Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 490

Chapter 117 Dreaming back to the previous life

The wife ran away by herself. While everyone was asleep, she left a letter and left quietly, and she was still riding a horse. At this time, she didn’t know how far she had gone, let alone where she had gone!

Hearing that Ning’er had left, Lu Yuan felt uncomfortable all at once, and he didn’t know why it was so uncomfortable. He only felt empty in his heart, as if he had lost something important.

Although he was not good to Ning’er, he didn’t hate her. He was bad to her because he was mad at her insisting on marrying herself and embarrassing herself. As for Ning’er’s injury to Hongrui being beaten and mutilated, the only thing he kept was that he deliberately angered others in order to vent his resentment towards her.

In all fairness, he didn’t hate Ning’er. Before she decided to marry him, he had always liked this gentle, kind, simple and weak cousin, but this kind of love had nothing to do with love, it was just the liking of his brother for his sister. It belongs to the family relationship where blood is thicker than water, and there is no impurity.

Now, when he heard that she was gone, his heart suddenly became tense. He also forgot the recent tense relationship between the two of them. He just wanted to find her quickly and ensure her safety!

“You few, go with them to find someone, you two, come with me to Qipan Temple!”

Lu Yuan gave an order, took only two people, and ran towards Qipan Temple on horseback.

It was already evening, the mountain was covered with snow, and it was steep and difficult to walk. It took a full hour and a half to walk the road of twenty or thirty miles.

When approaching Qipan Mountain, the sky was completely dark, and when he passed by an ancient tree, his heart suddenly ached. Unexplained pain caused him to cover his chest, almost unable to breathe. Come.

For a long time, the pain eased a little, he slowly turned his head and looked at the bare tree, a sense of familiarity grew spontaneously.

Why does this big tree look so familiar? Why does his heart hurt so much when going through it? It hurts him like ten thousand arrows pierced his heart. Isn’t life better than death?

Staring at the tree, the pain hits again, it seems to be more painful than before.


A mouthful of sweet blood spurted out of his mouth and dropped on the horse’s back drop by drop. Lu Yuan’s body shook twice. He couldn’t hold on any more, he planted his horse and fainted.

“General, General, what’s wrong with you? Hurry, send him into the temple…”

The long follower who accompanied him saw Lu Yuan fall off his horse and passed out, so he jumped off his horse in a panic and rushed forward to rescue him.

At this time, Lu Yuan, who was in a coma, suddenly heard a desperate and sad call.

“Ning’er, Ning’er, you can bear it, I’ll go to help you find a doctor right away, you have to hold on…”

Familiar voices, as if they have been heard for a lifetime, can hardly be familiar anymore——

That is his own voice.

Lu Yuan followed the sound and looked at it, the surrounding fog slowly dispersed. At this moment, he saw not far away, in an embarrassed prison uniform, with a sad expression of himself, hugging Ning’er, calling out loudly.

At this time, Ning’er was already so thin that she looked like a leaf that was about to wither. She was also wearing a ragged prisoner’s clothing, lying in the arms of the other herself, like a gossamer.

Hearing his call, Ning’er opened her eyes strenuously, and said with anger,

“Big Brother Yuan… Don’t bother… Ning’er… No more… Can’t keep guard… You, you have to… take care… You must… live well… live, otherwise… I, I, I will… die or not… The purpose is…”

“No, Ning’er, you won’t die, you wait…” The man in a prison uniform picked up Ning’er, swayed to the front of a few lively guards, and knelt down with a puff. He burst into tears: “My lord, my wife is dying, please help him find a doctor and show him it, please…”

From childhood to adulthood, Princess Rongxin has been educating him that there is gold under his knees, and he must not kneel easily. He has never failed his mother’s entrustment.

But now, he can no longer take care of so much. As long as they can save Ning’er, he will not hesitate to make him kowtow.

He knelt in front of these officers, begging humblely, that the once invaluable noble son is now low in the dust.

The officer sneered coldly, glanced casually at the dying Ning’er, and said, “This barren mountain is cold, where can I go to find a doctor for you? After all, it’s all like this, but I can save a fart? If you don’t live her anymore, let me see. You might as well save a bit of effort if you have this spirit, and go to any tree to dig a hole for her, so as to save her from exposing the corpse to the wilderness in the future and letting wild animals eat… …”

“No, she won’t die, she is my wife, I won’t tell her to die, never!” Lu Yuan raised his head, his eyes were scarlet, and the blue veins burst out, as if trying to fight people desperately.

At this time, Ning’er opened her eyes slightly, tears in her eyes, “Big Brother Yuan…Don’t beg them, don’t do it for me…Kneel down, I am distressed…”

And he felt even more distressed. He watched her life disappear bit by bit, but was helpless and could only watch…

“Ning’er, I’m sorry…”

He choked and stroked her cheek with a rough hand, “You are so good, but I have missed my life. If I am in my next life, you will find a good man who loves you… In the next life, we will never see each other again. It’s…”

If there is an afterlife, he will have no face to see her again. Ning’er is such a good woman, she should have found a good man to hold in her palm and love her for a lifetime, but he did not cherish it well, not only was ruthless and unintentional to her. , And even hurt her to death, he no longer deserves to have such a good woman.

When Ning’er heard his sentence,’next life, let’s never see each other again’, the last ray of light in her eyes suddenly disappeared, as if she had received a huge blow. She looked at him silently with disappointed eyes. A sharp knife pierced his heart fiercely.

He regretted it and shouldn’t say such a thing. She loved herself for the rest of her life, and she loved herself to death, but he said not to see each other again in the next life. How disappointed and sad she is?

Besides, if she really marries another man, if that man is like his life and refuses to treat her well, how much does he feel distressed? How uncomfortable? Therefore, it is better to let her marry herself again, and love her well and make up for the debt owed to her in this life.

Seeing her breath getting thinner and thinner, his eyes gradually closed. At the last moment, he leaned in her ear and said with tears, “Ning’er, I regret it. If there is an afterlife, we will still Being a husband and wife, this time I will love you, OK, let me exhaust my life to love you, and in the next life, I will make you the happiest woman in the world…”

At the last moment, he saw her smile. Although her life was frozen at this moment, she died with a smile…

The faintly raised lips and the texture of the smile on the yellow cheeks all show that she is very happy and content, even if she is dead, she will die without complaint…

Ning’er died, he was completely broken down, he knelt on the ground, holding her corpse and crying loudly, cried so dimly, his heart was broken…

The monk at the nearby Chess Board Temple was attracted by his cries and saw that he was pitiful, so he gave him a mat, told him to bury Ning’er with this mat, and helped him poke Ning’er under a big tree. Tomb, let him bury Ning’er here.

Therefore, Ning’er, the noble daughter of the noble family, and the noble lady in the Grand Princess’s mansion, was honoured for the first time, but in the end she fell into a field where the grass swept her body and buried her body in the wilderness.

“Ning’er, my wife? You can go with peace of mind first, and come to you when I get my revenge…”

The other Lu Yuan knelt in front of the tomb, holding the loess in his hand, and buried Ning’er with his own hands. At the same time, the one who was buried was the old one.

That’s right, the former Lu Yuan is dead, and now Lu Yuan can’t see any shadow of the former joyful and unrestrained in his eyes, his eyes carry the vicissitudes and thinness of thousands of sails.

“Ning’er, my wife, you can go with peace of mind first, and come to you when I finish what I should do…”

“In the next life, change my love? I will spend my whole life to compensate you, love you, pet you, get used to you, and never let you down…”

Every time he fills in a handful of soil, he said one sentence, solemnly and utterly, the clank of the oath made everyone feel moved by the smell…

Lu Yuan looked at the other himself, although he didn’t know what was going on, but the sad and desperate scene had penetrated into his heart, making him feel the same, and it was painful.

The pain caused him to wake up in vain.

When I opened my eyes, I saw myself lying on a simple Kang, surrounded by white walls. There was a simple candlestick on the Kang table. The light of the candle was beating, and the small flame emitted a dim light.

He took a strong breath and realized that everything just now was just a dream.

A long follower who was dozing by his side heard the movement of him sitting up, opened his eyes, and suddenly saw Lu Yuan sitting there with a strange expression, “Oh, general, you are finally awake. …”

Lu Yuan looked at the long follower, and then asked for a long while: “Why am I here? What’s the matter?”

Chang Sui said, “You fainted just now under Qipan Mountain, and your subordinates took you to Qipan Temple. There is no doctor in the temple. No one knows what happened to you. The subordinates asked Zhou Yong to go back to Jizhou overnight. You have asked the doctor…”

Lu Yuan frowned.

His body has always been very strong, and he can count the number of times he has been sick from childhood to adulthood with a single slap. He has never experienced something like a woman who faints, and it is the first time for him to count!

He knew that this coma was definitely not caused by discomfort. The realistic dream just now must have something inseparable from him.

Thinking of the scenes in his dreams, Lu Yuan’s mood was extremely low, and his drooping eyes seemed to carry some long-buried painful thoughts and sorrows.

Under the faint candlelight, he lowered his head, thinking about the dream again and again. Ning’er’s death and his own pain deeply infected him, causing him to give birth to an inexplicable sadness, heartache, and pain. He wanted to cry, wanted to go back to that dream again, and reached out to help them.

“General, are you hungry? Your subordinates have asked someone to cook porridge for you. Would you like to eat something?” Seeing him look sad and replied that he was unwell, he asked with concern.

Lu Yuan raised his head and said, “Did you find Mrs. Ning?”

“Uh, not yet, but the people below have all gone. Even the monks and novices in the temple have also gone to help find them. I believe you will find your wife. Please don’t worry, the general.”

Lu Yuan was silent for a while, and said, “Go and call the lady’s nanny, and then let her bring the letter left by the lady.”

“Yes!” Long followed out.

The wind came in, and the wind came in from under the cracks in the window, making a weird and permeating sound of thieves. Lu Yuan got up, walked to the window, and simply opened the window to let the cold wind blow in, so as to dispel his heart. Sorrow and sadness.

Outside, it was pitch black, and in the cold world, the moonlight became particularly cold and bleak, shining dimly on the earth, far away, the dark outline of Qipanshan was four or five dead, vaguely appeared in the line of sight, Lu Looking at the direction of Qipanshan, Yuan’s heartache inexplicably intensified.

He looked sadly at the mountain, his heavy eyes seemed to hide sleeping another sad and desperate soul, and the incomprehensible pain lingering in his heart…

In the other meditation room, Ning’er’s nanny was lying on the kang sickly and weeping.

Since discovering that Ning’er had left, she ignored the persuasion of others and followed the guards and monks all over the mountain looking for Ning’er like crazy.

She was going to be worried to death. Ning’er is a delicate daughter, she can’t carry her shoulders, and she doesn’t have the ability to live independently. To let her go all alone in this deep mountain, it’s almost like going there. To die.

Wolong Mountain stretches for eight hundred miles across two countries. There are all kinds of beasts in the mountains, including wolves, tigers, leopards, wild boars, and husks. In this winter, wild beasts are already difficult to find food. How can the resisting little girl let her go?

Thinking of this possibility, the nurse shuddered.

Or, what if she gets lost in this mountain?

On a cold day, if you don’t get out of this mountain as soon as possible, you will probably be frozen to death here!

Whether it was being eaten by a beast or being frozen to death, it was extremely likely to happen, no matter what kind of ending, she could not bear it.

Following everyone’s eagerness to find the darkness, they didn’t find any clues about Ning’er. The nurse was afraid and anxious, and finally she was exhausted and couldn’t get up after falling down…

At this time, I heard that the general had indicated that he wanted to see her. Although the nurse was already dead and alive, she was still struggling to see her with the letter left by Ning Er.

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