Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 446: Mechanical Creature (3)

Rather, it was a dimension where there was no true evil or good, and there was nothing that was a hundred percent. There was also a balance of reason and emotion, and that balance could tip in any direction as needed. However, in Stewart's eyes, the human captain was blindly loyal to Han-Yeol, a human who didn’t even care about him.

This was incredibly contrasting to the humans he had studied so far.

Shake shake.

‘I’ve studied many different species, but I really can’t understand humans in any dimension.’

Stewart stopped thinking. Now wasn’t the time for leisurely pondering.

“Here they come, Stewart!”

“I’m always ready.”


Stewart’s blood-red whip slapped the floor hard.

Then, hundreds of Shurarmors appeared from everywhere.

If this was the demon world, his strongest corps would have appeared endlessly, but now that his power was sealed, he had to use other skills along with the Shurarmors.

‘They’re too strong for the blood predators to handle.’

The monsters with only mouths were seemingly invincible, but in reality, they had many weaknesses.

Rather, Shurarmors were more useful.


[Everyone, attack!]

Step, step, step!

At the signal of the first monster that appeared, the 123 ten-legged monsters started to crawl down from the ceiling in unison.

“Captain, Ye-Rim!”


“Be careful, those guys are stronger than you guys.”


It hurt their pride to be weaker than a single monster, but their lives were more important, so they hid themselves and tried to stay out of sight.



Han-Yeol’s sword cut a large wound on the chest of one of the Evil Ghosts.


[Agh, that hurts!]

[Endure it. Healing.]


Han-Yeol’s sword created a large wound, but another Evil Ghost quickly approached the injured and used their healing skill to instantly restore it.

Han-Yeol clearly saw this as it was happening.

“What the hell?”

‘It's using a healing skill that even the undead clergymen didn’t use?’

Han-Yeol was so puzzled that he stood dazed for a moment.

‘Wait a minute. This means that it's not a normal monster but a resident of this place, similar to the undead clergymen. What the hell is wrong with this place? Why do the priests look like that?’

It was kind of funny to judge organisms from other dimensions by Han-Yeol’s standards since Han-Yeol’s appearance could also be considered ugly to them as well.

However, everyone was bound to think in terms of their own standards.

No matter how much he thought about it, a corpse with ten legs and a rotting body was not a normal sight. Their bones were visible in some areas, and they healed each other’s so-called wounds.


[Die, intruder!]

Bang, bang, bang!


With their mouths wide open, they immediately shot blue-white circular mana bullets at Han-Yeol.

It wasn't just one shot, but three in a row.

Perhaps it was because they thought a head-to-head battle would be a disadvantage, but over a hundred of them fired bullets, and this power wasn’t something that Han-Yeol could simply ignore.

‘Force Shield, Karvis!’



Han-Yeol immediately activated the Force Shield and handed control over to Karvis.

The Force Shield that Karvis controlled blocked the mana bullets fired three times in a row by 123 Evil Ghosts. Although some bullets missed, of course.

[D-Dang it!]

[He’s a stronger invader.]

[Some sacrifices will be made.]

[Sacrifice is natural before God. Those who defend the sanctuary with their lives will be guided by God.]

[...Live long before the name of God.]

They chatted amongst themselves, then started fighting Han-Yeol and his team with all their might.


These guys were certainly strong. They were all individually stronger than the undead clergymen, and a few attacks were even tricky for Han-Yeol to handle.

‘Tsk, maybe it’s because they have ten legs, but the pattern of their attacks is really annoying!’

Based on the mana bullets they fired earlier, Han-Yeol assumed that they specialized in attacking from a long distance rather than a short distance.

Contrary to his expectations, they fought more effectively than the undead clergymen wielding blunt weapons, despite not carrying any weapons themselves.

Rather, they were far more intimidating.

Mana bullets that required minimal warm-up and were shot three times in rapid succession continued to fly at him, thus adding to the chaos.

Bang! Kwang!


This time, Han-Yeol didn't use the Force Shield to block the attack. Instead, he flew and dodged the bullet.

‘I’ll hit you with a good one too. Multi Shot!’


He activated Demon Eyes, which made it easier for him to precisely target dozens of Evil Ghosts all at once.

Then. the Shoulder Cannons started firing.

‘Mana Explosion!’



Although this skill was old, Mana Explosion was still one of Han-Yeol’s most powerful skills in terms of sheer destructive power. Repeatedly using Mana Explosion made Han-Yeol feel as if his heart was being drained of mana, so it was no surprise that he groaned.

But that was only a momentary pain. His ability to quickly heal allowed his mana to build right back up. The more vigorously he moved, the faster it filled up.


[D-Damn it!!]

[It’s a powerful attack!]

[Join forces and defend against it!]

[Divine power, let God protect us!]


The numerous Evil Ghosts that had been targeted by Han-Yeol’s attack gathered together. With divine power, they activated their own defense skills.


[Ha, it’s strong!]

Although they were able to defend against Han-Yeol’s skill by gathering together, they had taken quite a hit in terms of mana.

‘What are they doing?’

[I-I’m not sure…]

Han-Yeol made a dumbfounded expression as he looked at the Evil Ghosts' unnecessary gathering and protecting themselves from the Mana Explosion.

Mana Explosion, like its name, was an explosive attack—so the more concentrated the power, the more destructive it was.

So, if they had split up and blocked this attack separately, it would have been much easier for them to defend themselves.

However, because they had gathered together and used a defensive skill, Han-Yeol delivered a much stronger impact compared to the mana he had actually used.



At Han-Yeol’s call, Stewart, who had been quietly chanting a magic spell, smacked his whip and started to show off his hidden strength.

“I’m ready.”


“Come forth, my faithful knight!”


As mana started to surge from Stewart’s body, a magic circle activated and appeared on the ground.

From the magic circle emerged a knight wearing black armor on a horse, spreading an immense aura of death around him.


Han-Yeol was in awe of the aura he felt from the knight.

‘Is he as powerful as Barshell?’

Of course, those who entered the human world from the demon world had their powers sealed to a certain extent, which likely explained why he was as powerful as he was at the moment.

This was a knight from hell.

“Hell Knight!”

Hehehe! Zinggg!

The Hell Knight laughed unpleasantly, then revealed glowing red eyes from inside his seemingly empty helmet.

[By my great lord’s order, I, Hell Knight, have presented myself.]


The horse he was riding was no ordinary horse. It looked like a unicorn with two horns glowing fiercely from the bridge of its nose.

“Hell Knight, slay my enemies!” Stewart commanded with another crack of his whip.


[As you wish, my lord!]

Suddenly, a giant purple lance formed in the Hell Knight’s empty hands, and he headed toward the Evil Ghosts.

Dadadada! Whoosh!

[Hahahah! Dark Spirit of Death Charging!]


Along with the sound of a tremendous impact, there was also the sound of flesh being torn apart.

The Evil Ghosts that had descended to the ground to focus their attacks on Han-Yeol became the victim of the Hell Knight’s terrifying charge.


[H-How can this be…]

[This invader is too strong!]

[But we can’t run away. Running away would be to blaspheme God. Even if it means dying, we must fight here and die for God!]


They weren’t the mindless monsters Han-Yeol thought they were.

Although they looked strange enough to be called Evil Ghosts, they were ordinary citizens of another dimension where reason existed.

Of course, it was a stretch to call them normal when they were fanatics in their religion. Nonetheless, they weren’t the kind of monsters that Han-Yeol usually faced.

But for some reason, their souls were trapped in the ruins of this ancient city, and they were under a curse they couldn’t escape. In fact, this wasn’t a curse from their point of view because they believed this was a holy place and that one day, the god they believed in would descend and save them.

It was both a blessing and a test.

So far, they had fought off the enemies that had invaded this sanctuary, believing that it was a test from God that had been bestowed upon them.

However, Han-Yeol was more powerful than any of their previous enemies.

[For a glorious death!]

[Glory to Parahalo!]


They attacked in the name of the heaven they believed in, disregarding their life.

‘Are they crazy?’

Their sudden lack of caution confused Han-Yeol, especially since they had been attacking cautiously up until this point.

‘Then I’ll deal with you guys properly.’

Once again, Han-Yeol used a combination of three skills to create a massive ice storm that blew in all directions, disorienting them, then slashed them with a combination of his Blood Leg, sword, and chain.


[Hahahaha! Die, die!]

Moreover, due to the Hell Knight’s power to crush his enemies while still riding a horse at full speed, the Evil Ghosts could only last so long before the last of them fell into Han-Yeol’s hands and was decapitated.

[Glory to Parahalo!]

Slash! Thud!

“What the hell are they saying?”

Han-Yeol was frustrated that he couldn’t understand what they were saying, even though it sounded important.

‘Maybe they said something that could be a hint as to how we can get out of here?’

At this point, they didn’t know anything, so they could only speculate.

“Phew, what a bunch of guys…”


In the meantime, the captain, Ye-Rim, and the rest of the crew weren’t exactly resting.

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