Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 427

Chapter 55 The determination of the leftover dog [t

Mrs. Duan saw that Shen Ruolan was not very happy, and she hurriedly accompanied her. She knew that the reason Shen Ruolan had been with her was to do business, so she decided to do what she wanted and discussed with her the business of cooperation between the two companies.

Mrs. Duan’s maiden name is Zhao, which is also a big family with businesses all over the country. Under the help of Mrs. Duan, Shen Ruolan’s noodles and dried tofu have been sold to various places where Zhao’s family does business in the country. Shen Ruolan is only responsible for production. Then sell the noodles and dried tofu produced at home to Mrs. Duan, Mrs. Duan’s maidens or business partners with her maidens at wholesale prices, and then ship these items to various places for sale.

Because it is fresh and inexpensive, the common people want to try it. Therefore, the business of vermicelli and dried tofu is very hot, and the supply of goods is often in short supply.

Mrs. Duan discussed the meaning with Shen Ruolan, which is to let Shen Ruolan expand the scale of production and hire more people, otherwise things will often be sold out, which will delay making money.

In fact, even if she did not propose, Shen Ruolan plans to expand the scale of the workshop, but her wedding date is approaching and she doesn’t want to worry about these things for the time being. A woman is likely to get married once in her lifetime, so she wants to enjoy her life after marriage and expand. Just wait for the workshop to do it after you get married.

The beloved chatted for a while, and Shen Ruolan’s attitude gradually eased. Today is Mrs. Duan’s birthday, and she doesn’t want to shake her face. After all, she has to cooperate in the future, and it is not good for her to be too late to come to the stage. Therefore, I was slightly dissatisfied and reminded her to pay attention in the future and stop dragging her into the messy things in their house.

After the banquet, Mrs. Duan called the little actor to sing and listen. Shen Ruolan came with her because Chun Yumin was thinking about meeting him, so she didn’t want to listen to the drama. After drinking tea after dinner, she planned to get up and leave.

But before I could say goodbye, I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in my stomach, as if to show respect.

Shen Ruolan was so embarrassed that she wanted to go out and then solve it, but fire and water waited for no one. His stomach was overwhelmed like an arrow, and the Lord could not wait.

Shen Ruolan had no choice but to quietly tell Madam Duan what she meant. After hearing this, Madam Duan hurriedly called a girl to lead her into the secluded clean room behind.

The girl led Shen Ruolan out of the yard to the west, across a north-south road, and then through an east-west tunnel, and entered a house from the west gate, asking her to go in and solve it.

After Shen Ruolan entered, she found that the clean room was very delicate, with many blooming roses in it. In this cold winter, the rose flowers bloomed enchantingly, making the clean room smelly and smelling of spring. .

In the free room, there is a hollowed-out chicken-wing wooden chair. The lacquered toilet is placed under the chair. Two gilt copper incense burners are placed on both sides of the toilet. Unknown spices are burning inside. , The curled cigarettes squeezed out from the hollow smoker, the smell was tangy, mixed with the scent of rose flowers, enough to suppress the peculiar smell when removing hands

Shen Ruolan just glanced at the environment briefly, and quickly sat down in a chair to do business. She didn’t know what she had eaten wrong, but she broke her stomach, and she was screaming.

After finishing the work, she took out a basin of water from the space, washed her hands, and then took out a few drops of norfloxacin from the medicine box, and swallowed it with the water from Lingquan. Otherwise, she would have such severe diarrhea, she would definitely have to have diarrhea for a while without taking medicine, which would be very embarrassing.

After taking the medicine and walking out of the small room, the girl who brought her had already prepared hand-washing water for her.

Shen Ruolan had washed her hands, but after seeing the hand washing water she had prepared, she couldn’t help but wash it again.

Large families are very particular about it. This handwashing water is not ordinary water. The water contains pine, Wu Baizhi, cassia twig, magnolia bark, etc. It smells fragrant and smells good.

Shen Ruolan smelled while washing, and after washing her hands, the girl offered tea again.

Shen Ruolan took the tea but didn’t drink it. Although it was elegant and fragrant, the latrine was a latrine after all. She was not accustomed to drinking tea just after she was relieved here.

Seeing that she refused to drink, the girl asked her if she wanted to go in and take a break. There was an elegant room where she could rest.

Shen Ruolan was still thinking about Chun Yumin, and she refused to stay here, and let this girl lead the way. She wanted to go back and say goodbye to Mrs. Duan.

Hearing that, the girl’s eyes flickered, and she suddenly clutched her belly and said, “Girl, if you wait a minute, my stomach hurts too, and I want to relieve myself. Wait for me, I’ll be back soon. ”

Shen Ruolan said, “Then go quickly, I’m waiting for you here, but if you come back late, I’ll leave by myself.”

When the girl heard it, she begged with a bitter face, “Good girl, you will love the servants. If you go back, the lady will blame the servants for poor service. They will clean up the servants, and the servants can’t afford it.”

Seeing the little girl pitifully begging her, Shen Ruolan relented for a while, so she had to agree.

“Then hurry up, I’ll give you time for a cup of tea, after this time, don’t blame me for not waiting for you.”

“Hey, great!” The little girl agreed, and ran out.

Shen Ruolan hurriedly stopped her, pointed to the small room and said, “Isn’t it there?”

The little girl smiled bitterly and said, “The girl is joking. Which card is the servant girl? Even with the courage of the servant girl, the servant girl dare not use the master’s toilet. Don’t worry, there is a rockery not far away. Usually the slaves and maids are settled in that cave…”

While talking, she ran away with a shit.

Shen Ruolan thought that there would be so many unidentified objects in the beautiful and elegant rockery, so she decided that no matter how big her home is, she would never pile up rockery!

She sat on the chair, fiddling with the bracelet on her wrist, and patiently waiting for the little girl to come back. The room was quiet, still scented, and smelled very good.

She sniffed the fragrance of flowers and incense ginseng for a while, and she felt something was wrong.

Fortunately, her body suddenly became a little hot, like a lot of ants crawling back and forth on her body, itchy, making her want to take off her clothes and scratch it.

She didn’t take off her clothes, but grabbed it through her clothes, but the more she scratched, the more itchy her body became, and her throat was getting hotter, as if it was on fire, and there was a strange feeling in her body. So, it reminded her of the unsuitable scenes seen by children during the anti-pornography in her previous life, and she suddenly yearned for that scene…

Shen Ruolan is not an inexperienced little girl. This kind of situation suddenly appeared in her body. She immediately realized that something was wrong, and quickly concentrated her willpower to restrain her emotions, got up and walked out quickly.

When she got outside, the cold air suddenly rushing towards her made her mind sober, but her body was still hot, and the feeling of wanting to indulge and want to take off her clothes was still raging, which was very shameful…

She took out the jade bottle, opened the stopper and looked up and took a drink. While drinking, Yu Guangzhong suddenly saw Duan Yuanhuan coming in from outside.

Seeing Shen Ruolan standing in the yard with his head up and drinking, Duan Yuanhuan hurriedly folded his hands and said, “Miss Shen, I wonder if you ask me to come here?”

Shen Ruolan stopped drinking, closed the lid of the jade bottle, put the jade bottle back in her arms (space), and said, “I didn’t call you over, did you hear me wrong.”

Duan Yuan also froze for a moment, and said, “But, I didn’t hear it wrong in Xia!”

When listening to the play just now, a young girl with a face secretly walked up to him and told him that Miss Shen was looking for him, she had a secret business, and asked him to come out secretly to meet.

So, he rushed over with everyone nervous and excited.

As a result, it was actually fooled!

Shen Ruolan told him with certainty, “I really didn’t look for you. You’d better go and examine the girl who reported to you. What is going on? I think there must be a problem here. Maybe someone wants to calculate us. ”

When Duan Yuanhuan heard this, he suddenly became nervous. Ms. Shen is the cusp of King Zhan. If she is calculated at Duan’s house again, Zhan Wang will not be able to strip him alive!

His heart suddenly jumped twice, and he said embarrassingly, “Miss Shen is too worried. I think this is a misunderstanding almost all the time. In our Duan’s house, my wife and I are covering you, so who else would dare to fight? What about you?”

Shen Ruolan smiled, “Nevertheless, everyone in the world says that drawing dragons and tigers is difficult to draw bones, knowing people knowing their faces and not knowing their hearts, and the Duan family is so big, how can you guarantee that there is no one who is unscrupulous? Instead of such blind trust, Why not concentrate on investigating? You can first check the little girl who brought me here, and check the spices in this room by the way. I just smelled the scent here before I felt unwell. I don’t know if it is. The floral allergy is still a problem with your spices.”

When Duan Yuanhuan heard this, Shen Ruolan became unwell, and her heart became more nervous. He stammered, “Miss Shen, what do you think now? Would you like to go down and ask the doctor to come and see?”

“No, you just need to send a few people to check the smell in the room and the little girl who led me.” Shen Ruolan frowned and said.

“Yes, yes, I will send someone to investigate, please rest assured, Ms. Shen, as soon as there is an investigation result, I will report to Ms. Shen…” Duan Yuanhuan replied hurriedly, with a respectful expression, with him in those concubine rooms They are completely different in front of us.

At this time, Shen Ruolan’s heat had subsided a lot, but she still felt a little hot. She was afraid that her medicine would have stamina, so she hurried to talk to Duan Yuanhuan and hurried out.

As soon as she walked out of Duan’s house, she couldn’t help but want to be rough.

Damn it, who gave her the medicine? He also sent Duan Yuanhuan that beast, fortunate her to drink the spirit spring water, her body is not easy to be poisoned, otherwise she will get rid of the beast Duan Yuanhuan all the time.

Thinking of this consequence, Shen Ruolan couldn’t help but fight a cold war, and in three days she was going to get married. If the surnames at this stall get together, Chun Yumin will surely go violently, go crazy, and destroy the world. The murderer, the consequences are definitely the one behind them can bear…

Outside, the familiar carriage was parked at the gate of Duan’s house.

The driver was a leftover dog. Dachun was at home to serve his wife for confinement, so he gave up the carriage to the leftover dog.

The leftover dog grew up with Dachun. The two have always been good friends. Later, when he grew up, the leftover dog didn’t do business. Dachun died of his first daughter-in-law, and his temper became withdrawn. The two talents gradually Alienated.

But now both of them have new daughter-in-laws, and their lives are on the right track. The two brothers’ days have passed, and they have become more intimate again.

When Dachun’s daughter-in-law gave birth, the dog left her baby with a two-foot cloth to breastfeed. Later, she begged Dachun to intercede with Shen Ruolan for him and help him find an errand in Shen Ruolan’s workshop so as to earn some money to support his daughter-in-law. child.

Although Dachun grew up with him as a baby, and he has been like brothers since childhood, but he did not agree to this matter. Lan’er treats her family well, he can’t consume her kindness to them, so he can only do his best to help the dog’s leftovers.

Since he wanted to make money and he couldn’t drive out of the car during this period of time, he generously lent the car to the leftover dog so that he could make money.

The leftover dog also cherished this hard-won opportunity to make money. After sending Shen Ruolan to the place, he didn’t go anywhere, so he stood at the gate and waited for her.

He wants to rebuild his image in front of the villagers, so that everyone knows that he is no longer the unsuccessful and sneaky leftover, but a hard-working, capable, hard-working husband!

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