Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 479

Chapter 106 Patriarchal

At this time, Shen Ruolan was lying on the bed sweating profusely, as if she had just been fished out of the water, the severe pain of childbirth consumed all her physical strength and also consumed her willpower, watching the child give birth Now, she just gagged her mouth, and she didn’t have the strength to hug it anymore.

Chun Yu Min saw the entire process of the birth of a child, and also had a deep understanding of the pain of a woman giving birth. It must be as painful as the pain of his own caesarean section. He is affected by a man like a man with iron. In spite of the pain, how did Lan’er, a delicate little girl, suffer?

He looked at the pale face and couldn’t move the child’s mother. He held her hand in distress and said, “Lan’er, we already have a son to inherit the family business, and we will never have another son.”

Seeing the pain of her childbirth with his own eyes, he couldn’t bear to bear the pain again, let alone having a baby so dangerous.

When Shen Ruolan heard it, she couldn’t help but twitched the corner of her mouth lightly, and smiled silently.

Although it is impossible for her to be really unhealthy in the future, she felt very relieved to hear him say this.

People in this era are all about having more children, more grandchildren and longevity. Who is rich and powerful men who don’t want to have more heirs? If you want to have only one child in your life, looking at Chu State, there will probably be only him!

After resting for a while, she felt a little bit of strength on her body, so she held on and said,

“Bring the child… over, I think… look at him…”

Although he didn’t have the strength to hug him, he still had the strength to look at.

Wen Po came over with her baby, knelt by her couch, and showed her the baby in her swaddle.

When Shen Ruolan’s eyes fell on the matte and tender, wrinkled little bun, she melted all of a sudden. She fixedly looked at the little thing that was sleeping with her eyes closed, and she felt tears streaming out in an instant. She burst into tears.

She murmured: “Husband, did you see it? We have children. Our children are so beautiful…”

Chun Yumin also looked down at the little guy in the baby, the love in his eyes was overflowing, and his voice became particularly soft. He said, “Of course our children are good-looking, not only good-looking, but also in the future. He must be an indomitable good son…”

“I don’t need him to stand upright, nor do I need him to do a great cause, I only want him to be safe and happy all his life…” Shen Ruolan said solemnly with a heavy nasal voice.

Chun Yumin nodded, “Okay, then I, the father, should take more responsibility and prop up a piece of sky for him, so that his life will be safe and smooth and carefree…”

At this time, Po Wen came over and said: “The prince, the princess, it’s time to breastfeed the little son.”

When Shen Ruolan turned her head, she saw two upright young women in their twenties standing not far away. They should be the nanny the empress dowager had specially sent from the capital.

These two wet nurses are not only young and strong, but they are also good-looking and dignified. At first glance, they are from the big family. Let them feed their children and never humiliate them.

However, even so, Shen Ruolan didn’t want to ask them to feed her children. She had said that she would breastfeed the children herself, but she didn’t reach an agreement with Chun Yumin. At this time, she saw that the nurses were coming, and Shen Ruolan was like a big day The enemy, as if someone was about to **** her child, held Chun Yumin’s hand and pleaded, “Husband, I really want to breastfeed the child myself. Really, I don’t want my child to be called another mother. Even if it’s called a nanny, nanny can’t do…”

Unexpectedly, Chun Yumin was very easy to talk and said: “Okay, you can feed it, but you have just finished giving birth now, and your body is still too weak, and the milk will not come off immediately. You should choose a nanny for you temporarily. Feed your child, it’s not too late to feed him personally after your milk comes down!”

Shen Ruolan was stunned. He didn’t expect that he would agree to breastfeed his baby. Didn’t he always insist on letting the nurse feed the baby? What’s going on here today?

I thought it would take some twists and turns, and even add tears to solve the problem, but suddenly it was so easy to solve.

Shen Ruolan was a little confused, a little confused about what he was thinking?

In fact, only Chun Yumin knew the answer.

Before seeing her son again, even if Shen Ruolan was bitter and broke the big day, Chun Yumin felt that the nurse should feed the child. He was fed by the nurse, and the people he knew were all grown up on the milk of the nurse, and the children were raised by the nurse. Feeding this kind of thing has become a matter of course in his thinking, and has never wavered.

However, when he saw the child, his spontaneous father’s love instantly became filial and swelled to the extreme. He felt that his son is so good, he should be given the best treatment in the world, then, the best in the world Of course, Lan’er’s milk is Lan’er’s milk.

Lan’er drinks Lingquan water all year round, and her milk is naturally not comparable to those wet nurses, so it is best to eat her milk!

Although he could not bear the hard work of Lan’er, she insisted on doing so, and his father’s love was overflowing, and wanted to make her son eat the best milk, so the problem that had troubled them for more than a month was solved.

The solution is that the child mainly feeds on Shen Ruolan’s milk, supplemented by the milk of the nurse. If Shen Ruolan’s milk is not enough to eat, then go to the nurse’s milk; or if there is anything wrong with Shen Ruolan, she cannot feed the child in time. Now let the nanny play her role.

In the rest of the time, the nurse is basically idle, she does not need to feed the child nor take care of the child…

The matter was decided so happily, however, Shen Ruolan personally picked a chubby nurse and asked her to hold the baby to breastfeed first.

Seeing the baby being taken away, Shen Ruolan’s heart suddenly became empty. She touched her chest and said, I want to rub the milk quickly, and I want to feed the baby myself…”

Chun Yumin agreed, “Okay, but not in a hurry. You have just finished giving birth now, and your body is too weak. Let’s go to bed first. It’s not too late to rub it when you have enough energy…”


The news that Shen Ruolan gave birth to Lin’er quickly spread to the capital. The Queen Mother heard that Shen Ruolan was born, and she liked it so much that she personally took people to the library and collected a lot of good things: a small bed of red sandalwood, Shu brocade The baby’s swaddling, the wooden horse carved from golden nanmu, and some small toys made of ivory, rhino horn, amber, etc., all of which are worthless, the old lady just can’t wait to deliver all the good things from all over the world. Go to Jizhou, because in the heart of the old lady, the person she loves most is not someone else, that is, her elder son and her grandson who has not had time to meet at birth.

As for the one in the Jinluan Temple, the old lady never regarded him as a grandson. If possible, the old lady would wish to expel this idiot from the emperor right now and drive him to Haijiao Tianya. It would be nice to never see him again in this life. Also save being **** off by him!

The new emperor had only taken the throne for a few months, and had already turned the court upside down, and made the empress dowager dumbfounded. It wasn’t that he was so powerful and capable of disturbing the rest of the country, and the empress dowager was also upset. In fact, he has no abilities at all. It was his stupidity and cowardice that made him achieve today’s ‘achievement’.

He doesn’t understand anything, he doesn’t want to learn, and he doesn’t want to worry about it. Whenever there is an important matter in the hall that he needs to make a decision, he always said: “You can do it.” The question is urgent, it is, “I have peeing.” ‘, or’I have shit’, and then using the **** to pee, it makes people laugh and angry.

It is extremely disappointing that the emperor of a country can do such a fussless thing.

After a few months, the ministers finally couldn’t stand it. They gathered together to discuss, and the final result of the discussion was to ask the Queen Mother to come out to listen to politics and ask her to help the little emperor deal with state affairs that he couldn’t handle.

Empress Dowager is a famous family, she has read many books since she was a child, is knowledgeable, knows political affairs and understands things, and is open-minded and fair, and has the legacy of the saint ancestors. Therefore, she is very popular among the royal family and civil and military officials. , It would be more appropriate for her to listen to the politics of the ineffective faint monarch.

The empress dowager was originally unwilling to interfere in political affairs, for fear of what Miji Sichen said, but she was afraid of the country of Chu when she did not listen to politics. No, it was her youngest son’s country that had been conspired by others.

For her beloved youngest son, the old lady healed and reluctantly accepted the repeated requests of the Baiguans. She listened to politics and became the one who replaced the little emperor to rule the country.

The Empress Dowager did not disappoint everyone. After listening to the government, she acted decisively and acted fairly and rationally. She handled the affairs of the court in an orderly manner, so that the court, who had been decadent for several months, immediately looked new. The ministers of civil and military affairs were full of civil and military affairs. We all admire her.

The little emperor didn’t have the pain of being taken away by others. Instead, he secretly cheered. Someone finally took care of these headaches for him, and he didn’t have to criticize those **** memorials. It’s great, he will be gone. You can play freely, so happy, so happy…

As happy as him, and Shen Ruomei

Because Li Zhixian had already hired the doctor for her. After carefully inspecting Shen Ruomei’s injury, the doctor said with certainty that he could cure Shen Ruomei. This badly damaged Shen Ruomei. It was like drowning in deep water. The people here grabbed a life-saving straw when their lives were hanging by a thread, and immediately asked the doctor to heal her like a New Year greeting.

To put it bluntly, Shen Ruomei’s bone was broken and not properly connected, which caused her limbs to become disabled. Now, she just needs to break her broken bone again and connect it again.

It’s just that, after all, it is a wounded bone. The doctor can’t guarantee what it will be when it grows up. He can only guarantee that her limbs can move, and she won’t be paralyzed and unable to move like she is now.

This is the case. As long as she can move, walk, and walk, Shen Ruomei will be content. After lying on the kang for half a year, her body has been suffering from bedsores, and when she lie down, her muscles have to shrink. No, by then, she will have nowhere to survive.

Uncle Shen and Aunt Shen are very contented, they can’t wait for her to be all right now, and save her from tossing their old couple!

As a result, the treatment plan was finalized, and Shen Ruomei began the painful treatment process.

Needless to say how painful it was to break the bones that had grown up, anyway, the day when Shen Ruomei was knocked on the bones, the entire villagers of Fenghuang Village heard them, and Shen Ruomei’s howling like killing a pig resounded over Fenghuang Village. So many children were scared to cry by her…

After experiencing the pain of breaking her limbs again, Shen Ruomei’s face was distorted with pain, and she was incontinent in urinating. If she hadn’t been supported by the belief that she could be cured and stood up, she would most likely be pained alive. died.

After such purgatory pain, there is nothing left to suffer.

The broken limbs were connected again. In the summer, Shen Ruomei was entangled like rice dumplings. Lying on the kang could not move. Sweat constantly leaked from her body, making all the mattresses under her body. It gets wet, but in order to keep the bones well, you have to endure it when it gets wet, step on it, can’t change or move, so that the bones will not be misplaced again.

The bone aches, the whole body is wet with sweat, and the sultry but not able to blow the taste, don’t mention how sour and refreshing!

It’s unforgettable.

However, she endured it. For the rest of her life, no matter how much pain she suffered, she would have to endure it, otherwise, she would be completely finished.

After this unforgettable education, Shen Ruomei is no longer as self-righteous as she used to be. She also knows that she is completely out of luck with the Feng Ming fortune. She finally lost to Si Lanya and watched her. Became Princess Zhan, became a phoenix flying on a branch.

And she, still a sparrow nesting in the village, never had the chance to fly onto a branch and become a phoenix.

Her body has been teased by that group of beggars. It is already very dirty and dirty. There will be no good men willing to marry her. Even if her limbs are connected, she will not be able to move as freely as before, for sure. It will have an impact; and her face, the burned area has formed scars and it is impossible to remove it. If she wants to return to her former youthful and pretty appearance, unless she is reborn, she will never return. Not the way it used to be!

Now she just hopes that she can live as much as possible in the second half of her life. She can drink spicy food deliciously, do whatever she wants, don’t have to work, and won’t run out of money. Anyway, she doesn’t expect love anymore. I just hope I can live a little bit more energy…

Shen Ruolan has not had much energy recently, because-after giving birth, she found that her belly was broken, falling loosely, and it was covered with ugly pregnancy patterns, which was simply unbearable.

After giving birth, she wrapped raw silk around her abdomen for the first time, and did not let Chun Yumin see her belly. It was not that she was afraid that he would dislike her. As a woman, she hoped that the man she loves would see her best. On the bright side, I don’t want him to see his ugly look.

Therefore, solving one’s own figure is the top priority at the moment.

In the past few days, she has used Lingquan water to take a bath every day, and after the soaking, she also put on the ointment prescribed by the imperial physician, in the hope that her belly can return to its former smooth and jade appearance as soon as possible.

Shen Ruolan’s current status can be said to be second only to the empress dowager in Chu State. It is only under one person and extremely noble. The ointment made by the imperial doctor is naturally made of top medicinal materials. It is very delicate and very fragrant. The faint scent is very good and it is drunk. The cool ointment is also very comfortable to apply on the skin. Soon after the application, I feel that the position of the application becomes hot, as if the medicine has penetrated After removing the skin, I began to improve and condition the damaged skin.

In her previous life, she also learned some yoga exercises for women to cultivate and beautify the body. While thinking about those movements, she did it, and wanted to restore her body as soon as possible…

Many women, after giving birth to children, let their images go and become sloppy. They think that if they have children with their husbands, their husbands will always guard the home, and they will never run away no matter what.

It is precisely because of this negative feeling that many women’s husbands start to hang around outside after their wives have given birth, and some even have an affair. Of course, the man who does this is nothing, but when you come back to think about it, If the wife dresses herself up and has a positive energy, the chance of a man derailing will be much smaller, and many family tragedies can be avoided.

Shen Ruolan is not worried about what will happen to Chun Yumin, but she must maintain a beautiful image in front of him, because men are all visual animals, and the external image of women is very important to their attitude towards women.

During this time, Chun Yumin was caring for his newborn son, but he didn’t care much about the image of his wife. When he came back from Daying every day, the first thing he did was wash his hands and hug the child. As if not enough, the cold-hearted Lord of the God of War, in front of this little thing, completely transformed into a loving father, and when he looked at him, the tenderness in his eyes dripped.

The reason why he likes this child so much, Chun Yumin believes that it is because of his love for Wuwu and Wu. He likes Lan’er, and he likes to treat her as part of his life. It is because of this unforgettable love that he likes her life. For the baby who came out, even though Lu Yuan said that he likes children so much because this child is his old age, Chun Yumin would never admit it.

He felt that the reason why he loved his children so much was largely because Ai Laner would love the children she gave birth to. If another woman gave birth to him, he would definitely not like it so much.

On the other hand, it is true that his son is too rare to find people. He looks like a little porcelain man with powder makeup and jade, with his round face and beanie-sized nose, how? See how rare to recruit people.

And what he looked like when he was breastfeeding, the small one nestled in Lan’er’s arms, the little pink mouth with the **** sucked in, and the big clear eyes flickered, like It is like the most crystal clear gem in the world. Two small claws are holding their food box, and the short and fat legs move from time to time, not to mention how cute it is…

Chun Yumin felt that he couldn’t see enough of this little thing. After leaving him, he scratched his ears and scratched his heart. Later, he moved his office study to their bedroom, and looked at the girl while working. , And save myself always thinking about them.

As a result, this family was mixed together at twelve hours a day. Except for Chun Yumin who occasionally went to the barracks, the rest of the world, the family of three stayed together. Chun Yumin did not miss any stage of the child’s development. The child grew up. He has witnessed every stage of his life, witnessing his first crying, first laughing, first peeing, first pulling papa, first sleeping…

Every change and progress of the children can bring them countless joys, making him feel that this day is getting more and more enjoyable. Who wouldn’t like the days when wives and children are hot on the bed?

In the past few months, a lot of things have happened, but none of them was a major event. It’s just that a few women gave birth.

Mr. Yu Nuzu gave birth to a big fat son, and he feasted Shen Youjia for three days with great joy, and also specifically stated that no gifts would be accepted for the banquet.

These three days of running water banquets almost emptied his small family business. If so, he is still happy. It doesn’t matter if he emptied his family, because he doesn’t care about money very much. Now that you have a son, you can share his joy with everyone, and what’s the point of spending some money?

Yu Nu also has everything to do with her son. Now she can be trusted for life. She doesn’t have to worry about her mother. She just feels that she is already the happiest person in the world, as if she has nothing to do with this world anymore. What can be requested, if she must ask for something, it is to ask God to bless their family to be safe, smooth and profitable, and always be so happy and happy!

Shen Hui also gave birth to a daughter. Although her mother-in-law and husband are both countrymen, they are both sensible and have no patriarchal thoughts. She has no dislike for having a daughter at all, and is even happier than having a son. , Especially her mother-in-law, Qian, who held her granddaughter as if she was holding a big gold ingot, she was reluctant to let go. Whoever comes and shows off, we must let someone come to use all the good words in the world. She was willing to let others go back on her granddaughter, so that the people in Tunli didn’t dare to go to her house and go to her house.

Shen Hui was very moved by her mother-in-law’s behavior.

To be honest, at the beginning of her pregnancy, she was also very nervous. She was afraid that her mother-in-law and husband would be as patriarchal as her grandmother and parents, and that the tragedy of her childhood would be repeated on her daughter, but now Seeing the ecstatic look of her mother-in-law holding her daughter, she knew that she was thinking too much. Both the mother-in-law and the husband loved her daughter sincerely. There is no saying that she just likes grandchildren and doesn’t like granddaughters.

Even her mother-in-law told her that giving birth to a son is the same as giving birth to a daughter. As long as the child is competitive, giving birth to a daughter is no worse than giving birth to a son. Are all ten sons promising? If our girl can catch up to half of Lanya, I don’t know how many times better than having a son…

Hearing what her mother-in-law said, Shen Hui was completely relieved. Not only she was relieved, but even the young daughter-in-laws in the nearby villages were relieved. With Qian’s explanation, everyone really wanted to open it. No longer patriarchal, just think about it, if you can give birth to a girl like Lanya, what do you want a son to do?

As a result, Qisong Town became the first region in Chu that did not favor boys, and also became the first place where girls were favored. This is all the credit of Shen Ruolan!

The daughter-in-law of Gou Shengzi also gave birth to a girl, and this dog Shengzi was happy to be filled with stuffing, because although he is ugly, he can’t hold his daughter-in-law to look handsome, and their daughter-in-law is handsome. The girl looks exactly like his wife, closing her eyes can imagine how beautiful this little guy grows up!

Because of the addition of such a beautiful girl, Gou Shengzi’s life is more happier, and his enthusiasm is even greater every day. From the former sneaky and idle second-rate man, he has completely turned into a good man with a good job in the Gu family. Become a role model for a good man in ten miles and eight villages.

His daughter-in-law still looks stunned, but Gou Shengzi doesn’t dislike her at all, and still treats her as always, loving her, pampering her, leaving her with a little bit of delicious food at home, and doing housework. He even asked him to give Baoyuan. Her wife only needs to be responsible for the grandmother and the child. It is enough to sleep on his bed at night…

Shen Ruomei’s arms and legs were really cured by the orthopedic doctor, and the bones were very successful. After a few months of raising, not only the legs can stand up and take two steps, but the arms can also hold something light The only shortcoming is that the legs are lame, and the walking is swaying, like a duck, very unsightly.

Also, her arms can’t be used, and she can’t do work at all, but she can still take care of herself.

Uncle Shen and Aunt Shen were very happy to see that she was finally able to take care of herself. They didn’t expect her to recover to the same level as before. They were already very satisfied.

Shen Ruomei is now a cripple, her face is disfigured, and her body is still so dirty. It is impossible to marry. She doesn’t plan to marry again. Now she points to the rest of her life to rely on her parents. Live it!

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