Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 509

Chapter 136 The end of Sun Tuzi

In the first few days, the guards of the Lu family were busy searching down the mountain, and the search scope was only within 30 miles. After Lu Yuan came, he set the direction of looking for Ning’er on that group of bandits. In his nest, it was said that they had been arrested by them. After breaking through the bandit’s nest, they discovered that they had been looking for the wrong direction. Ning Er was not in the bandit’s nest at all, and had long lost sight of where he was going.

Seeing Lu Yuan collapse and go crazy, Chun Yumin ordered his guards to expand the search range, like the surrounding cities, to extend, search, and continue to search.

He didn’t know that Ning’er at this time was already like a fool, and was taken by Sun Tuzi and his concubine Cuier to a place seven or eight hundred miles away, and, for safety reasons, the two of them planned to continue to the south. Go, the farther you go, the better.

Sun Tuzi thought that the farther he went, the less the woman’s family could find them, and that he would be able to occupy this woman forever, relying on her banknotes and treasures to live a life without any worries!

Not to mention, if he hadn’t deceived Zhang Jinfeng and angered Zhang Eryong, chances were he would be able to get his wish and live a lifetime without worries. It is a pity that he was wrong because of his wrong intentions and deceived Zhang Eryong’s sister.

Although Zhang Eryong didn’t like Zhang Jinfeng, he didn’t like it or didn’t like it. If he didn’t like it, it didn’t mean that he could watch her being deceived and bullied.

They are all Lao Zhang’s family, and Zhang Jinfeng is his sister. He just doesn’t like her anymore, and he won’t watch her being deceived and ignore him. When he learns that Sun Tuzi deceived Zhang Jinfeng and pushed her to have a miscarriage , Zhang Eryong made up his mind to repair Sun Tuzi well.

So, hurriedly rushing, finally chased him more than 800 miles away from Qingzhou!

When he caught up, Sun Tuzi was driving a carriage, walking on a mountain road with joy, farther and farther from Qingzhou, and his mood was getting higher and higher, thinking that he was so far away from Qingzhou now (he thought Ning I’m from Qingzhou.), I don’t expect her family to catch up so far. After two days, I will talk to Xiao Cuier and take this beauty as a side room, so I can sit down. Enjoy the blessings of everyone…

Dreaming, abruptly, three tall riders caught up from behind and blocked his way.


Sun Tuzi grabbed the horse and made a “thump” in his heart, because he had already seen the look of the man in the lead, isn’t it his former eldest brother Zhang Eryong!

Although they don’t live in the same village, they both live in the same town. Both of them often go to the town, so they know each other.

Sun Tuzi had long heard that Zhang Eryong would be a soldier again in Fuzhou, but he thought that Zhang Eryong was also a soldier and could not be separated from the barracks, so he had no scruples and came all the way to the south. The barracks also brought someone to stop him. At first glance, he knew that he had known about Zhang Jinfeng’er and had come to him to settle the account.

“Why did you stop?”

Little Tweety didn’t know what was going on, she still stuck her head out of the car window without knowing it, but all of a sudden she saw that her man was stopped by three ugly men.

“Oh, blue sky and white sun, what are you doing? Is there any king?” she screamed.

Zhang Eryong sneered and said, “Wang Fa? If you pay attention to Wang Fa, Sun Zengpei will not cheat into marriage, and will not kidnap people to flee!”

When Sun Tuzi heard Zhang Eryong’s words, he knew that Zhang Eryong knew everything. He immediately persuaded him, jumped off his horse and knelt down in front of Zhang Eryong’s horse to beg for mercy and said, “Er Yong, so Er Yong, I know I’m sorry Jin Feng. But I really didn’t mean it. It was Jinfeng’s hard work. She really couldn’t tolerate Xiao Tuier. I had no choice but to make this move. I was wrong. I am willing to compensate you. Jinfeng’s ten taels of silver. I’ll give you the dowry of the spiced peanuts, and the recipe for the spiced peanuts. My mother asked me for a hundred or two silvers, and I will give you one hundred taels. I beg you for the sake of our relatives. Come on, don’t embarrass me if you get the money.”

Zhang Eryong heard that Sun Tuzi wanted to take the money to eliminate the disaster, and did not speak, with a dark face, he leaped off the horse, strode forward to Sun Tuzi, grabbed him and punched him.

“Oh, oh, what are you doing, let’s talk about it… if you think you have less money, then discuss it… ah, discuss it…”

Zhang Eryong’s strength is immense, and he has been training in the barracks for two years. His skill is by no means comparable to that of Sun Tuzi, who is indulged in wine and color. After stumbling twice, he was beaten to the ground by Zhang Eryong. Holding his head wailing and begging for mercy, there is no more power to fight back.

“This fight was for Jinfeng and the child in her belly. You don’t need to like Zhang Jinfeng, but you can’t lie to her. Since you have married her, you should treat her well, but what about you?”

Zhang Eryong beat and scolded, and became more angry as he beaten, “You not only lied to marry, but also knocked out the child in her stomach. That is also your child. Tiger poison still doesn’t eat children. You are simply not a human… ”

“Woo… Er Yong, I was wrong… I call you Dad and Ancestor, please forgive me… I kowtow to you…”

Although Sun Tuzi had a little bit of wickedness, but he didn’t have a bit of spine. After a few shots, he couldn’t help himself. The wolf cried and howled and begged Zhang Eryong for mercy, and he knelt down to Zhang Eryong, repeatedly kowtow.

Zhang Eryong saw him so embarrassed, Ge Ying almost vomited out of the overnight meal, and stopped hitting him, so as not to dirty his hands, but he didn’t want to let him be casual to the two leaders easily: “Tie him up and send him to the yamen, so that the county magistrate can cut him off. His charge of defrauding marriage and kidnapping is not enough to go to jail for ten years.”

When Sun Tuzi heard that Zhang Eryong was about to send him to the magistrate, he was so scared that his soul floated out, crying and rushing over, hugged Zhang Eryong’s thigh like a piece of dog skin plaster, and burst into tears with his nose. Repeatedly begged for mercy.

“Er Yong, my father, my ancestor, wow, you can’t send me to the county office, there are old parents in my family waiting for me to take care of them, if I go to jail, they will have to starve to death. , If you send me to jail, you will kill my parents too…”

When Sun Tuzi said this, he originally wanted to arouse Zhang Eryong’s sympathy, but it was okay that he didn’t mention his father and mother, and Zhang Eryong became even more angry when he mentioned his father and mother!

A few days after the **** got married, he threw Jinfeng at home to take care of his troublesome parents. He took Jinfeng’s dowry and came out to be happy. This time he kidnapped someone and took other people’s money. I don’t want his parents anymore, and I have to run away with people and money. Now it was about to be sent to the county government office, only to think of his parents, this kind of person is simply shit!

Zhang Eryong’s face was black, and despite Sun Tuzi’s begging for mercy, the two elders tied him up, gagged and threw him into the car, and drove the car to the county government…

On the way, Sun Tuzi’s concubine Tui Er suddenly shouted: “Stop, I want to go down and pee.”

Zhang Eryong is a sincere person. Although he hates this woman who ruined his sister’s marriage, he still doesn’t stop people from peeing.

As a result, this Tweety took the opportunity of peeing to escape gorgeously.

This woman was not the target of Zhang Eryong’s repairs, so Zhang Eryong did not chase her. In the end, only Sun Tuzi was sent to the county office and handed over to the county grandfather.

In order for the county grandfather to punish this unrighteous traitor, Zhang Eryong used power for personal gain for the first time and revealed his identity.

Although Zhang Eryong’s rank in the army is not too high now, he is still a member of the barracks, and he is young, so what good things he can do.

Therefore, the county grandfather immediately sold the favor to him, and he was immediately promoted to the court to hear the case of Sun Tuzi defrauding people and stealing money.

Zhang Eryong did not file a complaint for the fraudulent marriage case because the evidence is insufficient now. However, Sun Tuzi kidnapped people and stole money, but there was stolen money, and he could not tolerate denial, so he seized on this point and slammed a vicious complaint. Gave him a complaint.

The county grandfather had no reaction when he saw the idiotic Ning’er, but when he saw the clothes that Ning’er was wearing, he suddenly realized that she was wearing Weijin. Weijin belonged to the royal silk fabric, and ordinary people were not allowed to use it. Yes, this stupid woman is wearing royal weft brocade clothing, which is definitely not an ordinary person.

The magistrate became excited and inspected several pieces of Ning’er’s head and face jewelry. (Ning’er’s jewelry originally had a lot of them, but some of them were stolen by Tweety), and found that one of the hairpins was engraved on the back of a phoenix peony red gold inlaid gemstone hairpin ——The Ministry of Internal Affairs issued a few big characters.

The magistrate was taken aback, and immediately became excited again. A voice kept yelling in his heart: Emma, ​​promotion, wealth, and great opportunity have arrived…

Immediately, he rigorously tried Sun Tuzi and determined the location of Ning’er’s fall from the cliff. He decided to send someone to Qingzhou immediately and report the news about the woman’s current location to the government.

Since this woman has a distinguished status, her disappearance must have alarmed the government. As long as it is reported to the government, the woman’s family will definitely know it in the first time and will rush to pick her up in the first time.

At that time, he who rescued her and informed her family, wouldn’t he have done a great job!

Zhang Eryong didn’t know what he was thinking, so he handed Sun Tuzi and Ning’er to the magistrate together. After watching the magistrate beat Sun Tuzi and throwing him into jail, he was relieved, and then to the magistrate. Say goodbye, and go back to his Fuzhou military camp…


Day and night along the way, needless to say, ten days later, they rushed back to the Fuzhou military camp as scheduled. At this time, there is still one day before his leave. It can be said that he came back early!

After returning, a small soldier reported to him: “General, you can count as coming back. Soon after you left, an old man came here, claiming to be your father, who came here to visit you, because you are gone, another half-and-a-half time. I couldn’t come back for a while, so I went to live in the city, saying that I was going to do some business there, and I would wait for you to come back while doing business.”

When Zhang Eryong heard that his father was back, he couldn’t help feeling happy. He hadn’t seen him for two years, and he really missed his old man. In his house, his dad is the one he admires most. This time I went back and didn’t see Dad. He was deeply sorry. He didn’t expect Dad to come to see him from a thousand miles away. It really moved him!

Right now, Zhang Eryong immediately got up and entered the city, going to find his father.

It’s just that Fuzhou City is very big, where can I find my father?

Zhang Eryong thought for a while, walked into a good restaurant, and asked Xiao Er, “Do you have the dish of spiced peanuts in your restaurant?”

Xiao Er said blankly: “Five-spice peanuts? No!”

Zhang Eryong turned around and walked out, called two long-term followers, and ordered them to ask a restaurant next to a restaurant in Fuzhou City to see which one sells spiced peanuts. No matter which one has it, make a note of it and go back. Tell him.

He was not idle himself, and went to the teahouse and theater to inquire.

If the old man is doing business in Fuzhou, he must be in the spiced peanut business. As long as he finds a spiced peanut, he can be found.

The solution is good.

It’s just that, after walking all day, until dark, no one sells spiced peanuts.

Zhang Eryong was very disappointed and worried. Dad was a spitting man. Since he said he was going to do business here while waiting for him, he would definitely do so, but why in Fuzhou City? What about a business without dad?

Is it possible that something happened to him?

As soon as this thought flashed out, it immediately occupied his entire brain, making Zhang Eryong extremely worried.

Dad is not young anymore. If something really happens and there is no one around him, what should I do?

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