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Chapter 105

The walls fell into an eerie silence, and the sudden victory made 200,000 people feel unreal.

No one dared to speak, and everyone was afraid that what was in front of them was a dream.

Because in their dreams, such scenes have appeared again and again.

“Win! Win! We finally won! ”

“We don’t have to die, we don’t have to die!”


There was silence for ten seconds, and then deafening cheers erupted from the city gates.

Two hundred thousand people roared and vented frantically on the city gates.

Reborn in despair, witnessing miracles in the impossible.

This made the emotions of 200,000 people directly out of control.

Pisis stood on the ramparts.

The old man burst into tears and sobbed silently.

He did not cry when his own comrades were eaten by giants.

When he returned to the city to be questioned by the soldiers’ families, he did not cry

In countless sleepless despairs, he didn’t cry.

But at this moment, after seeing that humans had finally defeated a giant, Pisis cried.

Crying louder than anyone, he cried like a child.

Fifty years, a full fifty years.

He finally, finally waited for this day.

Outside the city.

The civilians who were chased by the giants also heard the sound of boulders hitting the city gates.

Heard the cheers that erupted from the city walls.

As a lure troop they know.

His own family was rescued.

Inside the city.

There are only five people left in the Survey Corps.

At the moment when Lin Yan completely blocked the city gate.

The survey corps that attacked the giant again to cover Lin Yan withdrew from the battlefield.

As long as the outer city is blocked, these remaining giants can be killed sooner or later.

“Commander, we won.”

“yes, the man did it.”

There was no shouting like those civilians in the city.

Nor did he cry like Pissis.

Erwin couldn’t be happier when he saw that there were only four teammates left beside him.

His whole face in pain twisted.

More than sixty people were taken out by him, but only five survived in the end.

Ten does not save one.

Erwin couldn’t help but feel deeply guilty.

As the head of the Survey Corps, he was not able to keep his teammates alive.

It was dead and wounded.

This is a great failure for a leader.

Erwin couldn’t help but look in the direction of the hunter group that had also withdrawn from the battle.

“Brother, we did it.”

Mikasa looked at the boulder embedded in the distance that entered the doorway, and she looked at Lin Yan on the side.

They fought so hard that several times Mikasa felt that he had lost this time.

However, under the leadership of Lin Yan, they overcame difficulties again and again, and finally won victory.

“yes, we did.”

Hear Mikasa’s words.

Lin Yan looked around, his tone was still extremely flat.

This time the hunters did not die though.

However, most of the people except Levi, Mikasa, Faran, Isabel and others were more or less injured.

Herista was seriously injured.

“Another miracle?”

Ani stood behind Lin Yan, she looked at Lin Yan’s tall back, and her feelings were extremely complicated.

The hole in the wall of Mary was created by her, Rainer Braun and Berthold Hoover in order to blend into the world inside the wall.

But now it is blocked again.

Lin Yan’s last kick, in Ani’s opinion, is not good at strength.

Even if she transforms into a giantess, she can only do it.

Therefore, now Arnie’s feelings for Lin Yan are not only close and admiring, but also more awe and jealousy.

Standing in front of Lin Yan, even with the power of a giantess.

Ani also has a feeling that now Lin Yan wants to kill her, it is easy.


Two days later.

Royal Capital.

As September approaches, the weather is slowly getting cooler.

There was a light rain in the sky.

The tall buildings in the city in the rain look like they are separated by a thin veil.

Pedestrians on the streets of Wangdu walk with umbrellas on the streets.

“Get out of the way, look for death!”

A carriage decorated with unicorn standards weaves quickly through the rain.

The rampage does not mean to slow down in the slightest.

A large amount of stagnant water sputtered out under the crushing of the carriage.

Pedestrians on the road avoided.

A teenager dressed in a black robe was almost hit by a carriage.

The sound of the groom cursing and cursing went away with the wind, which was particularly harsh.

As if the black-robed boy hadn’t heard, he still ran forward quickly.

Near the entrance of No. 11 Underground Street in Wangdu.

This is the civilian gathering area of the royal capital.

Sincere. Tuk Tuk

In the silent street, a knock sounded at the door with a strange rhythm.

Soon a door opened in the most remote location, and the black-robed boy who knocked on the door entered the courtyard.

“The boss’s carrier pigeons have arrived, this is the boss’s plan of action.”

“After two years of dormancy, this time we must impress the boss.”

Inside the house.

A lot of ink could be smelled in the air, and blank paper was piled up everywhere.

A group of teenagers under dim kerosene lamps.

Looking at the information in his hand, he was very excited.

The central area of the royal capital.

A carriage with a unicorn logo stopped in front of a solemn building.

Parliament Hall.

President Dariz Zachary sat at the back of a high platform as usual.

The audience was supposed to be full of seats for parliamentarians.

Today it looks extraordinarily empty.

Because of the rain.

Many MPs suffer from the cold or headaches.

Some councillors even lost their dogs.

For such idle rhetoric, Darith has long been commonplace.

Even the long-overdue meeting was delayed for four days.

“Commander Pisis in the south sent intelligence four days ago, and he decided to try another attack.”

“Today’s topic is whether to judge Picis for organizing an attack without authorization.”

Daris’s words were still as mechanical as usual, and he couldn’t hear the slightest emotion.

“I think Picis is a waste of the kingdom’s limited resources.”

“I agree that pouring too many resources into occupied areas is simply committing a crime.”

“The battle to retake the Wall of Mary has long been lost, and his unauthorized actions are simply ignoring the royal family, which is extremely stupid!”

Hear Daris’s words.

Members of the audience supported by the royal family and nobles stood up one after another.

Begin to critique what Picis did.

Picis was in charge of the Southern Garrison Corps for many years.

Every year, a large share of materials is taken from the Empire and distributed to the soldiers of the Legion.

This directly led to the fact that many nobles received less of the share of materials.

In addition, two years ago, Picis auctioned a bottle of wine of five hundred gold coins at a royal banquet.

Numerous nobles in order to obtain the benefit of wine.

The loss of the pit by a merchant named Lin Yan was huge.

They lost at least hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

Therefore, Pisis, who was not welcomed by many nobles in the first place, was even more hated by the nobles.

As a spokesperson for the nobility.

These councillors chose to attack whenever they had the opportunity to attack him.

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