Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 435

Chapter 63 Change me to protect you


There was a loud and earth-shattering noise, and huge fireworks suddenly bloomed in the night sky. The moment the fireworks were in full bloom, the night was shining like daylight. Not far away, an expressionless woman held a small crossbow in her forehand and wound her bow. ,’Swish’ shot another arrow.

“Watch out!”

Someone yelled, and the shadows immediately became vigilant, flew away from the shot copper lottery, drew soft swords from their waists, and rushed towards the girl.

Shen Ruolan was carried on her shoulders and couldn’t see the situation outside, but she guessed that Susu must have come after her.

Susu lives in the East Wing. She must have noticed this group of people in black when they came in. It was only for fear of hurting her family that they hijacked her out, and only started here.

Shen Ruolan thought the same way. When these people kidnapped her just now, she was afraid of hurting her family and didn’t dare to do it at home. She was afraid that if they were pressed into a hurry and threatened her with her family, she would be passive.

So, just like Susu, I plan to leave home for a while before doing it again. At this moment, Susu had already started to do it, so she didn’t need to wait any longer. She quickly took out the gun from the space and aimed it at the head of the guy who was carrying herself, with a bang and a headshot!

In an instant, the head was pierced!

The shadow guards who were rushing towards Susu with their swords all stopped when they heard the crisp sound. When they looked back, they saw the brother who carried Shen Ruolan, falling straight down, and on his shoulders. Shen Ruolan, at the moment when she was about to fall to the ground, keenly jumped aside and trotted towards a low brick wall.

“what happened?”

“Grab her, don’t tell her to run away!”

After a brief riot, the group immediately responded. Four people turned around, two went to see what happened to their fallen companions, two ran to catch Shen Ruolan, and the others continued to rush towards Susu. , The division of labor is clear, and at first glance it is well-trained.

Shen Ruolan didn’t panic, even if they moved fast, they couldn’t go as fast as her gun.

She hid behind a low wall in the ruins and saw the two men in black running towards her, decisively raising their guns and aiming – “Bang, bang”

After two crisp gunshots, the two shadow guards who had run to her in front of her fell a few steps.

The shadow guards who rushed towards Su Su once again stopped, and they couldn’t believe their eyes for a while.

At this time, when the two shadow guards who were in charge of checking their companions rushed to the fallen partner, they saw him lying upright, with a thumb-thick blood hole on the center of his eyebrows. Under the moonlight, blood and brain were gurgling. The outflow, seeing that it is impossible to live.

What kind of hidden weapon is this? How could it be so fast that it broke people’s minds? Haven’t seen where the hidden weapon is yet! This is too mysterious!

“Not good, withdraw—”

The leaders of this group of shadow guards saw that the situation was not good, yelled, and quickly leaped to the distance. The rest of them also recovered and followed their leader to run away.

How could Shen Ruolan let them run away?

What if they run away and harm his family again?

She leaned out from the low wall, and under the dim moonlight, she snapped three more shots, and immediately three more people fell to the ground.

Probably because of the distance, the shot was not accurate, two of the three were hit in the head, and the third was just concentrated in the back. After the third fell to the ground, he immediately struggled to get out of the boot. He pulled out a firework-like thing, ignited quickly, and threw it into the air with all his strength.


There was another loud noise, a firework bloomed in the darkness, and the night sky was illuminated in a flash, and the fire trees and silver flowers were extremely gorgeous! It’s just that this one is completely different from the one just now, the one just now is red, and this one is golden!

Su Su saw that these people also let go of the cloud-piercing arrows, and his heart sank, and he whispered in secret.

The reason why she used the Piercing Cloud Arrow just now was because seeing so many people besieging the two of them, she felt it was difficult to resist, so in a hurry, she released the signal Piercing Cloud Arrow from the prince.

However, although the release was released, she did not have much expectation. She and Yinyin searched within a hundred miles for a long time and did not find the prince or his companions, so it is almost impossible for anyone to release it. Come to the rescue.

It’s just that there is really no other way at the moment, so I have to use a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and tried it with a glimmer of hope.

Unexpectedly, Miss Shen had such a powerful concealed weapon, and easily knocked down more than half of these ten shadow guards. At this moment, she felt that they had a chance of winning. All of them were resolved, but the other party also released a cloud-piercing arrow.

Her Piercing Cloud Arrow can’t recruit people in all likelihood, but the other party’s is hard to say. If they recruit a large number of people, wouldn’t she and Miss Shen die here?

When the master sent her to Miss Shen, he solemnly instructed her that she must protect Miss Shen, and must not let her make a single mistake, but now… she is probably negligent! …

Su Suzheng thought in frustration, the gang over there had completely disappeared.

Shen Ruolan couldn’t do anything lightly. After chasing the few people for a short while, the group of people that she saw disappeared into her field of vision at an arrow-like speed. Knowing that she couldn’t catch up, she had to give up discouragedly.

“How are you, are you okay?” She bent over and put her hands on her knees, panting.

Susu walked over to support her and said, “I’m okay, and the girl is okay? What hidden weapon did the girl use just now? It’s really amazing. If it weren’t for your hidden weapon, the two of us would be bad luck today. .”

As he spoke, he suddenly looked sharp and raised his hand suddenly, and saw a golden light flashing across the dark night, and saw the man in black who gave the signal a scream, and there was an extra copper sign on his chest.

The copper lottery has been submerged in the chest cavity, and only a little over an inch is left outside.

After the call, he quickly foamed at the mouth and convulsed all over, presumably the sign was poisoned, otherwise even if he was stabbed in important internal organs, he would not react so much!

Shen Ruolan closed her eyes sadly when she saw this scene, but she quickly returned to normal.

Since she chose to be with him, she must learn to adapt to such a life of fighting and killing, and if not, how could she stand by his side and face those conspiracies and tricks with him?

“I’m fine. This is a gun. The unique hidden weapon I invented is very lethal.” Shen Ruolan shook the gun in her hand, answered Susu’s question briefly, and asked her again, “The one he put just now What do you mean by fireworks? And the one before, right? What do you mean?”

Susu said, “That’s a piercing arrow for help. If our people are around and seeing the piercing arrow, they will quickly come to rescue us. Similarly, if their people are around, see them. Signal, I will definitely come to rescue them.”

Hearing her explanation, Shen Ruolan’s heart also “cocked”, and a lot of pressure was immediately born in her heart.

Chun Yumin’s people are not nearby, but it’s hard to tell the group at that time. If their people are nearby and there are a large number of them, how can they deal with it?

Moreover, she has revealed such a powerful hidden weapon. Those people will definitely not let her go easily, and maybe they will be implicated in the family.

Thinking of this, she quickly settled her mind and said, “Susu, you can turn the corpses of these people, otherwise the villagers will see it tomorrow and it will cause panic!”

Su Su said anxiously, “Ms. Shen, when is it all? Are you still thinking about this? The most urgent task is not to care about the villagers, but to find a way to get out of our predicament?”

Shen Ruolan said stubbornly, “I will think of the way, and you will be responsible for the corpse!”

Her tone was firm and incapable of holding her beak, so Susu had to obey her.

She glanced at Shen Ruolan with a bit of resentment. She probably blamed her for being irreverent and self-willed, but because she killed several enemies alone, it was also because the master told her to serve her heartily. She did it anyway.

When Susu went to transform these corpses, Shen Ruolan was not idle either. She quietly collected the bricks and rubble scattered on the ground into the space. When several corpses were turned into water and completely disappeared, Shen Ruolan’s space was already piled up with a pile of bricks and rubble like a hill. If it were removed with a mind, it would definitely be enough to kill the number one hundred!


Shen Ruolan looked at the battle results in her own space, and she was still very satisfied. If she was really impatient, she would only be able to expose her space and superpowers, otherwise she could not kill the whole family for the sake of secrecy. Explain it.

She thinks about it. If there are more enemies and there are still a lot of enemies, she will use her mind to smash the bricks out of the space, and kill one or one less. If one brick can’t be killed, she will use a bunch to smash it. Anyway, she must keep her family!

After finishing a few corpses, Susu and Shen Ruolan went home.

When I got home, as soon as I entered the yard, I saw Heizi lying motionless in the right room of the yard, with a pool of blood under him, lying upright, stiff…

Seeing Heizi’s death, Shen Ruolan felt extremely uncomfortable. In the past, if Heizi hadn’t saved her in time, she would have died by Liu Shunzi’s knife. Its companionship and protection are still vivid, and she hasn’t had time to give it back. , It has been separated from its own yin and yang forever.

Thinking of this, Ruolan’s nose was sour, and her tears almost fell. She picked up Heizi, stroked it lightly, closed her eyes, and hugged her back to the doghouse, helping her with a quilt, muttering Said, “Heizi, I’m sorry, I am the one who caused you…”

Susu saw that she was just talking about the dog, sweating in a cold sweat, and said, “Girl, if you can’t bear the sunspot, it’s a big deal to wait for this matter to pass and bury it, but now you are still the first Put the matter of the sunspot aside, and think about what we should do if someone attacks us!”!

Shen Ruolan glanced at her and said, “There is only one way, and that is to fight with them!”

Susu almost vomited blood when she heard it!

“But girl, we are not their opponents at all? Three or five are good to say, if there are dozens or even hundreds of them, what kind of “gun” of yours, can you deal with it? In case it can’t, Don’t we just have to take the lead?”

Shen Ruolan sneered and said, “Not necessarily, just wait and see, it’s not always certain who will be slaughtered!”

After speaking, she went back to the house without looking at Su Su’s face.

She wants to put on her soft hedgehog. If she fights, there may be hidden weapons or something, she is more prepared, there should be nothing wrong with it!


The enemy came much earlier than she thought. As soon as Shen Ruolan had replaced her soft armor, she heard Su Su anxiously calling her outside the window, “Miss Shen, here comes a fight outside…”

Hearing this, Shen Ruolan lifted his spirits.


Who fought with whom?

Could it be that he is back?

He fought with them.

Thinking of this, Shen Ruolan suddenly filled the gun with bullets and ran out like a bloodshot.

“Where is it? Where is it? Who fought with whom?”

She asked in a low voice (for fear of waking up her parents and family, so she didn’t dare to speak loudly), while searching the whole yard.

Susu said, “Listen!”

Shen Ruolan calmed down and listened.

Although her ears are not as good as those who practice martial arts, she has become almost the same as those who practice martial arts because they often drink spiritual spring water.

So when I listened carefully, I heard the sounds of fighting and shouting in the distance.

“Girl, it should be ours!” Susu said excitedly.

When Shen Ruolan heard it, she was more excited than she was, “Go, let’s go help them!”

Susu was afraid that she might make mistakes, so she didn’t want to ask her to go, but thinking about the powerful hidden weapon in her hand, and thinking about the fact that the other party might come to many people, they would crush them both in number and strength, so she just bite. Gritting his teeth, decided to let her go.

The two quickly walked out of the yard and ran to the back mountain following the sound. Not long after they ran, they saw two groups of people fighting in the watermelon field of Shen Ruolan’s home.

All of them are martial arts high-powered shadow guards in black clothes. Shen Ruolan is suddenly worried, who is this with whom? She couldn’t tell which was which, and she didn’t know who to help?

In desperation, she yelled, “Stop it all, I am here!”

This sentence Shen Ruolan exhausted all the power to shout.

Unfortunately, the effect is not great.

Only the few people closest to her heard her shout and saw her, they jumped out of the circle and temporarily truce.

“Aren’t you trying to catch me? Come on, catch!” Shen Ruolan shook her hips and yelled at the group of people in black provocatively.

As soon as the voice fell, a few people immediately flew toward her with swords, and they came to clean him up.

Shen Ruolan was not polite with them either. After seeing the aura of the few people in the air, she immediately raised her gun and shot them “bump bang bang” at them. The few people immediately fell to the ground in response. They were still in the air just now. As for Zhongfei, now there are only convulsions and screams left!

Seeing their miserable condition, their accomplices couldn’t help but feel resentful and angry, and, relying on the large number of people, they rushed towards Shen Ruolan to kill him.

The few blacks are desperately blocking them, not letting them rush to Shen Ruolan’s side, but with little effect.

Not only are they small in number, but they also seem to be very weak. They are obviously inferior to the other group of lively people, and several of them are still injured.

Shen Ruolan quickly distinguished who was there?

Immediately holding the gun decisively, there were a few more shots “boom boom”, and several people were knocked down instantly.

At this moment, an arrow that flew from nowhere was shot at Shen Ruolan’s body with a ‘shoo’.

Shen Ruolan was taken aback. She lowered her head and looked at the arrow shot in front of her chest, and her heart trembled.

Emma, ​​fortunately, she is wearing a soft hedgehog. Otherwise, she will be pierced by an arrow. If she is pierced by an arrow, even the spiritual spring water will definitely be useless. It is scary to think about it!

She drew the arrow and threw it to the ground.

Under the moonlight, the sharp arrow glowed with blue-black light, and it was poisoned at first glance. If it were shot, it would be very dangerous even if it didn’t hit the mark.

“Eh? Did not shoot, everyone shot together and shot this demon girl to death!” After the call, many arrows shot towards Shen Ruolan.

Probably because Shen Ruolan shot and killed several of their brothers, which aroused their anger, they drew their bows one after another, and shot at Shen Ruolan mercilessly.

Shen Ruolan panicked. She could deal with the people who used swords to kill her, but she couldn’t deal with the dense rain of arrows. The soft hedgehog could only protect her torso, but could not protect her head and limbs. The arrows of these people They are all poisonous, and they are all shot very powerfully. If they were shot, even if she had spiritual spring water, she would be dead for a lifetime.

Su Su saw the arrow rain flying like Ruolan, and immediately blocked her in front of her without hesitation. The long sword in his hand helped her pick the arrow rain, while the rest of them fought hard with the enemy.

It’s a pity that the enemy is too strong and we are widowed. Even if the enemies use some people to shoot Shen Ruolan, leaving only a small number of people to deal with Susu’s group, it still looks more than enough!

At this time, I don’t know who released a cold arrow, which hit Shen Ruolan’s brows!

Shen Ruolan was busy loading the gun with bullets, but before she thought, the arrow was shot at her terrible place.

Sensing the danger, Shen Ruolan shouted ‘No’, and fell backwards.

She would rather be smashed half-dead or maimed than having someone shoot her head through with an arrow.

Just when her body was about to hit the ground, people suddenly hugged her, “Beware!”

With a low cry, he fell into a warm embrace.

The familiar voice, familiar taste, and familiar embrace made Shen Ruolan’s eyes moist. She hugged the familiar body, and exclaimed in aggrieved and excited voice, “Chun Yumin, you bastard, where have you been for so many days? Do you know how much I worry about you!”

“Master, beware!”

When Shen Ruolan questioned, several more arrows shot over.

Yingzhan and Luo Cheng rushed forward, waving their swords to protect Chun Yumin while reminding him to pay attention.

Chun Yumin hugged Shen Ruolan tightly, then let go, and said in a low and dull voice, “Hey, I will solve these things first, and I will tell you later…”

“But, no, you are also injured!” Shen Ruolan grabbed him, not allowing him to fight.

When she hugged him just now, she clearly felt that he was thinner, and there was a strong smell of medicine on his body. It can be seen that I have been taking medicine or taking medicine these days, and it must be hurt and hurt. It’s not light, otherwise, you won’t even speak less aggressively than before.

“Don’t worry, even if it’s for you, I won’t be okay!” he said soothingly.

However, Shen Ruolan still refused. She quickly loaded the bullets and said, “You don’t need you, look at me. You used to protect me. Now it’s time for me to protect you!”

As she said, she stood behind Luo Cheng, letting her pull the arrows for herself, and she quickly raised the gun and fired at the killers who were shooting arrows, “Boom, boom, boom, boom…”

After firing six shots and hitting them, the six lively assassins all fell down. The action was so fast that it was absolutely amazing!

Chun Yumin’s eyes lit up. He didn’t know that his Lan’er had such a powerful hidden weapon that could kill so many first-class masters in an instant!

This ability, even when he possesses martial arts of the world, it may not be as good as her!

Lan’er is indeed the best, everything is good, long, good personality, good conduct, only to learn well, she is smart and kind, such a woman, it is worth his fight for her!

In the opposite enemy camp, six headshot bodies fell in front of everyone, completely igniting the opponent’s anger. They all surrounded them in anger, and they were bound to fight Shen Ruolan to the death. As if not afraid of death, it seemed that even if she died, she would still have to drag Shen Ruolan up.

Shen Ruolan’s gun can only fire six bullets at a time, and the bullets will be lost again, so she hurriedly reinstalled it.

However, the situation was urgent. The enemies came over with red eyes and kept shrinking their encirclement. Seeing that the bullet was too late, even if it was too late to install this one, the next one would definitely be too late!

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