Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 429: Onward, To The United States! (4)

Han-Yeol clearly remembered that his private jets were maintained three times a day, and they underwent maintenance once again before he boarded them. That was also the reason why he had to wait three hours before he could depart for the United States and not right away as he wished.

But the private jet had a technical problem.

Damn it… I have no idea what’s going on. I guess I should just land this plane over there, right?’ he grumbled inwardly.

He spread his hands apart, channeled his mana, and activated Psychokinesis.

Heup! It’s so heavy!’

Han-Yeol’s Psychokinesis might have leveled up a lot and become quite powerful now, but stopping this large airplane alone would not be an easy task.

Of course, it was not impossible for him—no, it was only possible because it was him.


The pilots pulled the yoke as hard as they could to stabilize the plane.


The plane was almost impossible to control because all four engines turned into fireballs, but they somehow managed to stabilize it after a long struggle.

‘I knew I hired the right people. Haha!’ Han-Yeol thought proudly.

However, that was not important right now.

‘Arghhh! I can’t control it!’

He tried his best to slow down the plane using Psychokinesis, but it was not enough.

What should I do? What should I do?!’ Han-Yeol racked his brains and finally found a solution.



The demon appeared in mid-air beside him.

“Did you call, Han-Yeol-nim?”

“Yeah, can you use your magic to land this place on that island safely?”

“Certainly, leave it to me. Ah, also… you could have just asked me from the start. Why did you go through the trouble of doing it yourself?” Stewart asked, seemingly baffled.

“What? You could’ve done it all along? Hey! Will you get sick if you just do it without being told to?”

“Yes, I will get sick.”

Tsk!” Han-Yeol clicked his tongue out of frustration.

On the other hand, Stewart paid him no heed and raised both hands before spreading his mana all over the place.

“I guess I’ll have to use my ultimate spell. Reverse Gravity!”


W-Whoa…!” Han-Yeol muttered in amazement after seeing the plane he struggled to stop instantly floating in mid-air.

It came at a cost, as the plane’s fuselage was slightly wrecked, but it was still a thousand times better than crashing into the ocean.

“Your magic is really convenient, Stewart,” Han-Yeol said with a thumb raised.

“I am not a fan of such empty praise.”

“Well, you’ll still have to take it since I’m the one giving it.”

“You are truly brazen, Han-Yeol-nim.”

“I agree! Hahaha!”


“Hey, why the long sigh? Your fortunes are going to walk right out the door if you keep sighing like that.”

“Let it go out. I do not need it.”

Kieeek!” Mavros cried out. He could not understand why his owner was getting more childish the older he got.

That did not mean he hated it, however. In fact, he did not care as long as he could continue to fly and fight alongside Han-Yeol.

“Alright, now land that plane over on that island.”


It was ironic how Stewart would grumble so much yet instantly listen whenever Han-Yeol gave him a command.

This is why I can’t bring myself to hate this guy no matter how much he grumbles.’


Stewart landed the plane on the beach of the island just as Han-Yeol instructed, but the problem was that the landing was quite rough. Stewart could have easily made the landing smooth, but he could not really be bothered with it.

“Yikes… Don’t you think it was a bit rough?”

“They’re not going to die from that.”

Hahaha… I guess you’re right.

Han-Yeol could not do anything about that since this was the demon’s personality. The best thing he could do was not to make a fuss about it. Instead, he hurriedly rushed to the plane and opened the door in case it blew up.

He rescued the stewardess, captain, and co-pilot.

“T-Thank you.”

“You saved me once again, Han-Yeol-nim…”

The captain looked especially emotional after Han-Yeol had saved him yet again.

“Don’t worry about it. All of you work hard for me, so it’s my duty to protect you. But it seems that we were the victims of a terrorist attack just now,” Han-Yeol said.


“Who dares to…!”

The three of them were shocked at Han-Yeol’s explosive statement, but he could not care less about their reaction.

Instead, he was busy trying to make sense of the situation. ‘Tsk… I’ve been neglecting my own security whenever I’m flying…’

Han-Yeol picked the private jet he wanted, interviewed and hired the main crew, and even paid attention to the plane’s maintenance. However, his own security and protection did not cross his mind at all.

The reason he was so nonchalant about it stemmed from his confidence and certainty that he could emerge unscathed from it. Unfortunately, those who worked for him almost died due to his arrogance.

I was too selfish. I only thought of myself…’

Of course, humans were bound to be selfish, but he still felt guilty nonetheless. These people worked for him, but they almost died just because he was lazy.

We might have gotten lucky this time, but the next could be…’

They were indeed lucky that it ended with only the engines exploding this time, but it could have been catastrophic if the entire plane exploded. Everyone except Han-Yeol, Tia, Mavros, the White Dragon, and Stewart would have died instantly if a Hunter attacked their plane.

Even Scarlett could’ve been in danger because of me.’

Even an S-Rank Hunter could die or be severely wounded if they were caught off-guard and struck by a powerful explosion. It would have been a different story if they were on the ground, but being trapped in a flying tube was a different story, as they had nowhere to run or hide.

Sigh… I guess we have to call for rescue, Stewart,” Han-Yeol said.


“Hey, Stewart?”

The demon did not respond even though Han-Yeol called him, and he simply stood staring at the horizon. This was quite strange, taking into account that he would usually instantly reply whenever he called him.

Han-Yeol could have gotten offended after getting ignored, but he was more worried than offended after seeing the sudden change in Stewart’s demeanor.

Is there something wrong…?’ he wondered.


He spread his mana all over the place, and it took him less than five minutes to understand Stewart’s strange behavior.

W-What the hell is this?’

“So you have noticed too, Han-Yeol-nim.”

“Y-Yeah… B-But this is impossible…”

“Something impossible indeed happened to us just now. It is quite intriguing how I have experienced so many bizarre things as soon as I came to your world from the demon world. I mean, who would have thought that our airplane would encounter trouble only to land on an island in another dimension?”

Ugh…” Han-Yeol was having the sharpest migraine he had ever experienced in his entire life.

He had no idea what was happening, but he was certain that the place they landed on was not Earth.

Thud… Thud…

“Hmm… This is indeed strange. Why were we suddenly transported to another dimension?” Tia muttered after looking around her surroundings.

“Mavros! Let’s go!”



Han-Yeol jumped on his back, and Mavros flew up into the air.

‘There’s no way this is possible... No way!’

“Mavros! Fly faster!”


Mavros flapped his wings harder and flew up extremely quickly.




Mavros came to a sudden halt after coming into contact with something.

“Demon Eyes!” Han-Yeol checked his surroundings.

No wonder I wasn’t getting any reception. Something has separated and trapped us!’

He was using the latest smartphone technology equipped with an emergency beacon system. He could use it to send an emergency signal to the numerous satellites encircling Earth regardless of whether he was stranded on an island, mountain, or at sea. This was a state-of-the-art technology that worked even if the phone had no signal.

However, he could not use this emergency beacon on the island, and thus Han-Yeol flew up with Mavros to check his surroundings.

I guess we will have to test it out.’

“Mavros! Use Poison Breath at a single point!”




Mavros gathered the mana from his dragon heart and spewed out a power stream of poison at a single spot, just as Han-Yeol instructed.



He might be a mini-dragon, but he still used his most powerful breath attack. However, the invisible barrier was not even damaged, and there was not even a small scratch on it.

Ugh… This isn’t a barrier but something that’s separating us from our dimension.”

Kieeek!” Mavros protested. He wanted to know why he was asked to waste his mana if the answer was obvious.

Unfortunately, Han-Yeol could not understand him, so he simply disregarded Mavros’ protest.

“Let’s go back…”


The only thing they could do was head back for now.



Everyone was already gathered and waiting for Han-Yeol at the beach of the island they landed on. They were using the same advanced smartphone equipped with emergency beacons just like Han-Yeol’s, and they tried to call for help but failed.

“There’s something stopping us from leaving this island, and we are completely stranded here. I have no idea what’s going on, but someone either trapped us here or transported us to another dimension.”

“H-How can that be?”


The stewardess, Ito Chinami, was most affected by the shocking news.

The captain barely managed to keep himself calm as he asked, “H-Han-Yeol-nim…! W-What will happen to us now?”

“I’m not sure, but I don’t think there’s any solution to this judging by what I have seen so far. However, we will definitely have to look for one and get out of here.”

“What does that mean?”

“We first have to find out if this was intentional or by pure coincidence, and also find out what the hell this island is.”

“T-That means…?”


Even the captain ended up on his knees after hearing what Han-Yeol said. The sand dirtied his white uniform, which his wife ironed every day. He would have been upset and made a fuss if his uniform was even a little bit dirty, but that was the last of his worries.

“Another dimension… Another dimension… We are stuck in another dimension…”

Meanwhile, Han-Yeol seemed surprisingly calm compared to the rest of them. He was definitely different from them, as he had previously been transported to the Bastro Dimension and lived there. Additionally, he had visited the demon world quite recently.

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