Level Up Saintess

Chapter 38: Saintess Or No

Of course the kidnappers didn’t just listen to Ferr and go ‘Oh, okay!’ and let me go, so obviously they didn't do what she said. They put up a decent little fight against her for sure, but it turns out Ferr is actually much stronger than I thought she was. Like, I didn’t hear her use a single skill; She beat them with sheer strength and speed alone. I suppose it helps that they underestimated her and decided to only send 3 people to fight her at first, since apparently I’m enough of a risk that they didn’t want to leave just one person with me. But those 3 people all used skills and even some legit magic, and she still mopped the floor with them. And then Ferr went for the guy who had me potato-sacked over his shoulder, and the other kidnapper that was still there just… ran away?


It’s definitely suspicious, but I’ll take what I can get, I guess.




I couldn’t help but shout in joy and astonishment as the cloth in my mouth was finally removed. Having it gone really renewed my appreciation for being able to breathe without having anything in the way. It also felt like I’d regained my ability to protect myself again, much more than when she’d untied my hands… Although after the poor showing of a fight I’d just performed, maybe I shouldn’t have put too much stock in that feeling.


After untying me, Ferr gave me a quick dusting off from the dirt that had gotten on my clothes and hair when I’d fallen, and then gave me a big reassuring smile.


“Hey hun! Think maybe we should start getting outta here?”


I nodded and she took hold of my hand, leading me towards the exit of the alley at a slightly rushed pace. I glanced back and forth between the powerful visage of her back and the strong hand that was holding on to me, trying to put together the feelings that were plaguing me at the moment. I was happy that she had saved me from whatever awful crap was about to happen to me, but I just couldn’t shake off a few things.


“Ferr, thank you… But why were you here?”


“Me? Well, Chella dropped by earlier and told me that she was worried about you. Said something about you making ‘stupid righteous decisions’ again. She even begged me to go make sure you were okay. Chella, of all people! Can you believe it?”


Oh, yeah, that would make sense. I did spend some time talking with her the last few days about how I didn’t know where to go next, so it’s no surprise that she got worried. I mean, there was even an awkward moment where she expressly asked me if I was still thinking about trying the slums, and I just averted my eyes, so really I should have expected something like this.


Anyways, I knew that Ferr was decently strong just from the first time we met alone, but…


“...Why are you so strong?”


My hand tightened in our hold subconsciously. This whole incident is bothering me much more than it should have I think. I mean I know I was being kidnapped and all, but much more than being attacked, I was more shaken by how powerless I really ended up being. Maybe there was a better way that I could have utilized my skills and everything, but it really felt like there was no good way that I could have fought back properly. And that… really stings. I was really confident in my ‘specialness’ here, you know? Being confident in my cheat abilities and then finding out that they don’t really amount to much when I need them most, is… crushing.


Ever since I came here, I was really starting to think that I had finally gained some amount of power for myself. At the very least I thought that I would never have to live a life like my last one again, getting smacked down left and right for other’s convenience, with no way to fight back. I was a Saintess now, something very rare, unique, and important, and maybe I was letting that convince me a little too hard that things could never return to the dreary way they once were.


No one likes feeling powerless, I know that.

But... Can you fault me for feeling like this right now?


Ferr squeezed my hand back after she took a peek at my face that was tearing up again for the umpteenth time today.


“I actually work at the brothel as hired muscle, you know! Used to be an adventurer for a while before that, although I had to quit after a certain incident happened.”


When I was quiet for a bit too long without replying, Ferr suddenly jerked my hand, sending me crashing into the side of her as she turned and gave me a hearty side-hug. Her face looking down at me was full of teasing and mischief.


“I do sometimes entertain some of the female clients though, that part certainly wasn’t a lie. It’s just one of the perks of the job!”


Oh, did she think I was thinking she’d lied to me or something and that was why I was quiet? I could feel my mouth try to form a light smile, despite my true feelings that still boiled deep inside of me. …Maybe if it was the ever cheerful and helpful Ferr, she would be able to help me out of this funk. I should stop clinging on to my negative emotions like I always do and give her help a chance if I ever want any hope of getting past any of this. I just wish I didn’t always have to show her this mopey cry-baby side of myself like this, though... Is it so much to ask to get at least one chance to be cool in front of the big hot tiger lady? Jeez.


“No, Ferr, I believe you. I… I’m just… I’m feeling like a useless idiot right now is all. Those men came, and I… I failed. I’m just an overconfident failure.”


“Hey now, you can’t talk about yourself like that! You’re only 17, right? And you only just became a Saintess, too! I’m sure you could already blast anyone out of the water with the amount of healing you could do, but fighting’s a completely different thing! All you’ve really gotten a chance to practice against for the past few weeks was a few slimes, right?”


I’m actually quite surprised she knew all that. Maybe she’s talked about me with Chella a bit?


“That’s… I’ve also caught a few rock lizards… A-and I even helped a team rescue a town from a blood-beast before!”


“Oh yeah?”


Ferr chuckled and narrowed her eyes at me like she was looking at some kind of silly child. Honestly, it was making me feel a bit like she was totally right, too. Super embarrassing…


“And how much fighting did you actually do? I doubt the rock lizards did very much but run away, and I’d be amazed if that team you were with let one of the rare and sacred Saintesses fight on the front lines. Did you ever even cast a single attack spell against the blood-beast or any of the people it had possessed?”


How right she was had me blushing in embarrassment, which I guess more than confirmed what she’d said.


“What, you think only a few days of barely any real combat practice is going to be enough to help you fight against crafty humans? I don’t care who you are, that’s asking way too much. Saintess or no, you’re just a little sprout who still hasn’t even gotten a chance to grow at all yet! Maybe you feel like you’re not good enough right now, but I bet if you put enough good work in then you’ll be unstoppable soon enough, Arissa.”


She’s right. I know she’s right. I’m sure the only reason I feel like she sounds like an old person right now is just because I don’t like how right she’s being. …But her words are helping me out, at least a little. She’s right, just because I’m powerless right now doesn’t mean that I’m going to be stuck like this forever. Besides, I’ve read enough of the Saintess history book to know that plenty of the other Saintesses weren’t combat oriented in any amount. And I’m only level 13… No, wait, I’m level 14 now since I leveled up while healing in the slums. Still, I’m sure I’m very underleveled compared to even those Saintesses who decided they weren’t cut out for combat, so who am I trying to kid by thinking I was ready to handle any kind of real battle alone?


One day, though.

One day I’ll be strong enough to not be knocked around anymore.

I’ll make sure of it.


…Having the right people around to protect me is also a type of strength, though… right?

It’s certainly not a bad thing to ask for help! No one can do everything alone, they say. Just like how Chella asked Ferr here to help me because they were friends, I don’t think it’s bad to-




My thoughts were interrupted by Ferr suddenly pushing me away. As I was flung to the side by her strength, I could see some kind of glowing ball hit her, forming into several glowing rings that confined her and made her instantly start writhing in pain. And the direction that the spell came from… made it obvious that it had been aimed at me first.


“Well, it’s not such a bad outcome.”


The grizzly voice came from a spot that was uncomfortably close to me. Maybe I’d been distracted while we were walking, but it wasn’t to such a large amount that I wouldn’t have noticed a normal person walking this close to Ferr and I, so he must have done something; I’m sure it must have had to do with a skill of some kind.


Realizing I’d be useless in the fight compared to Ferr, I desperately tried to lunge towards her, my arm stretched out to touch her anywhere that I could reach to attempt to [Cure] whatever status the skill was inflicting on her. If I could manage to touch her with even just a finger before the man grabbed me, then-


...No, that thinking was far too wishful.

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