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Chapter 072

Erwin also received information from Chiz of the garrison corps this time, and a black-haired boy killed a dirtless giant with his bare hands.

His other task this time was to investigate the details of this black-haired teenager.

Through his analysis of Chiz intelligence, Erwin made a big discovery.

This black-haired boy was very similar to Lin Yan he was chasing back then.

Erwin suddenly had a very strong curiosity about Lin Yan.

Speaking of which, Lin Yan is the farmer of the hunter farm in the north, so those who killed more than a dozen giants in the north will also be Lin Yan and them?

Thinking of this, Erwin couldn’t help but hit the whip on the horse again, and he wanted to confirm the problem earlier.


Three months later.

Time flies by like a white horse.

Three months have passed, and it is already January.

In the pioneering area, there is light snow in the sky, which is the first real snow after entering winter.

“Hey, the porridge is getting lighter and lighter.”

“How can I survive this winter.”

Over the course of a few months, many rudimentary wooden houses were built in the pioneer area.

In front of a wooden house, an old man with a withered face looked at the sweet potato porridge in the jar, his face pale.

For these refugees, the Kingdom of Eldia has always been in a state of semi-abandonment.

Not to mention the supply of these refugees, even the city has become a mess.

Therefore, the refugees outside the city were only hanged to their deaths.

If they hadn’t needed to sow seeds in the spring of the following year, they might not have even been able to obtain this little food for hanging.

In a small valley.

Three rows of wooden buildings are neatly arranged.

The hunters had turned this small valley into a new camp a month earlier.

In terms of adaptability, the world can’t find a more powerful team than the Hunter Group.

“Eat fish today, everyone eat more.”

In the cafeteria, everyone heard Isabel’s words, with forks in their hands, and almost didn’t hold them steady.

They want to eat vegetables, they want to eat sweet potatoes, but they don’t want to eat fish.

Because there are so many fish to eat, I now eat fish almost every day.

In the past, everyone ate fish as a luxury, but now they eat fish as a staple food.

Unlike the hungry refugees outside, the hunters’ food supply has always been plentiful.

For everyone on the island, there is a lack of a lot of historical heritage.

Fish practices and fishing techniques are broken.

Therefore, there is no shortage of fish on the island, but because of the lack of fishing technology and cooking technology.

Few people will choose to eat fish.

The technique of fishing still stays at the level of using both hands and harpoons.

As a result, the catch of fish is very small.

This is naturally cheap Lin Yan.

As for cooking, there is only grilled fish, such a single means.

“Don’t be sad, just now the regiment commander caught thousands of pounds of fish.”

“The regiment commander said, each person will be given ten strips, and they must be eaten.”

“If you can’t finish eating, double tomorrow.”

Hearing Isabel’s words, everyone showed expressions of happiness and pain.

Happily, you can eat meat, and painfully, everyone really misses the taste of food.

It’s not that the hunters don’t have food, it’s just that those grains are in the grain depots in the north.

If it is transported over, it will take a long time, and the fastest way to come from the north is to pass through the royal capital, but there are many gates to go through.

The possibility of being intercepted is very high, after all, food has now become a strategic material.

However, from the periphery of the wall of Hina, Fran’s carriage carrying grain was already on its way.

Alan and Armin sat at a wooden table.

There was a big fat fish on each of their plates.

Armin ate with relish, and after a while the fish had only one fish skeleton left.

He is different from the members of the hunter group, who have not lacked food since childhood.

Truly full, Armin only had such an experience after entering the hunter group.

“Alan, why don’t you eat.”

“I’m wondering when I’ll be able to go back to Siganshina.”

Seeing Allen’s preoccupied look, he raised his head to look at Alan and asked.

Hearing Alan’s answer, Armin was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile:

“Isn’t life very good now?”

“Now it has long been occupied by giants.”

Hearing Armin’s words, Alan’s eyes darkened, and he stroked the key around his neck.

Yesterday his father appeared, but soon after, he quickly disappeared.

Alan only remembered that his father told him to go back to the basement, but he had no idea what to do.

Middle location in the canteen.

Lin Yan and Levi also have Mikasa, Herista, and Isabel sitting at a table.

“Levi, how is our plan going?”

After eating hundreds of pounds of fish, Lin Yan felt a little full

He looked up at Levi.

“The recruitment program has begun.”

“I should be able to recruit a lot of good seedlings this time.”

Hearing Levi’s words, Lin Yan nodded with satisfaction.

Another purpose of Lin Yan to stay this time is to recruit some talents.

Among hundreds of thousands of people, some talents can always be recruited, and in this troubled world, recruiting people is much simpler than usual.

It’s almost a fish, a bowl of porridge.

Lin Yan raised his head and looked outside, and began to review his plan to trace whether there was a problem.

The light snow outside is getting heavier and heavier, and gradually it turns from light snow to heavy snow.

A crow sneaks down from a dead tree.

After picking up a fish with a thick thumb, it quickly disappeared.

The north wind is blowing.

The crow stopped at the window of an abandoned wooden house and began to feast on the freshly stolen fish.


A dagger shot out from inside the wooden house.

Before the crow could react, the dagger was nailed to the wooden window.


Footsteps sounded, and from the dark wooden house, a white arm was stretched out, and the crow was pulled out.

Immediately a beautiful face appeared in front of the window, blond hair and blue eyes, high nose, and indifferent eyes.

“I can only try my luck at that place.”

Arnie Leonard looked at the snow outside the window and frowned.

Since entering the world inside the walls, she has followed the refugees to this camp.

Ani’s actions did not go well, and he originally wanted to hide his origin through refugees and whitewash his past and experience.

However, they were trapped in the camp and confined to the frontier zone outside the city.

During this time, there was also a pitiful amount of food available.

After weighing it up, Arnie decided to join an organization called the Hunter Group in the area.

It is said that if the recruitment conditions are met, you can have food to eat, and it is said that the organization has some relationship with the garrison corps and the investigation corps.

For Arnie, only by living is there a chance.

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