Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 299 Lianxin's Peril

Liu Yong's heart brimmed with a sneering amusement as he realized that the Rhodes Armed Forces were relentless in their pursuit. It seemed that Alfred's thirst for revenge was unfolding before him.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, I am truly grateful for providing me with this crucial information," Liu Yong expressed his gratitude, his voice laced with appreciation.

With a worried expression, Hassan spoke with concern, "Based on the information we have, the Rhodes Armed Forces have deployed an elite unit, cunningly disguised as Somali pirates, to hijack your company's ship using armed forces."

Liu Yong couldn't help but scoff inwardly at the audacity of Rhodes Armed Forces, even resorting to such a lowly disguise as Somali pirates. It was a clear indication of their underestimation.

Naturally, the Rhodes Armed Forces dared not act overtly, fearing international condemnation. However, should they choose to ignore these concerns, they would inevitably send warships or armed helicopters.

Hassan's concern deepened as he inquired, "Mr. Liu, would you like us to dispatch a warship to intercept the 'Lianxin'?"

Liu Yong nodded, declining the offer graciously, "No need, Prime Minister. I appreciate your kindness. I will reach out to the fleet escorting us in the Gulf of Aden."

"That would be preferable," Prime Minister Hassan acknowledged, maintaining his courteous demeanour. He personally arranged for a convoy to escort Liu Yong to the airport in Sanaa.

En route to the airport, inside the car, Liu Yong initiated communication with Bawang. Bawang's current location lies in the Arabian Sea, near the Gulf of Aden. With its exceptional speed, Bawang could reach the "United Signal" vicinity within a couple of hours.

However, Liu Yong had no intentions of utilizing Bawang's might. Instead, he contacted Yan Guo's naval fleet in the Gulf of Aden via phone.

Out at sea, the massive container ship named "Lianxin," belonging to the Global Shipping Group, sailed steadily, anticipating its entry into the Red Sea in approximately two hours.

Captain Sun Ming released a quiet sigh of relief. The passage through the Gulf of Aden always left his heart pounding, fearing encounters with pirate speedboats and similar threats.

Fortunately, the journey had been tranquil thus far, devoid of any signs of the so-called pirate speedboats. Once they crossed into the Red Sea, their safety increased significantly, as pirates rarely operated in those waters.

The "Lianxin" glided into the Red Sea two hours later, and Sun Ming's relief was absolute.

As they progressed through the Red Sea, traversed the Suez Canal, and finally reached a significant port in country D, Captain Sun Ming couldn't help but revel in the knowledge that the "Lianxin" was a newly constructed vessel, fully laden with 13,000 standard containers. It proudly stood as one of the Global Shipping Group's largest container ships.

Suddenly, Sun Ming's gaze sharpened, capturing movement in the distant sea. Swiftly reaching for his binoculars, he peered intently, the details becoming increasingly distinct. Five small black dots rapidly approached their location.

Could it be pirate speedboats?

Considering their presence in the relatively safe Red Sea region, it seemed unlikely. Nonetheless, Sun Ming observed through his binoculars for another couple of minutes, confirming his initial suspicions—the approaching vessels were indeed pirate speedboats.

Each boat carried several armed individuals brandishing AK47 rifles clad in turbans and either black or white robes.

"Pirates! We have pirates incoming!" Sun Ming shouted urgently, activating the entire ship's alarm system. The crew swiftly grasped the gravity of the situation.

"Pirates are approaching!"

"Take cover, and keep your heads down!"

Apart from a few panicked crew members, most maintained remarkable composure—a testament to their diligent emergency drills. The Global Marine Group ensured that every ship underwent various emergency training sessions, including piracy scenarios.

The pirate speedboats closed in, growing nearer by the second.

Suddenly, a crew member shouted with a mix of surprise and relief, "Captain, look behind us!"

Sun Ming swivelled his head in response. A guided missile frigate sliced through the waves toward the Gulf of Aden, trailing them from behind, propelled by the wind's force.

Could it be our country's warship?

Sun Ming retrieved his binoculars, his face lighting up with astonishment as he confirmed his suspicions. The distinctive red flag fluttering atop the warship left no room for doubt.

"We're saved! Our warship has arrived!"

"Exhilarating and nerve-wracking, all at once!"

"Remain steady; our rescuers are here."

The crew on board erupted in jubilation. The warship had undoubtedly detected the pirates. A helicopter had already taken off from the vessel, swiftly approaching their location.

Despite being several hundred meters away, the helicopter's machine gun opened fire upon the pirate speedboats on the water's surface. Bullets churned up waves, densely peppering the area.

Soon, one pirate speedboat came to a halt, billowing smoke. Sun Ming observed through his binoculars as the pirates on that vessel met their demise.

The machine guns on the helicopter continued their relentless barrage, causing the remaining pirate speedboat to decelerate and eventually succumb to the same fate.

Two speedboats were launched from the warship, dashing towards the "Lianxin" at a rapid pace. As they drew closer, the machine guns mounted on the speedboats unleashed a hail of bullets upon the pirates.

On board, the "Lianxin," crew members brimmed with excitement. Witnessing the battle unfold through the ship's windows, they watched as the pirates were systematically eliminated. Joy and relief coursed through their veins.

Meanwhile, aboard a passenger plane en route to Huahai City, Liu Yong awoke from a peaceful nap.

First-class service truly lived up to its reputation. Flight attendants promptly provided blankets for passengers intending to rest. Upon awakening, another attendant approached to inquire about their needs.

Liu Yong requested a glass of warm water, taking a few sips before heading to the restroom. On his return, he checked the time, raising his hand to glimpse his watch.

"Stewardess, how much longer will it take to arrive at Huahai International Airport?" Liu Yong inquired, seeking information from the friendly flight attendant.

The stewardess smiled sweetly, poised to respond, when an announcement resonated throughout the plane, "Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing at Huahai International Airport in approximately 30 minutes."

Just thirty more minutes, Liu Yong contemplated as he mentally calculated the hours of rest he had enjoyed. It, indeed, had been a restful slumber.

·ƈθm Time flew by swiftly, and within moments, the plane touched down. Liu Yong, devoid of luggage, disembarked with ease. A trash can conveniently stood nearby as he approached it, casually disposing of a small note tucked in his pocket. He had no intention of pursuing the contents of the note delivered by the first-class stewardess.

As he stepped outside the airport, Liu Yong's gaze caught sight of Li Changle in the distance.

She stood, glancing around, next to a vibrant red Porsche sports car.

Liu Yong waved at her and proceeded to walk briskly in her direction. Spotting Liu Yong, Li Changle's face lit up, and she ran towards him, her excitement evident.

Her sprint attracted the attention of many onlookers, especially young men and women who couldn't help but admire Li Changle's beauty. With her fair skin and long legs, she could captivate most individuals' attention.

"Brother Yong!" Li Changle cried out joyfully, throwing herself into Liu Yong's embrace. Liu Yong reciprocated, gently encircling his girlfriend's waist.


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