Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Chapter 77

16 Another Yumiera Dorknes

The day after I got the Elixir and found that my sword was stuck in my heart. What I have to do in my parallel world measures has disappeared. She may come to this world tomorrow, or a year later.

He intends to spend his time organizing documents and going to see the village undergoing expansion work. But let’s just relax today. I’ve been a little tired over the last couple of days. I’ll read it in a book after a long time. I changed the library in the mansion while thinking that it might be good to buy a new book. It was a peaceful day with a relaxing time.

Perhaps it was Lemun’s uneasiness to attack me in the parallel world. It was a calm day that seemed so. It’s already evening. It seems that today can be finished without incident. The voice came from the shadow at the timing I thought.

“Sister! I confirmed the dimensional distortion! Come now!”

Remun, the god of black hair, appears from my shadow. Eh, have you come already?

◆ ◆ ◆

Call Patrick and leave the mansion. I had it ready, so I was ready to go out with full equipment. Eleanor is the answering machine. Or rather, I’m going to tell you that it will come if I explain the situation, so I’ll keep the story of the parallel world secret.

“Where is it? Where is it?” “Nearby” “Ryu is also in the answering machine” “Why? I guess that dragon will become a fighting force,” “Hah !? “Oh, yeah, sorry.”

Follow the instructions from the shadow of Remun. A little late, Patrick caught up.

“I don’t have time to rest,” “I’m really,” “Where is it?” “I’m not far away. Where is it?”

Then, Lemun responded that he would arrive in a few minutes. Not far from the city of Dorknes. At this pace, it was probably around the time Duke Hillrose had ambushed before. Should we rejoice or mourn for being close to the city? It was good that the damage to the city could be avoided.

I knew the place right away. Remun described it as a dimensional distortion, but that’s exactly right. The space is distorted. The scenery over there appears to be twisted.

“This is it?” “This is it.”

We stopped a little further away. Remun has not yet come out of the shadows. Observe the seriously twisted space … I want to see it closer. What happens if you touch it? Inspired by my intellectual curiosity, Patrick grabs my shoulder when I try to run.

“Hey, what are you trying to do now?” “A little bit of trying to touch it.” “It’s dangerous to see it.” “The insatiable quest for knowledge has evolved humans so far. Not good?”

He strengthened my stomach. Besides, the homicide ray is not emitted at the moment of touch. I think it’s fine to touch as much as a safe and secure dimensional distortion than Demon Core.

“I see. So it’s good to throw a stone, isn’t it?”

Patrick shouts at my feet. Then, what was returned was a flirty word.

“Why not?”

Alright, we’ve got permission from Remun, so let’s throw the stone. Will it disappear into a connected parallel world, change its orbit according to the twisted space, or have no effect? I have no choice but to worry.

I picked up a handy pebble from my feet and threw it lightly towards the dimensional distortion. Almost at the same time as the stone is removed from the hand, the twisted space sways. The shaking grew steadily, and it was me that emerged from the distortion of the space. That is the parallel world of Yumiera. A stone hits her face.

“Ah,” “… a rough welcome.”

I’m sorry, not on purpose. Don’t get angry. Just because it is Yumiera, I do not show any painful behavior.

Another I was natural but very similar to me. The difference is the length of the hair. My right eye is completely hidden by my full-length black hair. The rest is different. The black Gothic Lolita dress has the memory that the back boss Yumiera wore in the game. Where did you get it from?

She looks at me and Patrick in turn and mutters.

“Hmm, that’s it. I see. I don’t really like it.” “I’m sorry, uh … what should I call?”

Call out with a certain amount of time. She considered the possibility that she couldn’t even talk, but she responded honestly.

“You must not know my name, Yumiera Dorknes. Call me like.” “I’m Yumiera, so it’s not inconvenient.” “Yes, then, if you renamed me stupid? “I’m doing it.” “Is your face … I’m with you?”

She makes an expression that she has gone. Maybe this child is an idiot? Let’s seriously consider the method of classification. Yumiera Alter, Black Yumiera, Another Yumiera … Well, if anything, I’m an alter and black and another. It’s close to the original, so should I be renamed? But if I change it, I’m not going to be treated like second. So, how do you simply number them?

“Now, No. 1 and No. 2. I’m No. 1, you’re No. 2” “What? Why am I two?” “I see. And where did V come from? ”

Yeah. I’m still left. Power No. 1 and Power No. 2 were dissatisfied, so they offered V3 as an alternative. But I’m worried that the numbers jump. I don’t want to be a hint when another one comes out. Then she stays at No. 1. Make it a serial number …

“If you don’t like skipping numbers, let’s say 0 and 1. You’re number one, I’m zero nos.” “So! Why are there any extra things !?” “Zero nos? What ?? “I guess you said!”

I was convinced to explore with a little playfulness. She is definitely not me. He has no memory of Japan, a completely different personality. If she was a memorable person from a previous life, she would probably be working on a Zeronos fight by now.

“Let’s name each other’s favorite riders. You can choose whatever you like on the Amazon or the kick hopper.” “… I’m okay with No. 2. You’re No. 1.” I hope it’s good … ”

A little disappointing. But if the emphasis is on comprehensibility, are the first and second good? Scream with your right hand on your waist and your left hand diagonally up.

“Transformation!” “… What are you doing?”

It can be seen with a white eye on Yumiera-2. He was unable to stay and turned to Patrick for help, but he was cold-eyed. No, I have to do it? Am I the first Yumiera? I was a little embarrassed to return to my childhood and coughed out on purpose.

“Where the call was made for convenience … Is the purpose of No. 2 right for me?” “Yes. My purpose is you.”

Is her purpose me after all? The aim is to beat me and release the level cap. No. 2, the much more grumpy, points to Patrick.

“What? What’s that?”

Patrick tried to introduce himself, and I noticed a shocking fact. The gaze of No. 2 looking at him is clearly different from that directed at me. It seemed uncomfortable even to get into sight at my time, but now it looks somehow happy. This is … the same type of opposite sex was the same, apart from the contents.

Not good. My face and her face are exactly the same. Patrick, who is engrossed in my beauty, could fall to No. 2. A man who destroys the world must be as calm as to use a color for his lover.

Only 0.2 seconds so far.

You have to interrupt before the conversation is completed in order not to set an extra flag. Jump sideways to hug his arm. The elbow pierced into the flanks with great momentum. Patrick groaned, but I was able to interrupt the conversation. It rubs on Patrick’s arm, rubbing his head with a squeaky and loving appeal.

“He’s my lover? Oh, I’m engaged too. You’ll get married in a few months.” “Always?”

Appeal to Patrick to be silent with his gaze. No. 2 should not realize that this is the first time you have done this. Looking gently at her, she was glaring at me with sharp eyes. Alright, it’s working. Then No. 2 speaks in a chilling voice.

“I’m not milking.” “Oh? Did you see that? Isn’t that normal? Ah … I don’t know if you’re a lover who doesn’t have a lover. I’m sorry.

The battle has already begun. I should have the advantage in the opening war. I know the sharpness of the word “Why not make a boyfriend?” If you ask mysteriously, you will get hurt. Finally, if you apologize for Gachitone, it will work even better. No.2 suffering! Even those who know the same pain are now enemies. I do not forgive.

She is holding her fist down. I got away from Patrick because I was ashamed of it and approached No.2. And look into the face from below.

“Could you be crying? I feel like I’m alone but don’t be too depressed. And I’m stronger.”

She pointed directly below. e? Is something falling on the ground? I move my gaze down and find nothing. When I tried to ask what I wanted to show, a shock from directly above. Pain runs in the back of the head late. He noticed that his head had dropped his heels when his face and ground collided. I was overturned.

“Awful-” “You look stronger, right? Get up early.”

Immediately after getting up to complain, a shock came again from above. Over, over, over and over. The occiput is relentlessly trampled. The head sinks more and more into the soil. No. 2 stopped stomping and began stomping my head muzzling.

“Did you lose your mind? Only your mouth is a guru-” “Because you first took your hand.”

I rolled my hand behind my head and grabbed the No. 2 ankle. You can fight back even if you are sleeping. She tries to retract her legs to escape the restraint, but she doesn’t let go.

“What? Let it go. You just roll on the ground.” “Roll?

Roll on the ground while grabbing her ankle. At the time when he turned his back, he used his hands to strengthen his ties and rolled further. Yumiera No.2 was unable to squeeze and lost balance. I spin as it is and spin No. 2 around myself. And Mekakure’s Gothic Lolita collapsed and crashed into the ground. I scream for victory.


This is where the production starts. He rose quickly and grabbed one of her ankles. Then, lift and swing down repeatedly. Swing Yumiera 2 like a hammer hitting the ground. Again and again and again. Of course, fine-adjust the angle so that it sticks into the soil from your face. Eyes for eyes, teeth for teeth, soil for face and soil for face.

So Patrick stops.

“That’s it.”

He had a really sad face. I stop hitting No. 2 on the ground and look at her. The girl who lays loosely from her whole body looks like me no matter how many times she looks … He looks back at Patrick.

“It’s harder to see if Yumiera beat each other than I imagined …” “Patrick …”

Can you understand his feelings? Even if I witnessed a scene where Patrick and a person with Patrick’s face slammed and beat each other …? I wouldn’t help Patrick. Because the other person is the same face but another person.

“Well, Patrick will be on the side of No. 2? Anyone with the same face?” “No, just because I can’t stand seeing …” “Hmm, I have No. 2 shoulder. “It’s over here.” “Yumiera was bad, too much waste.”

I am not instigating. I just tried to get a mental advantage over my opponent. Mount, not fanning. Judgment as to which one is malicious is at odds. … Well, I was bad too. Maybe I went to sell the quarrel. I do not apologize.

Turning away from Patrick so as to get ridiculous, No. 2 was about to get up. She glanced at me, dressed in a ragged outfit lightly.

“Ah, don’t you think it’s special to have a lover?” “Eh?” “A normal person in the world usually has friends and usually has a lover. “I get married and usually have children.” “Eh … yes … yes” “Do you think it’s pathetic to take advantage of that normal thing as a shield? Like a child who boasts of going shopping alone? It’s a child, and it’s permissible, and it’s over when a big adult starts bragging at what anyone can do. ”

……I am going to cry. It’s harder for someone with the same face as me. Maybe I myself was thinking the same somewhere in my heart. I’m just swaying, and even if I’m stopped by Patrick, I’m too bad and my character is too bad. As she was about to cry, Yumiera-2 caught her mouth and continued.

“And, if you’re really happy, you don’t appeal that you’re happy. I saw you annoyed with your proud lover. Oh, and your gender relationship isn’t working “What’s ………” “… It’s sailing smoothly. We’ve decided on a wedding date.” “Hey, get married … So when you get married, your relationship will automatically evolve Is marriage not a magical ritual or a goal in life? ”

Don’t criticize marriage if you’ve never been married. No boyfriend … no, the advantage of having a lover is already lost. Guu … I can’t say anything. The good news is that No. 2 is even more folded.

“I thought it was weird in the first place. I’m a different person, but I’m Yumiera Dorknes. I can’t really do love.

I almost saw Patrick’s face. I tried to make sure I was not deceived. It is useless. If so, you don’t seem to trust him. Even with the same face, it is now Yumiera 2 from Patrick. He hits the same face now rather than looking.

“Don’t say bad about Patrick!”

He jumps on Yumiera No.2 and makes his face gooping. He pushed down and became a horseback, and continued to beat with both hands. She also beats my face. However, the punch from bottom to top is weak and does not work at all. Wasted waste Wasted.

“Don’t stop Yumiera! Yumiera is sorry!”

This stop was also early. Patrick catches her shoulder and is pulled back. Saying not to say Patrick badly meant to stop him. But it didn’t seem to make much sense. Perhaps I read my thoughts that I brought in a fight because I could not win in a tongue fight.

It was completely peeled off from No. 2. She sleeps, and I stare at each other as Patrick presses her shoulder. Patrick sighs greatly, confirming that I have relaxed.

“Why are you relentlessly aiming for faces?” “Because I don’t like faces”

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