Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 304 The Chairman's Son

"Good day, Mr. Liu," a chorus of voices rang out as they stepped into the bustling premises of Hanhai Culture. Liu Yong was no stranger to such greetings, as everyone recognized him as the esteemed boss of the Global Shipping Group and a close friend of Ding Wen.

Unbeknownst to Ding Wen, Liu Yong had planned his visit and confidently knocked on the door of his office before entering. However, upon focusing on Ding Wen, Liu Yong couldn't help but be taken aback. It had only been a few days since their last encounter, yet Ding Wen appeared visibly worn out. In his office, the air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke, with the ashtray overflowing with discarded cigarette butts.

Concern etched across his face, Liu Yong furrowed his brow and quickly opened the office window to allow fresh air to circulate. He genuinely worriedly approached Ding Wen and asked, "Brother, what's troubling you?"

Sighing heavily, Ding Wen replied, "Brother Yong, I'm in deep trouble. I've encountered a colossal problem."

Immediately offering his support, Liu Yong reassured him, "If Hanhai Culture is facing operational difficulties or requires financial assistance, I'm more than willing to lend you any sum of money you need."

Ding Wen expressed his gratitude and replied, "Brother Yong, thank you. Your words warm my heart. With a brother like you, I consider my life truly blessed."

Brushing off the sentimental remark, Liu Yong urged, "Enough with the sentimentalities. Let's discuss the specifics of the issue."

Ding Wen nodded in agreement and divulged, "The trouble doesn't lie with Hanhai Culture itself. It's a grave matter that has befallen my family—a crisis of unprecedented magnitude."

Concern instantly filled Liu Yong's eyes. With their strong bond, the news of Ding Wen's family facing a significant ordeal stirred deep anxiety within him. Eager to offer his assistance, Liu Yong asked, "Is there something troubling happening in your family? Do you need my help?"

Ding Wen paused momentarily, collecting his thoughts, before responding, "Brother Yong, did you ever know about my family background?"

Liu Yong nodded, indicating that he was not privy to such information.

A true friendship, like water in a desert, is a rarity indeed. Liu Yong had never actively sought to delve into Ding Wen's family background specifics. Nevertheless, he had always surmised that Ding Wen's heritage was far from ordinary.

Clearing the air, Ding Wen continued, "Brother Yong, I should have revealed this to you much earlier. You must be familiar with Qingyun International, correct?"

Liu Yong's acknowledgment came swiftly. Qingyun International was a household name in Yan Country—a colossal conglomerate with an annual revenue surpassing billions of dollars. Furthermore, it stood proudly among the top 200 companies in the world.

As the world's leading communication equipment supplier, Qingyun International held an extensive portfolio of patented technologies and boasted a workforce comprising hundreds of thousands of employees. Its headquarters, the renowned Qingyun Building, graced the capital city's skyline. Bi Qingyun, the chairman of Qingyun Group, had singlehandedly transformed the company from humble beginnings into a global behemoth.

Bi Qingyun had repeatedly aspired to become the wealthiest man in the Yan Kingdom, a testament to his position as the head of a technology-driven enterprise. Remarkably, Qingyun Group had never entertained the idea of going public, thereby significantly underestimating the company's potential market value.

Curious, Liu Yong inquired, "Ding Wen, does your family have a connection with Qingyun Group?"

Ding Wen nodded solemnly, revealing, "My father is the chairman of Qingyun Group. I'm the youngest child in our family, following my mother's lineage. I have two elder sisters and one elder brother."I think you should take a look at

Taken aback, Liu Yong now fully comprehended Ding Wen's family background. The fact that he was the son of Bi Qingyun, the revered chairman of Qingyun Group, was astonishing.

Sensing Liu Yong's growing comprehension, Ding Wen continued, hinting at the more significant issue: "Something of immense significance has occurred within my family, or rather, within Qingyun International."

Understanding dawned upon Liu Yong. The mention of Qingyun International, renowned for its cutting-edge communication equipment and abundant patented technologies, immediately hinted at a troubling predicament. Several significant nations, fearing Qingyun's dominance, had instigated relentless sanctions and withdrawals since the previous year.

Ding Wen clarified, "Country M has imposed the most severe sanctions on Qingyun International. No chip manufacturer dares to collaborate with us. Luckily, we had prepared a contingency plan with substantial chip inventory and the capability to design chips in-house."

Liu Yong nodded in acknowledgment. He was well-versed in the news surrounding these events, following the developments closely. "And now," Liu Yong interjected, "these foundry companies refuse to produce chips for us due to the fear of reprisals led by Country M."

Liu Yong's observations were agreed with Ding Wen, who further elaborated, "Indeed. We've reached a point where our greatest challenge lies in chip production, rather than financial constraints."

Liu Yong said, "If only we could obtain one or two advanced lithography machines."

The world's foremost lithography machine was the highly coveted 5nm model created by Asmer. Unfortunately, Chinese-made lithography machines fell far short, with capabilities limited to a mere 20 nanometers.

Dispelling any illusions, Ding Wen lamented, "Asmer has made it clear that they will neither sell their lithography machines to Qingyun International nor to any company within Yan Country."

Slightly uplifting the atmosphere, Liu Yong offered some solace, "Don't burden yourself too much, and remember that for every difficulty, there are more solutions than obstacles."

"Brother Yong, you're absolutely right," Ding Wen acknowledged, his demeanour visibly brightening. The weariness that had etched itself onto his face was slowly dissipating.

Deciding it was time for a respite, Liu Yong suggested, "Let's step away for a moment and find a place to enjoy a leisurely afternoon tea, where we can relax and unwind."

Ding Wen readily agreed, saying, "Sounds good. No problem at all."

Leaving the office behind, the two friends ventured out together, seeking solace in a cozy setting where they indulged in afternoon tea, allowing their troubles to fade.

Several days passed, and Liu Yong was seated in his office, engrossed in reading various documents and reports. In between, he checked the news on his mobile phone, stumbling upon a headline that sparked his curiosity. It reported that a semiconductor company from Country M had secured the purchase of three 5nm lithography machines from Asmer, scheduled to be delivered in the near future and airlifted to the United States.

A tinge of envy coursed through Liu Yong. "They didn't sell a single lithography machine to us, but Country M managed to acquire three in one fell swoop," he muttered under his breath, bitterness evident in his tone. Frustration took hold, and Liu Yong's thoughts ventured into the realm of misfortune. In a fit of irritation, he imagined the plane carrying the precious lithography machines crashing and sinking into the depths of the sea.

However, Liu Yong quickly shook off the negative thoughts, reminding himself that dwelling on such ill fortune would not yield any positive outcomes. Instead, he focused his attention on supporting his friend Ding Wen and finding alternative solutions to the challenges faced by Qingyun International.

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