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Chapter 067

“Heresta actually came!”

When Mikasa heard Lin Yan’s words, instead of stopping, he wiped the table more attentively.

The smell of vinegar seems to be in the silent air.

The other day, Mikasa thought about the other day when Herista was late for training.

Herista also said it was a secret.


A gray figure flashed, and a cat ran in through the doorway.

“Get out of the way, that’s our cat.”

Two men with green eyes rushed into the shop and went straight to the gray cat behind Mikasa.

Mikasa, who was jealous of Herista’s affairs, was about to be knocked down by the two who rushed in and fell out of his chair.


Mikasa felt her back collar being tugged, and the whole person was lifted, and then the two people who rushed towards her flew out upside down like two broken sacks.

It hit the street hard.

It took several laps before stopping.

“Brother, let me down.”

“It’s embarrassing to be pulled by the collar.”

Mikasa reacted, only to find that Lin Yan was holding her collar, and her whole person was in mid-air, very embarrassed.

Lin Yan gently placed Mikasa on the ground.

The way Mikasa just kicked his legs indiscriminately, Lin Yan couldn’t help but want to laugh when he thought about it.

Immediately Lin Yan returned to the back of the counter again, as if it was only two flies that had just been kicked out of the store by him.

“Ahem: Let’s go. ”

The two people who were kicked out by Lin Yan coughed up a mouthful of blood in unison, looked at Lin Yan in shock, and even crawled to run flat, not daring to have the slightest thought of Lin Yan’s theory.

In today’s Siganshina urban area, the last thing is the dead.

Allen, who chased after the two, watched the two cough up blood and run away in place.

Lin Yan’s flowing movements made Allen’s eyes shine.

“Thank you, help me.”

After the shock, Alan walked to Lin Yan with the gray cat in his arms and bowed deeply to thank him.

If it weren’t for Lin Yan’s just shot, the gray cat was afraid that it would have been boiled into a pot of cat meat.

Lin Yan raised his head slightly and glanced at Allen.

After a year, Alan looks a little taller and more mature than a year ago.


Without talking too much, Lin Yan was not too interested in Allen in front of him.

Now Allen is still a teenager who does not know the world, and he does not have much use value.

The reason why Lin Yan chose to stay in the south this time.

For a while, the members of the hunter group on this side can evacuate safely.

The second reason is that Lin Yan wants to take this opportunity to let the members of the hunter group conduct a real combat training.

In addition, Lin Yan wants to prepare for replacing the royal family.

It is just a good time to take advantage of this plan to replace the royal family.

Seeing that Lin Yan did not take care of his own plan, Alan took the cat and left.

Probably strong guys have such personalities.

“Black hair, teenager?”

Alan was walking on the street holding the gray cat, and when he walked to the corner of the street and Lin Yan’s appearance, Alan suddenly remembered a person.

A year ago, the man who killed many giants outside the city.

Some of Lin Yan’s characteristics are very much in line with the temperament of a black-haired mysterious teenager in Allen’s heart.

This year, Alan has been looking forward to the appearance of the mysterious black-haired man.

Expect the dark-haired boy to do wonders again.

But the black-haired boy never appeared again, and there was not the slightest news.

Glancing back at the small shop on the corner, Alan couldn’t help but feel that what he had just thought was a little ridiculous.

Although Lin Yan’s kick just now was powerful, he was a person like a black-haired boy.

How can you hide in a small shop and sell alcohol?

Time flies.

Three days later.

Lin Yan opened the store door as usual.

Start your day with a day of shop viewing.


Suddenly, Lin Yan felt the small shop shake, and the ground began to shake.

Lin Yan, who was sitting in the small shop, raised his head.

In the distance, on the tall ramparts.

A giant skull about ten meters tall emitted white mist, and its chin did not cross the city wall.

appeared in Lin Yan’s field of vision.

The mouth is closed one by one, as if it wants to eat this heaven and earth into its mouth.

Lin Yan’s pupils instantly shrank, remembering the super-large giant who broke through the city gate in the first episode of the original book!


The city area of Higanshina is surrounded by a 50-meter-high mountain-like wall.

Bustling crowds on the streets because of the good weather.

Originally, everyone was still glad that the plague had passed and began to be busy with their new lives.

However, the moment the oversized skull appeared on the wall, the entire street fell silent in an instant.

It was as if everyone was frozen.

After a few seconds of silence, the original silence was broken by a miserable scream that cut through the sky.

“The giants are coming!!!”

With a bang, the entire street exploded in an instant.

“Living: It’s actually a giant!”

“Really… There really are giants!”

“How can there be such a tall giant?”

Everyone turned pale with shock, and even stuttered when they spoke.

Looking at the street, no one even thought of running for their lives.

They have blank heads.

They all just stood in place in horror, looking stupidly at the huge skull bubbling white steam like a puppet.

However, the people with blank heads forgot to make a move.

The oversized giants on the city walls have not forgotten.

As if not giving anyone time to breathe, the oversized giant with a height of sixty meters slowly charged his right leg, instantly turning into a kick.

Then there was a boom.

Near the thick city gate, a burst of dust flew up within a few hundred meters.

All kinds of gravel and wood chips shoot towards the street like shooting stars.

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