Level 1 Strongest Sage ~

Book 8: Chapter 28

…Oh, is somebody here?

It’s a lot earlier than what I expected.

Master commanded me, “if somebody comes, fight against your opponent with all you have”. It’s only been half-a-day since I have been stationed here.

However, my master’s command is absolute.

I’ll crush all the people who come here with everything I got.

Name’s Fer.

We’re the strongest wolf type monster that can control the Fires of Hell — the Inferno Wolves.

And I’m the Alpha* among them.

I can defeat mid-ranked demons; measly things like humans ain’t my opponent.

Except for my Master.

A human guy tamed me yesterday.

That guy’s my Master.


Somebody trespassed my territory last night.

It’s been several decades since someone was stupid enough to intrude into the territory of inferno wolves.

I decided to play with it for a bit because of that.

I would have my subordinates surround him and slowly, steadily drive him to a corner.

the plan was to drive him to a corner. 

However, he kept on slaughtering my subordinates as if they were mere lower-ranked demons like gray wolves.

It was unbelievable.

The Flames of Hell that my subordinates and I fired at him weren’t a big deal for him, and he easily avoided our attacks, which was short of a miracle considering we are the fastest monsters alive.

All my 32 subordinates turned to corpses in just a few minutes.

I was furious because they were annihilated, but I couldn’t help but admire his movements at the same time.

There were no unnecessary moves and they were all flowing movements.

One sweep of his arm and the neck of my subordinate flew off.

He could barely dodge our attacks just by taking a step forward, so my subordinate attacked him from his blind spot — the man sliced my subordinate’s arm into halves with his bare hands.

It was as if he controlled everything back then; not a single attack of ours hit him.

His strikes all in all were 33.

It was the total number of all the inferno wolves present, including me.

He slaughtered my subordinates with just a single attack.

Even I was —

Helpless against him.

One karate chop.

That’s how he killed me.

But then, all of my subordinates and I were revived once again.

My master was the one who revived us.

The first thing that I saw the moment I was resurrected was —

The guy who killed me and the figure of my Master beside him.

Two identical humans stood before me.

No, the other one wasn’t a human.

It was the guy that killed me.

So it was a magical spell of my Master, huh.

When I felt his magical energy in close proximity once again, I sensed that it was an unbelievably huge lump of mana.

There was no way we would win against this thing.

I pledged my loyalty to my Master, the one who created that thing, and I did it right on the spot.

Afterward, I agreed to be tamed by my Master.

Actually, rather than saying I agreed, it was actually forced on me…

Well, it doesn’t matter now.

The chance to fulfill my Master’s order has finally arrived.

Let’s go at it with all our might.

And I’ll show just how capable I am to my Master.

I let my subordinates begin the hunt.

I am the Boss of this Floor.

There’s no way I can go out of this Boss Room.

“Boss, there’s a female human here. She’s alone.”

My subordinate told me telepathically.

A single female human?


“What should we do now? Do we attack? Or do we just admire her?”

I am a bit lost.

The Master ordered us to defeat whoever comes here with all we got.

However, based on my subordinate’s report, she isn’t an enemy that we should tackle with all our might.

I was troubled, but —


I command my subordinates.

No matter what kind of enemy it is, Master’s order is absolute.

“Understoo—!? T-that’s!!!”

“Eh, seriously?”

“Nononononono, can’t can’t can’t can’t, it’s impossible!!!!”

My subordinates’ telepathy suddenly turned into chaos.

“O, Oy, what’s happ —”


“I-it’s a lie, right!?”


In just a single moment, communication have been cut-off from all my subordinates who are beside the female human.

I don’t understand what’s happening.

“Hey, is there somebody free there?”

I contacted the subordinates that were staying in other areas so that they can check what’s going on, but —

“Eh, that’s — Ugh!?”

“W-why are you”

“W-wait a sec —”


I could hear the shrieks of my subordinates from where I was in this Floor.

W-what the heck is happening!?

I could no longer hear their screams after a while.

They were probably annihilated.


Is the reported female human that strong?

All my subordinates are Inferno Wolves, obviously. We’re the strongest wolf monsters.

We also have the ability to read our opponents’ ability up to a certain extent.

However, the report from my subordinates only said that she is a female human, and she didn’t seem to be strong, either.

If my subordinates felt it, then it must be true, that female shouldn’t be that powerful.

I don’t understand.

I am bothered by the situation outside, so I’ll just have a look. I decide to go out of the room, but the door open right at this moment.


W-Why are you here?

The one who entered the room is no other than my Master’s Bunshin Magic.

Not only that, he is clad in an aura that is a lot more powerful than when he defeated me last night — there’s no comparison.

From behind him —

Three more Bakemono appears.

The first one to enter then turns toward me, and he says —

“Sorry, but I’ll have you become Luna’s XP.”

Execution verdict for me.


T/N: Raws says boss of the pack, but we all know the pack leaders of wolves are called alpha, so yep ?

What a traumatic experience, being killed by the same person all over again T^T..poor wolfies…

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