Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 45

16 carriages and bandits

After a week in the royal capital, we were on our way back to Dorknes. Transportation is not my favorite Liu … but a hatred carriage.

I literally wanted to get on the ground and inspect the highways. Some may be visible by traveling over land from the Royal Capital to Dorknes.

Unfortunately, there is no carriage on which the dragon can ride, so Liu is told to return when he wants.

“Oh, my body is solidifying”

Now, while I was taking a break, I jumped out of the carriage, and when I stretched a lot, the sound of squeaking and bones sounded. Too loud, the uncle of the man looked at me scaredly. No, no, everyone is like this.

Next, Patrick, who descends from the carriage, also grows, but no sound is heard. that?

Rita and Sara’s maid sisters also came out of the carriage.

I had to go home with my older sister because I had to take myself away if I didn’t take it home. Sarah isn’t too strange, so she wants to be within sight of her sister before she’s affected.

The two get off the carriage with Patrick’s help.

that? Why didn’t I have that wonderful event? I wondered for a moment, but when I thought about it, I jumped out of the carriage first.

And I’m not so soft that I can help with such a step. But let’s drop Patrick first. If he does the same thing, it’s not bad to get help.

Patrick approached me as I repeated the bending and stretching exercises.

“Do you hate carriages?”

“I really hate it. Running is faster.”

“It’s only you”

“No, patrick is faster to run?”

Patrick’s level was just over 80 the other day. Even the commander of the Knights, which was claimed to be the strongest in the kingdom, considers it to be at level 60, demonstrating its extraordinary strength. People who have reached level 80 in the long history are legendary.

“Well, I think it would be faster to run …”

“Patrick is no longer a normal person, so you have to be aware of it?”

“… I’m not convinced that Yumiera will tell you that.”

This is exactly the case. Many people use carriages that I don’t need. I think it’s important to be aware of yourself being out of the standard and to stand in the eyes of ordinary people.

The territory of Dorknes is made up of a large number of people, not me and a few strong people like Patrick.

Patrick doesn’t want to admit the facts without knowing my plot.

“I’m different from Yumiera, so the magical power is ordinary? Isn’t it like Yumiera yet?”

Patrick’s magic attributes are wind and earth, and he uses his dexterity to deliver voices far away with the wind and to make instant barriers with earth.

Although I do not use output as a solution like I do, he should be able to do it now.

“Isn’t I going to keep the magical power down? Patrick’s only obsessed with how to save magical power, and it’s great to seriously think about doing it.”

“… Sure, you might never have used magic all the time recently.”

“Let’s do it together, we will do our best.”

“No good”

My proposal was immediately rejected. Absolutely fun …

Depressed, I looked at the carriage as I was out of hand. When I was observing what could be improved with modern knowledge, a horse came into my eyes.

This carriage is double-headed, both of which are chestnut hair and very cute. During the break, the two dogs drank water.

Oh, cute. And the horses are smart. The dogs and cats who bark just at me and run away at the end are different. The age of pet animals is over, the age is a horse.

“Thank you for pulling the carriage, can I just touch it?”

After moving to the side of the horse, I aim at one side. Black eyes have a crisp and gentle face. Is it a girl?

When I reach out and touch my neck or not, the horse suddenly ramps, and the neighing resounds.

Has it been a part that is strictly forbidden to touch? Just as dogs don’t want to touch their tails, there are places where they don’t want to be touched by horses.

This is completely my fault. The uncle of the man approaches in a hurry and says.

“I’m sorry, I’m afraid of the horse, can you leave me?”

He strokes and calms the horse. The place I was touching was the same place I tried to touch. ……that?

◆ ◆ ◆

I seem to be afraid of horses as well as dogs and cats. Maybe the whole animal applies. Oh, people tend to be scared. Good, I have Liu.

I feel that the road surface is bad or the shaking has increased in the running carriage. I want you to do the maintenance of the highway.

“Hey, what’s the name of the place you are running right now? Isn’t the road too bad for you?”

“I’ve just entered Dorkness.”

Patrick answered my question clearly. That’s why Rita looked down the moment I spoke.

She lifted her eyes and followed her.

“It’s better than before. It should have been worse when Yumiera entered.”

In other words, the carriage that goes to the royal capital to enter the school seems to have shaken more. It seemed that it wasn’t because she got used to that she felt less shaking halfway.

If not, I’m in trouble. What was the reason that I spent my budget on road improvement since I became lord?

“Hmm, maybe it was.”

“And really bad places are bandits. Dorknes territory is peaceful enough to pass safely.”

Rita, isn’t that the hurdle too low? It’s not like thieves these days. If a bandit has haunted, the lord there is incompetent.

“I haven’t heard of a thief, but do you actually …… that? Why did you stop?”

The bandits suddenly stopped when they asked if they were real in this world. You can hear the rushed voice from outside.

“I’m a thief! I’m surrounded by thieves!”

I learned a lot today. For one, bandits are real. Second, the aristocracy, Dorknes, is incompetent as lord.

By the way, am I with zero lord suit, will you fight as a guard?

Patrick jumps out of the carriage first. As I leaned out of the carriage and looked around, I was surrounded by bandits all around. Of the thirty men of different ages, only a few have decent weapons, others are armed with farming tools.

Patrick came in front of the door, guiding his uncle.

“Get down early too, let him hide inside.”

e? What events will help you get off the step?

It is evident to be angry if you say that here. I jumped down to the ground with a glance, only paying attention to the Rita.

“Rita and others are hiding inside.”

“Please, good luck!”

It is surrounded by about thirty people, and good luck is exaggerated. Apparently, the bandits do not seem to be used to fighting, and there is no danger.

Patrick pulls his sword from his waist. I imitated … oh, I left my sword at home. I lined up next to him in his natural form.

Patrick keeps an eye on the bandits.

“ Yumiera protects the carriage, I will secure the bandits ”

“Roger that”

The opposite may be better if you say it is unsuitable. But well, if Patrick is motivated, I may not stop. I stand in front of the carriage and watch him and the bandits fight.

As you can imagine, it wasn’t a game.

Patrick strikes with his sword’s belly, leans on his feet, blows away with wind magic and overwhelms the bandits.

While watching such a one-sided battle, I was aware of the signs approaching from behind. With a sword in his hand, he seems to have aimed at me, unlike bandits who try to beat Patrick around. A desperate person.

I pretend not to notice him behind. I want to try to avoid the slash from behind with minimal movement. It looks cool and looks cool. Do you have eyes on your back? I want to be told.

He reached behind without making footsteps, and he did not swing his sword down from the upper deck. For some reason, the sword came to my neck with my hand turned from behind.

“Don’t move! Discard your sword! What can this guy do?”

He says loudly behind.

……What do you mean? I look at Patrick, but apparently he can’t swallow the situation either.

He further shows off the sword to me, as the two of them are locked in sight, with eyes on Ketone.

“If you’re worried about this girl, throw away your weapons as soon as you can! If you’re honest and give me a gold eye, I won’t take my life.”

I still don’t know what he wants to say. Patrick seems apprehensive and says wonderingly.

“… Is there no doubt that it’s a hostage?”

“It’s natural! You know, your lover’s beautiful face will be hurt!”

A blunt blade approaches my face. Yes, it’s a hostage, but I’ve been involved in a horrible event, but it’s my first time being a hostage.

I want to do more hostage-like things. It’s an event once in a lifetime.

Mobilize your acting skills and seek help.

“T, help!”

I got a terrible stick reading.

Patrick is weak with no motivation. Hey, my fiance is in danger. Do it more seriously.

I will continue the performance of the captive daughter.

“I’m fine for me! Shoot for me! I’ll drag this guy into hell!”


The intention of the beautiful girl is like a rival character in a battle manga. The bandit he shook at my determination.

However, Patrick is unlikely to move with a depressing face. It seems that I was not the only one who felt sorry. The bandits surrounding him say a lot.

“Because I won’t take life, just throw away my sword, what?”

“Your lover is saying just that, but you have no heart!”

“Patrick! Don’t listen to me! I’m good!”

It seems Patrick has finally got hungry because I joined. After a big sigh, throw the sword in your right hand to the ground.

With both hands raised, Patrick looks sharp at the bandits.

“The hostage is sneaky! Release her soon!”

Ah, Patrick will get on.

The bandits are frightened by his power. I saw his performance so close that I blew out unintentionally.

“Huh, Patrick is too cool. Why are you so good at acting?”

“Is Yumiela the first to start?-See, the farce is over.”

He shyly looked away and picked up the dropped sword.

The hostage was not so much fun. I think it’s time for the tide, and hold the sword that’s stuck in front of me.

A cheap sword couldn’t bear my grip, and my sword was broken easily. Behind him looks at it and stiffens.

“I didn’t expect a day to become a hostage.


“So, can you gather in one place?”

“Wow, what is this power?”

Grab his arm and throw it in the direction of Patricks. Flying low, he collides with another bandit and falls down on the ground.

Meanwhile, Patrick seems to have settled. The thirty thieves are falling or losing their will.

I say while walking slowly next to Patrick.

“Thank you, wasn’t that strong …?”

“Oh, he didn’t seem to be used to fighting. He was poorly armed, and I think he was a farmer somewhere …”

What if they were residents of Dorknes? There should have been a reason for dropping the bandit, and maybe the lord was me, the lord.

“I am the lord of Dorknes here, where are you from?”

They whisper when I talk not to be too high.

“… Is it the lord of Dorknes? You defeated the Demon King?”

“Yes, I hit the worst carriage.”

“Hey, don’t talk if you’re tortured. Remember the family’s face!”

Depressed looking at them in a panic. It is a standard flow that I am scared.

Patrick walks one step forward and signals me to go down.

“You hear, are you somewhere where you live and are you coming to work there? Why did you target it?”

They remain silent on Patrick’s question. Look, it’s so high pressure. Interrogation requires candy and a whip, and a moderate kindness.

When he tried to offer a replacement, he also suggested a replacement in a timely manner.

“If I remain silent, I have no choice but to replace her behind.”

“I’ll talk anything!”

Use me as a whip, can you stop me?

When Patrick picked up the bandits from the bandits, they claimed to be neighboring villagers.

When asked about the situation, the village was poor and starved to death. It seems that the men had planned to attack a chariot likely to be loaded with gold as a bandit.

The poor village seems to be due to a large mountain on the south side. They explain that there are times when the sun is hidden and crop yields are low.

I was listening a little further away and asked a question.

“But why did you start banditing recently?-Have you ever been?”


“… do nothing”

Yes, usual. I’m scared.

Patrick gestures to me further and asks again.

“What happened recently?”

“It’s a monster. There was no monster around our village, but they destroyed the fields.”

Demons rarely appear near humans. In other words, people live in places where there are no demons.

I am worried that it will appear in the village. I inadvertently opened my mouth.

“Are you OK?”


“… Patrick”

Get used to it. What private information is flowing in the villages around here?

My territory’s villagers weren’t scared to see me. Somehow … I felt like I was determined.

Patrick sighs and asks for me.

“So what happened?”

“We didn’t have any injuries, but if the fields go bad, it’s almost as if we’re dead. The lord can’t help me.”

Originally a poor village is ruined. I can’t help the lord. After hearing those circumstances, I came up with an idea.

The territory reform proposal I came up with the other day, the idea of cultivating a village with my own power, has just been lost because there are no residents.

“Hey you”


“… I’m so scared? Oh no, if you don’t like the territory next door, why don’t you become my child?”

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