Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 241 Formal Agreement-Credited 200 Billion USD

Roman Resort Hotel.

This humble four-star establishment nestled in the heart of Huahai City seemed like an inconspicuous choice for Liu Yong amidst the abundance of opulent five-star hotels the city had to offer.

  Curiosity arose as to why Liu Yong had settled for a lower-tier accommodation when the talks between the two parties were scheduled, not at the esteemed Global Shipping Group but within the walls of this unassuming hotel. Instead of Liu Yong himself, Hu Shijun stood as the representative of the Global Shipping Group.

As the clock struck nine in the morning, Myron and his entourage arrived punctually at the hotel, finding their way to the conference room designated for the meeting. The time they have ticked away, minute by minute. 

Nearly an hour later, close to ten o'clock, Hu Shijun finally arrived, accompanied by more than ten individuals who had regrettably fallen behind schedule.

Though Myron simmered with frustration, he carefully concealed his anger behind a mask of composure. When Hu Shijun and his party entered the room, Myron rose, offering a warm smile and greeting.

With both sides seated, the discussion promptly delved into the heart of the matter—resolving the ongoing dispute over retrieving the twenty-seven cultural relics. Myron and his team made their intentions clear: they sought the return of the treasured artifacts with no compromises.

However, Hu Shijun presented a condition that unsettled Myron. In exchange for the cultural relics, the Global Shipping Group demanded a staggering two billion US dollars and exclusive docking rights for their ships at YD's three major ports. Myron's face betrayed a hint of astonishment as he swiftly voiced his objection, deeming the condition exorbitant and the monetary figure astronomical.

Meanwhile, Liu Yong revelled in his absence from the negotiations; his spirits uplifted and at ease. Hu Shijun, on the other hand, appeared nonchalant about the conversation's outcome. As far as he was concerned, the conditions had been laid out, and if the other party agreed, the money would be paid, and the goods would be delivered. If they declined, the conversation would come to an abrupt end.

As noon approached, Liu Yong ventured out alone in his luxurious sports car, driving to the gate of Li Changle's school. He sent her a message, expressing his desire to share a lunch. Before long, a reply from Li Changle appeared, eagerly accepting the invitation. Liu Yong smiled, stowed away his phone, and leaned casually against his imposing vehicle, awaiting Li Changle's emergence.

Liu Yong couldn't help but notice the attention he garnered from passersby, particularly young women who couldn't resist stealing glances in his direction. "Could it be that I am blessed with such attractiveness that these beauties find me irresistible?" Liu Yong pondered briefly, only to realize that it wasn't his charm but rather his youth and wealth that captivated them.

Moments later, an enchanting woman strolled by. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Liu Yong, prompting her to strike up a conversation. "Excuse me, young man, your car is simply magnificent. May I take some photos with it?"

Liu Yong smiled and obligingly took a step back. "Certainly, feel free to take pictures on your own."

Delighted, the fashionable woman proceeded to capture several selfies with her phone. Then, she playfully requested, "Could you take a few photos of me as well? I'm enamored with your car."

Liu Yong sighed inwardly, fully aware of the woman's intentions. Taking a picture together would only be the beginning, inevitably leading to other requests, such as adding each other on social media or even requesting a ride in his car.

Declining her request, Liu Yong gently shook his head. He knew all too well where this interaction could lead. "I'm sorry, but my girlfriend will be coming out soon."

The fashionable woman's disappointment was palpable, although she swiftly recovered, understanding that it was commonplace for someone young and prosperous to have a partner. Unfazed by the existence of a girlfriend, she remained confident in her appeal. After all, with a swift maneuver, any corner could be dug into.

Observing Liu Yong's refusal to indulge her, she made one last attempt, "Brother, can I add you on WeChat? I truly adore your car."

Liu Yong's smile grew wry as he mused the persistence of young women when money was involved. Some clung to wealthy individuals like sticky brown sugar. However, he politely declined, saying, "I'm sorry, I don't have my phone."

The fashionable woman pursed her lips, contemplating an adorable pout. Still, before she could act upon it, Liu Yong swiftly stepped forward. In her peripheral vision, she caught sight of an exquisitely beautiful girl, towering at least 1.7 meters, outshining her in both figure and appearance. Feeling embarrassed, she quietly retreated, allowing Li Changle to take centre stage.

Li Changle approached Liu Yong, amused by the encounter. "Brother Yong, did another girl strike up a conversation with you?"

Liu Yong explained, "She initiated the conversation, but I didn't pay much attention to her."

Li Changle playfully remarked, "That's for the best. I should keep a closer eye on you, or else someone might snatch you away unintentionally."

Liu Yong reassured her, "No, that will never happen. You have nothing to worry about."

Li Changle grinned, casting a charming and glamorous glance at Liu Yong. A young man passing by caught sight of this enchanting sight and found himself momentarily mesmerized, only to accidentally stumble into a ditch, eliciting a mischievous laugh from Li Changle.

Concerned about further mishaps, Liu Yong hurriedly ushered her into the car, closed the door, and drove away, lest another unsuspecting soul falls victim to a ditch or collide with a large tree.

During lunch, the two enjoyed a warm and delightful meal at a cozy restaurant for couples. In the afternoon, Liu Yong returned to his company.

Soon after settling into his office, Hu Shijun knocked on the door and entered. 

Liu Yong inquired, "How did the negotiations go?"

Hu Shijun reported, "Initially, the YD representatives deemed our conditions excessive and attempted to bargain. However, I allowed no room for compromise."

"They eventually recognized our unwavering stance, and it seems they had no choice but to reluctantly agree. We have a formal agreement here. Take a look," Hu Shijun said, presenting the document.

Liu Yong examined it attentively with a happy face.

  "Excellent. This matter is finally settled, and the two billion US dollars has been successfully transferred to our account. We will fulfil our end of the bargain by returning the cultural relics."

Liu Yong had no intention of keeping the cultural relics for himself. They were merely a means to pressure the YD representatives, a tool to express his discontent. Making money was not his sole objective.

Not long after, Qiu Yang entered the room, brimming with excitement.

"Boss, we've received the full two billion US dollars, an impressive sum. It's already in our account!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Yong burst into laughter.


Two billion dollars credited to his account—a genuinely satisfying outcome!

With the Global Shipping Group receiving substantial sums of money one after another, Liu Yong began to feel a sense of wealth and power. Qiu Yang, too, felt the change in his hands. With money at their disposal, they were a formidable team.

Staying true to his word, Liu Yong returned the two boxes containing 27 cultural relics in the afternoon, prompting a quiet sigh of relief from Myron and his colleagues. Unlike the empty promises made by others, Liu Yong always followed through on his commitments. Once he promised to deliver, he made sure to fulfil his word.

Transporting the artifacts, however, was their responsibility. After handing over the items, Liu Yong considered it their own business to figure out how to transport them.

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