Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 68

07 Sanon, God of Light

“I’m Sanon, the god of light. Yumiera Dorknes eliminates you.”

Sanon’s voice was mineral and flat, but he felt a deep passion. She is furious at me.

There are ways to get angry with the God of Light. It was me who broke the barrier magic that passed to the church. The rest is related to Alicia.

But why now? Today’s appearance at this time should have something to do with Remun. With that thought in mind, Sanon looked away from me and turned to Remun.

“Remun, what are you doing?”

“Hehe, a bit of nostalgia. What happened to Sanon?”

“That’s not it! You have to eliminate Yumiela Dorknes anyway.”

Hmm? Is their purpose irrelevant?

Things go on during the mess. Sanon turned to me and was shot with a keen eye.

“Yumiera Dorknes is ready.”

“Even though I’m prepared, I don’t know what I’m angry about. Did I do anything?”

“It’s white!”

At the same time as Sanon raises her voice, her exposed forehead shines shiny.

Take that light all over your body …

“It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!”

The exposed parts of the skin, such as the face and hands, ache sorely. I didn’t think the forehead light was a weapon.

Unable to endure pains I have never felt before, I fall to the ground and roll around. It has been so painful … since I was stabbed by Alicia before. It hurts when you hit the barrier of light.

Patrick’s face rushing in haste appears to be hazy.

“Yumiela !? okay, what happened?”

“I don’t think I’m good anymore … Patrick, I hope …”


Patrick’s voice on my shoulder is getting farther away. Oh, he’s glad he’s fine … But why is Patrick just fine in that light? I can’t help but worry.

I get up and say, wiping out the soil on my clothes.

“Did Patrick hurt?-Um … even in the light of your forehead.”

“You can afford it.”

There is no room for it. That was really painful. It was good that the acute pain subsided immediately, but I don’t want to be permanently irradiated.

What is that deco beam? Is it a light magic that aimed only at me?

When I tried to talk to her still glaring at me, a moaning from the side. When I looked there, there was Remun falling on the ground. It is fading or the body is slightly thinner.

“I’m already dead.”

Isn’t this person most affected?

Patrick is fine, I am moderately damaged, and Remun is almost gone. This can be thought of as the effect of light attributes. Even the forehead’s shine gives the maximum light attribute to the god of light.

Before the second shot of the forehead beam comes, he hides on Patrick’s back. He asked Sanon with his face alone.

“I don’t really know … Isn’t it something wrong?”

“Did you say this seriously? While making choices that affect people’s lives!”

Sanon’s forehead glistened.

The light hits the face too late to hide.

“Wow! It hurts so much. Only the face hurts.”

Somehow, Sanon seems to flash his forehead.

Let’s go comfortably. Talk in a friendly way and hear her as if your classmates were friends. I was a high school girl in the past. Dig up that memory!

“I’m deco-chan. Deko-chan.

“Deco-chan! Is that really me?”

Deco-chan’s deco glowed again, but this time he was hidden behind Patrick. I feel that the amount of light was the largest now. If you hit that, I won’t do it.

Is the gal operation a failure? Well, I can’t help because I wasn’t that type. I never drank tapioca.

Patrick was worried about his serious tone while thinking about the next step.

“What happened to Yumiera? Did you get too crazy because of too much light?”

“Now is the strategy … what about extra?”

“What do you want to do now? Would you run away?”

He proposes a withdrawal without answering any questions.

I guess Ali escapes here, but Sanon should be able to accurately capture our whereabouts. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to pinpoint this remote place.

It’s a good idea that you can catch up even if you run away. Then you have to confront it.

“If you escape, it won’t help. It’s okay, leave it to me.”

“I thought I would say that, but be careful. What should I do?”

“Watch here”

After the whispering council, I jump out of Patrick’s back.

And approaching Sanon with a slow step. Behind Patrick, who is surprised to follow him.

“Did you say goodbye to him? Well, just praise me for not escaping.”

“Deco-chan, looks like I’m sitting and waiting for death?”

“Deco … with that name again!”

Sanon’s forehead shines again. I’m basking in that light, and still approach her without stopping.

Patrick screamed in the back.

“Why is Yumiera calm that light?”

Sanon hasn’t been surprised, but he’s supposed to be surprised. I hope you do. I need to do that.

Did you do anything? Continue walking, pretending to be. It hurts. It really hurts.

This is my secret. Skinny patience.

It is not a reckless operation. That deco beam just hurts. It doesn’t impair your succession abilities, so you can ignore it as long as I endure.

Passing by the translucent Remun, we get closer to Sanon.

I am the back boss. The strongest character in the work if limited to individuals. There is no way to lose to those who came out like this retrofit setting.

Inspire yourself and say confidently.

“The light doesn’t work for me? Are you going to win me in battle?”

“… Yumiera Dorknes, you misunderstand.”

Sanon stares at me with a terrified face. And continued.

“This light is an indication of my immaturity. It is the light that has leaked out of my sickness. My original power has only slightly gone outside.”


“Is this a painful girl going to beat me?”

“… Is it possible to produce even stronger light magic?”

that? Isn’t this the best pinch ever?

I am famous for having no gaps in physics and magic, but are vulnerable to extermination only in light attributes. At a level that is not a fuss of four times weakness.

“Light has never been magical. Let me show you some of my powers … light.”

This is bad. The whole body is frozen. The instinct says he will definitely die if left as is.

I had a bad feeling and looked up overhead. But in the sky there is only the sun … no, there are two suns. Then one …


He kicks the ground and jumps right behind.

It was almost the same as the dense light. The light converged to the limit looks like a pillar that penetrates the heavens when viewed from a distance.

It is also bad to eat the aftermath.

Although it may be water on the burnt stone, it appears in a large amount around the shadow lance and turns into a fake shield. Who guided me to such a place without any obstructions or shadows?

it’s over now. I die in the aftermath of the pillars of light. It may not die, but it definitely hurts.

He fell to the ground with his repulsive momentum to reduce the area of attack.

Close your eyes by clenching your teeth. Do it all at once. amen.


Pain does not come after a few seconds.

Maybe a pattern that ascended before you felt pain?

When I opened my terrible eyes, it was completely dark. When I moved my hand, I felt a cool feeling of earth.

It was buried as though he was dead.

Let’s pretend to be a zombie and get out. I want to cherish such opportunities once or not in my lifetime.

Get up with both hands protruding forward. The buried place seemed to be shallow, and it was possible to get to the ground simply by raising the upper body.


Look around while narrowing your eyes to glare. It was not a graveyard.

Patrick and Sanon face each other in an instantaneous atmosphere. Remun is thinner than other ghosts. Well, time hasn’t passed yet.

Patrick sees me coming out of the ground for a brief moment and immediately turns to Sanon.

“Why came out!”

Well, did he immediately protect me with earth magic? And he stands in front of the god of light and still guards him.

Not if you’re imitating a zombie. But please, let me just say this.

“The porridge … horse …”


“Okay, I’m done.”

Move to the side next to Patrick, covered with soil.

But he went out to cover me.

“Yumiera isn’t very compatible. Run away.”

“She’s aim is me, so only Patrick ran away … what would I do?”

“I can’t escape”

“Such that”

Sannon is my natural enemy, but that doesn’t mean Patrick can leave it alone.

The pillar of light also seems to contain high-purity energy, with a red circle between us and Sanon. Stones and sand are being heated and melting.

Even if Patrick doesn’t get damaged by the deco beam, it’s not safe to eat that heat.

He sighed deeply.

“I knew I wouldn’t run away … but I can’t help it.”

“What do you do? Patrick’s magic seems to work?”

“I don’t know, but Yumiera’s dark magic will be less effective.”

“I’m the avant-garde”

“Oh, I’ll help you with magic, so take a heavy blow.”

If you can’t use magic, hit it with physics. We got Patrick to make a shield and made it thin, and then came close.

Will it work? I want something else, an advantageous element.

Sanon’s distraction. Stones falling from the sky … Is it impossible?

She narrows her golden eyes and turns to us.

“I don’t think I’m fit. If I give up-”

“Kyu aa aa”

A scream came down overhead, intercepting Sanon’s words. It’s a voice I heard somewhere.

The first to respond to the scream was surprisingly Sanon.

“This voice !?”

She takes us out of sight and looks up at the heavens.

Opportunity. But just before he tried to move, Sanon returned to his face.

“Yumiela Dorknes! Take it as anything!” Eleanor is down.

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