Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 393

Chapter 20 He found

“An’an, the road is still going well, it really hurts you, I just happened to encounter such a thing…”

Empress Dowager Xiaoduan held An An’s hand lovingly. Although she didn’t like An An very much, she didn’t hate her either. Although it is not 100% satisfactory to let her be her own daughter-in-law, it is still acceptable.

The most important thing is that An’an was pointed out by the Queen Mother before her death. Now the emperor is also talking about her marriage. She can’t give the emperor a chance, so she must marry An’an!

It is precisely because of this that she is so kind to An An.

“Back to the Queen Mother, everything is still on the way to An’an…” Before she finished speaking, the Queen Mother suddenly saw the five shocking fingerprints on her left face and exclaimed, “Oh, what about your face? Up?”

Shen Ruolan played very hard last night, and now the five prints are still as clear as ever.

When the queen mother saw the five-finger print, she knew that she was slapped. Although the seventh child was going to retire from An An, the marriage has not officially retired yet. An An is still the wife in name of the old seventh, and she was slapped. , It was not only her face, but also the face of her Queen Mother and Old Seven. This Queen Mother couldn’t agree.

An An clutched her cheeks, her eyes dodged, and he said vaguely, “The queen mother, it was not the beating, it was me… accidentally…”

“Nonsense, how did you hit it? Can you knock out five fingerprints, can you hit me again?” Seeing that An An refused to tell the truth, the queen mother was immediately angry.

Seeing that the Queen Mother was angry, An An shuddered, biting her lip and looking at Chun Yumin timidly, and then weakly said, “Yes, it was…Miss Shen… beating!”

“Ms. Shen, what Ms. Shen? Where is Shen…” At this point, the queen mother suddenly stopped, and suddenly thought of who it was!

“You mean, that Shen Ruolan beat you?” the queen mother asked angrily.

Chun Yumin also raised his eyes. This was coming in from An An. He looked at her directly for the first time, but his expression was a bit wrong. His eyes were full of chills, as if they were warning or about to kill. Similar.

If someone saw this look, they would shut up obediently, but Princess An An didn’t. Seeing that the man he had loved for so many years threatened him like this for that woman, An An was jealous and hated.

The feelings of jealousy, unwillingness, anger, and sadness suddenly overwhelmed her sanity. She clenched a fist and said: “I ran into Miss Shen yesterday because she accidentally pushed me a bit. I couldn’t help but question her for a while. A few words, results, results…”

“As a result, she hit you?” the queen mother asked angrily.

An An nodded and said aggrievedly: “There are people around her, all masters. General Lu sent me back. He wanted to protect me, but those people held him and kneeled on the ground, Miss Shen. He also slapped Lushen with two big slaps, and he beat me harder than me…”

“What? She is so rude, it’s the opposite, the opposite…”

Empress Dowager Xiaoduan was the most respectful and ceremonial person. When she saw that Shen Ruolan had committed the following crimes, beating the royal princess and the imperial court order officer, she was suddenly furious, turned her head to look at her son, and complained, “Old Qi, have you heard? How arrogant is that little vixen? A lowly common man, why would she dare to beat a royal person? Who gave her the courage?”

She wanted to sue Shen Ruolan for her pampered and arrogant appearance, so that her son could see her face clearly, hate her, alienate her, and then abandon her, but she didn’t expect Chun Yumin to say: “Mother, Lan My son’s behavior and son know very well, and she would never have acted that way if it hadn’t provoke her.”

“The prince said that, does it mean that I made her furry?” An An heard Chun Yumin’s overtones, opened her beautiful eyes aggrievedly, and complained with tears.

Chun Yuzhen choked unceremoniously and said, “Isn’t it?”

He could be sure that Lan’er hit her, it was definitely not as simple as she said, there must be other reasons, but it really seemed to be hidden by her.

An An said aggrieved, “Of course not! I just told her who I am, and she pushed me. If the prince doesn’t believe me, I can’t help it.”

Chun Yumin said coldly, “You know what is going on, and what kind of person you are, this king also knows what is going on.”

“Master, how can you say that?”

Seeing that he hadn’t understood the situation, he couldn’t help but push all the mistakes to her, and even satirized her as a person. She felt angry, hated, jealous and wronged, and the expression on her face was about to collapse. !

Chun Yumin was too lazy to care about her, looked at her coldly, turned his head and continued reading his book…

The Queen Mother Xiaoduan on one side saw them turning their heads and sighing inwardly, and the two of them had different temperaments, and she didn’t know if she could force them together in the future!

However, regardless of their temperaments, she must bring them together. The old seventh can marry another woman or spoil another woman, but his wife must be An’an!

Soon, the meal started. Chun Yumin and An An helped the Queen Mother to the West Room for dinner. They sat next to the Queen Mother and ignored each other.

After being forced to divorce by Chun Yumin, An An’s thoughts towards Chun Yumin are long gone. She now only has hatred in her heart, hating Chun Yumin’s ruthlessness, and hating him for turning his face to deny others and hating her. The teeth are itchy, and I wish I could destroy Chun Yumin with my own hands, and then smash his beloved baby to pieces, so that the bones and ashes will become ashes, she can only be satisfied!

Chun Yumin didn’t have any feelings for An An before, and now he doesn’t feel much anymore. Even if there is, he is just disgusting and despising. Therefore, even though he is eating at a table, he has the right to treat her as the air, even if the queen mother deliberately Leading him to talk to her, Chun Yu Min also ignored it.

After eating the meal awkwardly, An An was about to get up to say goodbye and go back. Empress Dowager Xiaoduan asked Chun Yumin to send her back to the house, and then return to the palace after delivery.

Although Chun Yumin was unwilling to send An’an, but considering that he could leave the palace and even sneak back to Jizhou, he did not refuse. After hearing the order of the Queen Mother, he got up and went to send An’an obediently.

An An owns a car. She came in her own car when she came, but when she left, the queen mother let them go back in her own car and let them ride in the same car.

As soon as she saw the Queen Mother arranged like this, Chun Yumin immediately thought of it! It must be the old lady who hopes that he and An An can reconnect with each other and provide them with a chance to be alone.

However, he already had Lan’er in his heart, even if he arranged for him to be alone with An An for a lifetime, he would not be tempted by her.

The same is true for An An. She is a proud princess. Since Chun Yumin forced her to retire, her self-esteem and self-confidence have been completely destroyed by him, and her love for him has completely disappeared and turned into deep hatred. .

Now, even if she was sitting in a car with him face to face, even if she was lying on a bed, she would not make any ripples on him, she now only had hatred, hatred, hatred for him.

The two men sat in the car with their own minds, one bowed his head and fiddled with the bracelet on his wrist, and the other closed his eyes to rest. The person opposite the right person did not exist, and the air in the car was about to freeze.

When the car walked out of the palace, Chun Yu Min, who had been closing his eyes, opened his eyes as if telepathically, and yelled, “Stop!”

When the car stopped, Chun Yuzhen raised the curtain and leaped off the car. Xishun hurriedly stepped forward and said, “Yeah, Qiye, why are you getting off? The empress mother asked you to send the princess back to the house. , And then go back to the palace!”

Chun Yumin said in a cool tone, “Master has something to do. You can send her back first. Later, the master will talk to the mother in person.”

“Oh, that can’t be done, the empress dowager has ordered that you have to…Huh? Where are you going? Seventh master… Seventh master, wait for the slave…”

Shunxi yelled, seeing Chun Yumin flying over the roof next to the street like a harrier, and running another street over the roof!

“Oh, father-in-law Xi, Qi Ye ran away, how can this be done?”

The little **** who came together saw Chun Yumin running halfway, and screamed anxiously, “Seven masters are running away, and our gang of slaves have gone back. How can we have a relationship with the empress dowager? If the empress dowager should blame it, we will be sent cautious Go to the Criminal Division, isn’t that broken?”

Xishun was also anxious, because he was waiting next to the Queen Mother day by day, and she knew best about the Queen Mother’s feelings for Chun Yumin. That was the love she wanted to hold in her mouth and in her hands. In the palace, on the one hand, he was afraid that he would run out to cause trouble, and on the other hand, it was also for him to be with him every day.

People will become more and more concerned about family affection when they are old. For the Empress Dowager Xiaoduan, the happiest thing in this world is that the youngest son accompanies her, eats, eats, and talks with her. If Qi Ye is let go, it is equivalent to losing the joy of the Queen Mother. Can the Queen Mother spare them?

Therefore, we must not let him go.

Shunxi stared at the direction of Qi Ye’s disappearance, and divided the people who followed into two groups. One group sent Princess An’an back to the house, and the other group rushed to find Qi Ye.

However, they are all ordinary folks after all, and how can Chun Yumin be caught up by them with her peerless martial arts.

Just when they found the Palace of Zhan, Chun Yumin had already mounted the pale golden Maxima, went out from the back door of the Palace, and headed north.

The speed of a sweaty BMW is three times that of an ordinary horse. An ordinary horse can run more than 100 miles a day, while a sweaty BMW can run 300 to 500 miles a day. Therefore, when it gets dark, Chunyu Min’s horse had already caught up with the old Shen family’s army.

That night, the Shen family stayed in a village. Because the village guarded the official road, it looked much richer and prosperous than an ordinary village. There were two or three shops near the official road.

One of them is a tavern, there is also an inn and a grocery store.

The Shen family lived in that inn. The inn was not big. There were originally two or three guests staying. As soon as the Shen family and the guards moved in, they immediately filled the inn. No, they couldn’t live anymore. Everyone huddled together to sleep.

When sleeping, Shen Ruolan and Ju’er lived in the same room. The sisters had a very good relationship. When they were together, they always had endless words. They lay on the kang, talking each other.

“Sister, don’t you really plan to marry King Zhan?” Ju’er looked at the sister lying beside her with **** eyes.

Speaking of that person, Shen Ruolan’s heart tenderly hurt, but she quickly reduced her emotions and said: “If you don’t marry, their family will look down on me. Even if they are married, they will look back at their noses and eyes. Why not marry!”

“But, King Zhan is so good to you, and he has nothing wrong with him. You are separated from him, what a pity!”

Ju’er muttered. In her eyes, His Royal Highness Zhan is handsome, charming and suave, and she is the best match for her sister. Unfortunately, there are so many unfavorable external conditions, so she has separated her sister from His Royal Highness. It’s not fair!

“It’s nothing to be a pity, I will lose my horse, and I won’t know it. Maybe I can find a better one in the future!” Shen Ruolan deliberately comforted Ju’er.

However, as soon as the voice fell, there was a strange noise outside the window, as if something had been planted from the eaves.

Shen Ruolan was taken aback, and hurriedly called the two maids to ask them to see what was going on outside.

After the two girls went out, they came back soon. One of them said to her that everything is as usual outside, so she can rest assured to sleep.

When she was speaking, she blinked at Shen Ruolan as she spoke, and stretched out her finger to make a “seven” sign.

Shen Ruolan’s heart was shocked, and she immediately understood that it turned out that he was here!

She felt a sweet excitement in her heart, but it faded quickly.

What if he comes?

He is the proud son of heaven and the royal family. She will never be able to stand up high. His mother and brother have made it clear that it is impossible for him to marry himself. If this is the case, she will be entangled with him again. What’s the point?

It’s better to separate from him and live your own life!

Thinking about it this way, the surprise in her eyes soon faded away.

Without future feelings, what do you still remember?

So she sent the two maidservants blankly, and went to bed with Juer to sleep.

After sitting in the car for a day, I was really tired. Not long after Ju’er lay down, she fell asleep sweetly.

But Shen Ruolan couldn’t fall asleep tossingly, wondering if he was still outside? It’s the month of October, and it’s cold in the middle of the night. If he has been outside, he will definitely be frozen.

If it’s frozen, she will… distressed.

Because of worry, Shen Ruolan turned over and over again and couldn’t fall asleep, but at this moment, there was another sound of rain outside the window, and it was raining!

Shen Ruolan sat up, it was raining, and it must be colder outside. I don’t know if he knew to enter the house to hide from the rain. If it was poured by autumn rain, he would definitely catch a cold!

She looked out the window anxiously, got up and sat down for a while, and finally couldn’t help it, she put on her clothes lightly and walked outside quietly.

------Off-topic ------

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