Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 423

Chapter 51 Life is better than death

Shen Ruomei was not clever at all. In this case, she couldn’t think of a good idea to deal with it, so she rolled her eyes and fell slowly, trying to pretend to be unconscious.

When’fainted’, Li Daguan was still pulling her arm. As long as he pulled her gently, he could pull her into his arms and prevent her from falling. However, the moment she fell, he He let go of his hand, and the person took a step back and watched her fall to the ground.

Although she fell slowly, it was still very painful after all because of a fall, especially since she was still naked now, in the winter, lying on the icy floor tiles was really cold!

“Master, Aunt Shen fainted, what should I do?” A girl asked for instructions.

Li Daguan said blankly, “Wake her up!”

The girl who had been punished to kneel by Shen Ruomei heard it, and immediately scooped up a basin of water from the tub, splashed it on Shen Ruomei’s body, and the action was done in one go, without any muddy water.

As soon as the water splashed on her body, Shen Ruomei sat up with an ‘ooh’, and the pain that had just been relieved suddenly returned and swept the whole body, and the pain increased, and the pain was several times more painful than last time.

Shen Ruomei was deformed due to the pain. She held her wound and slapped her head on the ground. She sat up for a while, fell down for a while, flopping and screaming hoarsely, and finally struggling with the chicken whose neck was wiped. Like.

After fluttering for a while, she fainted, lying face down on the ground with a puff, she didn’t pretend, she really fainted, and passed out with pain.

Li Daguanren looked at her condescendingly, and he accidentally saw the crooked word “cheap” on her ass, and he turned his head in disgust, turned and left the yard. He was really disgusting, and he had to continue. Dealing with such a filthy and lowly woman, or if King Zhan told him to torture her slowly and not let her die at once, he would not bother to deal with such a shabby thing, and sent her down long ago.

After the master left, a girl saw that Shen Ruomei was still lying on the ground, and she wanted to go forward to save her, but was caught by the other one.

“You didn’t see if the Lord was angry and left? Maybe you deliberately left her here to punish her. You owed her to save her. If the Lord blames you again, can you afford it?”

The girl hesitated when she heard it, just not knowing what to do, when she saw the word “cheap” on Shen Ruomei’s ass, her eyes widened, and at the same time she gave up the idea of ​​saving her!

The master is a picky person with cleanliness, he will not want a woman who is not clean, not to mention that Aunt Shen is not good, but she is as beautiful as a god, so she punches the word on her ass. The master would never want her, that is to say, she is not far from being abolished.

She can’t make it up to serve such a hopeless sordid thing, bah!

As a result, the two of them left the clean room to rest on their own, leaving Shen Ruomei alone in the clean room, lying on the ground for half an hour.

After half an hour, Shen Ruomei woke up leisurely. At this time, the wound on her body no longer hurts so much. She was just lying naked on the tiles for so long, and she was so cold and panicked that she had a clear nose. Now, Li Daguan has long been missing, and even the two girls are missing.

It seemed that the officials must be angry with her, otherwise they would not leave her alone here. Shen Ruomei was very sad and annoyed, but she didn’t dare to blame the high officials, so she had to put a lot of anger on the two girls.

“Lanya, Juya, where did the two of you guys die?” She yelled and stood up with her hands on the ground.

Lanya and Juya are the names she gave to the two girls, and the meaning is unclear, because she hates Shen Ruolan, and she also hates Shen Ruoju who looks like Shen Ruolan, so she deliberately named them for the two girls, so she You can call them by their names every day, beating, scolding and insulting at will, which can be regarded as a disguised nasty breath.

Lanya and Juya hurried to the clean room when they heard her movement. Before entering, Shen Ruomei had come out of the clean room angrily. She was naked with an angry look on her face. When they arrived at Lanya and Juya, they raised their arms and slapped their mouths without saying a word.

Lanya and Juya thought that she was the master before, so they didn’t dare to be disrespectful to her. She was inexplicably kicked out to kneel for an hour and didn’t dare to disobey, but today they saw her treating her like that. After the word “cheap” was pierced on her ass, she no longer looked at her.

Seeing her slap calling over, Lanya and Juya grabbed her by one hand, and sneered: “Don’t get angry, my grandfather will tell you when you leave. When you wake up, we will ask you again. What’s wrong with you? Where did the scars come from?”

Shen Ruomei saw that the two girls dared to resist her, and openly acted with her. She was so angry that she was jumping three feet high and was about to tear with them. He also heard that the official told her to explain to them the reason for the wound. , Immediately didn’t dare to rush like that. Juya went on to make up the knife and said, “Also, what’s the matter with the word on your ass? Who engraved it? The master also asked you to explain the matter clearly!”

Shen Ruomei didn’t even know that her **** was engraved on her ass. Hearing Juya’s words, she suddenly looked overwhelmed and at a loss.

“Words, what are the words? How come there are words on my ass?” As she said, she reached out and touched her ass, as if to find the word Juya said.

She still didn’t know about the engraving on her ass. When the engraving was finished, she had just been ruined by that group of gangsters. She hurt everywhere on her body and injured a lot, and her **** did hurt at the time. , But she didn’t know that it was carved by someone with a knife. She thought it was scratched in the process of being violent, and she hadn’t noticed it.

Later, I picked up customers in Niujia Village. Although I knew many lonely old people, they were all illiterate village cows. They knew Chinese characters, and they all knew a few characters. Very few people knew the word “cheap”. Shao, the few people Xing Beng knew all wanted to make fun on the Kang, so they didn’t mention the concession to Shen Ruomei, lest she be ashamed and make emotions, and they would suffer if they didn’t perform well on the Kang. So until now, Shen Ruomei still didn’t know about her being “tattooed”. When Lanya and Juya talked about it, she still didn’t believe it.

Lan Ya said mockingly, “Such a big word is engraved on your **** brightly. If you don’t believe it, look in the mirror!”

Shen Ruomei saw that what she said was plausible, not as if she was fooling her, she was anxious, and she didn’t care to settle the bill with them, and ran back to the house directly after throwing away their hands.

A bronze mirror with a diameter of 30 centimeters was erected on the dressing table in the room. Shen Ruomei rushed to the makeup state, turned her back to the mirror and turned her head to look. She really saw her naked body in the mirror, on the right **** egg. , Isn’t there a word!

Shen Ruomei was frightened and screamed, “What’s the matter? How come there are words on my ass? Who did it?” While screaming, she screamed with her hands. Wipe, but how can the engraved marks be wiped off with your hands?

Shen Ruomei tried her best to wipe a few times, and wiped the red **** butt butt. She ran to the clean room and dipped the towel with water. She almost wiped the **** bald, but the word was still missing. Drop.

When it’s over, this word is really engraved on it, it really can’t be erased!

Shen Ruomei threw the towel on the ground in disappointment, twisted her neck and looked at the bottom of the mirror, a burst of sorrow and despair rose in her heart!

Her **** was engraved, and she was also seen by the high officials. It’s over, it’s over, he will definitely dislike her for it, this time it can be ruined…

When Juya saw Shen Ruomei’s desperate look, she felt relieved. She slapped her that day, and punished her to kneel in the yard for so long, which caused her to catch a cold and a serious illness. If it weren’t for her The young and strong body will fall out of bed in all likelihood!

Because of this, she hates this auntie Shen to death. When she sees this **** with such a wretched and sad look, she is naturally very happy in her heart, and she does not forget to tell her kindly, “Auntie Shen, your **** If you read the word’cheap’, I think you know it too!”

Shen Ruomei’s literacy is very small, and she really doesn’t recognize the word “cheap”. Although she doesn’t recognize it, she understands the meaning of the word. Hearing such an insulting word was engraved on her ass, Shen Ruolan even more. Suffering, Shen Ruomei’s lips trembled, watching Juya’s mockery and sarcasm, she was about to collapse.

“By the way, you haven’t said who engraved this character yet? And how did the injury on your body come from? The Lord explained before and asked you to tell us that we can go back to him…”

Lan Ya also ridiculed her from the sidelines, completely devoid of the cautious and respectful appearance of her in the past.

Juya said, “Auntie should tell me honestly. Officials hate lying to others the most in their lives. If you can honestly explain things clearly, chances are that the official will be able to tell you about it!”

“Who said that our Lord hates people most about lying? What he hates most is the infidelity of women, okay? Have you forgotten how Aunt Xue died before?”

“Oh, yes, I remembered that what the officials hate most is the infidelity of women. The former Aunt Xue just made a dress for her cousin, and was hung up and stripped naked by the officials. I drew the whip so that there was no good place on the whole body. When I died, my body was rotten. Tsk tsk…”

“Ah-you guys get out, get out -” Shen Ruomei finally collapsed under their ridicule and intimidation. She covered her ears and screamed, screamed a few times, and picked up the rouge gouache on the dressing table. , Smashed to Lanya and Juya smashing their heads.

Seeing her crazy, Lanya and Juya hurriedly escaped because they were afraid that she would really hurt themselves.

When she ran outside, Lanya said to Juya, “What to do, look at her like this, it’s so scary!”

Juya smiled contemptuously, “What’s so scary? How can she still eat us? Even if she wants to eat, we have to let her eat it, huh, just at our father’s attitude towards her today, and her **** Put the word’cheap’ on, I can guarantee that I will never go to this hospital again in the future. We don’t have to be afraid of her anymore. If she dares to bully us again, let’s give her something like just now. Look at the color!”

These words were quite true to Lanya’s thoughts. She glanced at the door and said with a smile, “Yes, a **** is really unworthy to wait on us. Let’s talk to Ping’er and the others, don’t pay attention to this. Wandering goods…”

The two left talking and laughing, leaving Shen Ruomei alone in the room.

From then on, the two of them were not willing to serve her properly, let alone serving her tea, pouring water, cleaning the room, and even not doing the work of fetching her food every day, and serving her every time. Meals don’t even need food boxes. They use trays directly. Those meals are brought back to their yard from the kitchen in the big winter. They are all cool, and they are all unbearable things, either bones or vegetable soup. The leftovers are mixed together. The minions should pour them together and feed them to the dogs, and they should be taken out from the dog food.

Shen Ruomei had eaten the ultimate food for several days, and after several days of the fairy days of reaching out for food and opening her mouth, she is now in a sudden change, and she is arranged to eat this filthy dog ​​food. The two girls are not from time to time. Run her, give her annoyance, and don’t even burn the house. In the twelfth lunar month, the house was as cold as an ice cellar, and she was almost frozen to death. This huge gap made her as if she had been driven from heaven to hell, it was harder to die than life!

She is not stupid. If there is such a thing as **** lettering, Li Daguan people will definitely dislike her and will not spoil her anymore. Although she is reluctant to give up, but she also knows that she has no future in the Li family, so she thinks I’m going back to my natal family and I won’t be the grandmother of this rich aunt

However, as soon as she said her thoughts, she was ridiculed by Lanya and Juya, “Auntie Shen, what are you dreaming about? What do you think you are a regular wife? Can you be with your husband and divorce,” Don’t forget, you’re a concubine, and you are not qualified to decide to stay. Don’t say that you can’t help you stay or leave, but your life and death are up to our master and madam to decide which round you want or not, Would you like it?”

As soon as Shen Ruomei heard this, she collapsed again, clamoring to see the officials and his wife, and begging them to let them go back!

Daguan Li and his wife are not something she can see if she wants to. Shen Ruomei has never seen his wife since marrying in, let alone where the wife lives. She rashly ran in the house for a long time, but she didn’t. Find the official man and his wife. She was so anxious that she jumped up crying and howling, and the old lady ran into this set of rural shrews happily.

Mrs. Li came with the most strict rules, and when she saw Shen Ruomei’s insatiable performance, she was angry and ordered her to be beaten with fifty big mouths. She also banned her, and ordered her to never come out without her permission. Even the two girls were withdrawn. Every day there was only one old lady who was able to deliver her food at the time, and the ones who gave her were the filthy and unbearable ones. Things, she likes to eat or not, and starves to death if she doesn’t eat!

Shen Ruomei was trapped alone in the icy and luxurious courtyard. It was really annoying every day. She shouted and she didn’t work well. She had the desire to die. But she was greedy for life and fear of death. She would break no matter where she got. Reluctant to die, so I had to endure hard in the Li family, living a life that is worse than death…


Uncle Shen and Aunt Shen didn’t know what happened to Shen Ruomei in Li’s house, and thought she had a good time. The old couple took Shen Jincun and lived in the two-entry house given by Li’s family and lived quietly. . Although Meier didn’t give them any money when she got married, Shen Jincun made a lot of money every month, and the money he earned was handed over to his parents, so the family of three lived well. Uncle Shen and Aunt Shen also Very satisfied!

In the middle of the year, the old couple made a special trip to Kaoshantun’er, ready to go back to attend Shen Ruolan’s wedding. Uncle Shen went to the niece’s wedding with full blessings; Aunt Shen went back with a showy heart. Now, her daughter is married to the richest man in Jizhou City. They live in Jizhou City, but they live in a two-in-one mansion. Also, their old couple are now wearing silk satin. She also has two silver hairpins. Er’s old ladies are incomparable, enough for her to show off!

After returning to Kaoshantun, Auntie Shen was deeply disappointed, because the men, women and children in the village were very busy, either working in the workshop or selling vermicelli in the city, but there were only a few moving in the village. The unmoving old man and a few small **** who can’t walk are idle. She wants to find no one to show off. Everyone is busy making money, and no one has time to chat with her.

During this period of time, Shen Ruolan’s workshops have expanded again. There are hundreds of people working in each workshop, because Shen Ruolan has already begun to cooperate with Mrs. Duan. She is responsible for production, Mrs. Duan is responsible for sales, and there is Mrs. Duan’s maiden family. With the Duan’s backing, Shen Ruolan’s business was surprisingly good, often selling for several thousand catties and tens of thousands of catties, and she was about to use up the potatoes stored in Shen Ruolan’s family.

In addition, the dozens of shops that Chun Yumin gave her family opened one after another. Shen Ruolan felt that the shop only sold vermicelli and dried tofu is too single, so he developed spicy cabbage, even the vermicelli with dried tofu, plus spicy cabbage. Sell ​​them together. These few things are delicious and cheap. They are very popular among the people. They are all about to sell.

In order to meet the needs of the market, the family had to expand the scale of production again. The workers hired before were no longer enough, so Shen Ruolan generously hired all the villagers in the nearby villages who wanted to work and were able to work seriously. In the workshop, the wheels revolve at twelve hours, vigorously expanding production to ensure supply.

Shen Auntie returned to the village happily, and she planned to show it off, but in the end she couldn’t find a prominent object. It seems that this village has really changed, and she has become a little stranger.

Once in the winter, everyone was hiding in Maodong at home, looking for someone to talk, and just scream to call a room of people, but now, I can’t find one or two idlers in the whole village.

She wants to show off, but she can only wait for the workshop to get off the job and take a look…

Hey, if you want to make a high profile, why is it so difficult?


At this time, in the harem of the capital palace

Emperor Jian’an sat on the couch and looked down at the flying pigeons from Jizhou. The more gloomy she looked, the more gloomy she looked. The queen was sitting not far from him, embroidering a pajama with her head down, and the couple silently faced each other. A couple sings and sings together, and the affection is extravagant.

Suddenly, with a ‘pop’, a cup flew out and fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

Empress Chen was startled, she quickly put down her pajamas and stood up, and said cautiously, “The emperor calms down his anger, what’s the matter with the emperor?”

Emperor Jian’an threw the letter in his hand to the ground angrily and said, “See it for yourself!”

Empress Chen hurried over. The **** had helped her pick up the letter and presented it with both hands. Empress Chen took the letter and read it from beginning to end.

Like the emperor, his face became more gloomy as he watched, and finally his face turned black like a basin of water.

The letter was written by Chen Bingrong, and the content was to inform the emperor of Zhan Wang Chun Yu Min.

According to his investigation during this period of time, King Zhan used to make military amulets privately during his garrison in Jizhou, and he could use the military amulets to dispatch 300,000 troops of the Northern Army without authorization. In other words, although Chen Bingrong is currently a nominal general of the Northern Army, the military power of the Northern Army is still in the hands of King Zhan. As long as he takes out the military talisman and shouts, the 300,000 army is still his, the emperor. He couldn’t be dispatched, he was only responsible for taking food and payment to support the 300,000 army.

In addition, Chun Yumin has now left the palace of Jizhou City and lives in a mountain not far from the home of a woman surnamed Shen. He has built a house in that mountain, which looks like he is going to retreat to the countryside.

However, according to the Taoist Promise Master, King Zhan’s new house is built on the dragon veins of Wolong Mountain. It is the place where the dragon’s energy is the most abundant in the whole dragon vein. There is such a full dragon energy to support it, sooner or later in this house. A real dragon can be produced.

After reading the letter, the expressions of the emperor and the queen changed.

They were worried that Old Qi would be wronged. Before he abandoned his military power and throne and went with the Shen family girl. They thought they were wrong to blame him, but as they look now, his actions are just to cover up him. The means of ambition is nothing.

“Hehe, okay, very good, what a scheming old seventh, I really think he is a love, for a woman to leave everything, go to the pastoral, it turned out to be Yin Zhen.”

The queen said anxiously, “Emperor, what can we do then? The old seven has a bad heart, don’t we need to talk to the queen.”

“No, the mother’s queen has always been towards the old seventh. If she tells her, she will definitely have to tell the old seven, and she must stop me and get rid of him.” Jian’an emperor said coldly.

Empress Chen couldn’t believe her ears when she heard his last sentence, “The emperor…you said, you want to get rid of…the old seven?”


Emperor Jian’an firmly said, “He doesn’t follow the way of courtiers and covets divine tools. I really can’t allow him to live anymore. If you just keep him alive if you think about brotherhood, if one day raises a tiger, you will regret it. Up.”

Empress Chen said, “Since the emperor’s heart is determined, the emperor must hit him so that he won’t kill him and anger him again, and cause trouble.”

“I know.” Emperor Jian’an squinted, “everybody says that Old Qilian is a master of supernatural power. I will send the most capable person to do it, and I will never let him escape.”

“The emperor is wise, get rid of the old seven, and the emperor can enjoy the world and sit back and relax.” The queen said longingly, as if the old seven had existed before, and the emperor could not eat well and sleep well.

In fact, the existence of Chun Yumin really made Emperor Jian’an not eat well and could not sleep anymore, but he had never said this to others.

He was awarded the crown prince by his father when he was ten years old. I remember that before the canonization, the father asked the national teacher, “Is there a great blessing here?”

At that time, the national teacher stared at his face for a long time, and did not directly say whether he was blessed, but only said, “The queen is born, there must be great luck.”

Just after saying this, the **** from the harem came to report that the queen was born and gave birth to a little prince.

The emperor father was anxious to see Lao Qi, and did not delve into the meaning of the words of the national teacher, but he took it to heart.

He always felt that the national teacher did not directly say that he was a blessed person, but said that the queen mother gave birth to them. The mother gave birth to both of them, which means that both of them are possible. For some reason, he always feels that the nose It’s not him, but the seventh.

This doubt has always been hidden in his heart, and he has never told anyone that he has not relaxed his surveillance of Lao Qi in these years, and wants to see if Lao Qi is the one with great good fortune that the national teacher said.

However, after investigating for a few years, nothing was found. He suspected that the person he had sent out was bought by the old man. So this time he sent his own brother-in-law, Chen Bingrong did not let him down. He really found out the evidence that the old Qi was embarrassed and intended to rebel.

The evidence is solid, and he can kill him without fear of being criticized by the world.

In fact, he had wanted to do this a long time ago, but he just couldn’t find a suitable excuse. Now that the excuse was finally there, he didn’t bother to go into the truth of the excuse and sent the person out.

Empress Chen was also eager for the emperor besides Chun Yumin. Chun Yumin held a heavy army. In case of rebellion in the future, her son is weak-tempered, how can he resist his tiger-wolf teacher?

Therefore, the emperor wants to kill Chun Yumin, she is in favor of raising both hands and feet!

------Off-topic ------

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