Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 254 Captain Naoto Mizutani

Unaware of the imminent danger lurking nearby, the pod of majestic whales revelled in their playful antics. Some soared gracefully through the air, only to plunge back into the shimmering depths. Unbeknownst to them, peril loomed on the horizon.

Like a force of nature, the vast crocodile swiftly propelled itself through the water, gradually closing the distance. The whales, at last, sensed the encroaching threat, and a wave of agitation swept through the entire group. Panic ensued, engulfing the once-tranquil scene.

The whales scattered, their survival instincts driving them in disparate directions. Yet, the monstrous crocodile possessed a velocity that surpassed their attempts to flee. With its enormous maw agape, baring terrifyingly massive teeth, it swiftly clamped down on one of the unlucky whales, epitomizing its savage and brutal nature.

The crocodile severed the unfortunate whale in half in a single bite, staining the surrounding sea crimson. With a mass exceeding a thousand tons, such a colossal creature devoured the immense mammal quickly, its insatiable appetite momentarily sated.

With predatory intent, the colossal crocodile swiftly redirected its attention to another fleeing whale. In a breathtaking display of agility, it closed the distance within a mere breath, rending the second whale asunder in a single, devastating bite. This newfound hunting ground became a grim tableau of the crocodile's dominance as, one after another, ill-fated whales succumbed to its merciless jaws.

On the distant horizon, a minuscule black dot emerged, gradually expanding into the recognizable form of an RB whaling ship. Oblivious to the presence of the colossal crocodile, the crew navigated toward their intended destination with fiery determination. Despite yearly protests from international organizations, whaling remained an uninterrupted pursuit for the RB people. Their sights set on reaching the whale-infested seas, they yearned to claim their quarry.

"Ohara-kun, unleash the full might of our vessel! We draw closer to the waters teeming with whales," the ship's Captain urged.

"Very well, Captain. I shall amplify our horsepower, and within half an hour, we shall arrive at the bountiful sea," Ohara-kun responded dutifully, propelling the ship toward its intended destination.

Unbeknownst to the RB crew, a colossal crocodile lurked beneath the waves, a living embodiment of dread. Their sole objective was hastening their arrival, blissfully ignorant of the looming threat. Minutes transformed into fleeting moments, and before they realized it, they had reached the designated region—an area renowned for its rich whaling traditions. Those fortunate enough to come across a large group of whales would reap the benefits of their good fortune by bringing back a plentiful catch.

"Deploy the sonar and locate the Captain", commanded the Captain; the whaling ship promptly complied by submerging the sonar equipment, seeking to track the majestic creatures' movements. Normally, whales emitted a symphony of unique sounds, enabling seasoned individuals to discern their location, thus facilitating successful whaling endeavours.

However, this time, a sense of peculiar foreboding enveloped the crew as they prepared the sonar. Just as the device neared the depths, a cry of horror erupted from their midst.

"Look! What in the world is that?" a terrified voice shattered the relative calm, prompting numerous crew members to direct their attention toward the distant sea—a sight destined to haunt their memories.

In the not-so-distant waters, an immense crocodile engaged in a relentless hunt, pursuing a whale surpassing twenty meters in length. It nearly decapitated the majestic creature with a single, ravenous bite, tearing it apart in a fierce display of carnage and gore. Helplessly, the whaling ship's occupants bore witness, their collective disbelief morphing into a cacophony of shocked exclamations. How could a creature of such unparalleled proportions—exceeding a hundred tons—exist?

Only a semblance of reason remained within the crew's fractured consciousness.

"Quickly, we must depart this accursed place," a voice implored urgently, piercing through the haze of terror. Gradually, the crew regained their senses, their collective fear palpable as the ship teetered precariously in their desperate attempt to flee.

Alas, the colossal crocodile, driven by an insatiable hunger, pursued the retreating vessel with terrifying swiftness. Oh, dear heavens! Come on board, paralyzed by sheer terror, could barely retain control over their bodily functions. A select few, their faculties intact, could only propel the ship forward with all the power it could muster, striving to escape inescapable.

Their efforts proved futile as the monstrous crocodile opened its cavernous maw and ensnared the whaling ship. Under the immense force of its bite, the vessel's stern was severed, a cascade of destruction unfolding. The ship's rear section descended into chaos and disrepair while seawater flooded through the breach.

Despair settled upon the doomed crew, their hearts heavy with the crushing realization of their impending demise. Only Naoto Mizutani, the whaCaptainip's Captain, clung tenaciously to the guardrail, his pallid face betraying the tremors of terror that ravaged him.

Yet, defiance coursed through Naoto Mizutani's veins, his gaze fixed upon the colossal crocodile. With unwavering resolve, he brandished the colossal harpoon used for whaling, pointing it menacingly at the enormous predator.

A ferocious countenance emerged upon his face, an implicit declaration echoing within his thoughts. "Perish, vile creature! Taste the might of our whaling weaponry!"

This harpoon, designed for hunting colossal marine beings, dwarfed all conventional notions of size. Spanning more than ten meters, its razor-sharp tip boasted an array of barbs, a testament to its formidable nature. In bygone eras, this same weapon had served to vanquish whales.

Naoto Mizutani drew the whaling gun to its maximum potential, directing it unyieldingly toward the colossal crocodile. Fierce determination etched upon his features, he hissed defiantly, "Meet your demise!"

A thunderous roar resounded as the harpoon was unleashed, hurtling toward its intended target, its trajectory unerring. Yet, Naoto Mizutani's widening eyes betrayed a mixture of horror and disbelief—his mind struggling to process the impossible truth before him.

The formidable harpoon, renowned for its piercing might, met an unforeseen obstruction—a barrier of colossal scales adorning the crocodile's form. Its pointed tip merely etched a fleeting white mark upon the behemoth's impenetrable hide.

Oh, Goddess Amaterasu! The profound realization struck Naoto Mizutani with brutal force, driving him toward despair. In a violent display of wrath, the colossal crocodile thrashed its titanic tail, nearly capsizing the ship, rendering it a mere remnant of its former self.

With bared fangs and hunger unquenched, the considerable crocodile lunged again, tearing through the remaining structure of the beleaguered vessel. The ensuing onslaught flooded the ship, casting numerous crew members into the clutches of the merciless sea.

Unapologetically, the colossal crocodile devoured those who met their watery demise, their final moments consumed in its relentless jaws. Naoto Mizutani clung tenaciously to the guardrail, teetering on the edge of salvation. Fortune, or perhaps mere chance, favoured him, preventing his plunge into the inky depths below.

As the colossal crocodile retreated into the distance, the remnants of the whaling ship succumbed to their watery fate, disappearing beneath the waves. Trembling and wide-eyed, Naoto Mizutani clutched the guardrail with all his might. A mixture of terror and relief warred within him as he surveyed the unfolding carnage.

Others aboard the ship were not as fortunate. Some sank to the murky depths, their fates sealed by the unforgiving sea. Others were swallowed whole and became prisoners within the belly of the giant predator.

Watching the colossal crocodile fade into the distance, Naoto Mizutani hastily donned a life jacket and sought aid with a still-functioning satellite phone. Yet, even as he dialled for help, the sinking ship continued its descent into the watery abyss. Naoto Mizutani secured a life buoy, prepared for the worst, dove into the choppy water, and waited frantically for help.

After an agonizing hour, a search and rescue helicopter appeared overhead. By then, the whaling ship had vanished from sight, leaving only Naoto Mizutani floating adrift upon the endless expanse of the sea.

In Huahai City, over a casual lunch, Liu Yong and Hu Shijun engaged in lighthearted conversation, discussing various topics ranging from the construction of the Universal Building to the employee housing complex and the activities of several large oil tankers. As their discussion meandered, Hu Shijun mentioned a news article he had come across—a whaling ship in RB reportedly sunk due to an encounter with a 100-meter-long giant crocodile, with only a single survivor.

The news struck a chord within Liu Yong. Days prior, he had stumbled upon a similar account—a local fisherman claiming to have witnessed a considerable crocodile spanning 100 meters in length.

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