Level 1 Strongest Sage ~

Book 9: Chapter 8

I’m dating Lielle.

It’s been 6 months since we started going out.

Lielle is one of the High Elves. The number of such elves are really small, even in this Elven Kingdom of Alheim.

Most of them are part of royalty or nobility, it seems.

Then, Lielle must be one of them, right?

I haven’t heard Lielle talk about her family yet.

She brushed me off when I tried asking her once, so I didn’t try to force it.

For me, it’s okay if she talks about it when she’s ready.

Oh, now that I think about it, Leaffa, one of my best friend’s wives, introduced Lielle to me, and she’s also a High Elf herself.

It’s a bit vague, but I got the feeling that Lielle and Leaffa resemble each other. Leaffa’s a bit taller, but their mannerism when they smile is exactly the same.

Actually, I had a crush on Leaffa up to before Halt married her.

Elves are a bunch of gorgeous folks, but Leaffa’s a cut above them. Normally, she’s a level-headed gal, but it’s quite fun to watch her when she makes a magnificent blunder from time to time.

There were a lot of times when I unconsciously chased her figure with my eyes, so I was a bit shocked when she introduced Lielle to me. They looked alike, after all.

Leaffa told me that “there’s an Elvish girl who wants to be acquainted with Luke, are you willing to meet her?”, and when I did, it was Lielle.

I caught her interest when she saw me fighting when Apristos attempted to invade Alheim, it seemed.

After that, Lielle and I went out to have a meal together, or do some shopping for several times until we gradually became closer. She confessed to me half a year ago and we’re finally together.

I was over the moon.

Lielle is super cute.

She’s also quite levelheaded, but she also tends to make a mess sometimes — it’s really similar to Leaffa.

Perhaps they’re sisters or cousins?

…Nah, that’s impossible, I guess.

Leaffa is Alheim’s princess, after all. If Lielle is her sister or cousin, then she’s probably royalty, too.

I’m just a commoner human, so there’s no way I can date a member of the Elf’s royal family. In the first place, Leaffa won’t introduce her to me in that case.

“Luke, are you okay?”

“Ah, sorry. I’m thinking about where to go.”

I spaced out for a bit.

“I can have anywhere as long as I’m with you, Luke!”

Lielle smiled.

She’s so adorable today, too.

“Then, how about the library?”

“I’m fine with it but…Luke, can you read the Elvish script?”

The library has nothing but books written in Elvish script, it seems.

Elvish script is considered to be one of the most difficult scripts to read in this world, so there’s only a limited number of people who can.

Even so, I’m a Sage Apprentice.

Afterward, we went to the library in the Royal Capital, and I started to read a grimoire.

Lielle sat across from me, but she didn’t touch a single book, and was gazing intently at me the whole time.

“Lielle, you won’t read?”

“I love watching Luke read books, so please do not mind me. Oh, and please don’t hesitate to ask me if there’s a word you don’t understand, okay?”

She seemed satisfied, and she really looked like she’s having fun.

I don’t dislike Lielle gazing at me, but her intense stares making me blush.

And so, I decided to put my plan into action.

“Lielle, do you know the meaning of this word?”

I turned the grimoire upside down so Lielle could read it.

“Ah, I’ll move over there.”

Lielle then went to the seat on my left side.


First condition, cleared.

Based on her personality, she’ll definitely move to the spot beside me so she can teach me the meaning of the word.

“Which one?”

“This.”“Hmmm, then, this is —”

Grimoires have really small prints, and it’s limited to just Elvish script.

It can’t be helped, after all, they’re trying to cram a huge amount of information about magic, alchemy or even medicine into text and turn them into books.

Even if Lielle’s eyesight is good, she’ll have a hard time reading those words unless she draws closer.

Lielle moved her body towards the grimoire.

In other words, she drew her body closer to me, the person sitting in front of the grimoire that had been placed on top of the table.

Squish — I felt something super soft across my left arm.

Lielle’s chest pushed against my skin.

— Heaven.

Lielle’s aren’t as big as Teacher Tina’s, but she’s pretty much gifted over there.

And here I was, enjoying the sensation of her chest to the fullest.

Lielle was doing her best to read the grimoire. She’s giving her all for me, so I’m really happy.

But it also seemed quite difficult for her.

Well, that’s expected.

I chose the most abstruse part in this grimoire for my question, after all.

Even the Elves who grew up being immersed in Elvish Script would have difficulty understanding this sentence that I asked Lielle.

By the way, I can read this entire grimoire.   

Originally, I could hardly read Elvish.

In the first place, I relied on my gut feelings when using magic in the past, so I haven’t even opened a single grimoire written in human script.

But since meeting Halt, I realized that it won’t do.

I won’t be able to use powerful spells just by going along with gut feelings.

Wielding powerful magic comes by grasping the principles and pondering carefully on its effect.

Thus, I decided to read grimoires.

I started to desperately study Elvish Script when I started dating Lielle.

At first, I learned to learn Elvish so that I could communicate with Lielle since we couldn’t meet that often.

But ever since I hatched this plan, I’ve used this ability for greater things.

Lielle is amazing.

She wasn’t deterred by the parts that was easy to confuse, and she gave me the perfect answer.

“I see, so that’s how it is. Thanks, Lielle.”

“Ehehehe, you’re welcome.”

She happily beamed at me, before turning away from the grimoire.

In short, her chest also left my arm.

No need to fret.

I mastered Elvish for this day, after all.

“Sorry, but can you tell me the meaning of this word, too?”

“Yes! — Hmm, this is a difficult one, too, huh. Is it alright to take a bit of time?”

“Of course. Thanks.”

The softies pushed me once again.

A super nice fragrant wafted from Lielle’s hair as she squeezed towards me.

Her face is so close.

Lielle’s profile is super cute as she tried her best.

Ahh, this is ultimate bliss.


T/N: Uwah, like best friend, huh.. Luke’s a perv haha…

(Missed Chap 13/15) Just a lil bit more…..

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