Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 44

Chapter 44 Seek in wealth and insurance[1 more seek

“Miss Shen, what is this?”

Zhang Eryong looked at the white powder sprinkled on his wound and felt a little confused. The powder he had seen before was either gray or brown, or black. This was the first time he saw the white powder.

Shen Ruolan said calmly: “This is the golden sore medicine I bought in the county town. It has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects. It is very useful.” She said, she has helped him bandage the wound quickly, using a roll of medicine box with space. The white gauze inside is light and hygienic and breathable.

Zhang Eryong looked at the medicine cloth that was properly bandaged on his leg with a small bow tied on it. He was really touched. He wanted to say a few words of gratitude to express his gratitude to her. It is a pity that he is dull, no He would talk about what Liu said like others did. After a few mouthfuls, he didn’t say anything. In the end, he had to shut his mouth sadly, and buried the gratitude deeply in my heart!

After the bandage, Shen Ruolan disposed of the dirty water and the dirty mattress and kerchief stained with pus and blood, and went back to the house and said to Zhang Eryong: “Big Brother Zhang, take a break first. I’ll go to the kitchen to make you some food. ”

Zhang Eryong couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night because of the little girl he had harmed him. He also soiled one of the other’s mattresses. He thought it was troublesome enough, so why would he be embarrassed to eat other people’s food? He hurriedly sat up and stopped her, “No, Miss Shen, I’m leaving now, don’t bother.”

Shen Ruolan frowned, “Go? Your wound stops the bleeding, so you have to wait for the scab to move before you can move. If you leave now, if you pull the wound or freeze it, your wound is likely to be infected again. of.”

Hearing that, he had moved to the edge of the Kang and stopped, Zhang Eryong frowned in entanglement, not knowing what to do for a while.

He doesn’t want to bother other people’s little girl, but he is also afraid that the injury on his leg will get worse. The family can all point to him now, he can’t do anything!

When Shen Ruolan saw his frowned brows, she knew that he could not go anymore. She tugged at the corner of her mouth and turned around to cook in the kitchen.

The vegetables, fruits, snacks and milk that she had previously stored in the space were all eaten up by her in the past ten days, and nothing was left. The money she earned today was also spent by her, not enough. , Not to mention buying vegetables and meat.

She looked at the empty space, regretful in her heart. She knew she was going to entertain the savior at home. She said she had to leave something delicious for others to replenish her body. Now it’s good, there will be cabbage, potatoes and sweet potatoes in the house. , These things are not entertaining and (guest) meals!

No matter how anxious or regretful, the meat dishes can’t be changed. She pondered for a while and decided to fry a potato shreds and a plate of cabbage shreds. Although there is no meat, but fortunately, the seasonings are complete. It can also be fragrant and delicious.

Then, steam a pot of rice and white rice. Although the rice is grown by the farmers, it is not affordable by the farmers. Compared with common grains such as corn sorghum, the yield of rice is low and the price is high. Most people can only eat a gluttonous meal during the New Year, and they can’t even eat it when they die.

Therefore, she treats guests with rice, even if there is no meat or vegetables, she can be regarded as good.

After making up her mind, she quickly washed rice, steamed rice, washed vegetables, and chopped vegetables…

After a busy meal, the meal was finally prepared. When Shen Ruolan brought a pot of fragrant rice and white rice to the table, and then brought out a plate of potato shreds and a plate of cabbage shreds, Zhang Eryong Suddenly stunned.

This little girl is too good-faced!

It’s too extravagant to entertain him with a bowl full of white rice. The farmers usually eat coarse grains, and they can’t even eat coarse grains from time to time. They have to rely on wild vegetables for relief, not to mention golden rice. ?

There are also those two dishes, which look quite vegetarian, but if you look closely, you will find that these two dishes are not simple.

Let’s talk about that dish of cabbage. It was cut with tender and green cabbage hearts. It was white and green, as thin as hair. The knife was exquisite and sprinkled with sesame seeds and sesame oil. You can smell the fragrance without waiting for the entrance.

The potato shreds on that plate were filled with a lot of oil, and each one was fried so brightly that it gave me an appetite at first glance.

The rice is just two plates of delicious dishes. This meal is almost in time for the New Year!

“Brother Zhang, you are welcome, try my craft.” Shen Ruolan took a large bowl of white rice to Zhang Eryong’s face, and passed the chopsticks over.

Zhang Eryong took the chopsticks, said “thank you” in a low voice, and started to eat.

The food is very good, and he likes it very much. He wants to devour a big meal, but he can’t save face, because he is afraid that the girl opposite will laugh at him and be looked down upon by her, so he eats very elegantly.

Shen Ruolan looked at him cautiously like a big girl, in order to ease the atmosphere, but also to relax him, she tried to talk while eating.

“Big Brother Zhang, since hunting is so dangerous, why do you still hunt? Do you think it’s not good to make a living individually?”

Zhang Eryong swallowed the rice in his mouth before he said, “Although hunting is dangerous, it makes more money than other businesses. Our family needs money, so we have to go out of the mountains!”

This is seeking wealth and wealth insurance!

Shen Ruolan blinked and wanted to ask why he needed money so much? Is it to marry her beautiful cousin?

However, it is impolite to inquire about other people’s privacy, especially for this kind of male and female matters. She, a little girl who rashly asks people about this matter, will be regarded as frivolous, so she had to suppress the curiosity in her heart. Dispel the gossip thoughts full of stomach.

After taking a bite of the dish, she asked for something and said, “Then you have never thought about finding a less dangerous and more profitable business?”

Zhang Eryong smiled bitterly and said, “Isn’t there such a good thing, our farmer, it’s good to be able to eat and not go hungry, but also want to make a lot of money without the wind and rain. Isn’t that a dream?”

Shen Ruolan said nothing.

She was thinking about whether to help Zhang Eryong. No matter what she said, he was her lifesaver. If no one helped her, she would already be a corpse in the wilderness at the moment. The swimming beast is cheating!

------Off-topic ------

Only three days after I got 1P, my editor notified me of 2P. Normally, if the author got 1P, he would have to wait for half a month to get 2P. However, my editor is so self-willed, he actually asked me to participate in 2P right away. Asked me whether I was surprised, whether I was surprised.

I just want to say, I was surprised, not at all surprised, but frightened. The distance between the two PKs is so close, it will seriously affect the click and collection of Wenwen, whether Wenwen can be included in VIP, and whether it can continue to be updated. , It’s all determined by data.

Therefore, Yaoer had no choice but to continue begging for collection with a cheeky. I hope that the little masters who read the article will give me some help and waste a few minutes to help Yaoer collect it. The destiny of Wenwen is left to you. If everyone likes Yaoer, like Yaoer’s text, please move your fingers and collect it, thank you everyone!

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