Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 194 Fantastic!

The giant spear almost pierced through the huge canopy.

-Third kill!

At the same time, Overlord's super perception sensed that another giant jellyfish had rushed over, waving its berserk tentacles, trying to entangle Overlord.



Overlord instantly opened the distance, maintained a decent posture, and waited for the Jellyfish to arrive.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...........

The Overlord realized he couldn't continue to confront each others in this manner and had to take the initiative to attack. If the fight continued, the other three smaller Jellyfish might appear. If a one-on-four situation were to arise, he would undoubtedly suffer.

The Overlord can sprint more than 200 meters, and the 50-meter massive spear in his hand gradually increases the sprint's force. If it was still the previous 20-meter spear, the Jellyfish might dodge it, but it has no such chance in front of the 50-meter giant spear.

Just as the Jellyfish was about to evade, the colossal spear plunged deep into the massive canopy of the Jellyfish, causing a deluge of liquid to erupt, spraying several meters away.

The lengthy tentacles of the immense canopy drooped weakly, and the Jellyfish met an instant demise.

[[ " That's the fourth kill! " ]] exclaimed  Bawang with full pride.

Two colossal jellyfish corpses hung on the 50-meter spear, resembling candied haws strung together. But the Overlord didn't pause there. Ignoring the other three Jellyfish approaching, it positioned its body on the flat ground not far from the trench.

[[ " Look, there are four ghost jellyfish in total, and they're arranged on the ground like this, " ]]  remarked Liu Yong.

The Overlord's actions didn't halt there.

It plunged its massive spear into the trench again and reappeared 30 to 40 minutes later. It had effectively dispatched the remaining three smaller Jellyfish this time. Their bodies were strung together like candied haws on the 50-meter-long spear, just like the last kills.

After killing one or two Jellyfish,  Overlord resurfaces from the trench, places the deceased creatures on the ground, and returns.

The Overlord diligently adhered to the strategy entrusted to it by Liu Yong.

[[ " Enough, enough, " ]] 

Liu Yong eventually intervened when he observed the Overlord removing the jellyfish bodies from the enormous spear and preparing to rejoin the trench.

The clock struck two in the morning in Huahai City, signifying the lateness of the hour. Feeling the fatigue seeping into his bones, Liu Yong longed for rest. 

Overlord, too, was wholly absorbed in his work, mesmerized by the gravity of the situation.

Liu Yong took a moment to explain to Overlord the subsequent steps: carefully extracting the poison sacs from each ghost jellyfish and storing them in the seaside warehouse. Satisfied with the explanation, Liu Yong finally surrendered himself to the embrace of sleep.

Meanwhile, Overlord aimed its huge spear at the first ghost jellyfish's closed canopy, determined to shatter its defences. 

Overlord located a toxic sac the size of a vast water bag approximately a foot long after a thorough search. With the volume of venom stored within estimated to be two or three litres, it became clear that the sac, covered in a dark green hue, mirrored the colour of the potent toxin contained within.

Exercising utmost caution, Overlord skillfully extracted the poison sac using the tip of its mighty spear. Initially fraught with concern over the sac's fragility, Overlord gradually felt reassured as it became evident that it possessed remarkable resilience.

The sac proved exceptionally sturdy, defying any attempts to rupture its integrity. This made the task significantly more manageable.

With Overlord's increased mobility and efficiency, the procedure was greatly hastened. Concerns about accidentally breaking the tough poison sac gave way to quick progress. The first sac was skilfully extracted in a matter of minutes.

Liu Yong would undoubtedly exclaim in amazement at the sight of this sac, recognizing its immense value—worth a staggering ten million yuan.

Indeed, each poison sac commanded a hefty price of ten million yuan.

Such was the offer by Cao Youpeng of the Wujiang Pharmaceutical Group.

Armed with the knowledge gained from extracting the initial sac, Overlord quickly retrieved the second and third sacs, further solidifying its expertise.

Within just over sixty minutes, twenty-seven poison sacs were deftly extracted. Despite their evident damage, every sac remained intact. The resilience of these sacs spoke volumes about their durability, a factor that overshadowed Bawang's skill in extracting them.

Overlord gazed upon the amassed pile of poisonous sacs strewn across the ground, a flicker of concern flashing across its features. The prospect of ingesting them all was undeniably dangerous, for even the slightest rupture could lead to fatal poisoning. This method needed to be more suitable.

Attempting to seize the sacs proved difficult because they were numerous and elusive. Overlord, with the brain of a twelve- or thirteen-year-old child, quickly developed a temporary escape plan. It soon came across half a fishing net, an unexpected stroke of luck.

Overlord enclosed the toxic sacs within the fishing net with a delicate gesture, tightly fastening them. It bolted from the scene, clutching the net with one paw, hastening its retreat.

The following day, precisely ten minutes past noon, Liu Yong, having just finished his Chinese meal, sat comfortably in the boss's chair in his office. He prepared a cup of coffee, savouring its aroma while browsing the latest news on his computer screen. 

Suddenly, Bawang's voice resounded, 

[[ " Master, I have successfully stored the items in a warehouse near the seaside. " ]] 

Upon hearing this news, Liu Yong couldn't contain his excitement. He marvelled at the efficiency with which the task was accomplished. After a journey spanning over two thousand nautical miles, the Overlord had returned and securely stored all the venomous sacs in the seaside warehouse.

Expressing his gratitude, Liu Yong said, 

[[ " Bawang, thank you for your hard work." ]]

The Overlord responded, [[ " Master, I'm truly exhausted. I want to have a meal to fill my hunger and then find a comfortable place to rest " ]] 

Liu Yong nodded approvingly, saying, 

[[ " Very well, you may go. " ]]

Liu Yong had no concerns about Bawang's safety in the coastal waters. There was nothing that posed a threat, ensuring its utmost security.

Glancing at the time, Liu Yong decided to inspect the poison sacs immediately. Before heading out, he dialled Cao Youpeng's number.

Meanwhile, at Wujiang Pharmaceutical Group, Cao Youpeng answered Liu Yong's call, still in disbelief. How quickly had Universal managed to acquire the Jellyfish's poison sacs?

Gradually recovering from his astonishment, Cao Youpeng became overwhelmed with excitement.

[[ " This is fantastic! " ]] Cao Youpen said.

Possessing the poison sacs meant that the drug's research and development could progress unhindered. Moreover, when this drug is ready for mass production, there will be plenty of raw materials. Universal could be entrusted with manufacturing the Jellyfish's poison sacs.

[[ " Let's head to the seaside warehouse that Mr Liu mentioned." ]] 

Mr Cao said to his colleagues.

Within a few minutes, two vehicles departed from Wujiang Pharmaceutical Group in perfect tandem. Cao Youpeng led the way in his car while a small truck followed closely behind.

Sitting in the front passenger seat was Wujiang Pharmaceutical Group's chief researcher. This marked the third time he asked the same question, filled with anticipation, 

[[ " Boss, we really obtained the poison sac of the ghost jellyfish, right? " ]]

Cao Youpeng responded with unwavering certainty, 

[[ " Yes, we have acquired it, and you will soon see it with your eyes. " ]]

[[ " Okay Okay Lets see what we have got " ]] 

The Chie researcher replied.


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