Leveling Up Alone

Chapter 459: Wake Up, Queen (9)

As he made his way here, he observed complete destruction—all living beings, buildings, tombstones, statues, and everything else had been obliterated. Thus, Han-Yeol complained about the fact that he could only salvage some mana stones and gems. He found nothing else on his way here. He thought that if he could decipher a few broken tombstones, he might be able to decipher this strange language or unlock a new skill.

[Hurry up and kill me… Agh!]

The high priest's injuries looked pretty serious. If left alone, the priest would surely die. However, Han-Yeol had an amusing thought as he watched the high priest on the verge of death.

Seeing Han-Yeol smile, Stewart started to feel anxious.

“Han-Yeol-nim, are you…?”

“Hehehe, that’s right.”


Stewart grasped his forehead, sensing an oncoming headache as he realized what Han-Yeol was about to do.

Though he’d only served Han-Yeol for a short time, he’d already picked up on his thought patterns thanks to his intelligence, years of experience with Lucifer, his talent as a secretary, and his extraordinary wit.

Surprisingly enough, it took Stewart quite a while to figure out what Han-Yeol was thinking. It took him several months to figure out Han-Yeol’s thought process even though he had only lived thirty years while Stewart had lived in darkness for more years than humans could ever imagine. This wasn’t because Han-Yeol’s thought patterns were complex, but because they had many unexpected twists and turns.

However, he’d got it pretty much figured out now. Han-Yeol’s thought process was causing Stewart a headache again today. In addition, one other being had the same thoughts as Han-Yeol.

“Haha, Master, you’re up to something interesting.”

“Oh, Tia, nice. I need your help.”

“What are you trying to do?”


Whisper whisper.

Han-Yeol made Tia bend down low and whisper something in her ear.


As Han-Yeol’s whispering continued, Tia found herself making the same expression as him, even though she was of a completely different race and gender.

Moments later.

[Agh, just kill me already!]

Kaulafr, the honored high priest of the Kubera Church, dedicated to the God of Dimensions and Balance, was being insulted beyond words for the first time in his life.

Not only had the demons invaded this sanctuary and slaughtered its honored priests, but the first invaders also didn’t honorably kill him. Instead, they healed him only enough to keep him from dying and then bound him in a spider web.

The spider web also contained the power to seal mana, making the high priest completely powerless.

“Hahaha, all powers will be sealed before the queen’s web.”

“Good job, Tia.”

Han-Yeol gave Tia a thumbs up as she showed off her best skill after evolving. She had always been his best monster pet, but now that she was a queen, she was on a whole new level. Now, in terms of strength, she was similar to Han-Yeol, so all the more helpful she would be, there might come a time when he would have to help her.



With Tia's appearance, Mavros and White Dragon, who had been quiet until now out of respect for the two of them, couldn't stand it anymore and began to pester Han Yeol for his attention. White Dragon was the only one Marvros didn’t show jealousy for, but he was particularly jealous of Tia.

“Oh, right. I forgot about these two cute little dragon kids, haha.”

“How could you forget?”

“Haha, sorry. Then I guess I’ll have to give these two dragon kids a gift as a way to apologize, right?”




Han-Yeol cocked his head and looked at Tia since she mentioned gifts.

Mavros and White Dragon also cocked their heads in the same direction as Han-Yeol from either side of his shoulders, and they expressed their curiosity at Tia’s remark.

“Becoming the queen of Arachnids has given me many powers, and this is one of them.”


Tia opened her palm and revealed a black egg.


An incredibly sweet smell wafted out, and Mavros’ eyes widened. He then quickly reacted, devouring the egg in no time. However, White Dragon didn’t show much of a reaction like Mavros.

Mavros was a black dragon, and it was his nature to react in agreement to Tia’s demonic aura, but White Dragon was a pure divine being. There was no way she would react to an egg filled with a demonic aura.



White Dragon swiftly turned her head, showing off her confidence.


Tia had prepared this egg for Mavros.

“I have a different gift for White Dragon.”


White Dragon acted confidently, but she then turned her head slightly back again to look at Tia out of the corner of her eye when she said that she had prepared a separate gift for her.

“Here you go, White Dragon. Haha.”

Tia opened her other hand and showed it to White Dragon.


There was a piece of silver metal with a strange glow in Tia’s hand.

‘Why would she give a piece of metal as a gift?’

Han-Yeol couldn’t understand.

However, White Dragon was absolutely ecstatic, widening her red eyes, regardless of whether Han-Yeol understood or not.

“Khu! Khu! Khu!”


This was the first time Han-Yeol had seen White Dragon so excited for something.


“Haha, yes, Master?”

“What on earth is that piece of metal that White Dragon is so excited about?”

“What do you mean, a piece of metal? This is Velikirium, a mysterious metal that only exists in the heavens that angels use. For a divine beast like White Dragon, having this little piece of metal is a great blessing. On the other hand, even this little piece is like a great curse for a demonic beast like me.”

Tia quickly handed the Velikirium metal to White Dragon and brushed off her hands. Tia was a strong demonic beast, which is why she could hold off this long, but if it were anyone else, they would’ve been in pain a while ago.

“But you said that only exists in the heavens, so how did you get your hands on that tiny piece?”

“Oh, Master, you didn’t notice?”

“Notice what?”

“Tsk, I’m disappointed.”

Tia clicked her tongue, and Han-Yeol had a confused expression on his face.


Han-Yeol was quite annoyed at Tia clicking her tongue, but he was also curious and had already learned that it was best to keep quiet at times like this since he could be mistaken about something. Strangely enough, the more he rebelled against her, the more inconvenient it was for him.

“The first time I attacked that Iloa, virtue angel, I ripped the jewelry off her neck because she was still in human form, and that was the only time I could touch her with my full strength.”


At the time, Han-Yeol was so surprised by Tia’s attack that he could only think of it as her attacking a Japanese woman named Ito Chinami and not the essence of the act itself.

He hadn’t paid attention to the details of what Tia had done, so of course he didn’t notice.

“Tsk tsk, how can a Transcendent Master-Rank be so simple-minded?”

Tia clicked her tongue even more.


He didn’t have anything to say regarding that, so all he could do was groan.

[Where are you going? Just kill me already!]

At that moment, the perfect excuse to change the subject came up at the right time.

‘That’s it. I’ll take my anger out on him.’

“Ahh, I forgot about him for a second.”

“Haha, right, he was here.”

Tia had already seen through Han-Yeol’s way of changing the subject, but she let it slide because he was cute. She had no intention of arguing with Han-Yeol in the first place, and she was just chatting with him because she liked his cute bickering.

“But Master, what are you going to do?”

The creature was from another dimension, so it wasn’t possible to have a conversation with him, and he wasn't particularly valuable as a captive either.

Before Han-Yeol could answer, Tia spoke first after asking her question.


“Aha, are you going to bring him to Mariam?”

“No! I’m going to try and look into his head.”

“You will, Master?”

“That’s right.”

“But your telepathy skill is pretty bad, isn’t it?”

“Hmph, do you really have to break your master’s heart with that fact? My faithful monster pet, Tia, the beautiful queen of the Arachnid race?”

“Haha, I’m a little embarrassed about how bluntly I spit out such facts. But I’ve always been honest, and that honesty is what makes me charming. Haha.”

Tia had a point, but Han-Yeol wasn’t going to do that this time.

“Yeah, I guess asking Mariam would be the quickest and most accurate way, but I’m not going to do that this time.”

Tia placed her hand on her chin and cocked her head, looking at Han-Yeol with a confused expression.

“Why not?”

She couldn’t understand why he didn’t want to take the shortcut and wanted to take the long route around.

“I have a feeling that the moment I peek into his brain, I’ll be confronted with an incredible truth that I won’t be able to handle, and I wonder if that truth will be okay to show Mariam.”

“Ah, I see.”

Tia could understand Han-Yeol in that sense.

“Haha, too much truth always makes humans feel overwhelmed.”

“That’s right, which is why I should see important information for myself first.”

“Haha, you’re right, Master.”

In that sense, Tia sealing the high priest's mana was like a godsend, as this made it so much easier to look into his head.

“Let’s go back for now.”

“Okay, Master.”

After a very eventful journey, Han-Yeol and his group made their way back to Earth.

In the end, out of Han-Yeol’s twenty crew members, three awakened as Master-Rank Hunters, one turned out to be an angel and was declared missing, nine died, and two were severely injured, having lost their legs.

However, when Han-Yeol saw the scene before him, he was incredibly shocked.

“W-What the hell is this?” Han-Yeol screamed.

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