Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 373

Chapter 373 Agree to divorce

The home was shrouded in an atmosphere of sadness and despair.

Zhu’er heard about it after school, and she had to go to the capital with her father and mother. In his words, they were a family, they had to live together, or die together, so they shouldn’t watch their parents in danger. Circumstance, they hide and live!

Ju’er thought the same way. In fact, she had already secretly prepared to go to Beijing tomorrow.

Of course, Shen Ruolan decided to go with her father and mother. After hearing that the queen mother was going to call her mother and let her enter the princess mansion as a concubine, the first thought she had in her heart was that the old witch of the queen mother was taking revenge on herself and taking her mother. The raft!

This thought made Shen Ruolan very angry!

Apart from the anger, I felt another sorrow.

Even if she knows that the Queen Mother is retaliating, she is unable to fight back. In this world where power is supreme, these people at the bottom can only struggle under the oppression of power like ants. There is no human rights and justice at all. Who is in power? That’s right, the power tells them to die, and they won’t die if they don’t die.

This is the sorrow of being in a feudal society, no matter how much you oppose their injustices, in the end you have to obey them and obey them.

However, Shen Ruolan is not as desperate as her parents and Zhuer Juer. She privately thinks that their end will not be too bad, because he will protect them and will not cause them to accident…

Therefore, she was just angry and sad, not as sad and desperate as the rest of the family…

In the evening, when Chun Yumin came, Shen Ruolan told him about it.

As she expected, after Chun Yumin heard about it, he did not hesitate to say, “Don’t be afraid, I will accompany you back, nothing will happen.”

Although he had long thought that the result would be like this, after hearing his unhesitating promise, Shen Ruolan was still deeply moved in her heart. She knew that the implementation of his promise was not as easy as it said. It not only meant that he had to fight against the empress dowager, but also to be an enemy of Princess Rongjia. The consequences would be very serious…

But he still didn’t hesitate or hesitated, and promised her without hesitation. Shen Ruolan looked at him deeply and felt that she had chosen the right person…

Before dawn the next day, he quietly left. Soon after he left, other people in the family also got up one after another. My father and mother and Zhuer Juer didn’t sleep all night at all, and they woke up with blackness when they got up. Eye rims, each face is full of despair and sadness that can’t be concealed.

The few of Zhaodi were not much better. The three sisters had red and swollen eyes. They must have been crying all night. Among them, Zhaodi’s eyes were the most swollen, and they almost couldn’t be opened.

The house is gloomy, and everyone has a heavy heart, sad and desperate appearance, like life and death.

Shen Ruolan couldn’t bear to see everyone so sad, and it was not good to explain Chun Yumin to him now, so she had to cheer up and comfort everyone, and made arrangements and plans for the future interruption of the family’s time.

Shen Ruolan decided to let both Ju’er and Zhu’er go to Beijing with them. Otherwise, if they left, the two children would not be at ease at home. Instead of letting them suffer at home, they might as well go together, no matter what. Let’s face…

When Shen Dejian and Mu Shi heard that the three of Shen Ruolan were going to Beijing with them, they disagreed with what they said, but Zhu’er said, if his parents disagree with him, he will follow along the way. Anyway, a family must be together for life or death, never separated.

Ju’er thinks the same way. She also said that if only she and her brother are two and a half older children in Beijing, the city must be very unsafe. Maybe they were abducted by kidnappers halfway through, but even so, they must go with.

Seeing that the children were so determined, Shen Dejian and Mu Shi had to agree.

The three sisters Zhaodi have been out for more than half a year, and they must be homesick. It just so happens that the dim sum workshop is busy now, so Shen Ruolan gave them a long vacation and asked them to take this opportunity to stay in Kaoshantun for a while, and help her by the way. Bring a letter to Daqing and Qiuping’s sister-in-law. If she can’t come back in October, ask Daqing and Qiuping’s sister-in-law to help her hire someone for the autumn harvest. They also stay at home to help, and wait for her to return to Jizhou. .

The matter was settled as arranged by Shen Ruolan. After breakfast, Shen Ruolan asked Shen Dejian to hire three carriages at the car dealership.

One was hired by the Zhaodi sisters and sent them back to Kaoshantun. The other two were used by their own families. Father and mother took one, and the three of them took one…

Soon, Dad came back with the car. Everyone moved their luggage to the car, locked the door, and got in the car.

Shen Ruolan’s family first went to the government office to find the arrogant father-in-law, but what made Shen Dejian and Mu Clan a little puzzled was that the father-in-law yesterday looked at people with a pair of nostrils, and his eyes were above the top. I was very kind and polite when I saw them, and even asked them sincerely if their luggage was ready? If not, tell them to prepare again, he is not in a hurry!

Shen Dejian and Mu Family didn’t know the reason, and they couldn’t help but to be polite with them. They didn’t dare to take it seriously, so they both cautiously said that they were ready and could set off at any time.

So, together with the eunuch’s car, a group of six or seven cars set off for the capital.

Chun Yumin didn’t go with them. He told her last night that he still has something to deal with. Let them go ahead. When he finishes his work, he will catch up quickly.

What he wants to do is related to his lifelong event.

In the past few days, An An’s body is getting worse. She has reached the point where she can’t get out of bed, and she has to rely on people’s support for her actions. Nie Heng went to see and said that she won’t be holding on for long. It will last a month more!

Chun Yumin thought that the opportunity had come, and had already sent someone to negotiate with her. He gave her the life-saving ghost grass and asked him to voluntarily retreat.

However, An An was very stubborn, saying that she would not divorce at anything, and claimed that she would rather die than divorce.

Chun Yumin didn’t believe that she was really willing to die, and was about to spend it with her. He didn’t expect that people were not as good as the sky. After the things of Shen Ruolan’s family, he didn’t have much time to spend, and he had to make quick decisions so as not to delay. thing.

So, today he went out in person and came to Fu Yin Mansion to have an interview with her.

This was the first time Chun Yumin came to see her after An An came to Jizhou, but it was a pity that he didn’t come to visit her, but came to divorce!

Thinking of the purpose of his coming, An An’s heart was cold. He had already sent someone to talk to her about the resignation two days ago. An An did not agree, so this time he came, An An did not hold any hope. After he came in, she still leaned on the Daying pillow, drank the medicine unhurriedly, did not look up at him, as if she hadn’t seen him.

Yu Min sat down on the side, not blaming her for her unreasonable contempt, nor was he eager to speak, but stared at her lightly, not for a moment, except that there was no warmth in his eyes.

After all, An An’s psychological quality is not as strong as Chun Yu Min’s. After being stared at for a while, she finally couldn’t stand it anymore, raised her head and spoke first.

“Why is King Zhan so idle today? It’s really strange. I just don’t know what makes the prince so appreciative and expensive. If it’s the last thing, the prince will please go back. Marriage matters. By the orders of my parents and the words of the matchmaker, An An can’t be the master. If the prince wants to divorce, he can talk to my parents and the empress dowager!”

Chun ignored her ridicule, and said bluntly: “Auntie and queen, this king will say it, now I only need you to say a word, can you divorce me?”


An An raised her head in tears, “The whole city knows that I am engaged to you, but now you are throwing me halfway and marrying her. How do you tell the world to think of me, and how will I behave in the future? How can you be so selfish? Since you didn’t want to marry me, why did you agree? Why did you want to be engaged to me?”

Chun Yumin said, “I know I am sorry for you, so I will compensate you as much as possible. I will help you find the medicine to save your life. You can move as many of the private warehouses of the Palace of Cham. In this world, as long as you want I will find everything for you as my compensation to you. Isn’t that enough?”

“Not enough, not enough!”

An An shouted angrily, “Don’t use gold and silver jewels to insult me. In your heart, am I the kind of person who only seeks profit and loves silver?”

Seeing her aggrieved, sad and indignant look, a touch of sarcasm was drawn across Chun Yumin’s face, and he knew that it was impossible to break up with her politely, so he said bluntly, “No, you are in the heart of this king, He is a man with deep intentions, and he will do whatever he can to achieve his goals.”

“How can you say that to me? Even if you don’t like me, you shouldn’t wear this kind of hat on my head…”

An An looked at him in pain and grievance, her face was full of grief and anger, as if she had suffered a great grievance.

That expression really came to His Royal Highness King Zhan, which made him immediately think of a allegorical saying-he wants to be a bitch, but also wants to establish a chastity memorial!

He put aside his eyes and said with a smile, “Do you think this king is framing you? Then you explain to this king why you were poisoned at the engagement banquet? Don’t tell this king that you were just caught by Chunxi. It’s a fool. She just wants to give you a laxative to make you embarrassed. She never thought of killing you. Why did you fall into such a field now, you know it!”

After that, Princess An’an was terrified, and the expression on her face changed from grievance to fear. She opened her eyes wide and her face was pale and said, “You, what are you talking about? I don’t understand what you mean? ”

“Don’t understand? Haha—”

Seeing that she wanted to deny and didn’t dare to admit, Chun Yumin sneered and said cruelly and sternly, “I don’t understand, this king is just explaining it to you. This king feels that one wants to eliminate dissidents and hesitate to poison himself and frame his opponents. A woman who is not as good as a woman who is profit-only and greedy for money…”

It’s clear enough now, and fools can understand what he means.

An An’s expression cracked, she was sluggish for a moment, bit her lip, and wanted to make the last struggle, “You mean, I deliberately poisoned myself to plant and frame Chun Xi? But, have you ever seen it for Frame up your opponent and make yourself such a person? I’m neither stupid nor stupid. How can I do such a stupid thing that wipes out one thousand enemies and hurts eight hundred…”

“You are really not stupid. The amount of medicine you gave to the palace lady is only enough to cause the poison to ensnare others. It’s just that some people can’t understand your hypocritical behavior, and they think that you can add a little amount of poison to your poison. Due punishment!”

Chun Yumin smiled lightly, but the smile was weird, with a bit of bloodthirsty cruel in the weirdness, so An An understood everything at once.

“It’s you…you gave me… the poison…” She trembled all over, looking at him desperately and painfully.

And he did not deny that the curvature of the corners of the lips has expanded a lot, which is a disguised acquiescence.

Suddenly, An An was overwhelmed by this sudden bad news. She trembled all over, spouted a mouthful of blood with a “poof”, and fell backward with a pale face.

“Princess, princess, how are you? Don’t scare slaves and maids…”

When Mother You and Mother Kou saw the princess like this, she was so frightened that she cried and called for a doctor while she was rescued.

Seeing that she couldn’t wake up for a while, Chun Yumin didn’t want to waste time here, so he got up and left.

When he got outside, Ying Zhan whispered: “Master, you obviously didn’t do that. Why do you want to recognize it?”

“In order to make her give up!” He replied coolly.

Only by letting her give up, she will retreat willingly, he will be free, and he will be qualified to marry his Laner.

In fact, before he fell in love with that little Nizi, he didn’t care who he married. Even if he knew that An An was an impure person, he agreed to marry her, not only to repay the emperor’s grandmother’s life-saving grace, but also to repay her. To repay An An for the kindness of kneeling all night to intercede with the emperor’s grandmother for him.

Although this way of repaying gratitude is a bit stupid, the women he has seen since childhood are all like this, including his mother, queen, father’s concubines, and even Qinglian’s concubine room. He was deep, he was kind on the surface, and a man with a cruel heart, so he thought that all women were like this, he didn’t have high expectations for marriage, and he arbitrarily agreed to the arrangement of the queen mother and agreed to marry her.

Unexpectedly, meeting the little Nizi again, the humble her, unexpectedly set off a violent storm in his heart, causing him to sink into it all of a sudden, unable to control himself, so he had a new idea about his marriage Expectation is no longer an indifferent attitude. It’s time to set things right out of the wrong decisions in the past.

Because he regretted the marriage before, he felt a little guilty towards An An. He wanted to compensate her well and break up peacefully, but she was too stubborn and stalked and refused to divorce, so he had to do her. Those things that have been past shaken out, and then the things that poisoned her are taken on her body. There are these two kinds of fierce materials, and she is not afraid that she can pester herself again.

If she can still pester herself with the cheeks, then she should really die…

He didn’t know that at this moment, the pain in An An’s heart was more uncomfortable than death, and it was almost more than all the pain that he had suffered since the poisoning, multiplied by ten.

For a long time, she thought that he changed his mind because of the seduce of the small peasant girl. Unexpectedly, he had long looked down upon self-imposed, looked down upon himself, and wished to die by himself. She was still infatuated with him in vain. , Knelt all night to plead for him, but he didn’t marry… Now looking back, she is so stupid, and treats others affectionately. People regard her affection as dung, she, she is simply a joke!

The next day, Mother You went to the Palace of King Zhan in person and brought to King Zhan an autograph letter from the lord of An’an. The content of the letter was very simple, with only two words-Agree!

In other words, she agreed to his proposal and exchanged her marriage for her life-saving medicine.

After yesterday’s incident, An An was already disheartened with him. A person who saw her true face and wanted to kill her, what else did she miss? Might as well give up this marriage in exchange for a chance to survive.

Seeing her so knowledgeable in practice, Chun Yumin curled her lips in satisfaction, and told Nie Heng to take the ghost grass and go to Fu Yin Mansion to heal her in person…

After Nie Heng left, he went to the barracks again, arranged things for the next two months, then mounted his horse, took a few guards, and headed towards the capital…

Shen Dejian thought that the **** would oppress their family on the road, but he didn’t expect that he was so polite. He was totally different when they first met. Shen Dejian and Muhnahan are endless, and Zhu’er and Ju’er also think it is something. It is strange that only Shen Ruolan understands that he must have confessed first, otherwise this **** could not be so good to her family, after all, he is the empress dowager’s person!

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