Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 132

Chapter 132 Lvwu

After the shower, she was going to sleep well in the quilt, sweating, and before lying down, an unexpected guest came and disrupted her plan.

This uninvited guest was the sister of Wenrou Township with a northern accent from Chu, named Lvwu.

As soon as she saw her, Lu Wu said a little nervously: “Sister Lan, you said that I can come to you if I have something to do, so I am here.”

Shen Ruolan smiled lightly and said, “Don’t be nervous, sit down.”

Lv Wu sat down, as if he was still a little nervous, rubbed the veil and said, “Actually, I came today to ask Sister Lan for something…”

Shen Ruolan’s expression was a bit bad, but it wasn’t because of her, but because of the humiliation in Fuyin’s mansion just now. As soon as Luwu finished speaking, she found that Shen Ruolan had a sad expression. She hurriedly closed her mouth and stood up and said, “Lan Sister is not feeling well, then I’ll talk about it another day. I’m sorry. I came here without saying hello. I was abrupt.”

Seeing her so trembling and cautious, Shen Ruolan felt a little sorry.

“It’s none of your business, if you have something to say, because we are all fellow villagers, as long as I can help you, I will help you naturally, but you also know that I’m just a singer , The ability is limited. If it is within my ability, that’s it. If it is beyond my ability, I hope you will not be disappointed.”

Lvwu hurriedly said: “No, no, you don’t owe me anything. It is love to help me, and it is duty not to help me. Whether you help or not, I will be grateful to you.”

Seeing that she is still aware of current affairs, Shen Ruolan nodded: “Okay, you can tell.”

Lv Wu pursed his mouth and said, “As you said, I am indeed from Chu Kingdom, and I can be considered a fellow from you, I am also from Nong’an County, and my family lives in the county seat…”

Speaking of it, Lvwu’s life experience is quite tragic. She was originally a concubine from the Duan’s family, the richest man in the county. Because her mother was at odds with his wife, after her mother died, the wife tried to vent her anger, and later became even more embarrassed. Her father promised her to the county magistrate’s stupid son as his wife.

That silly ya Nei is in her twenties, but she doesn’t even know how to urinate and urinate. She is very irritable if she doesn’t say anything, she gets angry if she doesn’t even think about it. The girl in the family has let him kill both of them. If she marries, It’s definitely not a good life.

So, on a dark night with high winds, she escaped. She planned to hide in her uncle’s house, but she did not expect to meet Granny Chen’s group who killed a thousand swords, and then was tied to Wusun…

It has been more than two years since he was tied up.

Shen Ruolan grinds her teeth secretly, and Madame Chen, who has been so conscientious, has already started doing this kind of detrimental business. I don’t know how many innocent Chu girls have been destroyed in their hands!

Hearing Lu Wu’s story, Shen Ruolan suddenly felt that the grievance she had received today was nothing compared to these poor girls. Although she suffered a little bit of humiliation, she was still free and was not forced to pick up guests. She still has a great future and a bright future, and these poor girls have not only lost their virginity, but also lost their future and future…

This self-comforting spirit of Ah Q was inherited from her previous life. Because of this personality, she is easily satisfied and rarely has negative emotions, because she always feels that she is happy.

“Then how do you think I can help you? The redemption still made you red?” The mood adjusted, and Shen Ruolan’s face improved a lot.

Lvwu came to beg her with nothing more than two demands. Either begged her to redeem her life, or begged her to teach her to sing and make her popular, no matter what, she could do it.

However, if you redeem your body, I am afraid that you will get a lot of money. Although she is willing to help her, it is still a bit painful. After all, the price of redeeming such a beautiful and beautiful woman must not be cheap.

Lu Wu licked his lips and said with difficulty, “I want to redeem myself!”

In Wenrou Township, if there is no one to redeem their lives, the sisters will only end up with two in the end. Either they will wait for their old age and decline and be sent to the inferior kiln to be the inferior kiln, and be ruined by the inferior every day. Died here, a mat was rolled up, pulled to a random grave outside the city, and buried indiscriminately.

No matter what kind of end she did, she didn’t want it. She was still young and she had a great future. She didn’t want to fall like that, so she came to ask Miss Lan with a brazen face.

Although she also knows that it is not realistic to let someone who has only a few sides with her put out a few thousand taels of silver to redeem her, but the desire to survive makes her care about so much, and she has to try it anyway, just in case. Up? Didn’t she just run away?

Shen Ruolan pondered for a moment, and said, “If I redeem your body for you, what are you going to do? Are you going back to Duan’s house? Or do you want to find something to do somewhere else?”

Lu Wu blushed, lowered his head, and said softly, “Don’t hide from my sister, my father and my aunt treated me like that. I will definitely not go back again. I have a friend here. I plan to redeem it and go afterwards. Defect to him.”


Shen Ruolan frowned, thinking it was the lonely old man she met when she came to this brothel to find pleasure.

Luwu guessed what she was thinking, and said hurriedly: “We didn’t meet in Wenrou Township. We met on the street during the Mid-Autumn Festival this year.”

Recalling the moment I met him, Lu Wu’s face has a soft look, and his tone has become soft, “He is the head of the Longwu Escort, and his martial arts is very good. At that time, four or five rascals molested me. , He was beaten to the ground by himself…”

“It’s just that he is just a dart head. Over the years, he has only saved dozens of taels of silver, which is not enough to redeem me. Therefore, I want to redeem myself, but you also know that although we earn a lot, how much can we earn? Is this money in our hands? I can’t help but come to you.”

Speaking of this, she couldn’t sit still anymore. She knelt down in front of Shen Ruolan and cried: “Sister Lan, I also know that I have asked too much for this, and I don’t know how much money we have in this life. Can you pay it off, but I really have nowhere to go. If I stay in that ghost place anymore, my body will be destroyed!”

It turns out that in order to prevent the girls from getting pregnant, Wenrou Township allows them to drink mercury for contraception every time after they pick up guests. As always, the girls will be poisoned, and they will gradually lose their fertility, even if there is a chance in the future. Congliang can’t have a baby anymore.

Therefore, she wanted to escape from the fire pit as soon as possible while the time she was here was still shallow and the amount of mercury in her body was not much.

“You get up first, don’t cry.” Shen Ruolan helped her up, pondered for a while, and said, “Well, let’s call your friend, let me see what kind of person he is before making a decision, OK? ”

If her friend is a good person, it would be a merit for her to help them.

However, if that guy is a guilty person, there is no need to redeem her. Anyway, they are all fire pits. Which pit is not the same? Why should she waste the money to make her jump from one fire pit to another?

When Lvwu heard this, he had a way out, and quickly wiped away his tears, and said repeatedly: “Okay, I will go now, you are waiting for me, waiting for me…”

With that said, he trot out.

Shen Ruolan also knew that she couldn’t sleep for a nap, and simply didn’t sleep anymore. It happened that she hadn’t eaten breakfast or lunch, so she went out to eat.

Because of her uncomfortable body, she didn’t have a bit of greasy food. She only had two plain steamed buns, a bowl of millet porridge, a dish of fried peanuts, and a boiled egg.

When she was eating, she suddenly felt as if someone behind her was peeking at her again, but she turned her head a few times and couldn’t see who was peeking at her. It was probably sick, dizzy, and delusional, right? .

However, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, just in case, after eating, she hurried back to her room.

Less than a cup of tea after returning home, Lu Wu hurriedly returned with her friend.

That good friend in his twenties, with a burly body and a righteous face, when he saw Shen Ruolan, he held his fist and pressed down to Shen Ruolan.

“Miss Lan, Zhou Zheng is so polite!”

Shen Ruolan nodded and said, “You are welcome, Zhou Biaotou, please sit down.”

Zhou Zheng stood up, did not sit down, but with a somewhat respectful tone, said: “I heard that Lvwu asked Lan to redeem her. This is what I should do, but Zhou Zheng is incompetent. Collect all the money for Lvwu’s redemption. If Miss Ruolan believes me, Zhou Zheng is willing to set up a written record. Lvwu’s redemption money will definitely be returned to the girl in the future by Zhou Zheng.”

Shen Ruolan didn’t answer him, and Gu left and right said to him: “How many years has Zhou Battou been a scorcher? Who else is in the family?”

Early marriage and early childbirth were in ancient times, and it is very rare to have a family in their twenties. Shen Ruolan was afraid that Lu Wu was deceived, and wanted to help her touch the bottom of Zhou Zheng.

Zhou Zhengdao: “I was a child without a father or mother. I grew up in a dart club. I started playing darts at the age of seventeen or eighteen. It has been five years now.”

“Look at Zhou Biao’s first year. Why hasn’t he been married?” Shen Ruolan asked again.

Zhou Zheng said: “When he was seventeen years old, the master arranged a marriage for the little one. Later, the girl unfortunately died of an illness three months before she got married. The little one didn’t meet the right one for a while, so she kept going alone. After that, I met Lvwu…”

“So that’s it.” Shen Ruolan nodded, and said: “Zhou Biaotou has been a scorcher for five years, how much money has he saved? How much can you pay for the redemption?”

Asking this is not to get the money in his hand, just to see his attitude towards Luwu. If he really wants to marry Luwu, no matter how much, he will definitely give it out. On the contrary, if only Coax someone with beautiful words, and ask him to bleed without a hair, such a person is not worth helping.

Fortunately, Zhou Zheng didn’t let her down. After Shen Ruolan asked, he immediately poured out a few silver ingots of different sizes from the incidental, with a slightly ashamed look, and said, “Don’t hide the girl, Zhou Zheng has gone five. In the new year dart, I saved a total of these fifty-seven taels of silver, and borrowed some from the dart brothers, and made up one hundred taels. Although it was only a drop in the money for Luwu’s redemption money, Zhou Zheng will definitely work hard to make money. Will earn her redemption money.”

This attitude is okay, people can be considered frank and upright.

Shen Ruolan was basically satisfied, but she didn’t agree to them immediately, but said that she would consider it first and let them go back and wait for the news.

There are many things and things in this world that are too easy to get and won’t be cherished. She wants them to experience the hardship and difficulty of being together, and she also wants to inquire about Zhou Zheng and Luwu’s behavior from the side.

It is said that drawing dragons and tigers is difficult to draw bones, knowing people knowing their faces and not knowing their hearts. Although they give her a good surface impression, who knows what kind of people they are? If they are all kind and grateful people, it doesn’t matter if they help them; but if they are not good and are not worth helping, she doesn’t need to do anything extra!

After Lvwu and Zhou Zheng left, Shen Ruolan really fell ill.

Being stripped for so long in that icy environment, even people who are beaten with iron can’t stand it!

Fortunately, there are some cold and anti-inflammatory medicines in her space. They are all western medicines. The effect is much better than traditional Chinese medicine. In addition, her body’s physique is better than before. So after taking the medicine for three days, the illness gradually disappeared. All right.

For the past three days, she has not been idle. The person who asked Xiaoer and the shopkeeper to inquire about Zhou Zheng and Lvwu. It turns out that they are both very good. It is said that Zhou Zheng is just as the name suggests, he is righteous, and he is still a man. Intestines, eight cows can’t be pulled back.

Lvwu is also a good one. She has been in Wenrou Township for more than a year. She has never quarreled with others. She only lives her life quietly. She is a gentle and kind-hearted girl.

With this conclusion, Shen Ruolan was relieved.

When he recovered from his illness, he personally went to Wenrou Township to help Lu Wu talk about redemption.

Earlier, there was a guest who wanted to redeem Lvwu, but the owner ordered Lvwu to redeem her with a very high amount of money, as many as three thousand taels, and one penny would not work. The guest was frightened back. .

When Shen Ruolan went to talk, things didn’t get much better. The price was only three thousand taels, and one less was not enough. Moreover, when you left, you were not allowed to take the soft bedding in the room, or even your personal clothes, only to be clean. Go out.

Although Shen Ruolan didn’t like their profiteering, she didn’t take them seriously. Three thousand taels is three thousand taels. She took out five or six fine pearls and sold them at a silver building. She helped Lu Wu to redeem her life. Up.

The girls in Wenrou Township were envious when they saw that Shen Ruolan had helped Lvwu redeem her body. Some people simply knelt in front of Shen Ruolan, crying cryingly begging Shen Ruolan to help her redeem her.

Shen Ruolan really wanted to help them, but she had more than enough energy but she didn’t have enough energy. There are dozens of brothels in Pingyang City. Even if all of her wealth is taken out, it is not enough to redeem a few people?

Moreover, there are too many injustices in this world, and her ability is limited, and she can’t manage it even if she wants to, so they can only ask for more blessings.

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