightly flushed, and suddenly she turned her eyes, and the conversation changed to something else:

"We had a few class reunions before, but we haven't contacted you. You didn't come, so you might not know. Didn't Liu Qiang fail the college entrance examination?

He didn't bother to repeat his studies, so he went directly to a junior college.

However, he did not graduate from the junior college. After he dropped out of school, his father sponsored him a sum of money, and he started to start his own business.

You know who Liu Qiang is. He has liked small animals since he was a child, and he opened this pet shop after thinking about it. "

Fang Yue spoke eloquently, in great detail, and even shook the kitten in her arms:

"It just so happens that I have such a cat ancestor in my family. I just want to take care of my old classmate's business, so I often come to see it."

Ye Xuan nodded slightly after listening to Fang Yue's words.

He knew about the previous class gatherings, but he didn't really want to participate, so he just regarded it as lost contact.

After all, with his previous sense of existence, it is really meaningless to go there as a background board.

Looking at Ye Xuan's expression, Fang Yue seemed to have thought of some bad experience, her red mouth pouted, and said with some dissatisfaction:

"It's fine if you don't come to the class reunion! Oh, you don't know how arrogant Li Xiang, the monitor of our class before, and his bastards are!

And simply don't hold it too much, others are at most a plastic bag, they are directly a big bag!

It is no exaggeration to say that they can hold more than sacks, which really disgusts me!

As a result, I didn't go to the next few class reunions at all. Thinking about those people, I'm going to be annoyed to death! "

After Fang Yue complained, she tilted her head and looked at Ye Xuan, and then remembered to ask:

"Look at me, as soon as I talk about the mess, I forget the business! What are you doing here?"

Facing Fang Yue's question, Ye Xuan didn't hide anything, and replied directly:

"I'm going to buy some dog food, and some things the dog needs. I think there are more shops here, so I'll come and have a look."

Fang Yue frowned when she heard this, and said with a sweet smile:

"That's just right. I'll take you to Liu Qiang's store. His items are all authentic, so you can feel at ease when using them!"

Fang Yue can be regarded as an experienced pet lover. When it comes to buying pet supplies, she is absolutely clear-headed, and she gave Ye Xuan some common sense about pets.

Ye Xuan listened carefully, and the two of them walked forward side by side. They both had super high looks, and when they walked together, they instantly became the most shining existence on the whole street.

They walked forward for a while, Fang Yue pointed to a small door not far away and said:

"Look, that's right there, that's Liu Qiang's shop!"

Ye Xuan looked in the direction of Fang Yue's finger, and saw a small shop with a simple yellow signboard, giving people a clean and comfortable feeling.

Moreover, the entrance of the store is not as messy as other houses, but it is clean and tidy, which is quite in line with Liu Qiang's personality.

"He also has foster care services here. The shop is not big, but it is very professional!"

Before Fang Yue entered the shop, she pointed to the cages and introduced to Ye Xuan through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the shop.

Ye Xuan nodded, he could see that this old classmate really put a lot of thought into this pet shop.

Fang Yue walked in front. She pushed the puppet cat into the store and walked in. The wind chime above the door made a melodious sound, which was very pleasant.

As soon as the two entered the store, they saw a figure squatting in front of those neatly arranged cages, and said softly:

"Hey, eat more, so that you can grow into a healthy big dog in the future!"

With that gentle energy, those who didn't know thought he was coaxing the child!

The figure heard the sound of wind chimes behind him, and after putting food for the dog in the cage, he quickly got up and looked over here.

Fang Yue had already walked in front of Liu Qiang at this time, she winked at him, and said with a smirk:

"Liu Qiang, hurry up and see who I brought here!"

Hearing Fang Yue's words, Liu Qiang was also taken aback. He threw the dog food spoon in his hand into the bag, and then looked behind Fang Yue.

When he saw the tall and tall Ye Xuan behind Fang Yue, he was taken aback for a moment, and then turned into a burst of ecstasy:

"Wucao, I'm not hallucinating, right? Oh, it's really Brother Xuan who is here! Come, come, come and sit inside!"

While Liu Qiang was excited, he didn't forget to get a chair for Ye Xuan first, and beckoned them to sit down quickly:

"Wait for me, I'll pour water for you!"

Liu Qiang was really happy to see Ye Xuan and Fang Yue coming together. He kept busy, either pouring water or looking for snacks.

"Okay, don't be so busy, come and sit down!"

Seeing Liu Qiang's actions, Ye Xuan felt a burst of warmth in his heart.

As expected of being good buddies, the relationship between everyone will not fade because they haven't seen each other for a long time. From the time they met, their relationship has not been affected by time in any way.

"Okay! Brother Xuan, you and Colonel Fang should drink some water first, I'll continue to finish the food for these dogs, wait for me!"

Liu Qiang explained a sentence, then walked back to the front of the cage and started to serve food.

Ye Xuan looked at the situation in the store, it can be described as bright and clean, everything is very clean.

You can't see any sanitary corners at all.

Although there are many cats and dogs in the store, there is no peculiar smell in the air. Instead, there is a faint fragrance of jasmine, and it can be seen that it is cleaned frequently.

Ye Xuan nodded in satisfaction, and praised:

"Good guy, your little shop is doing really well, and the business is booming. There are so many cats and dogs in foster care!"

Liu Qiang is now busy feeding those foster pets. While comforting their emotions, he said with a wry smile:

"Brother Xuan, don't make fun of me, my little shop is nothing!

Besides, I am different from you, you are all college students, high-achieving students, and someone like me can only do coolies at best! "

It is only after entering the society and experiencing hardships that I realize the importance of going to school. Unfortunately, there is never regret medicine in this world.

Fortunately, his family cared about him and helped him fund the opening of this store. Naturally, he wanted to manage it well, which was considered a repayment to his family.

Liu Qiang quickly fed the dog and sat over. He looked at Ye Xuan and asked:

"Brother Xuan, why are you free today?"

"I got a new dog and I need dog supplies, so come and have a look."

Ye Xuan replied with a smile, and by the way told how he met Fang Yue and was brought here by her.

When Liu Qiang heard what Ye Xuan needed, he patted his chest and said cheerfully:

"Hey, it's absolutely no problem. I have all these things here, and I'll take care of them for you. Don't worry!"

After Liu Qiang finished speaking, he smiled, he looked at Ye Xuan, and his smile was extraordinarily bright:

"But don't worry, let's talk about the past first!

Brother Xuan, I'm not talking about you, you haven't contacted me for too long!

What, is this forgetting my brother? "

The three sat on the chairs and chatted. They talked about the interesting things in the past, and burst into laughter from time to time. The atmosphere was very good.

At this moment, everyone seemed to be back in high school, laughing heartlessly.

Just when everyone was chatting, suddenly there was a roar of an engine outside.

The sudden roar was so loud that the few people sitting in the store were startled and looked towards the door at the same time.

I saw an Audi A6 parked in front of the shop, and the roar was coming from this car.

But logically speaking, a normal Audi would not make such a sound at all. It seems that it has undergone some kind of modification, and the humming engine sound has an amazing effect.

Because the noise was a bit loud, the cats and dogs sleeping obediently in the cage became restless.

Some dogs with bad tempers started to bark, and even gave warning sounds.

Even the puppet cat, who had always been well-behaved, began to wriggle, with restlessness and restlessness in its movements.

"Mimi is good, it's okay, don't make trouble!"

Fang Yue felt sorry for the puppet cat, and quickly hugged it in her arms, coaxing it softly, but stared angrily at the car outside.

After the Audi car was parked, the door opened, and several young people got out of the car.

Fang Yue glanced at the people who got out of the car, a trace of disgust flashed in her beautiful eyes, then she pouted, leaned into Ye Xuan's ear and said:

"It's really bad luck today, why did I meet them here!"

Chapter 10 This is Your Car

It's really too bad that the enemy's road is narrow.

Bad luck?

When Ye Xuan heard Fang Yue's words, he couldn't help raising his brows and looked towards Fang Yue.

Fang Yue felt Ye Xuan's gaze, raised her eyebrows at Ye Xuan, and her eyes drifted to the direction outside the shop.

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